"ID";"Name";"Url";"Quantity";"Images (X,y,z...)";"Base Price";"Long Description";"Description";"Categories (X,y,z...)";"Default Category";"Category";"Reference";"Features (X,y,z...)";"Manufacturer";"Feature Value";"Active" "103979";"GAERNE CIZME GAERNE ENDURO BLACK GX 1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/1166-gaerne-enduro-black-gx-1";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/103979/main_images/75L9FmNT5D7CEnk-gaerne-enduro-black-gx-1-2186-001-black.webp";"898";"GAERNE ENDURO BLACK GX 1 , Calitate si confort de la Gaerne Performanta si pret competitiv ";"";"MX - Enduro : Cizme : Cizme GAERNE : Cizme GAERNE";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"2186-001";"Negru";"Gaerne";"Negru";"0" "103981";"GAERNE CIZME GAERNE GX 1 GOODYEAR BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/1162-boots-gaerne-goodyear-black-gx";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/103981/main_images/vqsYCn5tUI99Ogf-gaerne-gx1-goodyear-black-2184-001-black.webp";"898";"GX-1 Goodyear se remarcă pentru încorporarea unei talpi speciale Goodyear care oferă o aderență mai bună. Acestea oferă un design îmbunătățit, profilat anatomic și sunt confecționate în piele rezistenta la apa. Incorporând un protector PU frontal, călcâi nedeformabil, catarame reglabile și interschimbabile și o talpica respirabilă și antibacteriană. Oferă performanțe excelente și confort.";"";"MX - Enduro : Cizme : Cizme GAERNE : Cizme GAERNE";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"2184-001";"Negru";"Gaerne";"Negru";"0" "103988";"GAERNE BOOTS GAERNE SG 12 ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/1160-gaerne-sg-12-2016";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/103988/main_images/9lRrIOp8c0kwBIC-gaerne-sg-12-2016-2174-038-orange.webp";"2599";"Noile cizme GAERNE SG-12  au un  sistem revolutionar cu doi pivoti  ce iti ofera maxim de confort si mobilitate, la acelasi inegalabil standard de siguranta si protectie. Primul pivot  atasat de “ pinten” formeaza o parte componenta rigida care ofera un suport lateral puternic, in timp ce o placa glisanta mentine partea de sus a cizmei in pozitie verticala ferma. Al doilea pivot, de deasupra este asigurat de designul glisant al portiunilor exterioara si interioara din ansamblul partii superioare a cizmei   Banda de sus  a cizmei este fabricata dintr-un material elvetian flexibil numit ACRONOS, care se muleaza perfect pe picior, impiedicand intrarea nisipului sau a molozului.   SG-12  au  carcasa exterioara  acoperita aproape in totalitate in plastic, oferind protectie sporita impotriva eventualelor ciocniri de pietre, crengi si alte “ obstacole” naturale, iar portiunea superioara principala are panouri frontale care se suprapun, pe suprafata carora sunt atasate cataramele.   Noua placa frontala  (protectia pentru tibie)  este fabricata dintr-un material termoplastic, forma ei fiind perfect adaptata anatomic.  *Prin simpla indepartare a trei suruburi, puteti largi deschiderea pentru acomodarea unei gambe mai groase sau a ortezei de genunchi.   Partea din spate  la SG-12 este dintr-o bucata, spre deosebire de alte marci de cizme, care au o parte exterioara de plastic si una interioara, din material textil. Acest lucru face ca Gaerne sa ramana “ intreaga” atunci cand desfaceti cataramele si totodata, sa fie incaltata si descaltata mult mai usor, datorita faptului ca interiorul nu are un sistem de prindere cu arici la jumatatea cizmei , prezenta la alte marci…   Buckle system.  Toti riderii prefera un sistem de inchidere-deschidere  sigur, dar usor de folosit.  Pare simplu, dar majoritatea cizmelor de pe piata iti pot da batai de cap la acest capitol.  Gaerne  utilizeza un sistem de prindere prin care curelele sunt fixate in jos, intercalate de catarame, oferind siguranta garantata si recunoscuta de cei familiarizati cu el.  SG-12  au patru catarame din aliaj usor, atasate unor curele a caror lungime este usor de reglat si care raman foarte bine pe pozitie.   Mergem in partea de jos a cizmei  si observam ca  varful metalic  al SG-12 are o forma noua, regandita si intarita pentru a furniza o executie mai dura.   De asemenea,   botul cizmei  sau “ caseta degetelor” are noi trasaturi ce ofera un control imbunatatit asupra schimbatorului de viteze, datorita formatului mai subtire si mai spatios. Intreaga zona este infasurata intr-un plastic nou, mai usor, oferind un confort sporit si un nivel mai ridicat al modului in care iti  vei “ simti” motocicleta.   O trasatura majora  a acestei cizme o constituie modul in care interiorul iti cuprinde piciorul, avand o  captuseala numita “ memory foam” , un fel de material-gel care dupa cateva purtari se conformeaza formei piciorului celui care o poarta. In special capitonajul calcaiului iti lasa o puternica impresie ca cizma e bine “ prinsa” de tine. De altfel si  “ cupa calcaiului”  a fost special gandita pentru a absorbi socurile, in cazul unor compresii spate.   Pilotii care si-au achizitionat deja SG-12 sunt incantati  de confortul pe care il simt in jurul gleznei si de siguranta oferite de aceste cizme. Fata de alte modele, nu sunt rigide si voluminoase, ci se muleaza perfect pe picior. Talpa cizmei SG-12  este putin mai ingusta decat altele, are o forma traditionala, binecunoscuta, prin care poti simti interactiunea cu scarita, fapt datorat noului tip de cauciuc mult mai aderent (“ grip guard” ).  Totodata, acesta este invelit in interior de o captuseala termoizolanta, ferind piciorul de caldura degajata de motor si evacuare. Greutatea  lor nu depaseste parametrii in care se incadreaza majoritatea cizmelor de off-road, mai mult decat atat, cand le incalti, se simt mai usoare datorita faptului ca au proprietatea de a lua exact forma piciorului fericitului posesor. Pretul  cizmelor  GAERNE SG-12  este direct propotional cu  siguranta,   confortul,   calitatea  si  durabilitatea  oferite. Cunoscatorii spun ca decat sa rupi trei perechi de cizme de o calitate inferioara si cateva oase in doar cateva luni, mai bine faci un efort si iti cumperi din prima ceea ce meriti! Daca iti pasa de tine, daca-ti place performanta si-ti doresti ce e mai bun, atunci meriti  SG-12!";"";"Cizme GAERNE : Cizme GAERNE";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"2174-038";"Portocaliu";"Gaerne";"Portocaliu";"0" "103991";"FOX COMP 5 BOOT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/695-mx-boot-comp-5-boot-black-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/103991/main_images/l9kUQxRPhSyxK5U-fox-comp-5-16448-black.webp";"998";"Foxracing Comp 5 Boot prezinta catarame rezistente si sigure care se aseaza usor in pozitia optima pentru a oferi o stransoare cat mai buna. Constructia superioara a acestor cizme enduro din piele si zonele cu plastic ofera flexibilitate si durabilitate.";"";"Cizme FOX";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"16448-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "103992";"FOX MX-BOOT COMP 5 BOOT RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/696-comp-5";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/103992/main_images/Gw1xaD6CHg56goY-fox-comp-5-16448-red.webp";"998";"Foxracing Comp 5 Boot prezinta catarame rezistente si sigure care se aseaza usor in pozitia optima pentru a oferi o stransoare cat mai buna. Constructia superioara a acestor cizme enduro din piele si zonele cu plastic ofera flexibilitate si durabilitate.";"";"Cizme FOX";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"16448-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "103993";"FOX MX-BOOT COMP 5 BOOT ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/697-comp-5";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/103993/main_images/mVvF5EPcCKfZcA1-fox-comp-5-16448-orange.webp";"998";"Fox Comp 5 Boot prezinta catarame rezistente si sigure care se aseaza usor in pozitia optima pentru a oferi o stransoare cat mai buna. Constructia superioara a acestor cizme enduro din piele si zonele cu plastic ofera flexibilitate si durabilitate.";"";"Cizme FOX : manual";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"16448-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "103995";"FOX MX-BOOT COMP 5 UNDERTOW BOOT WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/158-comp-5-undertow-boot";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/103995/main_images/nX9Ueid37gY1WrJ-fox-comp-5-undertow-boot-05051-white.webp";"998";"Foxracing Comp 5 Boot prezinta catarame rezistente si sigure care se aseaza usor in pozitia optima pentru a oferi o stransoare cat mai buna. Constructia superioara a acestor cizme enduro din piele si zonele cu plastic ofera flexibilitate si durabilitate.";"";"Cizme FOX";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"05051-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "103998";"FOX BOMBER BOOT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/375-mx-boot-bomber-boot-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/103998/main_images/sJO23nexwmGrCHY-fox-fox-bomber-boot-12341-black.webp";"907";"Low cut motorcycle boot. The Bomber Boot delivers exceptional grip, coverage, and support in a sleek, low cut offering making it ideal for short rides in the dirt or even on the streets. The boot features full synthetic leather construction with TPU plating reinforcing critical impact zones (toe and heel). The left boot features a textured shift plate for improved shift precision. Full burn guards on the medial side offer protection from exhaust pipes and improve durability. The boots use a single buckle for a snug fit in the heel with a simple hook and loop closure at the cuff (no laces to snag or loosen during the ride). With a balance of flexibility and coverage, they are comfortable both on and off the bike.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"12341-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104001";"Airoh Casca Jumper Attack 2016 Rosu-Albastru";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1977-casca-jumper-attack-2016";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104001/main_images/jAu6ZW5t70neDK4-airoh-casca-jumper-attack-2016-rosu-albastru.webp";"599";"Casca enduro de la Airoh. Carcasa termoplastica, extrem de usoara,oferind maxim confort, maxima protectie. Greutate : 1270 g. Dimensiuni: M = 57 - 58 CM L = 59 - 60 CM XL = 61 CM Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2039";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104002";"Airoh Casca Jumper Sting 2016 Gloss";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1972-casca-jumper-sting-2016";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104002/main_images/3NaDJWaPtrkHi2s-airoh-casca-jumper-sting-2016-gloss.webp";"599";"Casca enduro de la Airoh. Carcasa termoplastica, extrem de usoara,oferind maxim confort, maxima protectie. Greutate : 1270 g. Dimensiuni: M = 57 - 58 CM L = 59 - 60 CM XL = 61 CM Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_1884";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104003";"Airoh City One Color Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1893-city-one-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104003/main_images/JLrQ03lAw2vis5C-airoh-city-one-color-black.webp";"459";"EXTERIOR DIN THERMOPLASTIC TESTATA IN TUNEL DE VANTTOTAL SILENTIOASAMAXIM COMFORTMAXIMA PROTECTIEPINLOCK READYBLUETOOTH READYGREUTATE: 1120 G.MARIMI: XS (54) - S (55) - M (56) - L (59-60) - XL (61) Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_1760-255";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104004";"AIROH Compact Shield";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/1959-compact-shield";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104004/main_images/hUWDIj0uzM3ubTD-airoh-compact-shield-green.webp";"359";"THERMOPLASTIC TESTATA IN TUNEL DE VANT TOTAL SILENTIOASA MAXIM COMFORT MAXIMA PROTECTIE Greutate: 950 G.Marimi: S (55-56) - M (57) - L (58) - XL (59)";"";"Casti - Urban : manual";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"MAN_1756";"Verde";"Airoh";"Verde";"0" "104005";"AIROH MOVEMENT-S COLOR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/1927-movement-s-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104005/main_images/goluvJKyDaiywvS-airoh-movement-s-color-black.webp";"859";"
Casca Movement Castigatoare in comparatia revistei Motorrad din germania dedicata castilor cu viziera de soare.

Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide , lentila  pinlock inclusa

Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme 
";"";"Casti - Urban : manual";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"MAN_2543-255";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "104006";"Airoh MOVEMENT-S CUT White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2004-movement-s-cut";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104006/main_images/p7cDNE6A74g7y57-airoh-movement-s-cut-white.webp";"898";"Casca Movement Castigatoare in comparatia revistei Motorrad din germania dedicata castilor cu viziera de soare. Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide , lentila  pinlock inclusa Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme  Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2542";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104007";"Airoh MOVEMENT-S FASTER Green";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1926-2538-004-movement-s-faster";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104007/main_images/NGZY5niP7Z0zPvz-airoh-movement-s-faster-green.webp";"898";"Casca Movement Castigatoare in comparatia revistei Motorrad din germania dedicata castilor cu viziera de soare. Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide , lentila  pinlock inclusa Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme    Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2538-004";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104008";"AIROH MOVEMENT-S FASTER";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/2001-movement-s-faster";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104008/main_images/Q7V7m8FxRaI7v2B-airoh-movement-s-faster-red.webp";"898";"
Casca Movement Castigatoare in comparatia revistei Motorrad din germania dedicata castilor cu viziera de soare.

Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide , lentila  pinlock inclusa

Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme";"";"Casti - Urban : manual";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"MAN_2539";"Rosu";"Airoh";"Rosu";"0" "104009";"Airoh MOVEMENT-S FASTER Yellow";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/movement-s-faster-mvsfs31";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104009/main_images/PgbhiMbWGM06Atd-airoh-movement-s-faster-yellow.webp";"898";"Casca Movement Castigatoare in comparatia revistei Motorrad din germania dedicata castilor cu viziera de soare. Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide , lentila  pinlock inclusa Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme  Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2540";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104010";"Airoh MOVEMENT-S FASTER White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2003-movement-s-faster";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104010/main_images/q1i4omY0xvHhieH-airoh-movement-s-faster-white.webp";"898";"Casca Movement Castigatoare in comparatia revistei Motorrad din germania dedicata castilor cu viziera de soare. Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide , lentila  pinlock inclusa Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2541";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104011";"Airoh PHANTOM-S COLOR Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/1928-phantom-s-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104011/main_images/ObiM13PmEbXgWpO-airoh-phantom-s-color-black.webp";"998";"Casca Flip up Phantom din termoplastic, Dubla omologare P/J Testata in tunel de vant Confort maxim si protectie Pinlock ready Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"MAN_2549-255";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104012";"Airoh PHANTOM-S COLOR White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/25482009-phantom-s-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104012/main_images/23FeUilH7Xr3E4y-airoh-phantom-s-color-white.webp";"998";"Casca Flip up Phantom din termoplastic, Dubla omologare P/J Testata in tunel de vant Confort maxim si protectie Pinlock ready";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2548";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104013";"Airoh PHANTOM-S COLOR Anthracite";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/2008-phantom-s-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104013/main_images/HwTrruJPiNC7DAn-airoh-phantom-s-color-anthracite.webp";"998";"Casca Flip up Phantom din termoplastic, Dubla omologare P/J Testata in tunel de vant Confort maxim si protectie Pinlock ready";"";"Casti";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"MAN_2547";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104014";"Airoh RIDES COLOR White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2010-rides-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104014/main_images/Aku7oeIvbO9hZV7-airoh-rides-color-white.webp";"699";"Casca Flip up Rides este confectionata din termoplastic Dubla omologare P/J Pinlock Ready Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2550";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104015";"Airoh Riot Color Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1890-riot-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104015/main_images/P3IMtCpcj8EJlth-airoh-riot-color-black.webp";"699";"MULTI AXIAL CARBON SI KEV-LAR COMPOSITTESTATA IN TUNEL DE VANTTOTAL SILENTIOASAMAXIM COMFORTMAXIMA PROTECTIEgreutate: 900 G.marimi: XS (53-54) - S (55-56) - M (57-58) - L (59-60) - XL (61) Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_1753-255";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104016";"Airoh Riot Color Gold";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1892-riot-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104016/main_images/edGMGEtmnuFxC2D-airoh-riot-color-gold.webp";"798";"MULTI AXIAL CARBON SI KEV-LAR COMPOSITTESTATA IN TUNEL DE VANTTOTAL SILENTIOASAMAXIM COMFORTMAXIMA PROTECTIEgreutate: 900 G.marimi: XS (53-54) - S (55-56) - M (57-58) - L (59-60) - XL (61) Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_1758-200";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104017";"AIROH Riot Color";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/1960-riot-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104017/main_images/4BKhCmhSGgEhDYZ-airoh-riot-color-white.webp";"798";"MULTI AXIAL CARBON SI KEV-LAR COMPOSITTESTATA IN TUNEL DE VANTTOTAL SILENTIOASAMAXIM COMFORTMAXIMA PROTECTIEgreutate: 900 G.marimi: XS (53-54) - S (55-56) - M (57-58) - L (59-60) - XL (61)";"";"Casti - Urban : manual";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"MAN_1759";"Alb";"Airoh";"Alb";"0" "104018";"Airoh Riot Gas Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1891-riot-gas";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104018/main_images/MPhVVt3xTZyTIQD-airoh-riot-gas-black.webp";"798";"MULTI AXIAL CARBON SI KEV-LAR COMPOSITTESTATA IN TUNEL DE VANTTOTAL SILENTIOASAMAXIM COMFORTMAXIMA PROTECTIEgreutate: 900 G.marimi: XS (53-54) - S (55-56) - M (57-58) - L (59-60) - XL (61) Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_1757-255";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104019";"AIROH Riot Star";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/1958-riot-star";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104019/main_images/rAKxpVQFZyRumC9-airoh-riot-star-green.webp";"798";"MULTI AXIAL CARBON SI KEV-LAR COMPOSITTESTATA IN TUNEL DE VANTTOTAL SILENTIOASAMAXIM COMFORTMAXIMA PROTECTIEgreutate: 900 G.marimi: XS (53-54) - S (55-56) - M (57-58) - L (59-60) - XL (61)";"";"Casti - Urban : manual";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"MAN_1755";"Verde";"Airoh";"Verde";"0" "104020";"Airoh S5 COLOR Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1879-s5-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104020/main_images/5B4vNCkNiLxAOD6-airoh-s5-color-black.webp";"798";"Casca de enduro AIROH S5 Helmet 2014 este o casca prevazuta cu un sistem de ventilatie performant, cu vizor rezistent la zgarieturi, indepartare usoara a buretilor de la obraji si cu un cozoroc ajustabil. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_1574-255";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104021";"AIROH S5 COLOR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1949-s5-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104021/main_images/Xqa2oIbU6g3fRe7-airoh-s5-color-white.webp";"798";"Casca de enduro AIROH S5 Helmet 2014 este o casca prevazuta cu un sistem de ventilatie performant, cu vizor rezistent la zgarieturi, indepartare usoara a buretilor de la obraji si cu un cozoroc ajustabil.";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_1575";"Alb";"Airoh";"Alb";"0" "104022";"Airoh STORM COLOR Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2859-255-storm-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104022/main_images/A3wA6DgimQY74GJ-airoh-storm-color-black.webp";"699";"Casca Storm Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide , pinlock ready Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2859-255";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104023";"AIROH STORM SHARPEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/2005-storm-sharpen";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104023/main_images/g9hGUu86acTZzzx-airoh-storm-sharpen-yellow.webp";"759";"Casca Storm
Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide ,   pinlock ready
Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme";"";"Casti - Urban : manual";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"MAN_2544";"Galben";"Airoh";"Galben";"0" "104024";"AIROH STORM STARTER RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/2006-storm-starter";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104024/main_images/ogBAdcF5W8yoK4c-airoh-storm-starter-red.webp";"759";"Casca Storm

Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide ,   pinlock ready

Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme";"";"Casti - Urban : manual";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"MAN_2545";"Rosu";"Airoh";"Rosu";"0" "104025";"Airoh STORM STARTER White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2007-storm-starter";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104025/main_images/C4rVrDplNB35RIm-airoh-storm-starter-white.webp";"759";"Casca Storm Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide ,   pinlock ready Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2546";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104026";"Airoh Swich Color Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1924-swich-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104026/main_images/MREWzUS7Qu0pkhm-airoh-swich-color-black.webp";"459";"Casca Swich reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate :1270 g +- 50 gr Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt , numar ridicat de ventilatii , greutate redusa interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2536-001";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104027";"Airoh Swich Color White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1925-swich-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104027/main_images/xCPj8weoxpdKgQL-airoh-swich-color-white.webp";"459";"Casca Swich reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate :1270 g +- 50 g Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt , numar ridicat de ventilatii , greutate redusa interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2537-008";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104028";"Airoh Swich Sign Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2535-swich-sign";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104028/main_images/ocBEvBO5s5tSKQF-airoh-swich-sign-blue.webp";"499";"Casca Swich reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate :1270 g +- 50 gr Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt , numar ridicat de ventilatii , greutate redusa interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil.   Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2535";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104029";"Airoh Swich Spacer Yellow";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2024-swich-spacer";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104029/main_images/q0VQg9mEysVEzTy-airoh-swich-spacer-yellow.webp";"499";"Casca Swich reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate :1270 g +- 50 gr Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt , numar ridicat de ventilatii , greutate redusa interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2856";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104030";"Airoh Swich Spacer Orange";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2025-swich-spacer";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104030/main_images/AiPZc0AHRhdHs0U-airoh-swich-spacer-orange.webp";"499";"Casca Swich reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate :1270 g +- 50 gr Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt , numar ridicat de ventilatii , greutate redusa interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2857";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104031";"Airoh Swich Startruck Red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2026-swich-startruck";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104031/main_images/8PZuRs4QyF5vOmp-airoh-swich-startruck-red.webp";"499";"Casca Swich reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate :1270 g +- 50 gr Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt , numar ridicat de ventilatii , greutate redusa interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2858";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104033";"Airoh Twist Avanger Grey";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1993-twist-avanger";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104033/main_images/Kr1T2UUAK4D2ln0-airoh-twist-avanger-grey.webp";"848";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2426";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104034";"Airoh Twist Avanger White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1994-twist-avanger";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104034/main_images/9yKzB8eW1PDuId8-airoh-twist-avanger-white.webp";"848";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2427";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104035";"Airoh Twist Cairoli Mantova Gloss";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2534-twist-cairoli-mantova-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104035/main_images/Cye1aAF3XTYsOx4-airoh-twist-cairoli-mantova-gloss.webp";"848";"Casca Twist T1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asigura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2534";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104036";"Airoh Twist Color Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1905-twist-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104036/main_images/PBXcewRqqfDtDUD-airoh-twist-color-black.webp";"659";"Casca Twist Color 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_1883-255";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104037";"Airoh Twist COLOR White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1918-twist-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104037/main_images/FfebPpWjs3jbgzN-airoh-twist-color-white.webp";"659";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2146-008";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104038";"Airoh Twist EVIL Orange";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1971-twist-evil";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104038/main_images/C85gbjF6VgzJlqU-airoh-twist-evil-orange.webp";"789";"Casca Twist Evil 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_1880";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104039";"Airoh Twist EVIL Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1985-twist-evil";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104039/main_images/tcDwk8oOvwU5Ddf-airoh-twist-evil-blue.webp";"789";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2147";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104040";"Airoh Twist FREEDOM Yellow";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1919-twist-freedom";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104040/main_images/DjJu4O6BXwMze3i-airoh-twist-freedom-yellow.webp";"789";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2148-005";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104041";"Airoh Twist FREEDOM Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1920-twist-freedom";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104041/main_images/UGkN8etkkQnzmUA-airoh-twist-freedom-black.webp";"789";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2149-001";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104042";"Airoh Twist FREEDOM Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1986-twist-freedom";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104042/main_images/G80ncV5ilDLku2Z-airoh-twist-freedom-blue.webp";"789";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2150";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104043";"Airoh Twist LEADER Gloss";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1990-twist-leader";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104043/main_images/SCXO7J9X6lkB1Rd-airoh-twist-leader-gloss.webp";"789";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2207";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104044";"Airoh Twist Mix Orange";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2428-twist-mix";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104044/main_images/D1SsusPyZ4qWr4A-airoh-twist-mix-orange.webp";"848";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2428";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104045";"Airoh Twist Mix Gloss";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2475-twist-mix";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104045/main_images/3z92r5laUwn92qU-airoh-twist-mix-gloss.webp";"848";"Casca Twist 1100G+ -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2475";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104046";"Airoh Twist Mix Violet-Pink";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2020-twist-mix";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104046/main_images/2QX9uiPDjEjNXgM-airoh-twist-mix-violet-pink.webp";"848";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2564";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104047";"Airoh Twist PUNK Gloss";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1987-twist-punk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104047/main_images/vSjtNG5TTPXo1XV-airoh-twist-punk-gloss.webp";"789";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2151";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104048";"Airoh Twist ROCKSTAR Matt";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/21521988-twist-rockstar";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104048/main_images/LaBUn835pev2P8P-airoh-twist-rockstar-matt.webp";"848";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2152";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104049";"Airoh Twist Spot Gloss";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1989-twist-spot";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104049/main_images/nnPaqan0dseS0Tj-airoh-twist-spot-gloss.webp";"789";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2206";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104050";"Airoh Twist STRANGE Red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1921-twist-strange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104050/main_images/m1Czawl9bI0k9m2-airoh-twist-strange-red.webp";"789";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2204-003";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104051";"Airoh Twist STRANGE Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1922-twist-strange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104051/main_images/kej006qOoKuO7wT-airoh-twist-strange-blue.webp";"789";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_2205-002";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104052";"Airoh Twist TC16 Gloss";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1970-twist-tc16";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104052/main_images/FbYnpHI7W0k4yrn-airoh-twist-tc16-gloss.webp";"848";"Casca Twist TC16 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"MAN_1879";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104053";"SHIFT MX-HELMET WHIT3 TARMAC HELMET ECE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/741-mx-helmet-whit3-tarmac-helmet-ece-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104053/main_images/5Em4qbjgyIdhzlN-shift-whit3-tarmac-helmet-17232-black.webp";"809";"Casca WHIT3 (WHITE) Label Tarmac ofera protectie si performanta la un pret de neegalat -confectionata din policarbonat injectat -9 intrari si 4 iesiri pentru aerisire -interior moale Dri Lex care este placut la atingere si mentine aerul uscat in interiorul castii -Aprobata certificare siguranta ECE/DOT 22-05";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17232-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104054";"SHIFT MX-HELMET WHIT3 TARMAC HELMET ECE BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/742-mx-helmet-whit3-tarmac-helmet-ece-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104054/main_images/vrjoGArzmBlJ7FZ-shift-whit3-tarmac-helmet-17232-blue.webp";"798";"Casca WHIT3 (WHITE) Label Tarmac ofera protectie si performanta la un pret de neegalat -confectionata din policarbonat injectat -9 intrari si 4 iesiri pentru aerisire -interior moale Dri Lex care este placut la atingere si mentine aerul uscat in interiorul castii -Aprobata certificare siguranta ECE/DOT 22-05";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17232-002";"Albastru";"Shift";"Albastru";"0" "104055";"SHIFT MX-HELMET WHIT3 TARMAC HELMET ECE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/743-mx-helmet-whit3-tarmac-helmet-ece-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104055/main_images/Q6MsqxunjbkyiFZ-shift-whit3-tarmac-helmet-17232-red.webp";"809";"Casca WHIT3 (WHITE) Label Tarmac ofera protectie si performanta la un pret de neegalat -confectionata din policarbonat injectat -9 intrari si 4 iesiri pentru aerisire -interior moale Dri Lex care este placut la atingere si mentine aerul uscat in interiorul castii -Aprobata certificare siguranta ECE/DOT 22-05";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17232-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "104056";"SHIFT MX-HELMET WHIT3 TARMAC HELMET ECE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/744-mx-helmet-whit3-tarmac-helmet-ece-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104056/main_images/TbiqKGAOrnzLXFa-shift-whit3-tarmac-helmet-17232-orange.webp";"798";"Casca WHIT3 (WHITE) Label Tarmac ofera protectie si performanta la un pret de neegalat -confectionata din policarbonat injectat -9 intrari si 4 iesiri pentru aerisire -interior moale Dri Lex care este placut la atingere si mentine aerul uscat in interiorul castii -Aprobata certificare siguranta ECE/DOT 22-05";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17232-009";"Portocaliu";"Shift";"Portocaliu";"0" "104057";"SHIFT MX-HELMET WHIT3 TARMAC HELMET ECE FLORIDA YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/745-mx-helmet-whit3-tarmac-helmet-ece-florida-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104057/main_images/kwN8eVLAD7YiuNn-shift-whit3-tarmac-helmet-17232-flo-yellow.webp";"798";"Casca WHIT3 (WHITE) Label Tarmac ofera protectie si performanta la un pret de neegalat -confectionata din policarbonat injectat -9 intrari si 4 iesiri pentru aerisire -interior moale Dri Lex care este placut la atingere si mentine aerul uscat in interiorul castii -Aprobata certificare siguranta ECE/DOT 22-05";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17232-130";"Galben";"Shift";"Galben";"0" "104058";"Can-am Bombardier Riding Jacket -2862300604/1404/1604 Brown";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/1211-riding-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104058/main_images/Uwiug3opXnmxP7f-can-am-bombardier-riding-jacket-2862300604-1404-1604-brown.webp";"499";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"2862300604/1404/1604-081";"";"Can-am Bombardier";"";"0" "104059";"FOX BARGE SASQUATCH ZIP FLEECE MILITARY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/820-barge-sasquatch-zip-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104059/main_images/VPd9IJy6OHHScAC-fox-barge-sasquatch-zip-fleece-17599-military.webp";"569";"Jacheta Barge Sasquatch Fleece Military a fost construită pentru a vă menține corpul cald. Dispunând de fleece moale de poliester, buzunare sudate cu fermoar în piept și un buzunar compatibil cu port pentru căști. Lungime fermoar cu logo-ul de tragere tech Buzunare în piept cu fermoar  Compatibil media Fox Head din silicon        Înveliș: (corp, glugă și mâneci) - 100% poliester Ripstop Shell (corpul inferior din față, buzunarul kanga și panourile sub manșetă) 80% bumbac, 20% fleece din poli, 280g Mansoane: 100% Taffeta din poliester Umplutură: 80gm Polyfil în manșoane Lungime (HPS) 30 """;"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"17599-373";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104060";"FOX M-V-OUTERWEAR BASECAMP JACKET DARK BROWN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1364-m-v-outerwear-basecamp-jacket-dark-brown";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104060/main_images/UPOa1TNUgeXt3lP-fox-basecamp-jacket-46227-dark-brown.webp";"169";"Geaca Originala Foxracing calduroasa si comoda.Prezinta doua buzunare calduroase pentru un buzunar interior si buzunare camuflate la maneci.Se inchide cu capse si fermoar.Material din bumbac 67% si nylon 33%.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"46227-229";"Maro";"FOX Racing";"Maro";"0" "104061";"FOX BIONIC BRAWLED JACKET INDIGO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/800-bionic-brawled-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104061/main_images/p66tOSdUNUMVtDD-fox-bionic-brawled-jacket-17452-pewter.webp";"499";"The Bionic Brawled jacket has a biker inspired design. With waterproof material combined with anti-abrasion panels on the elbows. Affords warmth and wicks sweat perfectly. Also with Fox and Fox Head logos and hood. Main features: Made of 95% polyester and 5% Elastane. 100% polyester fleece lining. DWR waterproof (Durable Water Resistant). Adjustable hood. Anti-abrasion panels on the elbows. Printed Fox and Fox Head logos on the front.";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"17452-052";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104062";"FOX Bionic LT Traile Softshell Jacket -10339 Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/291-bionic-lt-traile-softshell-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104062/main_images/vlVMulD5fTMWL7L-fox-bionic-lt-traile-softshell-jacket-10339-black.webp";"559";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"10339-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104063";"FOX MTB-JACKET BIONIC LT TRAIL SOFTSHELL JACKET FLO ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-bike-barbati/292-bionic-lt-traile-softshell-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104063/main_images/Wwr7Nx9Cw7xBGGq-fox-bionic-lt-traile-softshell-jacket-10339-flo-orange.webp";"559";"The Bionic LT MTB Softshell Jacket provides warmth and protection from the elements while maintaining breathability to prevent overheating. 3L DWR treated water/wind resistant softshell body TRUDRI breathable bonded mesh back body and sleeves prevent overheating Abrasion-resistant Cordura® arm patches increase durability Reflective details increase low light visibility Adjustable cuffs with silicone grip creates a perfect seal Adjustable at hem DWR treated (Durable water-resistant) for water protection Shell 95% Polyester 5% Spandex";"";"Geci";"440";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Geci";"10339-824";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104064";"FOX MTB-JACKET BIONIC SOFTSHELL JACKET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-bike-barbati/719-bionic-softshell-jkt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104064/main_images/e6Baegg7i1bgFMq-fox-bionic-softshell-jkt-16679-001-black.webp";"699";"The Bionic Pro is the ultimate cold weather riding jacket and will keep you on the trail on even the coldest of days. The 3 layer waterproof/windproof softshell body is designed specifically for on-bike performance with a high collar and low drop tail for added coverage against the elements. 3L DWR treated water/wind resistant softshell body TRUDRI bonded mesh lining for comfort/moisture management Abrasion-resistant Cordura arm patches Reflective details in key areas for visibility Adjustable cuffs with silicone grip Adjustable at hem TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Geci : Geci : Geci";"440";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Geci";"16679-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104065";"FOX COMPLETION JACKET FLM RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/796-completion-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104065/main_images/xxpN2EHyCi2nWRO-fox-completion-jacket-17448-flame-red.webp";"599";"Geaca este proiectată pentru o protecție superioară față de elementele corpului uman. Este realizat cu izolație din polifil pentru căldură fără greutate. O acoperire exterioară DWR (Rezistentă la apă) vă protejează de elementele și manșoanele reglabile, etanșând vântul și apa. Caracteristicile suplimentare includ grafică inspirată de MX și o glugă reglabilă. DETALII TEHNICEDWR + acoperire transparentă PU de 600 mmDispozitive de reglare a manșoanelor cu imprimare inspirată de motoFox / Fox Head logo la pieptFurtune,, & buzunar piept: 100% poliester, 140 g / m2 poli pentru căldurăLungime (HPS): 32 """;"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"17448-122";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104066";"FOX COMPLETION JACKET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/795-completion-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104066/main_images/dyT5T1oK8IP2j1S-fox-completion-jacket-17448-001-black.webp";"499";"The Fox Completion Jacket with Primaloft insulation technology is the perfect choice for when it starts getting chilly & you're not riding; stylish, warm & weather resistant. With a layer of Primaloft Insulation, the Fox Completion Jacket is a stylish & highly effective cold weather jacket. Primaloft Insulation lines the inside of the Completion Jacket. This soft, warm & breathable layer creates a thermally efficient jacket that is also water & wind resistant - perfect for when it gets chilly after a ride. Fox Completion Jacket Features SHELL 1: 100% Polyester X-Dye 145gm SHELL 2: 100% Polyester Mechanical Stretch 145gm Primaloft Insulation Primaloft Insulation Technology Wind resistant and breathable Dries faster than down As warm and as soft as down Compresses like down Superior water resistance. Thermally efficient";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"17448-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104067";"FOX DISRUPT JACKET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/797-disrupt-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104067/main_images/3LrEUdymNG8xGZ9-fox-disrupt-jacket-17450-black.webp";"499";"The Disrupt Jacket is engineered for superior protection from the elements. It is made with polyfil insulation for warmth without the weight. A DWR (Durable Water Repellant) exterior coating shields you from the elements and adjustable cuffs seal out wind and water. Additional features include MX inspired graphics throughout and an adjustable hood. Adjustable hood with reflective drawcord DWR + 600mm clear PU coating Cuff adjusters with moto inspired print Fox/Fox Head screenprint at chest Sleeves, Hood, & Chest Pocket: 100% Polyester Plain Weave, 230gm Main Body: 100% Polyester Ripstop, 244gm 140g/m2 poly l for warmth Length (HPS): 32""";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"17450-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104068";"FOX DISRUPT JACKET BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/798-disrupt-jacket-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104068/main_images/m7YFitfuFKhRT7f-fox-disrupt-jacket-17450-blue.webp";"499";"Geaca este proiectata pentru o protecție superioară față de membrele superioare. Este realizata din polifil pentru a oferi căldură. O acoperire exterioară DWR (rezistentă la apă ) manșoanele reglabile, etanșeaza vântul și apa. Caracteristicile suplimentare includ grafică inspirată de MX și o glugă reglabilă, acoperire transparentă PU de 600 mm. Dispozitive de reglare a manșoanelor cu imprimare inspirată de moto Fox / Fox Head print la piept Siret, gluga, & buzunar piept: 100% poliester Weave, 230gm Corpul principal: 100% poliester Ripstop, 244gm 140 g / m2 poli l pentru căldură Lungime (HPS): 32 """;"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"17450-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104069";"FOX MTB-JACKET DOWNPOUR JACKET BLACK CAM";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/290-downpour-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104069/main_images/OJBk5xhxBsPmLx0-fox-downpour-jacket-10338-black-camo.webp";"798";"Water-resistant (15000 mm hydrostatic head) DWR (durable water repellent) coating (durable water repellent) 100% Polyester Breathable (15000 g/24 h) 4-way stretch fabric";"";"Geci : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"10338-247";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104070";"FOX M-JACKET DRAFT JACKET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/99-draft-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104070/main_images/KCnNMOvVhMEidsy-fox-draft-jacket-03877-black.webp";"699";"Geaca MX de la FOX care ofera protectie sporita impotriva vantului si a ploii folosind materiale foarte subtiri. Stratul exterior, este usor si ofera protectie, in timp ce stratul interior disipeaza apa si retine caldura. De asemenea partea din spate este dintr-un material care ajuta la reglarea temperaturii. Iar pentru cei care merg in drumetii si nu doresc sa se desparta de muzica preferata exista un buzunar ascuns pentru un MP3 Player.";"";"Geci : Geci : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"03877-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104071";"FOX FLEXAIR JACKET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/740-flexair-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104071/main_images/tZYnDvdWnwyBqjy-fox-flexair-jacket-17218-black.webp";"798";"Influenced by Foxs industry leading FLEXAIR motocross pant, the FLEXAIR Jacket fuses key design elements to bring you a high performance, hard shell jacket. Born from the same passion for technical innovation as our performance racewear, the FLEXAIR Jacket is constructed using a highly durable, three-layer waterproof TRUSEAL fabric for ultimate weather protection. The FLEXAIR jacket has full articulation for movement and flexibility where you need it most. Technical details include interior taped seams, venting for enhanced air flow and reflective accents. Waterproof, breathable, seam-sealed TRUSEAL shell 10kmm water resistant, 10kg breathability DWR (Durable Water Resistant) finish Water resistant chest zippers 100% seem sealed maximum water resistance Articulated sleeves for natural range of motion Fox reflective heat transfer at shoulder TPR Fox Head at waist Fox reflective heat transfer at shoulder Fabric: 86% polyester / 14% spandex 4-way Stretch 3 layer Length: (HPS) 30"" TRUSEAL: Our waterproof fabric prevents water from entering the garment while allowing fabric to breathe and perspiration to escape. Garment is 100% Seam sealed DWR exterior coating 10k/10k minimum membrane TRUMOTION: Our all-way stretch fabric offers full range of motion increasing mobility. Durable stretch woven fabric Spandex content allows for greater range of motion Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"17218-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104072";"FOX Girls Vilian Jacket -56189 - Sample Olive Green";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/1486-girls-vilian-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104072/main_images/qxEYpRDYszh5cFi-fox-girls-vilian-jacket-56189-sample-olive-green.webp";"199";"Geaca calduroasa pentru fete. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"56189";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104073";"FOX MTB-JACKET GRADIENT JACKET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-bike-barbati/559-gradient-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104073/main_images/vinUGPhrMZjw5Bu-fox-gradient-jacket-15019-black.webp";"499";"The Fox Gradient Waterproof Jacket has a comfortable relaxed fit offering you maximum freedom of movement with a DWR treated material construction that will protect you from the elements. The Fox Gradient Waterproof Jacket offers you the perfect combination of riding comfort and water resistance. The lightweight and breathable stretch fabric allows you all the freedom of movement you need while you are out on the trails. The underarm laser cut vent panels will help keep you cool and the reflective details will keep you more visible in poorer weather conditions. This Fox jacket also features a fitted under helmet hood that folds neatly away in to the collar until you need it and the strategically placed abrasion resistant film increase its durability. To offer you increased protection from all the elements all the seams are fully taped and the main body is DWR (Durable Water Repellent) treated. Fox Gradient Waterproof Jacket Features Fully taped seams keep the elements out Underarm laser cut vent panels Fitted hood folds in to collar until you need it Logo debossed elastic cuff/hem Reflective details Strategic abrasion resistant film placement Front zip pocket Fox Gradient Waterproof Jacket Specifications 93% Nylon 7% Spandex Weight: 183g PU Lamination DWR (Durable Water Repellent) Treated Waterproof (+10000mm minimum JIS-L1092) Breathable (+10000g/24h minimum JIGS-1099 B1)";"";"Geci";"440";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Geci";"15019-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104074";"FOX Gweeds Jacket";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/794-gweeds-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104074/main_images/OWf86DjyEp8j5yI-fox-gweeds-jacket-17447-pewter.webp";"399";"The Gweeds Jacket is built for durability and protection from the elements. Performance insulation adds warmth without the weight and a DWR (durable water resistant) coating protects you from wet weather. With a 300D abrasion resistant construction, the jacket brings unmatched durability, while a hood with its shockcord system, provides adjustable coverage. 300D abrasion resistant DWR (Durable Water Resistant) finish 600mm clear PU coating TPR Fox Head at chest 100% Polyester Taffeta 300T, 68g/m2 100g/m2 polyester for warmth Length (HPS): 30""";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"17447-052";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104075";"FOX KGB Jacket";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/1365-kgb-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104075/main_images/QyLbZuMzf1OGKfE-fox-kgb-jacket-46229-black.webp";"199";"Cu geaca originala Foxracing KGB Jacket esti la moda!Geaca este realizata dintr-un material gros, calduros si impermeabil, are doua buzunare laterale si unul cu fermoar la brat.Se inchide cu fermoar si capse.Cu geaca Fox poti sa spui adio frigului!";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"46229-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104076";"FOX MX-JACKET LEGION BRACE JACKET CE BLACK/GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/317-legion-brace-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104076/main_images/wLSolPSQYBPfuAr-fox-legion-brace-jacket-10887-grey-black.webp";"898";"Geaca Legion este o parte importanta si adaptabila a oricarui echipament enduro sau mx. Poate fi transformata intr-o vesta racoroasa prin desfacerea fermoarelor. Este fabricata din poliester Dobby si are numeroase buzunare impermeabile. Mai are ca si caracteristici importante: un strat impermeabil care respinge apa, puncte de ventilatie inchise cu fermoar si acces pentru furtun de hidratare.";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"10887-014";"Gri/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Gri/Negru";"0" "104079";"FOX MX LEGION JACKET NAVY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/850-mx-legion-jacket-navy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104079/main_images/739fZtMaKtydCUm-fox-legion-jacket-17678-navy.webp";"898";"The Legion Jacket blends off-road durability and functionality with pure race performance. Abrasion resistant fabric is used on the front, shoulders and outside arms, so youre well protected from overhanging branches, brush and other obstructions you'll encounter riding tight single track. Furthermore, it includes internal pockets which accept D30 elbow pads (sold separately). For increased range of motion, stretch Cordura is used on the back, inside arms and side panels. The Legion jacket is ideal for chilly days and brisk mornings. However, as things heat up throughout the day, you can increase ventilation, making this a versatile piece for a full day of riding. Large zipper vents on the arms and chest channel refreshing air in, while two zippers on the back open to allow heat out. Strategically paneled ripstop and stretch Cordura construction Zippered vents at chest, back, and forearms for flow through ventilation Bonded Cordura patches at key areas for additional protection Mesh zipper pockets at waist Left side chest zipper pocket Hook and loop closure on wrists Soft collar for increased comfort Seamless underarm for mobility and comfort Right and left side hem cinch with barrel lock Drop tail design for increased coverage Internal pockets accept elbow armor (sold separately)";"";"Geci : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"17678-007";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104080";"FOX MX LEGION JACKET CHARCOAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/851-legion-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104080/main_images/ROvSSjxRXmAxpF6-fox-legion-jacket-17678-charcoal.webp";"898";"Geaca Legion Downpour este rezistenta la apa, are fermoare rezistente la buzunare pentru a depozita in siguranta lucrurile valoroase. Mansete de silicon la maneci. Geaca are un design mai lunga in spate, pentru a te proteja in totalitate cat timp esti in pozitia de pedalat. Rezistenta la abraziune.";"";"Geci : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"17678-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104081";"FOX MX-JACKET LEGION PACKABLE JACKET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/205-legion-packable-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104081/main_images/pDpY0fpS1oUpmhR-fox-legion-packable-jacket-06438-black.webp";"399";"Aceasta geaca este potrivita pentru cei care nu se tem de furia naturii, este un aliat de nadejde in orice aventura pe vreme nefavorabila. Jacheta Downpour de la Fox are cusaturi inchise pentru ai asigura impermeabilitatea si foloseste un material flexibil in 4 directii care nu limiteaza miscarile. Pentru protectie sporita este dotata cu o gluga detasabila conturata care incape sub casca. In plus este dotata cu zone ventilate la subrat si la spate pe unde se elimina caldura in exces si mai are doua buzunare impermeabile inchise cu fermoar.";"";"Geci : Geci : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"06438-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104082";"FOX MX LEGION VEST NAVY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/852-mx-legion-vest-navy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104082/main_images/Ct5wltmUa6UkPoX-fox-legion-vest-17680-navy.webp";"729";"Vesta Legion Downpour este rezistenta la apa, are fermoare rezistente la buzunare pentru a depozita in siguranta lucrurile valoroase. Vesta are un design mai lunga in spate, pentru a te proteja in totalitate cat timp esti in pozitia de pedalat. Rezistenta la abraziune.";"";"Geci : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"17680-007";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104083";"FOX MX-JERSEY LIVEWIRE SHIELD LS JERSEY UPDATE RED/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-bike-barbati/718-livewire-shield-ls-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104083/main_images/Ui9CvwQinXArp0r-fox-livewire-shield-ls-jersey-16676-black-red.webp";"299";"The race ready Livewire collection combines the technical qualities of our premium trail jerseys with a slim race-inspired fit. The result is a performance focused product designed to ride as fast as it looks. FOX SHIELD wind resistant membrane on front main body Strategic mesh vents keep you from overheating Slim race fit for the ultimate ride/race performance Optics wipe at inside hem keeps your eyewear clean";"";"Geci";"440";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Geci";"16676-055";"Rosu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Rosu/Negru";"0" "104084";"FOX MAGNITUDE JACKET";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-dama/732-magnitude-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104084/main_images/e9tUDBKTenfR9il-fox-magnitude-jacket-17208-296-smoke.webp";"459";"Magnitude Jacket iti va asigura tot confortul de care ai nevoie, avand un design deosebit. Rezistenta la apa, corpul tau va avea mereu temperatura optima, pastrandu-l uscat.";"";"Geci";"457";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Geci";"17208-296";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104085";"FOX MTB-OUTERWEAR OPTIMUS 2 WIND BREAKER LIGHT GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/1361-optimus-2";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104085/main_images/tbW8LPU6WEqcYc1-fox-optimus-2-46202-light-grey.webp";"199";"Primavara aceasta Foxracing te apara de ploaie cu geaca Optimus 2! 100% Nylon Ripstop nGeaca impermeabila de ploaie si vant cu fermoar si gluga nPe spate este imprimat logo-ul FOX";"";"Outlet Bike";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"46202-097";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104086";"FOX Race Jacket";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/801-race-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104086/main_images/bvxKgzdE7Sit9cP-fox-race-jacket-17453-pewter.webp";"585";"The Race jacket offers protection from the weather, be it rain, cold or wind. Lightweight, breathable and filled with Primaloft insulation, it's garanteed to keep you warm and dry before and after your ride. Features: Half Lining: 100% Polyester micro fleece. Sleeve Lining: 100% Polyester taffeta. 10,000mm Waterproof. 10,000g/m2 breathability. Primaloft performance insulation for warmth without the weight. Critical seam sealing on hood, neck and shoulders. DWR (Durable Water Repellant) exterior coating. Interior snow skirt with gripper tape and stretch snap down system. Underarm zipper vents for enhanced air flow. YKK zippers with tech pull cord. Stretch inner storm cuff with exterior adjusters. Fox head screen print at front. MX inspired texture screenprint on sleeve. Interior media port and D-ring. Shell: 100% Polyester with lamination.";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"17453-052";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104087";"FOX MX-JACKET RANGER JACKET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/860-mx-jacket-ranger-jacket-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104087/main_images/nuFb9odAvj5fSYs-fox-ranger-jacket-17781-black.webp";"649";"Fiți pregătiți pentru orice tip de vreme. Jacheta este ultra-ușoară si foarte rezistentă la vânt și la apă. Proiectat pentru condiția meteorologică imprevizibilă pe care o întâlniți pe munte.";"";"Outlet Bike";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"17781-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104088";"FOX Ranger Jacket";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-bike-barbati/861-ranger-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104088/main_images/diiw7jrx9EpBfqO-fox-ranger-jacket-17781-yellow.webp";"299";"Be ready for whatever mother nature sends your way with the ultra light and packable Ranger Jacket. Built using a DWR treated 100% Polyester body, the Ranger MTB jacket is highly windproof and water resistant. Designed for the unpredictable weather condition you run into on the mountain - it's ready at a moments notice. Front Side: 100% Polyester DWR treated 100% polyester body for wind/water resistance Extremely lightweight & packable for maximum portability Two hand pockets provide storage for essential items";"";"Geci";"440";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Geci";"17781-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "104089";"FOX Revert Jacket -31011 Charcoal";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/1236-revert-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104089/main_images/5m9oumqmCAcKJ4N-fox-revert-jacket-31011-charcoal.webp";"199";"Geaca pentru biciclisti Fox Revert Jacket este practica si cu un design original. Te protejeaza de ploaie si prezinta doua buzunare pentru maini, un buzunar la piept pentru MP3 si telefonul mobil si un buzunar in spate pentru lucrurile esentiale. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"31011-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104090";"FOX SONAR JACKET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-dama/731-sonar-jacket-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104090/main_images/iHe6CepfgB9Ch7K-fox-sonar-jacket-17207-001-black.webp";"349";"Sonar Jacket iti va asigura tot confortul de care ai nevoie, avand un design deosebit. Rezistenta la apa, corpul tau va avea mereu temperatura optima, pastrandu-l uscat.";"";"Geci";"457";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Geci";"17207-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104091";"FOX STRAIGHTAWAY JACKET MILITARY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/793-straightaway-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104091/main_images/Cxw4KSleMQ4OzuZ-fox-straightaway-jacket-17446-military.webp";"499";"Take on the cold weather with the Staightaway jacket in black and grey from Fox. This medium-weight design built for mild weather has a zipper closure, two front hand pockets, dual chest pockets with snap button closures and a soft fleece hood for comfort. The sleeves and front pockets have a bright lining for a pop of color. Medium weight jacket. Fleece hood. Rib storm cuffs for comfort and warmth. Two front hand pockets and dual chest pockets with snap button closures. Soft fleece lining on the body. 60% cotton, 40% polyester. Model is wearing a size Large. Imported.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"17446-373";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104092";"FOX THERMABOND BIONIC JACKET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/872-thermabond-bionic-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104092/main_images/LZutZ5wADEsxNlr-fox-thermabond-bionic-jacket-17892-black.webp";"399";"The Thermabond Bionic is designed for mild weather. The soft fleece main body provides warmth while its DWR (durable water resistant) coating seals out the elements. Feature include logo binding at the sleeve cuffs, welded chest zippered pockets and hood with adjustable shock cord. Adjustable hood with shock cord system DWR (Durable Water Resistant) finish Fox logo binding at sleeve cuffs and hem Welded chest zippered pocket TPR Fox Head at chest Thermabond reflective logo at hem Hood, & Sleeves: 95% Polyester / 5% Spandex bonded to 100% Polyester Fleece, 300g/m2 Lower Body: 100% Polyester Mock Mesh bonded to 100% Polyester Fleece, 300g/m2 Length (HPS): 30""";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"17892-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104093";"FOX Thermabond Bionic Jacket";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/873-thermabond-bionic-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104093/main_images/rZoHHfRQRdTpYxI-fox-thermabond-bionic-jacket-17892-grey.webp";"399";"The Thermabond Bionic is designed for mild weather. The soft fleece main body provides warmth while its DWR (durable water resistant) coating seals out the elements. Feature include logo binding at the sleeve cuffs, welded chest zippered pockets and hood with adjustable shock cord. Adjustable hood with shock cord system DWR (Durable Water Resistant) finish Fox logo binding at sleeve cuffs and hem Welded chest zippered pocket TPR Fox Head at chest Thermabond reflective logo at hem Hood, & Sleeves: 95% Polyester / 5% Spandex bonded to 100% Polyester Fleece, 300g/m2 Lower Body: 100% Polyester Mock Mesh bonded to 100% Polyester Fleece, 300g/m2 Length (HPS): 30""";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"17892-006";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104094";"FOX YS ROOSTED JACKET CHARCOAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/617-ys-roosted-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104094/main_images/TM4lvg8vHLCU7TE-fox-ys-roosted-jacket-15787-charcoal.webp";"798";"The Ys Roosted jacket has a WR outer coating. WIth a practical and elegant design. Zipped pockets on the chest with WR coating and cuffs with regulations on the exterior. Main features: Made of 100% polyester. DWR waterproof (Durable Water Resistant). With front zip and hood. Zipped pockets on the chest with WR coating. Cuffs with regulations on the exterior. Logo on the front and left sleeve.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"15787-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104095";"FOX YS THERMABOND JACKET CHARCOAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/616-ys-thermabond-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104095/main_images/xNBsQ5xCok2aJFR-fox-ys-thermabond-jacket-15786-charcoal.webp";"399";"Jacheta oferă o eleganță, căldură, prevăzută cu o fixare completă cu fermoar, cu clapetă de fixare rapidă, atingeți și închideți, două buzunare de fixare și închidere, un buzunar din piele rezistent la apă și două buzunare interne cu fermoar. Este fabricat dintr-o țesătură durabilă. 100% poliester Rezistentă la mașină de spălat";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"15786-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104096";"Leatt JACKET GPX 4.5 X-FLOW - 5017810301 Black-Orange";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/1814-jacket-gpx-45-x-flow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104096/main_images/3V16xra3DvxlFBm-leatt-jacket-gpx-4-5-x-flow-5017810301-black-orange.webp";"898";"Geaca GPX 4.5 X-FLOW este usoara, confortabila, prevazuta cu 6 buzunare. Buzunar interior pentru hidratare, pana la 3 l. Construita din panouri x-flow si spandura. Rezistenta la abraziune in zona coatelor. Compatibila cu neck brace. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"5017810301";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104097";"Leatt JACKET GPX 4.5 X-FLOW - 5017810311 Lime-Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/1815-jacket-gpx-45-x-flow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104097/main_images/pNWVfumtbXwKEn3-leatt-jacket-gpx-4-5-x-flow-5017810311-lime-blue.webp";"898";"Geaca GPX 4.5 X-FLOW este usoara, confortabila, prevazuta cu 6 buzunare. Buzunar interior pentru hidratare, pana la 3 l. Construita din panouri x-flow si spandura. Rezistenta la abraziune in zona coatelor. Compatibila cu neck brace. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"5017810311";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104098";"Leatt JACKET GPX 4.5 X-FLOW - 5017810321 Black-Red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/1816-jacket-gpx-45-x-flow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104098/main_images/0lWFsIFPzeoDl72-leatt-jacket-gpx-4-5-x-flow-5017810321-black-red.webp";"898";"Geaca GPX 4.5 X-FLOW este usoara, confortabila, prevazuta cu 6 buzunare. Buzunar interior pentru hidratare, pana la 3 l. Construita din panouri x-flow si spandura. Rezistenta la abraziune in zona coatelor. Compatibila cu neck brace. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"5017810321-017";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104099";"Leatt JACKET GPX 4.5 X-FLOW - 5017810331 Lime-Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/1817-5017810331-jacket-gpx-45-x-flow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104099/main_images/FlwLI9Gsfjll5Tm-leatt-jacket-gpx-4-5-x-flow-5017810331-lime-blue.webp";"898";"Geaca GPX 4.5 X-FLOW este usoara, confortabila, prevazuta cu 6 buzunare. Buzunar interior pentru hidratare, pana la 3 l. Construita din panouri x-flow si spandura. Rezistenta la abraziune in zona coatelor. Compatibila cu neck brace. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"5017810331";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104100";"FOX MX-GLOVES 360 FLIGHT GLOVE BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/81-360-flight-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104100/main_images/bejHdl8UkwUq61N-fox-360-flight-glove-03232-blue.webp";"169";"Mănușa 360 este de neegalat în ceea ce privește ajustarea, dexteritatea și controlul ghidonului. Prin încorporarea materialelor avansate și tehnologiei inovatoare, mănușa aduce un nivel cu totul nou de conexiune. Materialul Ripstop Stretch Cordura® este folosit pentru a crește durabilitatea, menținând în același timp o flexibilitate remarcabilă. Tehnologia noastră exclusivă TruFeel oferă o precizie și o sensibilitate in palma mai bune prin plasarea butoanelor TPR direct la vârful degetelor. Rezultatul este o dexteritate crescută în timp ce apucați manetele, mansoanele, foliile de ochelari sau fermoarele.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"03232-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104101";"FOX MX-GLOVES 360 RACE GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/69-360-race-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104101/main_images/COnd4bE6wBgs0Lc-fox-360-race-glove-03168-black.webp";"169";"Mănușa 360 este de neegalat în ceea ce privește ajustarea, dexteritatea și controlul ghidonului. Prin încorporarea materialelor avansate și tehnologiei inovatoare, mănușa aduce un nivel cu totul nou de conexiune. Materialul Ripstop Stretch Cordura® este folosit pentru a crește durabilitatea, menținând în același timp o flexibilitate remarcabilă. Tehnologia noastră exclusivă TruFeel oferă o precizie și o sensibilitate in palma mai bune prin plasarea butoanelor TPR direct la vârful degetelor. Rezultatul este o dexteritate crescută în timp ce apucați manetele, mansoanele, foliile de ochelari sau fermoarele.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"03168-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104102";"FOX MX-GLOVE AIRLINE MOTH GLOVE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/774-mx-glove-airline-moth-glove-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104102/main_images/TWnBBn7xPhJRRHa-fox-airline-moth-glove-17287-red.webp";"179";"The Airline Glove is a minimalist motocross glove with an exceptional fit and lightweight feel. TruFeel technology sets this glove apart and allows you to control the bike with a whole new level of precision. For dirt bike riders looking for that barehanded feel with a superior level of grip, the Airline is the perfect style for you. FEATURES Minimalistic design for optimal comfort   Slip on neoprene cuff design for unrestricted fit at wrist     Ultra-light, 4-way stretch nylon construction for complete mobility and airflow   Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations enhance connection with the bike and increase airflow   TruFeel internal silicone fingertip knobbies provide heightened sensation and feedback, giving you maximum control of the levers   Compression molded cuff for secure fit   Stretch mesh finger gussets   Silicone print on finger for added lever grip";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17287-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104103";"FOX MX-GLOVE AIRLINE MOTH GLOVE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/775-mx-glove-airline-moth-glove-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104103/main_images/LMmayl7qPxAAD5Y-fox-airline-moth-glove-17287-orange.webp";"169";"The Airline Glove is a minimalist motocross glove with an exceptional fit and lightweight feel. TruFeel technology sets this glove apart and allows you to control the bike with a whole new level of precision. For dirt bike riders looking for that barehanded feel with a superior level of grip, the Airline is the perfect style for you. FEATURES Minimalistic design for optimal comfort   Slip on neoprene cuff design for unrestricted fit at wrist     Ultra-light, 4-way stretch nylon construction for complete mobility and airflow   Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations enhance connection with the bike and increase airflow   TruFeel internal silicone fingertip knobbies provide heightened sensation and feedback, giving you maximum control of the levers   Compression molded cuff for secure fit   Stretch mesh finger gussets   Silicone print on finger for added lever grip";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17287-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104104";"FOX MX-GLOVE AIRLINE ROCKSTAR GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/84-airline-rockstar-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104104/main_images/zojXs51GbSBvh7m-fox-airline-rockstar-glove-03234-black.webp";"169";"Manusa Fox Rockstar Airline ofera o libertate de miscare si stil specific produselor FOX. Noul design al manusilor ofera confort, durabilitate crescuta, o mai buna respiratie a mainii, caracteristici pe care pilotii oficiali FOX, le adora !";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"03234-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104105";"FOX MX-GLOVES ANTIFREEZE GLOVE CHARCOA";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1188-antifreeze-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104105/main_images/qJnHnqm30lbdbvR-fox-antifreeze-glove-24084-charcoal.webp";"249";"Raspunsul Fox la frigul de afara!Acestea prezinta un strat exterior care poate fi scos atunci cand afara e mai cald.Desi sunt calduroase, nu sunt groase, asigurand un plus de confort.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"24084-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104106";"FOX MX-GLOVE BOMBER S LEATHER GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/20-mx-glove-bomber-s-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104106/main_images/1R9jmjeLpP59NWK-fox-bomber-s-glove-01095-black.webp";"349";"Manusile Bomber Glove sunt un element cheie al echipamentului enduro. Manusile sunt robuste si bine ventilate prin materialul de piele iar monturile sunt protejate de un mulaj de policarbonat turnat individual.";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"01095-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104107";"FOX Dirtpaw Chapter Glove -03236 Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/87-dirtpaw-chapter-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104107/main_images/lrg2S5rml9oTpV8-fox-dirtpaw-chapter-glove-03236-black.webp";"109";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"03236-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104108";"FOX Dirtpaw Costa Glove -01092 Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/17-dirtpaw-costa-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104108/main_images/Ovdib7ksZG5Htmy-fox-dirtpaw-costa-glove-01092-black.webp";"109";"Manusile Dirtpaw Costa ofera protectie maxima utilizatorului. Acestea au incorporate in palma insertii de silicon care ajuta tinerea manetelor. De asemenea incheieturile degetelor sunt protejate si captusite. Aceste manusi nu trebuie sa lipseasca din echipamentul enduro al oricarui rider. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"01092-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104109";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIRTPAW MAKO GLOVE WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/640-dirtpaw-mako";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104109/main_images/M6MT2ko7R8GHuAl-fox-dirtpaw-mako-15920-white.webp";"149";"Aceasta pereche de manusi pentru motocros ofera calitate superioara la un pret accesibil. Recent s-au facut modificari pentru a spori confortul utilizatorului. Modificarile au cuprins protectii si puncte de articulare la nivelul degetelor, insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza asupra manetelor si un sistem de inchidere foarte eficient. Majoritatea pilotilor incepatori prefera acest model";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"15920-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104110";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIRTPAW MAKO GLOVE YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/641-dirtpaw-mako";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104110/main_images/rEcqgq1ClPKeKZ0-fox-dirtpaw-mako-15921-yellow.webp";"139";"Aceasta pereche de manusi pentru motocros ofera calitate superioara la un pret accesibil. Recent s-au facut modificari pentru a spori confortul utilizatorului. Modificarile au cuprins protectii si puncte de articulare la nivelul degetelor, insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza asupra manetelor si un sistem de inchidere foarte eficient. Majoritatea pilotilor incepatori prefera acest model";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"15921-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "104111";"FOX Dirtpaw Race Glove -17291 Navy-White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/776-dirtpaw-race-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104111/main_images/4j8rpwD2w13lrPD-fox-dirtpaw-race-glove-17291-navy-white.webp";"149";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"17291";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104112";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/777-dirtpaw-race-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104112/main_images/UKsRdSpiS5E2dnU-fox-dirtpaw-race-glove-17291-black.webp";"149";"Aceasta pereche de manusi pentru motocros ofera calitate superioara la un pret accesibil. Recent s-au facut modificari pentru a spori confortul utilizatorului. Modificarile au cuprins protectii si puncte de articulare la nivelul degetelor, insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza asupra manetelor si un sistem de inchidere foarte eficient. Majoritatea pilotilor incepatori prefera acest model";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"17291-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104113";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE RED/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/778-dirtpaw-race-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104113/main_images/a2UJAyPkcyVmflO-fox-dirtpaw-race-glove-17291-red.webp";"149";"Moto-inspired heavy duty performance MTB glove which has become a standard for all levels of riders. Stretch construction Padded, single layer Clarino palm Stretch mesh finger gussets Padded Knuckle Hook and loop wrist closure Silicone print at finger tips for lever grip";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"17291-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104114";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE ORANGE/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/780-dirtpaw-race-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104114/main_images/jFB7au9BPyjlbV3-fox-dirtpaw-race-glove-17291-orange.webp";"149";"Moto-inspired heavy duty performance MTB glove which has become a standard for all levels of riders. Stretch construction Padded, single layer Clarino palm Stretch mesh finger gussets Padded Knuckle Hook and loop wrist closure Silicone print at finger tips for lever grip";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17291-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104115";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE RED/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/781-dirtpaw-race-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104115/main_images/koDiSHWu9HJa36Y-fox-dirtpaw-race-glove-17291-white-red.webp";"149";"Moto-inspired heavy duty performance MTB glove which has become a standard for all levels of riders. Stretch construction Padded, single layer Clarino palm Stretch mesh finger gussets Padded Knuckle Hook and loop wrist closure Silicone print at finger tips for lever grip";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17291-054";"Alb/Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Rosu";"0" "104116";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/779-dirtpaw-race-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104116/main_images/Ljl8IVgiZWe8hP0-fox-dirtpaw-race-glove-17291-005-yellow.webp";"149";"Moto-inspired heavy duty performance MTB glove which has become a standard for all levels of riders. Stretch construction Padded, single layer Clarino palm Stretch mesh finger gussets Padded Knuckle Hook and loop wrist closure Silicone print at finger tips for lever grip";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"17291-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "104117";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIRTPAW VANDAL GLOVE GREEN/ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/354-dirtpaw-vandal-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104117/main_images/5zSb5zvoaGAUDWX-fox-dirtpaw-vandal-glove-12008-org-grn.webp";"99";"Aceasta pereche de manusi pentru motocros ofera calitate superioara la un pret accesibil. Recent s-au facut modificari pentru a spori confortul utilizatorului. Modificarile au cuprins protectii si puncte de articulare la nivelul degetelor, insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza asupra manetelor si un sistem de inchidere foarte eficient. Majoritatea pilotilor incepatori prefera acest model";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"12008-147";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104118";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIVIZION AIRLINE GLOVE ORANGE/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/566-divizion-airline-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104118/main_images/V03bKNDmpcXJ2wV-fox-divizion-airline-glove-15164-blue-orange.webp";"149";"Manusile FOX AIRLINE , ofera o libertate de miscare si stil specific produselor FOX. Noul design al manusilor ofera confort, durabilitate crescuta, o mai buna respiratie a mainii, caracteristici pe care pilotii oficiali FOX, le adora !";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"15164-592";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"0" "104119";"FOX MX-GLOVE FLEXAIR RACE GLOVE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/610-flexair-race";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104119/main_images/rhoqXGKPZGwakTK-fox-flexair-race-15723-orange.webp";"169";"Mănușa Flexair este o mănușă MTB minimalistă, cu un fit excepțional și foarte usoara. Construita din Stretch Cordura, oferă cel mai mare nivel de dexteritate. Tesătura dintre degete din plasă măreste flexibilitatea și ajută la canalizarea aerului prin mănușă pentru un confort superior. Mănușa Flexair are, de asemenea, insertii pe degetul mare și degetul arătător, astfel încât să puteți utiliza telefonul fără a vă scoate mănușile.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"15723-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104120";"FOX MX-GLOVE FLEXAIR RACE GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/298-flexair-race-gloves";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104120/main_images/cyVEvQpEvFGY5eX-fox-flexair-race-gloves-10765-black.webp";"199";"Manusile MX Fox Flexair Race Gloves au un design inspirat din cursele moto, la care se adauga o captuseala de neegalat in ceea ce priveste confortul. Manusile contin silicon pentru o mai buna aderenta.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"10765-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104121";"FOX MX-GLOVE FLEXAIR RACE GLOVE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/299-flexair-race-gloves";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104121/main_images/fNa13tpf7N3UEeV-fox-flexair-race-gloves-10765-blue-orange.webp";"199";"Mănușa Flexair este o mănușă MTB minimalistă, cu un fit excepțional și foarte usoara. Construita din Stretch Cordura, oferă cel mai mare nivel de dexteritate. Tesătura dintre degete din plasă măreste flexibilitatea și ajută la canalizarea aerului prin mănușă pentru un confort superior. Mănușa Flexair are, de asemenea, insertii pe degetul mare și degetul arătător, astfel încât să puteți utiliza telefonul fără a vă scoate mănușile.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"10765-009";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"0" "104122";"FOX MX-GLOVE FORGE CW GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/453-forge-cw-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104122/main_images/nnOpmE9S1JdkoEM-fox-forge-cw-glove-14164-black.webp";"259";"Noua manusa Forge te ajuta sa iti depasesti limitele chiar si in conditii meteo extreme Impermeabila si rezistenta la vant The new Forge Glove takes all mountain riding to the limit. The internal waterproof/breathable insert keeps you dry when it rains while the polyfil insulation and brushed tricot on the back of the hand reduces wind and keeps your hands warm on the coldest of rides.";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"14164-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104123";"FOX MX-GLOVE KTM AIRLINE GLOVE PURPLE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/357-ktm-airline-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104123/main_images/fP89NhMAXEBwTaj-fox-ktm-airline-glove-12015-purple.webp";"139";"Manusile FOX/KTM AIRLINE , ofera o libertate de miscare si stil specific produselor FOX. Noul design al manusilor ofera confort, durabilitate crescuta, o mai buna respiratie a mainii, caracteristici pe care pilotii oficiali FOX/KTM, le adora !";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"12015-053";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104124";"FOX LEGION GLOVE [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/1129-mx-legion-glove-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104124/main_images/7MpyDsgI4dpzgp8-fox-legion-glove-19862-blue.webp";"199";"COLD WEATHER OFFROAD ADVENTURE GLOVES Legion Offroad Gloves are designed specifically for off-road motocross. The palms and inside thumb use a double-layer Clarino® which drastically improves the life of the gloves. The back of the hand features direct-injected TRP; this protective material runs the full length of the fingers and shields your hands from overhanging branches, brush, and other impacts. If conditions get muddy and damp, the TPU lined gussets will help keep things dry. Silicone grippers on the index and pointer fingers leave you in full control of the clutch and brake when the levers get a little slick. And, the brush fleeced liner will keep your digits comfortable and warm. FEATURES Touch screen compatibility on index finger Brushed fleece bonded Cordura® for protection and warmth Clarino® palm with bonded reinforcement layer in high wear areas TPU lined Lycra® gussets seal out the elements Direct injected TRP protects from knuckle and finger impacts Compression molded cuff with hook and loop closure";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19862-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104125";"FOX LEGION GLOVE (CHARCOAL) [CHAR]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/1130-legion-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104125/main_images/wMloqj3hyLu0E5U-fox-legion-glove-19862-charcoal.webp";"199";"COLD WEATHER OFFROAD ADVENTURE GLOVES Legion Offroad Gloves are designed specifically for off-road motocross. The palms and inside thumb use a double-layer Clarino® which drastically improves the life of the gloves. The back of the hand features direct-injected TRP; this protective material runs the full length of the fingers and shields your hands from overhanging branches, brush, and other impacts. If conditions get muddy and damp, the TPU lined gussets will help keep things dry. Silicone grippers on the index and pointer fingers leave you in full control of the clutch and brake when the levers get a little slick. And, the brush fleeced liner will keep your digits comfortable and warm. FEATURES Touch screen compatibility on index finger Brushed fleece bonded Cordura® for protection and warmth Clarino® palm with bonded reinforcement layer in high wear areas TPU lined Lycra® gussets seal out the elements Direct injected TRP protects from knuckle and finger impacts Compression molded cuff with hook and loop closure";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19862-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104126";"FOX MX-GLOVE PAWTECTOR GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/770-mx-glove-pawtector-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104126/main_images/Eza2wZshdHHoS5P-fox-pawtector-glove-17286-001-black.webp";"199";"Protejeaza-ti mainile cu noile manusi Pawtector 2017. Aceste manusi de concurs sunt confectionate din strat dublu clarino, neopren si protectii de cauciuc fiind prevazute cu o inchidere comoda si sigura.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17286-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104127";"FOX MX-GLOVE PAWTECTOR GLOVE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/771-pawtector-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104127/main_images/BYITFhTXNxkYScd-fox-pawtector-glove-17286-003-red.webp";"169";"Protejeaza-ti mainile cu noile manusi Pawtector 2017 , Aceste manusi de concurs sunt confectionate din strat dublu clarino, neopren si protectii de cauciuc fiind prevazute cu o inchidere comoda si sigura.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"17286-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104128";"FOX MX-GLOVE PAWTECTOR GLOVE WHITE/YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/773-pawtector-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104128/main_images/H8aTzWmuEveYKW4-fox-pawtector-glove-17286-214-white-yellow.webp";"169";"Protejeaza-ti mainile cu noile manusi Pawtector 2017 , Aceste manusi de concurs sunt confectionate din strat dublu clarino, neopren si protectii de cauciuc fiind prevazute cu o inchidere comoda si sigura.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"17286-214";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104129";"FOX MX-GLOVE PAWTECTOR RACE GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/346-pawtector-race-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104129/main_images/m4ugA5P7iDUkJX3-fox-pawtector-race-glove-12005-black.webp";"159";"Protejeaza-ti mainile cu noile manusi Pawtector , Aceste manusi de concurs sunt confectionate din strat dublu clarino, neopren si protectii de cauciuc fiind prevazute cu o inchidere comoda si sigura.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"12005-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104130";"FOX MX-GLOVE PAWTECTOR RACE GLOVE BLUE/YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/349-pawtector-race-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104130/main_images/me8cCrPPWRYDfCD-fox-pawtector-race-glove-12005-blue-yellow.webp";"159";"Protejeaza-ti mainile cu noile manusi Pawtector , Aceste manusi de concurs sunt confectionate din strat dublu clarino, neopren si protectii de cauciuc fiind prevazute cu o inchidere comoda si sigura.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"12005-026";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104131";"FOX MX-F-V-GLOVES PLATINUM GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/67-platinum-race-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104131/main_images/xFCmgtnbi3wL1j4-fox-platinum-race-glove-03166-black.webp";"169";"";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"03166-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104132";"FOX MX-F-V-GLOVES PLATINUM RACE GLOVE RED/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/68-platinum-race-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104132/main_images/P9y3WslHLm8fBaG-fox-platinum-race-glove-03166-white-red.webp";"169";"Manusi enduro de la Fox, fara cusaturi in palma.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"03166-054";"Alb/Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Rosu";"0" "104133";"FOX Polarpaw Glove";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/16-polarpaw-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104133/main_images/t8S6rtgjFbn2TyC-fox-polarpaw-glove-01089-black.webp";"199";"Frigul nu este o problema cand vine vorba de manusile enduro Polarpaw de la Fox. Acestea beneficiaza de cele mai noi inovatii in ceea ce priveste protectia impotriva frigului. Aceste manusi de iarna fiind potrivite pentru utilizatorii experimentati care stiu ca un echipament enduro trebuie sa ofere protectie atat impotriva accidentarilor cat si a frigului. Acestea au ca si caracteristici principale strat dublu pentru palma, insertie pentru degetul mare, captusala din polar si sistem de inchidere foarte eficient.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"01089-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104134";"FOX MX-F-V-GLOVES POLARPAW GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/92-polarpaw-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104134/main_images/BalK06ZfOnBwrFB-fox-polarpaw-glove-03254-black.webp";"169";"Manusi MX pentru zilele friguroase de afara.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"03254-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104135";"FOX MX-GLOVE SHIV AIRLINE GLOVE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/564-mx-glove-shiv-airline-glove-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104135/main_images/4iHDGKSzoQy6XCT-fox-shiv-airline-glove-15163-orange.webp";"159";"Freedom of movement through simplicity and style, the redesigned Airline glove sports slip-on comfort, increased durability, better breathability, and a single layer perforated palm. - Single layer Clarino palm - Silicone lever grip - Max airflow - Slip-on cuff design";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"15163-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104136";"FOX MX-GLOVE SHIV AIRLINE RED/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/565-shiv-airline-red-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104136/main_images/OEFJK0RJqh8S1Ns-fox-shiv-airline-red-white-15163-white-red.webp";"149";"anusile FOX AIRLINE , ofera o libertate de miscare si stil specific produselor FOX. Noul design al manusilor ofera confort, durabilitate crescuta, o mai buna respiratie a mainii, caracteristici pe care pilotii oficiali FOX, le adora !";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"15163-054";"Alb/Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Rosu";"0" "104137";"FOX MTB-GLOVE WOMENS REFLEX GEL GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/398-womens-reflex-gel-gloves";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104137/main_images/VQi70GSLiu4f6OB-fox-womens-reflex-gel-gloves-12682-black.webp";"139";"Manusile Womens FOX Reflex Gel Glove sunt concepute pentru a intarzia efectul de oboseala din timpul condusului datorita stratului de gel aplicat la nivelul palmii.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"12682-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104138";"FOX MTB-GLOVE WOMENS REFLEX GEL GLOVE PINK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/400-womens-reflex-gel-gloves";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104138/main_images/cLNwiWHbbgfj8IJ-fox-womens-reflex-gel-gloves-12682-pink.webp";"139";"Manusile Womens FOX Reflex Gel Glove sunt concepute pentru a intarzia efectul de oboseala din timpul condusului datorita stratului de gel aplicat la nivelul palmii.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"12682-170";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104139";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE 3LACK AIR GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/992-mx-glove-3lack-air-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104139/main_images/QjK94mTMZyyEyTm-shift-3lack-air-glove-18768-black.webp";"139";"With a simple slip-on design and ultra lightweight construction, the 3LACK (Black) Label Glove offers protection and control at its minimalistic best. The top of the glove uses a 4-way stretch fabric for a superior fit and optimal dexterity. Stretch mesh finger gussets aid in mobility while also promoting airflow. The palm uses a perforated single layer Clarino® for lightweight durability with an emphasis on breathability and bar feel. Finally, silicone printing on the fingertips provides a non-slip grip and total control of the levers. Product Details Ultra-light, 4-way stretch polyester construction Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations Silicone printing on the fingertips for improved grip Minimalistic design for lightweight comfort Compression molded cuff for a secure fit Stretch mesh finger gussets Slip-on design";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18768-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104140";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE 3LACK AIR GLOVE BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/993-3lack-air-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104140/main_images/O9YePNotzZFK1uC-shift-3lack-air-glove-18768-blue.webp";"139";"With a simple slip-on design and ultra lightweight construction, the 3LACK (Black) Label Glove offers protection and control at its minimalistic best. The top of the glove uses a 4-way stretch fabric for a superior fit and optimal dexterity. Stretch mesh finger gussets aid in mobility while also promoting airflow. The palm uses a perforated single layer Clarino® for lightweight durability with an emphasis on breathability and bar feel. Finally, silicone printing on the fingertips provides a non-slip grip and total control of the levers. Product Details Ultra-light, 4-way stretch polyester construction Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations Silicone printing on the fingertips for improved grip Minimalistic design for lightweight comfort Compression molded cuff for a secure fit Stretch mesh finger gussets Slip-on design";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18768-002";"Albastru";"Shift";"Albastru";"0" "104141";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE 3LACK AIR GLOVE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/994-mx-glove-3lack-air-glove-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104141/main_images/qiofhISSLJRtb62-shift-3lack-air-glove-18768-red.webp";"139";"With a simple slip-on design and ultra lightweight construction, the 3LACK (Black) Label Glove offers protection and control at its minimalistic best. The top of the glove uses a 4-way stretch fabric for a superior fit and optimal dexterity. Stretch mesh finger gussets aid in mobility while also promoting airflow. The palm uses a perforated single layer Clarino® for lightweight durability with an emphasis on breathability and bar feel. Finally, silicone printing on the fingertips provides a non-slip grip and total control of the levers. Product Details Ultra-light, 4-way stretch polyester construction Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations Silicone printing on the fingertips for improved grip Minimalistic design for lightweight comfort Compression molded cuff for a secure fit Stretch mesh finger gussets Slip-on design";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18768-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "104142";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE 3LACK AIR GLOVE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/995-mx-glove-3lack-air-glove-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104142/main_images/YLJJfP7qS5XdwhM-shift-3lack-air-glove-18768-orange.webp";"179";"With a simple slip-on design and ultra lightweight construction, the 3LACK (Black) Label Glove offers protection and control at its minimalistic best. The top of the glove uses a 4-way stretch fabric for a superior fit and optimal dexterity. Stretch mesh finger gussets aid in mobility while also promoting airflow. The palm uses a perforated single layer Clarino® for lightweight durability with an emphasis on breathability and bar feel. Finally, silicone printing on the fingertips provides a non-slip grip and total control of the levers. Product Details Ultra-light, 4-way stretch polyester construction Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations Silicone printing on the fingertips for improved grip Minimalistic design for lightweight comfort Compression molded cuff for a secure fit Stretch mesh finger gussets Slip-on design";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18768-009";"Portocaliu";"Shift";"Portocaliu";"0" "104143";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE 3LACK AIR GLOVE FLORIDA YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/996-mx-glove-3lack-air-glove-florida-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104143/main_images/JeDGBtGE7o8ZZdm-shift-3lack-air-glove-18768-flo-yellow.webp";"139";"With a simple slip-on design and ultra lightweight construction, the 3LACK (Black) Label Glove offers protection and control at its minimalistic best. The top of the glove uses a 4-way stretch fabric for a superior fit and optimal dexterity. Stretch mesh finger gussets aid in mobility while also promoting airflow. The palm uses a perforated single layer Clarino® for lightweight durability with an emphasis on breathability and bar feel. Finally, silicone printing on the fingertips provides a non-slip grip and total control of the levers. Product Details Ultra-light, 4-way stretch polyester construction Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations Silicone printing on the fingertips for improved grip Minimalistic design for lightweight comfort Compression molded cuff for a secure fit Stretch mesh finger gussets Slip-on design";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18768-130";"Galben";"Shift";"Galben";"0" "104144";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE ASSAULT GLOVE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/518-shift-assault-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104144/main_images/QapN0uJeIPun90Q-shift-assault-glove-14604-red.webp";"149";"Manusile Shift Assault Glove sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14604-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "104145";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE ASSAULT GLOVE GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/519-mx-glove-assault-glove-green";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104145/main_images/qDwf6Rkal4HLvso-shift-assault-glove-14604-green.webp";"149";"Manusile Shift Assault Glove sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14604-004";"Verde";"Shift";"Verde";"0" "104146";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE ASSAULT GLOVE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/520-mx-glove-assault-glove-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104146/main_images/Dl21PvsO6grsGWF-shift-assault-glove-14604-orange.webp";"149";"Manusile Shift Assault Glove sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14604-009";"Portocaliu";"Shift";"Portocaliu";"0" "104147";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE ASSAULT GLOVE YELLOW/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/521-shift-assault-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104147/main_images/kE12tejraVLmVmI-shift-assault-glove-14604-yelow-blue.webp";"109";"Manusile Shift Assault Glove sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"14604-586";"";"Shift";"";"0" "104148";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE FACTION GLOVE WHITE/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/512-shift-faction-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104148/main_images/t4gdzI7FuaBX9WZ-shift-faction-glove-14600-white-red.webp";"149";"Manusile Shift Faction Glove au un design inspirat din cursele moto, la care se adauga o captuseala de neegalat in ceea ce priveste confortul. Manusile contin silicon pentru o mai buna aderenta.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14600-077";"Alb/Rosu";"Shift";"Alb/Rosu";"0" "104149";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE FACTION GLOVE BLUE/ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/513-shift-faction-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104149/main_images/kvMwQSVUEZN5F8X-shift-faction-glove-14600-blue-orange.webp";"149";"Manusile Shift Faction Glove au un design inspirat din cursele moto, la care se adauga o captuseala de neegalat in ceea ce priveste confortul. Manusile contin silicon pentru o mai buna aderenta.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"14600-592";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"Shift";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"0" "104150";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE RAID GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/525-mx-glove-raid-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104150/main_images/eSoHlx7FrE88c3I-shift-raid-glove-14611-black.webp";"199";"Manusile Shift Raid Glove sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14611-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104151";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE RAID GLOVE BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/526-shift-raid-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104151/main_images/7Ab4f8Frv1z4bGA-shift-raid-glove-14611-blue.webp";"199";"Manusile Shift Raid Glove sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14611-002";"Albastru";"Shift";"Albastru";"0" "104152";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE RAID GLOVE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/527-mx-glove-raid-glove-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104152/main_images/QkNgiVN2QnwRlQa-shift-raid-glove-14611-red.webp";"228";"Manusile Shift Raid Glove sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14611-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "104153";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE RAID GLOVE YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/528-shift-raid-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104153/main_images/MYiwuUQIGRkzccd-shift-raid-glove-14611-yellow.webp";"199";"Manusile Shift Raid Glove sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14611-005";"Galben";"Shift";"Galben";"0" "104154";"SHIFT MX-F-V-GLOVES SHIFT RECON GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/93-shift-recon-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104154/main_images/6x43IBuMhaZ7Ty3-shift-recon-glove-03260-black.webp";"139";"";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"03260-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104155";"Shift Strike Glove ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/91-shift-strike-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104155/main_images/B2nhmKABox9fnX3-shift-strike-glove-3.webp";"129";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"3248";"";"Shift";"";"0" "104156";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE STRIKE GLOVE BLACK/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/514-shift-strike-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104156/main_images/CpBdk3iLTb3dath-shift-strike-glove-14601-black.webp";"169";"Manusile Shift Strike Glove Black sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"14601-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104157";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE STRIKE GLOVE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/515-shift-strike-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104157/main_images/lRacvTDfs4Nptah-shift-strike-glove-14601-red.webp";"139";"Manusile Shift Strike Glove sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"14601-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "104158";"SHIFT Shift Strike Glove";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/516-shift-strike-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104158/main_images/yVger6ELELYqa42-shift-strike-glove-14601-blue-green.webp";"139";"Manusile Shift Strike Glove sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"14601-071";"";"Shift";"";"0" "104159";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE WHIT3 AIR GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1069-mx-glove-whit3-air-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104159/main_images/WxPxf0J3IuKHGMR-shift-whit3-air-glove-19098-black.webp";"129";"Manusile Shift WHIT3 AIR GLOVE sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19098-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104160";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE WHIT3 AIR GLOVE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1070-mx-glove-whit3-air-glove-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104160/main_images/LazARWbLIX1NmdE-shift-whit3-air-glove-19098-red.webp";"129";"Manusile Shift WHIT3 AIR GLOVE sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19098-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "104161";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE WHIT3 AIR GLOVE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1071-mx-glove-whit3-air-glove-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104161/main_images/iODrP2p6TuqilBY-shift-whit3-air-glove-19098-orange.webp";"129";"Manusile Shift WHIT3 AIR GLOVE sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19098-009";"Portocaliu";"Shift";"Portocaliu";"0" "104162";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE WHIT3 AIR GLOVE BLACK/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1072-whit3-air-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104162/main_images/83W8P7hWJBUKPR1-shift-whit3-air-glove-19098-white-black.webp";"149";"Manusile Shift WHIT3 AIR GLOVE sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19098-018";"Alb/Negru";"Shift";"Alb/Negru";"0" "104163";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE WHIT3 AIR GLOVE FLORIDA YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1073-mx-glove-whit3-air-glove-florida-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104163/main_images/iQEaytBILGPmcnv-shift-whit3-air-glove-19098-flo-yellow.webp";"129";"";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19098-130";"Galben";"Shift";"Galben";"0" "104164";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE WHIT3 AIR GLOVE BLACK/PINK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1074-mx-glove-whit3-air-glove-black-pink";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104164/main_images/8BF0nwQ2EYAfP1M-shift-whit3-air-glove-19098-pink-black.webp";"129";"Manusile Shift WHIT3 AIR GLOVE sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a rider-ilor . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19098-285";"";"Shift";"";"0" "104165";"SHIFT MX-GLOVE YTH ASSAULT GLOVE BLACK/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/524-shift-youth-assault-gloves";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104165/main_images/NBBVdbQYs3xZqyu-shift-youth-assault-gloves-14610-white-black.webp";"99";"Manusile Shift Youth Assault Glove sunt pe buna dreptate, prima alegere a tinerilor rideri . Deoarece ofera performante ridicate la un pret accesibil. Aceste manusi au intarituri la nivelul degetelor si al palmelor impreuna cu puncte superioare de articulare , de asemenea insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza a manetelor si system de prindere de tip hook and loop.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"14610-018";"Alb/Negru";"Shift";"Alb/Negru";"0" "104166";"FOX MX-PANT 180 FALCON PANT BLACK/ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/764-180-falcon-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104166/main_images/wpliJ9u9B7jKFgj-fox-180-falcon-pant-17256-black-orange.webp";"699";"The 180 Falcon is a motocross pant designed for todays amateur riders and top professionals around the world. Featuring race inspired technical construction to help you charge to the next level. Rider Attack Position construction for a precise fit on the bike Durable 600D polyester main body construction Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Stretch panels at knee, rear and crotch";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17256-016";"Portocaliu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "104167";"FOX MX-PANT 180 FALCON PANT GREY/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/765-mx-pant-180-falcon-pant-grey-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104167/main_images/jf2W7UJUSNvhcc8-fox-180-falcon-pant-17256-grey-red.webp";"699";"The 180 Falcon is a motocross pant designed for todays amateur riders and top professionals around the world. Featuring race inspired technical construction to help you charge to the next level. Rider Attack Position construction for a precise fit on the bike Durable 600D polyester main body construction Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Stretch panels at knee, rear and crotch";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17256-037";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104168";"FOX MX-PANT 180 MAKO PANT ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/489-180-mako-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104168/main_images/NXiZbAwdHn8hWNs-fox-180-mako-pant-14309-orange.webp";"699";"Pantalonii 180 Mako Pant fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14309-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104169";"FOX MX-PANT 180 MAKO PANT BLUE/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/632-180-mako-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104169/main_images/Zlc9mhFSmCEgfES-fox-180-mako-pant-15904-blue-red.webp";"699";"Pantalonii 180 Mako Pant fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"15904-149";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104170";"FOX MX-PANT 180 MONSTER/PC SE PANT WHITE/BLACK/GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/1138-180-monster-pc-se-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104170/main_images/4chZNC3gRHdapgz-fox-180-monster-pc-se-pant-20026-129-white-black-green.webp";"499";"Pantalonii 180 MONSTER/PC SE PANT fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"20026-129";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104171";"FOX MX-PANT 180 NIRV PANT RED/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/768-mx-pant-180-nirv-pant-red-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104171/main_images/KAFO2exw508oG61-fox-180-nirv-pant-17258-054-white-red.webp";"689";"Pantalonii 180 Nirv Pant fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17258-054";"Alb/Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Rosu";"0" "104172";"FOX MX-PANT 180 NIRV PANT YELLOW/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/769-180-nirv-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104172/main_images/57R478VKizm5IOU-fox-180-nirv-pant-17258-586-blue-yellow.webp";"699";"Pantalonii 180 Race Pant fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17258-586";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104173";"FOX MX-PANT 180 RACE AIRLINE PANT WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/552-mx-pant-180-race-airline-pant-white";"1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104173/main_images/48GwjQYJebHILJP-fox-180-race-airline-pant-14967-white.webp";"919";"Pantalonii fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race Airline Pant al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil ,culoarea deschisa si designul perforat oferind cea mai buna performanta la temperaturi caniculare si o buna absorbtie a umezelii fiind deasemenea dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14967-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"1" "104174";"FOX MX-PANT 180 RACE PANT ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/312-180-race-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104174/main_images/Oy24iw8EdgWHLh2-fox-180-race-pant-10805-orange.webp";"699";"Pantalonii fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent, cea mai semnificativa schimbare fiind desenele grafice asezate asimetric. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"10805-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104175";"FOX MX-PANT 180 RACE PANT BLACK/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/466-180-race-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104175/main_images/5Fvi6Tiok71GzOx-fox-180-race-pant-14262-black.webp";"699";"Pantalonii fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14262-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104176";"FOX MX-PANT 180 RACE PANT BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/467-mx-pant-180-race-pant-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104176/main_images/d5YBaOwNIfiKMKv-fox-180-race-pant-14262-blue.webp";"679";"Pantalonii fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14262-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104177";"FOX MX-PANT 180 RACE PANT RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/468-180-race-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104177/main_images/J2vNS6LHGOGdoTv-fox-180-race-pant-14262-red.webp";"699";"Pantalonii fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14262-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104178";"FOX MX-PANT 180 RACE PANT BLUE/YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/470-180-race-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104178/main_images/PYpqMq8iptIKXq5-fox-180-race-pant-14262-blue-yellow.webp";"699";"Pantalonii fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14262-026";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104179";"FOX MX-PANT 180 RACE PANT ORANGE/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/471-180-race-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104179/main_images/BMP3N0qeMLZcset-fox-180-race-pant-14262-blue-orange.webp";"699";"Pantalonii fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14262-592";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"0" "104180";"FOX 180 Race Pant -14262 Green";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/469-180-race-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104180/main_images/NCOE9cNnbQ7nkza-fox-180-race-pant-14262-green.webp";"459";"Pantalonii fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor. Marimi disponibile: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"14262-004";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104181";"FOX MX-PANT 180 RACE PANT BLACK/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/757-180-race-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104181/main_images/eXHL2oe5smKtMe5-fox-180-race-pant-17254-001-black.webp";"699";"Pantalonii 180 Race Pant fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17254-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104182";"FOX MX-PANT 180 RACE PANT RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/758-mx-pant-180-race-pant-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104182/main_images/uXZzFW2K7bmlkaE-fox-180-race-pant-17254-003-red.webp";"699";"Pantalonii 180 Race Pant fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17254-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104183";"FOX MX-PANT 180 RACE PANT GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/759-mx-pant-180-race-pant-green";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104183/main_images/jkjojhqALU4zFgu-fox-180-race-pant-17254-004-green.webp";"689";"Pantalonii 180 Race Pant fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17254-004";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "104184";"FOX MX-PANT 180 RACE PANT YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/760-mx-pant-180-race-pant-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104184/main_images/P7XuDhIHMeLOzsB-fox-180-race-pant-17254-005-yellow.webp";"699";"Pantalonii 180 Race Pant fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17254-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "104185";"FOX MX-PANT 180 RACE PANT ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/761-180-race-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104185/main_images/qfkt0ITzjOFfsFL-fox-180-race-pant-17254-009-orange.webp";"699";"Pantalonii 180 Race Pant fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea mai au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17254-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104186";"FOX 180 ROCKSTAR Pant Black/Yellow";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/203-180-rockstar-pant-06427";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104186/main_images/K00sLCDE5xmA8we-fox-180-rockstar-pant-06427-black-yellow.webp";"699";"Fox 180 is affordable motocross clothing, equipped with features usually found in much more expensive materials. The pants curved design and elastic panels at the knee gives these pants a great fit that accommodates most knee protection. Features: - Pre-curved knee construction for a perfect fit in the riding position (RAP - rider attack position ) - Abrasion resistant leather panels on inside of knee protects against heat from the engine and makes the pants durable. - Stretch cords around the knee provides a flexible fit that can accommodate knee pads . - Sturdy stretch over the seat gives the pants an even better fit in the RAP and stretch panels in the crotch increases riding comfort. Made of 95% Polyester, 5 % Leather.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"06427-019";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104187";"FOX MX-PANT 180 SABBATH SE PANT BLUE/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1122-180-sabbath-special-edition-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104187/main_images/NaiKEnIdbJQfF6h-fox-180-sabbath-special-edition-pant-blue-black.webp";"699";"Pantalonii fac parte din echipamentul 180 Race editia speciala al carui design a fost modificat recent. Pantalonii sunt construiti pentru a oferi o pozitie comoda pe motocicleta. Sunt fabricati dintr-un poliester durabil fiind dotati cu genunchiere rezistente la frecare si caldura, de asemenea au panouri de intindere la nivelul articulatiilor.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19808-023";"Albastru/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru/Negru";"0" "104188";"FOX MX 360 CREO MXON LE PANT NAVY/ RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1128-mx-360-creo-mxon-le-pant-navy-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104188/main_images/IUdb3mbhkqOkjXO-fox-360-creo-le-pant-19845-navy-red.webp";"939";"";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19845-248";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104189";"FOX MX-PANT 360 CREO PANT RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/750-mx-pant-360-creo-pant-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104189/main_images/S8Vlyay7dSMYMGC-fox-360-creo-pant-17246-red.webp";"998";"Over the years the sport of motocross has progressed. From the days of factory welded cone pipes to todays high revving 4-stroke engines, our 360 MX pants continually evolved to stay on top. Whether you're the new kid on the starting gate, chasing your first championship or the G.O.A.T., our 360 racewear is ready to perform. Two years ago our product design team set out to redesign our iconic 360 racewear with a new pant chassis. After countless hours and multiple prototypes, we are excited to release the next generation of performance racewear. Our 2017 360 pants are here, and they have raised the bar. The pants utilize TRUMOTION 4-way stretch fabric for near limitless range of motion, while 900D polyester protects high abrasion areas. This strategic fabric placement delivers a remarkable combination of mobility and bulletproof durability. Our Rider Attack Position (RAP) construction is used for a precise fit, putting you in the best position to win. Finally, laser cut perforations and vents channel air through the pants for superior breathability. Reviews: It breathes, moves effortlessly and fits without being restrictive. What more could you ask from motocross gear - Motocross Action Magazine RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for a precise fit on the bike 900D Polyester Main Body with zonal TruMotion panels Laser-perforations and vented TPR logos in key zones Double layer knee system with full grain cow leather knee panels backed with abrasion resistant material Thin hem at cuff to eliminate bulk in boot Triple needle stitching in critical areas Matching gear available TRUMOTION: OUR ALL-WAY STRETCH FABRIC OFFERS FULL RANGE OF MOTION INCREASING MOBILITY. Durable stretch woven fabric Spandex content allows for greater range of motion Rapid dry time";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17246-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104190";"FOX MX-PANT 360 CREO PANT ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/751-mx-pant-360-creo-pant-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104190/main_images/14bkXwjd2f7CgnO-fox-360-creo-pant-17246-orange.webp";"998";"Over the years the sport of motocross has progressed. From the days of factory welded cone pipes to todays high revving 4-stroke engines, our 360 MX pants continually evolved to stay on top. Whether you're the new kid on the starting gate, chasing your first championship or the G.O.A.T., our 360 racewear is ready to perform. Two years ago our product design team set out to redesign our iconic 360 racewear with a new pant chassis. After countless hours and multiple prototypes, we are excited to release the next generation of performance racewear. Our 2017 360 pants are here, and they have raised the bar. The pants utilize TRUMOTION 4-way stretch fabric for near limitless range of motion, while 900D polyester protects high abrasion areas. This strategic fabric placement delivers a remarkable combination of mobility and bulletproof durability. Our Rider Attack Position (RAP) construction is used for a precise fit, putting you in the best position to win. Finally, laser cut perforations and vents channel air through the pants for superior breathability. Reviews: It breathes, moves effortlessly and fits without being restrictive. What more could you ask from motocross gear - Motocross Action Magazine RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for a precise fit on the bike 900D Polyester Main Body with zonal TruMotion panels Laser-perforations and vented TPR logos in key zones Double layer knee system with full grain cow leather knee panels backed with abrasion resistant material Thin hem at cuff to eliminate bulk in boot Triple needle stitching in critical areas Matching gear available TRUMOTION: OUR ALL-WAY STRETCH FABRIC OFFERS FULL RANGE OF MOTION INCREASING MOBILITY. Durable stretch woven fabric Spandex content allows for greater range of motion Rapid dry time";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17246-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104191";"FOX MX-PANT 360 SHIV PANT BLACK/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/538-mx-pant-360-shiv-pant-black-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104191/main_images/jRf8mKN1PRNqsuz-fox-360-shiv-pant-14666-white-black.webp";"948";"Pantalonii de enduro 360 Shiv Pants fac parte din gama pro, curbati la genunchi, cu intarituri in zonele sensibile, cu gauri de aerisire strategic pozitionate. Sunt foarte confortabili.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14666-018";"Alb/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Negru";"0" "104192";"FOX MX-PANT 360 SHIV PANT RED/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/539-360-shiv-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104192/main_images/bOAlbURNIG4dlAJ-fox-360-shiv-pant-14666-white-red.webp";"898";"Pantalonii de enduro 360 Shiv Pants fac parte din gama pro, curbati la genunchi, cu intarituri in zonele sensibile, cu gauri de aerisire strategic pozitionate. Sunt foarte confortabili.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14666-054";"Alb/Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Rosu";"0" "104193";"FOX MX-PANT 360 SHIV PANT AQUA";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/540-360-shiv-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104193/main_images/RMP9yTFVUp2DF5R-fox-360-shiv-pant-14666-aqua.webp";"898";"Pantalonii de enduro 360 Shiv Pants fac parte din gama pro, curbati la genunchi, cu intarituri in zonele sensibile, cu gauri de aerisire strategic pozitionate. Sunt foarte confortabili.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14666-246";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104194";"FOX MX-PANT 360 SHIV PANT ORANGE/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/537-mx-pant-360-shiv-pant-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104194/main_images/HdpAnEyGylskXDw-fox-360-shiv-pant-14666-orange.webp";"898";"Pantalonii de Enduro Fox Racing 360 Shiv Pants fac parte din gama pro, curbati la genunchi, cu intarituri in zonele sensibile, cu gauri de aerisire strategic pozitionate. Sunt foarte confortabili, rezistenti si comozi.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14666-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104196";"FOX MX-PANT FLEXAIR SECA PANT GREY/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/747-flexair-seca-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104196/main_images/jy5XdI3xy7nzaKZ-fox-flexair-seca-pant-17240-grey-red.webp";"998";"For the past forty years, Fox has been the industry leader in producing high-performance motocross racewear. To this day, our commitment and passion for advancing racewear technology remain the driving force behind everything we do. For the FLEXAIR Pants, our objective was simple - design the lightest weight, most comfortable motocross pants we could make. Every detail was meticulously select to enhance ventilation, mobility, and strength - all while keeping weight to a minimum. The FLEXAIR Pants are the extremely lightweight - weighing a paltry 28ozs, yet they have a 40% higher abrasion durability rating than any other MX stretch pant in the industry. The pants are constructed using our TRUMOTION 4-way stretch fabric. Not only does this proprietary fabric rapidly wick perspiration, but it flexes to give you a feeling of freedom, unlike any motocross pants youve ever worn. Strategically placed laser cut perforations increase comfort further by providing exceptional breathability. Exceptionally lightweight construction 4-way stretch chassis for increased mobility Proprietary TRUMOTION fabric developed exclusively for FOX 40% higher abrasion durability test rating than any MX stretch pant in the market Targeted laser cut perforations keep you cool Weight of size 34"" pant: 28oz. Matching gear available TRUMOTION: OUR ALL-WAY STRETCH FABRIC OFFERS FULL RANGE OF MOTION INCREASING MOBILITY. Durable stretch woven fabric Spandex content allows for greater range of motion Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17240-037";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104197";"FOX MX-PANT FLEXAIR UNION PANTS RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/612-flexair-union-pants";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104197/main_images/AWctC24GWO4GQSS-fox-flexair-union-pants-15757-red.webp";"998";"Pantaloni Flexair Union Pants , Pentru cei care doresc performanta, Acest pantalon este gama de varf in materie de pantaloni MX fiind cel mai usor si superflexibil pantalon MX , De asemenea este cu 40% mai durabil la abraziune decat orice alt pantalon flexibil MX Usor Durabil Ventilat Flexibil Confortabil";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"15757-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104198";"FOX MX LEGION EX PANT BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/848-mx-legion-ex-pant-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104198/main_images/3OQEdVPdnqOqMYX-fox-legion-ex-pant-17677-blue.webp";"998";"Set out to conquer the trail with the Legion EX Pants. These over the boot riding pants combine durability, excellent venting, and mobility, making them an ideal choice for enduro and dual sport riders. Built with the trail-ready toughness of Cordura ripstop, the Legion EX Pants can handle anything mother nature throws your way. Zonal stretch panels give them movement, so they thrive on tight single track. To keep you well ventilated, two zippers vents provide adjustable airflow. There is ample room and articulation for wearing them over knee guards. And to top it off, an array of zipper pockets keep your trail essentials close at hand. Cordura Ripstop construction with zonal stretch panels Two zipper vents for maximum adjustability Internal gaiter to seal out elements Double layer knee system made of full grain cow leather and abrasion resistant material provide high durability Triple needle stitching in critical areas Zippered pocket to hold essentials";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"17677-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104199";"FOX MX LEGION EX PANT CHARCOAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/849-mx-legion-ex-pant-charcoal";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104199/main_images/ULMkmC87XrCP5T8-fox-legion-ex-pant-17677-charcoal.webp";"998";"Set out to conquer the trail with the Legion EX Pants. These over the boot riding pants combine durability, excellent venting, and mobility, making them an ideal choice for enduro and dual sport riders. Built with the trail-ready toughness of Cordura ripstop, the Legion EX Pants can handle anything mother nature throws your way. Zonal stretch panels give them movement, so they thrive on tight single track. To keep you well ventilated, two zippers vents provide adjustable airflow. There is ample room and articulation for wearing them over knee guards. And to top it off, an array of zipper pockets keep your trail essentials close at hand. Cordura Ripstop construction with zonal stretch panels Two zipper vents for maximum adjustability Internal gaiter to seal out elements Double layer knee system made of full grain cow leather and abrasion resistant material provide high durability Triple needle stitching in critical areas Zippered pocket to hold essentials";"";"MX - Enduro : Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"17677-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104200";"FOX MX LEGION LT OFFROAD PANT BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/885-mx-legion-lt-offroad-pant-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104200/main_images/pqtngJpaWVhW7NG-fox-legion-lt-offroad-pand-18237-blue.webp";"699";"";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"18237-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104202";"FOX MX-PANT LEGION OFFROAD PANT GREY/ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/241-legion-offroad-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104202/main_images/xcNXiWredSnwv5e-fox-legion-offroad-pant-08368-gray-orange.webp";"998";"Noii pantaloni Legion sunt proiectați utilizând țesături TruMotion®, flexibile pe patru căi și țesături Cordura®, foarte rezistente la frecare, pentru a oferi un fit excepțional, definind echilibrul perfect intre funcționalitate, durabilitate și versatilitate. Pentru o durabilitate sporită, pantalonii utilizează o construcție robustă din poliester 8500D pe corpul principal, în timp ce materialul rezistent la căldură și abraziune și panourile din piele pe ambele picioare oferă o ranforsare suplimentară în zonele cele mai critice de uzură. enduro Legion Offroad Pant Material durabil Poliester 600 D Construit pe platforma 360 Fermuare YKK rezistente la apa Rezistenti la ploaie";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"08368-230";"Portocaliu/Gri";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Gri";"0" "104203";"FOX MX-PANT NOMAD UNION PANT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/563-mx-pant-nomad-union-pant-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104203/main_images/0iXJU7ZmKWoh01X-fox-nomad-union-pant-15150-black.webp";"709";"Pantalonii Nomad Union Pant - Rezistenti la abraziune si caldura cu protectii de piele in zona genunchiului Poliester Durabil 600 D Buzunare , Ajustare dimensiune brau Se pot transforma in pantaloni scurti Se pot strange peste cizma";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"15150-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104204";"Leatt Pant GPX 4.5 - 5017610662 Black-Orange";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/1811-pant-gpx-45";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104204/main_images/TWckfqQtGoJ0kLC-leatt-pant-gpx-4-5-5017610662-black-orange.webp";"499";"Marimi disponibile: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"5017610662";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104205";"Leatt Pant GPX 4.5 - 5017610682 Blue-Red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/1812-pant-gpx-45";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104205/main_images/U8wUUGHYlM1PrD9-leatt-pant-gpx-4-5-5017610682-blue-red.webp";"499";"Marimi disponibile: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"5017610682";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104206";"Leatt Pant GPX 4.5 - 5017610692 Lime-Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/1813-pant-gpx-45";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104206/main_images/wD6i5ztAw5fuD9u-leatt-pant-gpx-4-5-5017610692-lime-blue.webp";"499";"Marimi disponibile: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"5017610692";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104207";"Leatt Pant GPX 5.5 I.K.S. - 5017610602 Black-Orange";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/1809-pant-gpx-55-iks";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104207/main_images/C56idhIxz9dNH4G-leatt-pant-gpx-5-5-i-k-s-5017610602-black-orange.webp";"699";"Marimi disponibile: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"5017610602";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104208";"Leatt Pant GPX 5.5 I.K.S. - 5017610632 Lime-Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/1810-pant-gpx-55-iks";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104208/main_images/vL2rVwkUAqUllZM-leatt-pant-gpx-5-5-i-k-s-5017610632-lime-blue.webp";"699";"Marimi disponibile: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"5017610632";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104209";"SHIFT MX-PANT ASSAULT PANT GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/507-mx-pant-assault-pant-green";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104209/main_images/0Leg9rL4LU2uoeq-shift-assault-pants-14595-black-green.webp";"439";"Pantaloni Shift Assault Pants Prezinta tesatura din poliester durabil 600D. Sunt rezistenti la abraziune si temperatura au panouri cu intarituri si articulatii elastice in zona genunchiului";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14595-004";"Verde/Negru";"Shift";"Verde/Negru";"0" "104210";"SHIFT MX-PANT ASSAULT PANT ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/508-shift-assault-pants";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104210/main_images/jCfg1xRWLLkUH36-shift-assault-pants-14595-orange.webp";"699";"Pantaloni Shift Assault Pants Prezinta tesatura din poliester durabil 600D. Sunt rezistenti la abraziune si temperatura au panouri cu intarituri si articulatii elastice in zona genunchiului";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14595-009";"Portocaliu";"Shift";"Portocaliu";"0" "104211";"SHIFT MX-PANT FACTION PANT PURPLE.YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/702-shift-faction-pnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104211/main_images/3Utf7XoUMbG7Hlg-shift-faction-pnt-16512-purple-yellow.webp";"798";"Pantalonii Shift Faction Pants fac parte din gama pro, curbati la genunchi, cu intarituri piele in zonele sensibile, cu gauri de aerisire strategic pozitionate fabricati din poliester 900D. Sunt foarte confortabili.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"16512-178";"";"Shift";"";"0" "104213";"SHIFT MX-PANT RECON CALIBER PANT BLACK/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/614-mx-pant-recon-caliber-pant-black-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104213/main_images/FDkxihAHvQQ74Yt-shift-recon-caliber-pnt-15768-white-black.webp";"848";"Recon Caliber Pnt - Pantaloni peste cizma care ofera comfort si stil- Matarial extrarezistent din poliester 600D- Talie reglabila- Intarituri de piele in zona interioara a genunchilor pentru a oferii protectie contra abraziunii si temperaturii -Se pot transforma in pantaloni scurti";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"15768-018";"Alb/Negru";"Shift";"Alb/Negru";"0" "104214";"SHIFT MX-PANT RECON EXPOSURE PANT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/522-mx-pant-recon-exposure-pant-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104214/main_images/DgjM0CGr2Hr4Ajg-shift-recon-exposure-pnt-14609-black.webp";"639";"- Pantaloni peste cizma care ofera comfort si stil- Matarial extrarezistent din poliester 600D- Talie reglabila- Intarituri de piele in zona interioara a genunchilor pentru a oferii protectie contra abraziunii si temperaturii -Se pot transforma in pantaloni scurti";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14609-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104215";"SHIFT MX-PANT RECON LOGO PANT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/332-mx-pant-recon-logo-pant-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104215/main_images/FHpfRIHGLbbzi92-shift-recon-logo-pant-11435-black.webp";"499";"Shift Recon Logo Pant- Pantaloni peste cizma care ofera comfort si stil- Matarial extrarezistent din poliester 600D- Talie reglabila- Intarituri de piele in zona interioara a genunchilor pentru a oferii protectie contra abraziunii si temperaturii -Se pot transforma in pantaloni scurti";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"11435-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104216";"SHIFT MX-PANT RECON PANT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/739-mx-pant-recon-pant-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104216/main_images/Few8kYK2Va1W32R-shift-recon-pant-17217-black.webp";"599";"- Pantaloni RECON PANT peste cizma care ofera comfort si stil- Matarial extrarezistent din poliester 600D- Talie reglabila- Intarituri de piele in zona interioara a genunchilor pentru a oferii protectie contra abraziunii si temperaturii -Se pot transforma in pantaloni scurti";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17217-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104217";"SHIFT MX-SH-V-RACEWEAR SHIFT SQUADRON PANT BROWN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/123-mx-sh-v-racewear-shift-squadron-pant-brown";"4 : 3";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104217/main_images/VKi1EGKvmP9fMcU-shift-squadron-pant-04234-brown.webp";"349";"Acesti pantaloni MX sunt foarte generosi cand vine vorba despre buzunare. Doar in buzunarele laterale incap patru cutii de bauturi energizante! Pentru zilele calduroase prezinta cai de aerisire ce pot fi blocate cu ajutorul fermoarului toamna sau iarna. Constructia materialului permite pielii sa respire ceea ce inseamna mai putina transpiratie . Vara pantalonii Shift Squadrion pot fi transformati cu ajutorul fermoarelor in pantaloni scurti. Aceasta structura este avantajoasa si atunci cand vrem sa ne punem genunchierele fara sa dam jos pantalonii. Pantalonii MX se aseaza peste cizme dar au un material in interior care intra in cizme pentru o pozitie cat mai sigura. in concluzie, nu numai ca arata foarte bine pantalonii Shift Squadron, ci sunt si construiti in mod profesionist pentru a oferi oricarui motociclist sau ATV-ist o calatorie sigura.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"04234-081";"Maro";"Shift";"Maro";"1" "104218";"SHIFT MX-SH-E-RACEWEAR SHIFT SQUADRON RACE PANT GREEN CAMO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/108-mx-sh-e-racewear-shift-squadron-race-pant-green-camo";"7 : 3";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104218/main_images/Dvq8QQJ4G0NSlB9-shift-squadron-racepants-04130-green-camo.webp";"199";"Pantalonii MX de la Shift Squadron Racepants au fost proiectati pentru a implinii toate nevoile tale. Cu buzunare suplimentare largi si incapatoare ai tot spatiul de care ai putea nevoie.in doar cateva secunde se pot transforma in pantaloni scurti cu ajutorul fermoarului de la genunchi. Shift este un brand recunoscut in intreaga lume pentru produsele sale de calitate si preturile sale accesibile.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"04130-031";"Verde";"Shift";"Verde";"1" "104219";"SHIFT MX-SH-E-RACEWEAR SHIFT SQUADRON RACEPANT GREY CAMO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/109-mx-sh-e-racewear-shift-squadron-racepant-grey-camo";"5 : 1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104219/main_images/kY4nPpv5PFgmvNA-shift-squadron-racepants-04130-grey-camo.webp";"199";"Pantalonii MX de la Shift Squadron Racepants au fost proiectati pentru a implinii toate nevoile tale. Cu buzunare suplimentare largi si incapatoare ai tot spatiul de care ai putea nevoie.in doar cateva secunde se pot transforma in pantaloni scurti cu ajutorul fermoarului de la genunchi. Shift este un brand recunoscut in intreaga lume pentru produsele sale de calitate si preturile sale accesibile.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"04130-033";"Gri";"Shift";"Gri";"1" "104220";"SHIFT MX-SH-E-RACEWEAR SHIFT SQUADRON RACE PANT DESERT CAMO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/110-mx-sh-e-racewear-shift-squadron-race-pant-desert-camo";"4";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104220/main_images/jwMSrAxrmO7JUos-shift-squadron-racepants-04130-desert-camo.webp";"199";"Pantalonii MX de la Shift Squadron Racepants au fost proiectati pentru a implinii toate nevoile tale. Cu buzunare suplimentare largi si incapatoare ai tot spatiul de care ai putea nevoie.in doar cateva secunde se pot transforma in pantaloni scurti cu ajutorul fermoarului de la genunchi. Shift este un brand recunoscut in intreaga lume pentru produsele sale de calitate si preturile sale accesibile.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"04130-253";"";"Shift";"";"1" "104221";"SHIFT MX-SH-E-RACEWEAR SHIFT SQUADRON RACEPANT BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/107-mx-sh-e-racewear-shift-squadron-racepant-blk";"2 : 3";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104221/main_images/mf6uJSiPBUnSpYz-shift-squadron-racepants-04130-black.webp";"199";"Acesti pantaloni MX sunt foarte generosi cand vine vorba despre buzunare. Doar in buzunarele laterale incap patru cutii de bauturi energizante!Pentru zilele calduroase prezinta cai de aerisire ce pot fi blocate cu ajutorul fermoarului toamna sau iarna. Constructia materialului permite pielii sa respire ceea ce inseamna mai putina transpiratie . Vara pantalonii Shift Squadrion pot fi transformati cu ajutorul fermoarelor in pantaloni scurti. Aceasta structura este avantajoasa si atunci cand vrem sa ne punem genunchierele fara sa dam jos pantalonii. Pantalonii MX se aseaza peste cizme dar au un material in interior care intra in cizme pentru o pozitie cat mai sigura. in concluzie, nu numai ca arata foarte bine pantalonii Shift Squadron, ci sunt si construiti in mod profesionist pentru a oferi oricarui motociclist sau ATV-ist o calatorie sigura.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"04130-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"1" "104222";"SHIFT MX-PANT SHIFT STRIKE CAMO PANT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/64-shift-strike-camo-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104222/main_images/g5k6aFxTIgB8WBy-shift-strike-camo-pant-03095-camuflaj.webp";"699";"Pantaloni de enduro profesionisti, curbati la genunchi, cu intarituri in zonele sensibile, cu gauri de aerisire strategic pozitionate. Sunt foarte confortabili.";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"03095-027";"";"Shift";"";"0" "104223";"SHIFT MX-PANT WHIT3 20 YEAR THROWBACK PANT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1120-mx-pant-whit3-20-year-throwback-pant-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104223/main_images/1qobw2rrxycf62I-shift-whit3-20-year-throwback-pant-blk-19329-001-blue-black.webp";"539";"Prezinta tesatura din poliester durabil 600D. Sunt rezistenti la abraziune si temperatura au panouri cu intarituri si articulatii elastice in zona genunchiului";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19329-001";"Albastru/Negru";"Shift";"Albastru/Negru";"0" "104224";"SHIFT MX-PANT WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN PANT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/1000-mx-pant-whit3-ninety-seven-pant-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104224/main_images/rn1e6wCyiN4sJDx-shift-whit3-ninety-seven-pant-18785-black.webp";"349";"PANTALONI WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN PANT Prezinta tesatura din poliester durabil 600D. Sunt rezistenti la abraziune si temperatura au panouri cu intarituri si articulatii elastice in zona genunchiului";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"18785-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104225";"SHIFT MX-PANT WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN PANT RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1001-mx-pant-whit3-ninety-seven-pant-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104225/main_images/asvX9d6StfaR4zZ-shift-whit3-ninety-seven-pant-18785-red.webp";"439";"PANTALONI WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN PANT Prezinta tesatura din poliester durabil 600D. Sunt rezistenti la abraziune si temperatura au panouri cu intarituri si articulatii elastice in zona genunchiului";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"18785-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "104226";"SHIFT MX-PANT WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN PANT GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1002-whit3-ninety-seven-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104226/main_images/D3Qj40QInyBAJ5n-shift-whit3-ninety-seven-pant-18785-green.webp";"499";"PANTALONI WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN PANT Prezinta tesatura din poliester durabil 600D. Sunt rezistenti la abraziune si temperatura au panouri cu intarituri si articulatii elastice in zona genunchiului";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"18785-004";"Verde";"Shift";"Verde";"0" "104227";"SHIFT MX-PANT WHIT3 TARMAC PANT BLACK/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/724-mx-pant-whit3-tarmac-pant-black-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104227/main_images/T6qVcntkeTPAJlR-shift-whit3-tarmac-pant-17113-black.webp";"499";"PANTALONI WHIT3 TARMAC PANT Prezinta tesatura din poliester durabil 600D. Sunt rezistenti la abraziune si temperatura au panouri cu intarituri si articulatii elastice in zona genunchiului";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17113-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104228";"SHIFT MX-PANT WHIT3 TARMAC PANT BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/725-mx-pant-whit3-tarmac-pant-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104228/main_images/Ci7mPCojkFO8tLW-shift-whit3-tarmac-pant-17113-blue.webp";"449";"PANTALONI WHIT3 TARMAC PANT Prezinta tesatura din poliester durabil 600D. Sunt rezistenti la abraziune si temperatura au panouri cu intarituri si articulatii elastice in zona genunchiului";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17113-002";"Albastru";"Shift";"Albastru";"0" "104229";"SHIFT MX-PANT WHIT3 TARMAC PANT RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/726-mx-pant-whit3-tarmac-pant-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104229/main_images/9FD8LuY721HdIqq-shift-whit3-tarmac-pant-17113-red.webp";"439";"PANTALONI WHIT3 TARMAC PANT Prezinta tesatura din poliester durabil 600D. Sunt rezistenti la abraziune si temperatura au panouri cu intarituri si articulatii elastice in zona genunchiului";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17113-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "104230";"SHIFT MX-PANT WHIT3 TARMAC PANT ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/727-whit3-tarmac-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104230/main_images/pp2NJjJvhPqEieP-shift-whit3-tarmac-pant-17113-orange.webp";"499";"PANTALONI WHIT3 TARMAC PANT Prezinta tesatura din poliester durabil 600D. Sunt rezistenti la abraziune si temperatura au panouri cu intarituri si articulatii elastice in zona genunchiului";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17113-009";"Portocaliu";"Shift";"Portocaliu";"0" "104231";"SHIFT MX-PANT WHIT3 TARMAC PANT FLORIDA YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/728-mx-pant-whit3-tarmac-pant-florida-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104231/main_images/Nzcngd3NYkBPnXg-shift-whit3-tarmac-pant-17113-flo-yellow.webp";"499";"PANTALONI WHIT3 TARMAC PANT Prezinta tesatura din poliester durabil 600D. Sunt rezistenti la abraziune si temperatura au panouri cu intarituri si articulatii elastice in zona genunchiului";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17113-130";"Galben";"Shift";"Galben";"0" "104232";"FOX 360 Divizion Jersey";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/548-360-divizion-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104232/main_images/ZZ2DLdK5TpB4ikw-fox-360-divizion-jersey-14954-red.webp";"199";"Tricoul pentru MX FOX 360 Jersey este conceput pentru a fi confortabil. Materialul de pe spate este ca o micro plasa pentru un flux de aer imbunatatit, gulerul si mansetele sunt concepute pentru o potrivire precisa, iar partea din spate este mai lunga pentru a evita iesirea tricoului din pantalon.";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"14954-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104233";"FOX HC Giant Jersey -01025 Red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2-hc-giant-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104233/main_images/EQhqBpgS6MAhPPo-fox-hc-giant-jersey-01025-red.webp";"169";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Bluze";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"01025-003";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104234";"FOX Nomad Constant Jersey -06429 Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/204-nomad-constant-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104234/main_images/P5fg9jnpIQ2npDt-fox-nomad-constant-jersey-06429-black.webp";"129";"Construit din material durabil Absorbtie optima a umezeliiTesatura perforata pe laterale Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Bluze";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"06429-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104237";"Leatt JERSEY GPX 4.5 LITE - 5017910471 Black-Orange";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/1820-jersey-gpx-45-lite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104237/main_images/0Utw1B4fsVacDes-1881-jersey-gpx-45-lite.webp";"169";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Bluze";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"5017910471-016";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104238";"Leatt Jersey GPX 4.5 LITE - 5017910501 Lime-Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/1821-jersey-gpx-45-lite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104238/main_images/unNuRyHotZD6PJ7-leatt-jersey-gpx-4-5-lite-5017910501-lime-blue.webp";"169";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Bluze";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"5017910501";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104239";"Leatt Jersey GPX 4.5 X-FLOW - 5017910511 Black-Orange";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/1822-jersey-gpx-45-x-flow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104239/main_images/MqmeHRv2E1xhd4j-leatt-jersey-gpx-4-5-x-flow-5017910511-black-orange.webp";"169";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Bluze";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"5017910511";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104240";"Leatt JERSEY GPX 4.5 X-FLOW - 5017910531 Blue-Red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/1823-jersey-gpx-45-x-flow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104240/main_images/WDPBygWyUX6TomG-leatt-jersey-gpx-4-5-x-flow-5017910531-blue-red.webp";"169";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Bluze";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"5017910531";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104241";"Leatt JERSEY GPX 4.5 X-FLOW - 5017910542 Lime-Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/1824-jersey-gpx-45-x-flow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104241/main_images/EnPympcwLn822tB-leatt-jersey-gpx-4-5-x-flow-5017910542-lime-blue.webp";"169";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Bluze";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"5017910542";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104242";"Leatt Jersey GPX 5.5 Ultraweld - 5017910402 Black-Orange";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/1818-jersey-gpx-55-ultraweld";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104242/main_images/qAbrCDvLwamTUBK-leatt-jersey-gpx-5-5-ultraweld-5017910402-black-orange.webp";"299";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Bluze";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"5017910402";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104243";"Leatt Jersey GPX 5.5 Ultraweld - 5017910432 Lime-Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/1819-jersey-gpx-55-ultraweld";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104243/main_images/AUPe2DA88bIASWm-leatt-jersey-gpx-5-5-ultraweld-5017910432-lime-blue.webp";"299";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Bluze";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"5017910432";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104244";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY WHIT3 20 YEAR THROWBACK JERSEY BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1119-mx-jersey-whit3-20-year-throwback-jersey-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104244/main_images/BHpDAyip1tz0nJG-shift-20th-anniversary-jersey-19328-001-black.webp";"219";"-Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19328-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104245";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY ASSAULT JERSEY GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/509-assault-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104245/main_images/hUQz1lVDZO7hni7-shift-assault-jersey-14597-green.webp";"149";"Tricou Shift Assault Jsy -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14597-004";"Verde";"Shift";"Verde";"0" "104246";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY ASSAULT JERSEY ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/510-shift-assault-jsy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104246/main_images/RY2jqn1cBip4LTi-shift-assault-jsy-14597-orange.webp";"149";"Tricou Shift Assault Jsy -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"14597-009";"Portocaliu";"Shift";"Portocaliu";"0" "104247";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY FACTION JERSEY PURPLE/YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/496-mx-jersey-faction-jersey-purple-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104247/main_images/0WCL5LRokjl5uh4-shift-faction-jsy-14531-178-purple-yellow.webp";"189";"Tricou Shift Faction Jersey. Tesaturi tehnice. Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii. Constructie multi-panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14531-178";"";"Shift";"";"0" "104248";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY FACTION JERSEY ORANGE/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/497-mx-jersey-faction-jersey-orange-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104248/main_images/9iejgaymlsrPyox-shift-faction-jsy-14531-592-blue-orange.webp";"199";"Tricou Shift Faction Jsy -Tesaturi tehnice - -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14531-592";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"Shift";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"0" "104249";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY RECON CALIBER JERSEY BLACK/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/613-shift-recon-caliber-jsy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104249/main_images/sE4b5oqxXQEuYRl-shift-recon-caliber-jsy-15766-white-black.webp";"149";"Tricou Shift Recon Caliber Jsy -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"15766-018";"Alb/Negru";"Shift";"Alb/Negru";"0" "104250";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY RECON CHECKERS JERSEY BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/738-mx-jersey-recon-checkers-jersey-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104250/main_images/y5jyWBE034Opw30-shift-recon-checkers-jersey-17216-black.webp";"159";"TRICOU RECON CHECKERS JERSEY -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17216-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104251";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY SHIFT RECON JERSEY BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/65-mx-jersey-shift-recon-jersey-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104251/main_images/n8Q2eOI8gx6tdXx-shift-recon-jersey-03098-black.webp";"189";"Shift Recon Jersey, Tesaturi tehnice, Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , Constructie multi panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"MX - Enduro : Tricouri";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"03098-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104252";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY RECON JERSEY CORP BLAC";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/44-mx-jersey-recon-jersey-corp-blac";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104252/main_images/3hcIH4QWBBvo59l-shift-recon-jersey-corp-02324-black.webp";"179";"Tricou enduro din poliester. Gulerul ridicat creste performanta si confortul.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"02324-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104253";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY RECON PHOENIX JERSEY FLORIDA";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/863-mx-jersey-recon-phoenix-jersey-florida";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104253/main_images/NvKgj3PBFv3DjXm-shift-recon-phoenix-jersey-17788-flo-yellow.webp";"228";"TRICOU RECON PHOENIX JERSEY -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17788-130";"Galben";"Shift";"Galben";"0" "104254";"SHIFT MX-SH-V-RACEWEAR SHIFT SQUADRON JERSEY BROWN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/32-mx-sh-v-racewear-shift-squadron-jersey-brown";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104254/main_images/Cd9JM53CymXbJ03-shift-squadron-jersey-02245-brown.webp";"69";"Tricoul de motocross de la Shift prezinta o tesatura 100% polyester care asigura in acelasi timp confort si rezistentaPentru o ventilatie cat mai buna tricoul prezinta in constructia sa bucati de material cu plasa.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"02245-081";"Maro";"Shift";"Maro";"0" "104255";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY STRIKE JERSEY RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/498-mx-jersey-strike-jersey-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104255/main_images/V5oifftjdJEPGfc-shift-strike-jsy-14532-003-red.webp";"199";"Tricou Shift Strike Jsy -Tesaturi tehnice - -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14532-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "104256";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN JERSEY BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/997-mx-jersey-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104256/main_images/HwzeOAInKVoBdgU-shift-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-18784-black.webp";"149";"TRICOU WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN JERSEY -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"18784-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104257";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN JERSEY RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/998-mx-jersey-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104257/main_images/OQ8VJyQaNOZwOGF-shift-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-18784-red.webp";"149";"TRICOU WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN JERSEY -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"18784-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "104258";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN JERSEY BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/999-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104258/main_images/jJTxFAVUQWFE3v5-shift-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-18784-green.webp";"149";"TRICOU WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN JERSEY -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"18784-004";"Verde";"Shift";"Verde";"0" "104259";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY WHIT3 TARMAC JERSEY BLACK/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/733-mx-jersey-whit3-tarmac-jersey-black-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104259/main_images/ubJNc0cAb5LxfSr-shift-whit3-tarmac-jersey-17213-black.webp";"149";"TRICOU WHIT3 TARMAC JERSEY -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17213-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "104260";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY WHIT3 TARMAC JERSEY BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/734-whit3-tarmac-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104260/main_images/D0TqU6WqyFVGK7s-shift-whit3-tarmac-jersey-17213-blue.webp";"149";"TRICOU WHIT3 TARMAC JERSEY -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17213-002";"Albastru";"Shift";"Albastru";"0" "104261";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY WHIT3 TARMAC JERSEY RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/735-mx-jersey-whit3-tarmac-jersey-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104261/main_images/WG4NU1CKReg2sOZ-shift-whit3-tarmac-jersey-17213-red.webp";"149";"TRICOU WHIT3 TARMAC JERSEY -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17213-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "104262";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY WHIT3 TARMAC JERSEY ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/736-whit3-tarmac-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104262/main_images/AApsA2XXdJ87q5b-shift-whit3-tarmac-jersey-17213-orange.webp";"149";"TRICOU WHIT3 TARMAC JERSEY -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17213-009";"Portocaliu";"Shift";"Portocaliu";"0" "104263";"SHIFT MX-JERSEY WHIT3 TARMAC JERSEY FLORIDA YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/737-mx-jersey-whit3-tarmac-jersey-florida-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104263/main_images/9NuKnLAZkRT06xO-shift-whit3-tarmac-jersey-17213-flo-yellow.webp";"149";"TRICOU WHIT3 TARMAC JERSEY -Tesaturi tehnice -Umiditate redusa datorita poliesterului si ochiurilor de plasa ale tesaturii , -Constructie multi- panel ce asigura o potrivire perfecta .";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17213-130";"Galben";"Shift";"Galben";"0" "104264";"FOX ACTIVATED TRUCKER JD";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/946-activated-trucker-jd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104264/main_images/irkRBRJxdNLmaut-fox-activated-trucker-18613-167-jade.webp";"119";"Nothing beats a classic trucker hat, and the Women’s Activated Trucker has all the key ingredients: breathable mesh paneling, curved bill, adjustable snap closure and Fox logo printing on the front. Women's Snapback trucker Adjustable snap closure Back mesh panels for breathability Allover sublimated graphic with HD print Melon: 90% Polyester / 10% Cotton Jade: 78% Polyester / 22% Cotton";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18613-167";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104265";"FOX ACTIVATED TRUCKER MELON";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-dama/947-activated-trucker";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104265/main_images/MGwGhGPzj9StvOv-fox-activated-trucker-18613-413-melon.webp";"119";"Nothing beats a classic trucker hat, and the Women’s Activated Trucker has all the key ingredients: breathable mesh paneling, curved bill, adjustable snap closure and Fox logo printing on the front. Women's Snapback trucker Adjustable snap closure Back mesh panels for breathability Allover sublimated graphic with HD print Melon: 90% Polyester / 10% Cotton Jade: 78% Polyester / 22% Cotton";"";"Sepci";"462";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Caciuli-sepci";"18613-413";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104266";"FOX AMBUSH SNAPBACK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/983-ambush-snapback-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104266/main_images/zWHmmwUh3uZeQQD-fox-ambush-snapback-18756-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18756-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104267";"FOX AMBUSH SNAPBACK CHALK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/984-ambush-snapback-chalk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104267/main_images/7wWlHqeb7uy72E2-fox-ambush-snapback-18756-089-chalk.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18756-089";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104268";"FOX COPPER TOPPER SNAPBACK BLACK CAMO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/987-copper-topper-snapback";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104268/main_images/MBrSv27PGa4s1Mu-fox-copper-topper-snapback-18760-247-cam-black.webp";"119";"Finish your look with the Copper Topper Snapback hat. This warobe staple features camo screen print, logo embroidery details, and breathable mesh back panel. PRODUCT DETAILS Men's Snapback hat Adjustable snap closure High Profile. Pro Bill, No Curve Front and back embroidery details 78% Polyester / 22% Cotton";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18760-247";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104269";"FOX DRAPER FLEXFIT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/962-draper-flexfit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104269/main_images/2NU3v0Gvu3DmhEE-fox-draper-flexfit-18734-001-black.webp";"99";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18734-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104270";"FOX EMERGENCY 110 SNAPBACK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/974-emergency-110-snapback";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104270/main_images/4Uf195GeRwlcXfV-fox-emergency-110-snapback-18749-001-black.webp";"119";"After a long day of charging in the mountains, throw on your Emergency 110 hat to hide your sweaty mop and have yourself a post-shred brew. You've earned it. PRODUCT DETAILS Men's 110 Snapback hat Adjustable snap closure Medium Profile, Natural Curved Bill Front sonic weld Fox Head logo 98% Cotton / 2% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18749-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104271";"FOX EMERGENCY 110 SNAPBACK BLACK/YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/975-emergency-110-snapback";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104271/main_images/d4tE9TpbKIy8QBl-fox-emergency-110-snapback-18749-019-black-yellow.webp";"119";"After a long day of charging in the mountains, throw on your Emergency 110 hat to hide your sweaty mop and have yourself a post-shred brew. You've earned it. PRODUCT DETAILS Men's 110 Snapback hat Adjustable snap closure Medium Profile, Natural Curved Bill Front sonic weld Fox Head logo 98% Cotton / 2% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18749-019";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104272";"FOX Encore 2 All Pro Fitted Cap";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1605-encore-2-all-pro-fitted-cap";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104272/main_images/ZSbLauKkRFLqVy7-fox-encore-2-all-pro-fitted-cap-58759-charcoal.webp";"70";"Fii la moda cu sapca Foxracing Encore 2 All Pro Fitted Cap!Material din bumbac si spandex.";"";"Caciuli-Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58759-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104273";"FOX EXILER SNAPBACK -18752-00 Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-sepci/977-exiler-snapback";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104273/main_images/ZjZOtuCyGG1cN5Z-fox-exiler-snapback-18752-00-black.webp";"119";"";"";"";"65";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Caciuli-sepci";"18752-00";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104274";"FOX EXILER SNAPBACK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/977-exiler-snapback-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104274/main_images/BLZ8Cw9tYb3IvyD-fox-exiler-snapback-18752-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18752-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104275";"FOX EYECON BOX SNAPBACK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/981-eyecon-box-snapback";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104275/main_images/w026C94VLbeqXYa-fox-eyecon-box-snapback-18755-001-black.webp";"119";"The Eyecon Snapback is perfect for unwinding after a day on the trails. Swap your helmet for this comfortable hat featuring graphics from our industry leading MTB jerseys. Adjustable snap closure High profile. Pro bill, no curve Fox Head embroidery on front & back 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18755-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104276";"FOX EYECON BOX SNAPBACK CRANBERRY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/982-eyecon-box-snapback-cranberry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104276/main_images/QD48xRhYUwNG5Dp-fox-eyecon-box-snapback-18755-527-cranberry.webp";"119";"The Eyecon Snapback is perfect for unwinding after a day on the trails. Swap your helmet for this comfortable hat featuring graphics from our industry leading MTB jerseys. Adjustable snap closure High profile. Pro bill, no curve Fox Head embroidery on front & back 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18755-527";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104277";"FOX EYECON FLEXFIT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/961-eyecon-flexfit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104277/main_images/flu7bGK5MwcJIBQ-fox-eyecon-flexfit-18732-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18732-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104278";"FOX M-V-HEADWEAR FHEAD MILITARY HAT CHARCOAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1578-m-v-headwear-fhead-military-hat-charcoal";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104278/main_images/gl7bPI8iF1qGxs8-fox-fhead-military-cap-58402-charcoal.webp";"39";"žapca Foxracing Fhead Military Cap scoate afara razboinicul din tine!Material din bumbac 100%.";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58402-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104279";"FOX M-V-HEADWEAR FHEAD MILITARY HAT FATIGUE GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1579-m-v-headwear-fhead-military-hat-fatigue-green";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104279/main_images/wdi7LDp9RDqH1iC-fox-fhead-military-cap-58402-fatigue-green.webp";"39";"žapca Foxracing Fhead Military Cap scoate afara razboinicul din tine!Material din bumbac 100%.";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58402-111";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "104280";"FOX Flex 45 Flexfit Hat [Black]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1574-flex-45-flexfit-hat-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104280/main_images/pOMaGPIbYi4IFh8-fox-flex-45-flexfit-hat-58379-001-black.webp";"99";"The Flex 45 Flexfit Hat sports a clean, monochromatic setup topped off with pinstripes and a 45-degree Fox Head embroidery on the front panel. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front and back 3D embroidery FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex Black Pinstripe: 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58379-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104281";"FOX FLEX 45 FLEXFIT HAT WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1575-flex-45-flexfit-hat-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104281/main_images/8i6nxzmfdyZ3j3X-fox-flex-45-flexfit-hat-58379-008-white.webp";"99";"The Flex 45 Flexfit Hat sports a clean, monochromatic setup topped off with pinstripes and a 45-degree Fox Head embroidery on the front panel. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front and back 3D embroidery FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex Black Pinstripe: 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58379-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104282";"FOX FLEX 45 FLEXFIT HAT [BLK/WHT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1576-flex-45-flexfit-hat-black-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104282/main_images/JUlUCPpQ2UG9uAA-fox-flex-45-flexfit-hat-58379-018-white-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58379-018";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104283";"FOX FORETELL SNAPBACK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1139-foretell-snapback";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104283/main_images/v22bs1cGQfiLxNl-fox-foretell-snapback-20069-001-black.webp";"119";"The Fox Foretell Snapback. Crisp and clean design of this trucker fits MX training or even to the most posh party. Features: Snapback (one size) Adjustable strap Mesh rear Rubber Fox Head logo High profile";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"20069-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104284";"FOX FORTY FIVE 110 SNAPBACK GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/976-forty-five-110-snapback";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104284/main_images/0JkBwhk8s2thSTp-fox-forty-five-110-snapback-18750-103-graphite.webp";"119";"A solid hat is a wardrobe staple. Pre-race, post-race, summer bbq, it doesnt matter weve got you covered with the Forty Five 110 Snapback hat. Men's 110 Snapback hat Adjustable snap closure Medium Profile, Natural Curved Bill Front Sonic Weld Head 45 Logo 98% Cotton / 2% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18750-103";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104285";"FOX Fret Snapback Hat -17652-001-OS Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-sepci/842-fret-snapback-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104285/main_images/xijluxLmLPdNkbi-fox-fret-snapback-hat-17652-001-os-black.webp";"119";"";"";"";"65";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Caciuli-sepci";"17652-001-OS";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104286";"FOX Fret Snapback Hat -17652-018-OS White-Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-sepci/843-fret-snapback-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104286/main_images/ZF2PG3a9TfTz4bb-fox-fret-snapback-hat-17652-018-os-white-black.webp";"119";"";"";"";"65";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Caciuli-sepci";"17652-018-OS";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104287";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS BROADWAY MILITARY HAT GUNMETAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-dama/1561-girls-broadway-military-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104287/main_images/nRR40pYcuq3L8Ii-fox-girls-broadway-military-hat-58201-sample-gunmetal.webp";"39";"";"";"Sepci";"462";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Caciuli-sepci";"58201";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104288";"FOX Girls Militante Cap - 58582 Bone";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-sepci/1845-girls-militante-cap-58582";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104288/main_images/hPOjDFMeQhHDuuW-fox-girls-militante-cap-58582-bone.webp";"39";"";"";"";"65";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Caciuli-sepci";"58582";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104289";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS THE VIEW HAT WALNUT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-dama/1557-girls-the-view-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104289/main_images/XUdUCegPycI5dCC-fox-girls-the-view-hat-58148-sample-walnut.webp";"39";"";"";"Sepci";"462";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Caciuli-sepci";"58148";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104290";"FOX HEAT RAY FLEXFIT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/963-heat-ray-flexfit-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104290/main_images/iEWsjiO3f5FQpXn-fox-heat-ray-flexfit-18735-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18735-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104291";"FOX HOME BOUND SNAPBACK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/991-home-bound-snapback";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104291/main_images/diwsBP3D0D8JCia-fox-home-bound-snapback-18763-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18763-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104292";"FOX HYPED TRUCKER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-dama/948-hyped-trucker-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104292/main_images/wRakh6mLrMgFGhi-fox-hyped-trucker-18614-001-black.webp";"99";"Protect your eyes from the sun and effortlessly accessorize your look with this classic womens trucker cap. The Hyped trucker features MX-inspired graphics, mesh back for ventilation and a curved brim to keep your eyes shaded. Women's Snapback trucker Adjustable snap closure MX-Inspired graphics Back mesh panels for breathability HD Fox Head Allover sublimated Hyped graphic 95% Polyester / 5% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"462";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Caciuli-sepci";"18614-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104293";"FOX KEEP OUT SNAPBACK BLACK/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1061-keep-out-snapback";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104293/main_images/OsTbqjr1WTBbB49-fox-keep-out-snapback-19066-017-black-red.webp";"119";"A great cap from Fox with front flat and medium Fox logo embroidery, back Fox head logo embroidery, and snap closure with Fox flag label. Features: 100% Cotton Front flat and medium Fox logo embroidery Back Fox Head logo embroidery Snap closure with Fox flag label High Profile. Pro Bill, No Curve";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19066-017";"Rosu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Rosu/Negru";"0" "104294";"FOX KEEP OUT SNAPBACK BLACK CAMO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1062-keep-out-snapback-black-camo";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104294/main_images/ZinCVgIJ2gdcDeV-fox-keep-out-snapback-19066-247-camo-black.webp";"119";"A great cap from Fox with front flat and medium Fox logo embroidery, back Fox head logo embroidery, and snap closure with Fox flag label. Features: 100% Cotton Front flat and medium Fox logo embroidery Back Fox Head logo embroidery Snap closure with Fox flag label High Profile. Pro Bill, No Curve";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19066-247";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104295";"FOX LEGACY FLEXFIT HAT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1563-legacy-flexfit-hat-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104295/main_images/04tUfFzhJoLT4d6-fox-legacy-flexfit-hat-58225-001-black.webp";"119";"Be part of a proud legacy with the Fox Legacy Flexfit hat! This Hat is perfect in its simplicity: a solid canvas highlighted by the iconic Fox Head logo front and center. Nothing else is needed. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front and back flat embroidery FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex Black Pinstripe: 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58225-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104296";"FOX LEGACY FLEXFIT HAT BLACK/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1564-legacy-flexfit-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104296/main_images/LZ3V3XGL5lpbfyO-fox-legacy-flexfit-hat-58225-013-blue-black.webp";"119";"Be part of a proud legacy with the Fox Legacy Flexfit hat! This Hat is perfect in its simplicity: a solid canvas highlighted by the iconic Fox Head logo front and center. Nothing else is needed. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front and back flat embroidery FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex Black Pinstripe: 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58225-013";"Albastru/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru/Negru";"0" "104297";"FOX LEGACY FLEXFIT HAT BLACK/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1565-legacy-flexfit-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104297/main_images/cNBHgAmsdmW9iHL-fox-legacy-flexfit-hat-58225-017-black-red.webp";"119";"Be part of a proud legacy with the Fox Legacy Flexfit hat! This Hat is perfect in its simplicity: a solid canvas highlighted by the iconic Fox Head logo front and center. Nothing else is needed. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front and back flat embroidery FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex Black Pinstripe: 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58225-017";"Rosu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Rosu/Negru";"0" "104298";"FOX LEGACY FLEXFIT HAT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1566-legacy-flexfit-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104298/main_images/eIMOIth89K5HAY6-fox-legacy-flexfit-hat-58225-021-black.webp";"119";"Be part of a proud legacy with the Fox Legacy Flexfit hat! This Hat is perfect in its simplicity: a solid canvas highlighted by the iconic Fox Head logo front and center. Nothing else is needed. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front and back flat embroidery FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex Black Pinstripe: 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58225-021";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104299";"FOX LEGACY FLEXFIT HAT BLACK/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1567-legacy-flexfit-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104299/main_images/o9rF3LN4tJlHdrS-fox-legacy-flexfit-hat-58225-515-black-pinstripe.webp";"119";"Be part of a proud legacy with the Fox Legacy Flexfit hat! This Hat is perfect in its simplicity: a solid canvas highlighted by the iconic Fox Head logo front and center. Nothing else is needed. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front and back flat embroidery FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex Black Pinstripe: 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58225-515";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104300";"FOX MOTH SNAPBACK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/985-moth-snapback-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104300/main_images/nNa3VLEpdvUfces-fox-moth-snapback-18758-001-black.webp";"119";"Keep the sun out of your eye while you're trackside with the Moth Snapback. The TRUDRI fabric will keep you sweat-free while the MX-inspired, ""Moth"" graphics let the world know you ride. Adjustable snap closure High Profile. Pro Bill, No Curve Performance Sweatband with Cool'N'Dry underbill Perforated side and back panels helps keep you cool Reef: Silicone Heat Transfer Black: Front Copper Heat Transfer Fox Logo Lightweight Polyester Spandex Fabric 88% Nylon / 12% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18758-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104301";"FOX MOTH SPLICE FLEXFIT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/967-moth-splice-flexfit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104301/main_images/RLDGAi5DfhcMVYz-fox-moth-splice-flexfit-18744-001-black.webp";"99";"The Moth Spice Flexfit hat is a look inspired by our Moth racewear. Key features include menswear fabric paneling, front and back embroidery details and a stretch-to-fit design. Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curved bill Front & back embroidery Menswear fabric paneling 82% Polyester / 15% Cotton / 3% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18744-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104302";"FOX MOTH SPLICE FLEXFIT M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/968-moth-splice-flexfit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104302/main_images/0AWTEdEAl7WWEzg-fox-moth-splice-flexfit-18744-551-blue.webp";"99";"The Moth Spice Flexfit hat is a look inspired by our Moth racewear. Key features include menswear fabric paneling, front and back embroidery details and a stretch-to-fit design. Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curved bill Front & back embroidery Menswear fabric paneling 82% Polyester / 15% Cotton / 3% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18744-551";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104303";"FOX MOTH STACKED FLEXFIT HEATHER GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/966-moth-stacked-flexfit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104303/main_images/YxYBM2LKtINNl4k-fox-moth-stacked-flexfit-18743-185-heather-graphite.webp";"99";"You put a lot of effort into looking good on the track. And for good reason - jersey, pants, boots, helmets... a ton goes into it. Keep life simple off the track; throw on your Moth Stacked Flexfit - done. You're welcome. Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curved bill Stretch mesh side and back panels for improved comfort Front sonic weld Fox logo art Back Fox Head embroidery Menswear Fabric paneling 53% Nylon / 40% Polyester / 7% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18743-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104304";"FOX MOTH STRIPE SNAPBACK GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/988-moth-stripe-snapback";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104304/main_images/4ct1np7zckPTJ6k-fox-moth-stripe-snapback-18761-103-graphite.webp";"119";"Keep the sun out of your eye while you're trackside with the Moth Snapback. The TRUDRI fabric will keep you sweat-free while the MX-inspired, ""Moth"" graphics let the world know you ride. Adjustable snap closure High Profile. Pro Bill, No Curve Performance Sweatband with Cool'N'Dry underbill Perforated side and back panels helps keep you cool Reef: Silicone Heat Transfer Black: Front Copper Heat Transfer Fox Logo Lightweight Polyester Spandex Fabric 88% Nylon / 12% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18761-103";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104305";"FOX MOTH STRIPE SNAPBACK FLM RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/989-moth-stripe-snapback-flm-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104305/main_images/zTwcYXjFagMvOR3-fox-moth-stripe-snapback-18761-122-red.webp";"119";"Keep the sun out of your eye while you're trackside with the Moth Snapback. The TRUDRI fabric will keep you sweat-free while the MX-inspired, ""Moth"" graphics let the world know you ride. Adjustable snap closure High Profile. Pro Bill, No Curve Performance Sweatband with Cool'N'Dry underbill Perforated side and back panels helps keep you cool Reef: Silicone Heat Transfer Black: Front Copper Heat Transfer Fox Logo Lightweight Polyester Spandex Fabric 88% Nylon / 12% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18761-122";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104306";"FOX OBSESSED SNAPBACK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1059-obsessed-snapback-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104306/main_images/S0voQ7GIKQ15wtJ-fox-obsessed-snapback-19065-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19065-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104307";"FOX OBSESSED SNAPBACK BLACK CAMO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1060-obsessed-snapback";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104307/main_images/vRysRY53IGL1Eyf-fox-obsessed-snapback-19065-247-camo-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19065-247";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104308";"FOX OVERLAPPED SNAPBACK GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/979-overlapped-snapback-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104308/main_images/14DWl3rnbfM51S0-fox-overlapped-snapback-18754-103-graphite.webp";"119";"Men's Snapback hat Adjustable snap closure High Profile. Pro Bill, No Curve Front and back embroidery details 100% Cotton";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18754-103";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104309";"FOX OVERLAPPED SNAPBACK FLM RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/980-overlapped-snapback-flm-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104309/main_images/hvf7IFS1nhaB6Is-fox-overlapped-snapback-18754-122-red.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18754-122";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104310";"FOX REACTED TRUCKER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1075-reacted-trucker";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104310/main_images/1qbTkZGZJ1mcxxC-fox-reacted-trucker-19101-001-black.webp";"99";"Get ready in a snap with the Women’s Reacted Trucker. This classic trucker hat features breathable mesh rear panels for ventilation, Fox Head art on the front and an adjustable snapback closure. Women's Snapback trucker hat Adjustable snap closure Back mesh panels for breathability Center front screenprint Fox Head with Fox sonic weld Berry Punch: 78% Polyester / 22% Cotton Indigo and Black: 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19101-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104311";"FOX SECA HEAD FLEXFIT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/965-seca-head-flexfit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104311/main_images/KNDZyImRxPHtIyx-fox-seca-head-flexfit-18742-001-black.webp";"119";"Just like a Fox helmet is essential on the track, a Fox hat is critical post-ride. Check out the Seca Head Flexfit Hat for comfort and sun protection track side. Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curved bill Front sonic weld Fox logo art Back Fox Head embroidery 98% Cotton / 2% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18742-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104312";"FOX SECA STRIPE SNAPBACK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/986-seca-stripe-snapback";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104312/main_images/AukiP5Kz6lmOLDw-fox-seca-stripe-snapback-18759-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18759-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104313";"FOX SECA WRAP SNAPBACK BLACK ONE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1055-seca-wrap-snapback-black-one";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104313/main_images/uYcPIWzH8UBsigo-fox-seca-wrap-snapback-19063-001-black.webp";"119";"The Seca Wrap Snapback is perfect for a day at the track or the trail. This go-go cap features fabric paneling, front and back embroidery details and an easy snap closure. Adjustable snap closure High Profile. Pro Bill, No Curve Front and back embroidery details Fabric paneling Black: 90% Cotton / 6% Polyester / 3% Rayon / 1% Spandex Chalk: 100% Cotton";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19063-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104314";"FOX SECA WRAP SNAPBACK CHALK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1056-seca-wrap-snapback-chalk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104314/main_images/dTwYT7mbWd2hb2L-fox-seca-wrap-snapback-19063-089-chalk.webp";"119";"The Seca Wrap Snapback is perfect for a day at the track or the trail. This go-go cap features fabric paneling, front and back embroidery details and an easy snap closure. Adjustable snap closure High Profile. Pro Bill, No Curve Front and back embroidery details Fabric paneling Black: 90% Cotton / 6% Polyester / 3% Rayon / 1% Spandex Chalk: 100% Cotton";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19063-089";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104315";"FOX SIGNATURE FLEXFIT HAT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1663-signature-flexfit-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104315/main_images/nXbSprHxFeVzK7X-fox-signature-flexfit-hat-68073-001-black.webp";"119";"Go bold and bright with the Fox Signature Flexfit Hat! The Signature Hat is a clean look and proudly displays a TPR Fox logo on the left front panel that pops you out. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front TPR Back flat embroidery FABRIC 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"68073-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104316";"FOX Signature Flexfit Hat -68073-004 Green";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-sepci/1664-signature-flexfit-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104316/main_images/lYnYKultDeJuCi1-fox-signature-flexfit-hat-68073-004-green.webp";"119";"Marimi disponibile: XS/S, S/M, M/L, L/XL, XL/2XL, 2XL/3XL";"";"";"65";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Caciuli-sepci";"68073-004";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104317";"FOX M-V-HEADWEAR SINNER FLEXFIT HAT WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1585-sinner-flexfit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104317/main_images/etFvO4fgCBNFNou-fox-sinner-flexfit-58441-white.webp";"39";"Sapca FOXCotton Spandex Twill";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58441-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104318";"FOX SLASHER HEAD SNAPBACK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1057-slasher-head-snapback-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104318/main_images/10EfRss6QjJCqLi-fox-slasher-head-snapback-19064-001-black.webp";"119";"The Slasher Head Snapback hat adds some effortless style to your wardrobe with an easy snap fit and embroidery details. Men's Snapback hat Adjustable snap closure High Profile. Pro Bill, No Curve Front and back embroidery details 78% Polyester / 22% Cotton";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19064-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104319";"FOX SLASHER HEAD SNAPBACK CHALK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1058-slasher-head-snapback-chalk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104319/main_images/QN6pTODk7ogzoXQ-fox-slasher-head-snapback-19064-089-chalk.webp";"119";"The Slasher Head Snapback hat adds some effortless style to your wardrobe with an easy snap fit and embroidery details. Men's Snapback hat Adjustable snap closure High Profile. Pro Bill, No Curve Front and back embroidery details 78% Polyester / 22% Cotton";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19064-089";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104320";"FOX SONIC CORP FLEXFIT HEATHER GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/964-sonic-corp-flexfit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104320/main_images/FIt1GtAma70QBB2-fox-sonic-corp-flexfit-18739-185-heather-graphite.webp";"99";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18739-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104321";"FOX The Steez Fitted Hat";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1573-the-steez-fitted-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104321/main_images/YKL6ttrZHaeDW5s-fox-the-steez-fitted-hat-58348-001-black.webp";"119";"You can't go wrong with the Steez 210 Hat. Comfortable and classic, it makes a bold statement with little effort at all. The clean styling is accentuated by the iconic Fox Head logo embroidered on the front. This hat is instantly recognizable and never goes out of style. FEATURES Fox Legacy Collection Fitted cap with Flexfit Tech Pro bill, no curve Front and back Fox embroidery FABRIC 87% acrylic / 11% wool / 2% elastane SIZING 210 Fitted";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58348-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104322";"FOX TRANSFER FLEXFIT HEATHER GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/969-transfer-flexfit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104322/main_images/w9gjldiyAjCJ2x2-fox-transfer-flexfit-18745-040-heather-grey.webp";"99";"Before you head out on your next adventure, make sure to grab your faithful Transfer Flexfit Hat. Protect your eyes with this cap featuring Fox Head embroidery details. FEATURES Men's Flexfit Front 3D embroidery FABRIC 85% cotton / 12% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18745-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104323";"FOX Vertigo Fitted Hat";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1596-vertigo-fitted-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104323/main_images/HPuA0q3QopEHycN-fox-vertigo-fitted-hat-58578-red.webp";"60";"žapca Foxracing Vertigo Fitted Hat te ajuta sa fii unic si original.Logoul Foxracing si numele brandului sunt brodate tridimensional.Material din 87% acrilic, 11% lana si 2% spandex.";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58578-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104324";"FOX M-V-HEADWEAR FHEAD MILITARY HAT FATIGUE GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1580-m-v-headwear-fhead-military-hat-fatigue-green";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104324/main_images/nyQ7oMz4wPco5Ek-fox-zeebrah-military-cap-58405-dark-khaki.webp";"39";"žapca originala Foxracing cu cozoroc in stil militar. Material din bumbac 100%.";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58405-108";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104325";"Airoh Airoh Hat -18CA05 White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-sepci/1037-airoh-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104325/main_images/FCngRMLWARevlBf-airoh-airoh-hat-18ca05-white.webp";"99";"žapca Airoh de culoare alba pentru fanii brandului.";"";"";"65";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Caciuli-sepci";"18CA05-008";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "104326";"FOX Black Belt [Black/Grey]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/212-mx-guards-belt-black-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104326/main_images/aPgt4XjjYOmdmjf-fox-black-belt-07036-grey-black.webp";"179";"Fox Black Belt reprezinta standardul in industrie in ceea ce priveste protectia in partea de jos a spatelui. Excelenta pe timp de iarna cand tine de cald. Materialul este astfel realizat incat sa permita pielii sa respire.";"";"Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"07036-014";"Negru/Gri";"FOX Racing";"Negru/Gri";"0" "104327";"FOX Turbo Kidney Belt [Black/Grey]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/213-mx-f-v-guards-turbo-belt-black-grey";"2";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104327/main_images/c4BI9iaujYDusyH-fox-turbo-belt-07037-grey-black.webp";"179";"Aparatoarea Fox Turbo Belt are o dimensiune minima, oferind in acelasi timp o protectie maxima. Designul suplu permite miscari naturale ale corpului, are intarituri in zonele sensibile iar materialul permite pielii sa respire. Este excelenta iarna pentru protectie la spate.";"";"Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"07037-014";"Negru/Gri";"FOX Racing";"Negru/Gri";"1" "104328";"FOX Turbo XL Kidney Belt [Black/Grey]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/214-mx-guards-turbo-belt-black-grey-xl";"4";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104328/main_images/S6vY4YbBUerNUG6-fox-turbo-belt-07038-grey-black.webp";"179";"Standardul in materie de protectie a partii inferioare a spatelui Anatomic,flexibil. Interior care respira din material Biofoam";"";"Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"07038-014";"Negru/Gri";"FOX Racing";"Negru/Gri";"1" "104329";"FOX MX-GUARDS YOUTH TURBO KIDNEY BELT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/215-mx-guards-youth-turbo-kidney-belt-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104329/main_images/eIsE7KZiCMORGV4-fox-youth-turbo-kidney-belt-07039-black.webp";"179";"The Youth Turbo Belt brings minimal bulk and maximum support with a lightweight and slim design. FEATURES Anatomical, flexible torso panels move in unison to mimic natural body movements Contoured rubber back support strategically hinged to wrap around midsection Channeled, molded internal Bio-foam circulates air around lower back Strap retention system offers secure, snug fit One size";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"07039-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104330";"FOX MTB-GUARD ARM WARMER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/1150-arm-warmer";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104330/main_images/rVlLwG6mv4aOlGm-fox-arm-warmer-20217-001-black.webp";"149";"Protect and preserve your arms with a pair of Fox Arm Warmers. Your arms take a toll as you ride. They are constantly battered by winds, cold temperature, sun exposure, and abrasions from branches and other hazards. This is where arm warmers come in. Fox Arm Warmers offer versatile long sleeve coverage and can easily be removed and stored as temperatures rise, or conditions permit. Designed with a technical nylon/spandex brushed jersey blend for comfort, strategically placed abrasion resistant film for durability, and compression grippers to keep them in place. Technical nylon/spandex brushed jersey blend for comfort Strategic abrasion resistant film placement for durability Compression arm grippers provide a secure fit Logo debossed elastic";"";"Protectie";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"20217-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104331";"FOX MTB-GUARDS ARM WARMER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/454-arm-warmers";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104331/main_images/AL9Onowxp24fxZF-fox-arm-warmers-14169-black.webp";"139";"Design & Functii - nylon/spandex tecnic pentru confort si caldura - Zone strategice rezistente la abraziune - Banda de Compresie Band";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"14169-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104332";"FOX MTB-GUARDS ARM WARMER RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/455-mtb-guards-arm-warmer-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104332/main_images/tGxV9vlyV13ud9A-fox-arm-warmers-14169-red.webp";"139";"Design & Functii - nylon/spandex tecnic pentru confort si caldura - Zone strategice rezistente la abraziune - Banda de Compresie";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"14169-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104333";"FOX MX-SOCK CREO COOLMAX THICK SOCK RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/864-coolmax-creo-thick-sock";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104333/main_images/oafMAdQDd6Oca7I-fox-coolmax-creo-thick-sock-17810-red.webp";"79";"The Coolmax® Grav Thick Socks are built for quick-drying and exceptional breathability. With thick, articulated padding, they bring ultimate padding and security. COOLMAX® fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry Thick construction for added comfort Articulated construction for a precise fit Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"17810-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104334";"FOX MX-SOCK CREO COOLMAX THICK SOCK ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/865-coolmax-creo-thick-sock";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104334/main_images/5Zly49puWTv3WFr-fox-coolmax-creo-thick-sock-17810-orange.webp";"79";"The Coolmax® Grav Thick Socks are built for quick-drying and exceptional breathability. With thick, articulated padding, they bring ultimate padding and security. COOLMAX® fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry Thick construction for added comfort Articulated construction for a precise fit Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"17810-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104335";"FOX MX-GUERDS EVOLUTION 3/4 LINER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/1204-evolution-3-4-liner";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104335/main_images/MKYHEkk5rdY1GGO-fox-evolution-3-4-liner-26134-black.webp";"249";"The Evolution 3/4 Liner is a key piece when it comes to layering your riding kit. A poly/Spandex, multi-panel design, this technical piece features the dual foam density EVO Men's chamois for a perfect fit. Compression leg bands and flatlock, low profile seams offer superior fit and comfort in even the most demanding conditions. The Evolution 3/4 Liner is a key piece when it comes to layering your riding kit. A poly/Spandex, multi-panel design, this technical piece features the dual foam density EVO Men's Chamois for a perfect fit. Compression leg bands and flatlock, low profile seams offer superior fit and comfort in even the most demanding conditions. Design & Function: - Technical Polyester/Spandex blend - Dual foam density EVO Men's Chamois - Multi-panel design - Compression Band leg gripper - Flatlock low profile seams";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"26134-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104336";"FOX MX-SHORT EVOLUTION BIB LINER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/242-evolution-bib-liner";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104336/main_images/FClZ6SwyOrT90uk-fox-evolution-bib-liner-08846-black.webp";"299";"The Evolution Bib Liner is a versatile piece designed to work on its own or underneath your favorite pair of Fox outer shorts. The multi-panel poly/spandex tech body offers endless stretch and rebound for an ergonomic and comfortable fit. The proven Fox EVO chamois provides dual density comfort and a four-way stretch that moves with your body to eliminate hot spots and chafing. Last but not least the compression band leg grippers keep it all in place securely and comfortably. 260 GMS stretch brushed tricot UPF 50+ & wicking properties Stretch mesh upper with comfort binding Dual foam density EVO Men’s chamois Multi panel design provides ergonomic fit and performance Zippered cuffs for ease of entry Flatlock low profile seams.";"";"Protectie : Pantaloni : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"08846-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104337";"FOX MTB-SHORT EVOLUTION COMP LINER SHORT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-bike/657-mtb-short-evolution-comp-liner-short-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104337/main_images/m5szIdR4J54NTLN-fox-evolution-comp-liner-short-15973-black.webp";"269";"Pantaloni construiti din panouri multiple dintr-un material Lycra creat prin thenologie de compresie. In plus mai are insertii din plasa care mentin temperatura optima.";"";"Pantaloni";"441";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Pantaloni";"15973-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104338";"FOX MX-JERSEY FIRST LAYER L/S JERSEY BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/224-mx-jersey-first-layer-l-s-jersey-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104338/main_images/vgFQXszsPhpmjQg-fox-first-layer-l-s-jersey-07584-black.webp";"179";"Bluza FOX First Layer Jersey este perfecta pentru a fi purtata in timpul iesirilor cu bicicleta sau motocicleta, este conceputa pentru a tine la distanta umezeala de pe corp.";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"07584-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104339";"FOX MTB-JERSEY FREQUENCY LS BASE LAYER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-bike/600-mtb-jersey-frequency-ls-base-layer-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104339/main_images/1sswA0J4e25YtR3-fox-frequency-ls-base-layer-15464-001-black.webp";"149";"A key first defense from the chill. The Fox Racing Frequency Sleeveless Base Layer Jersey offers a fitted design and is made from a polyester fabric to provide the ultimate base layer in your cold weather arsenal. Fitted under layer garment keeps you comfortable without weighing you down. Wicking polyester fabric pulls moisture away from your skin to keep you dry and comfortable. Flatlock constructed seams to help prevent chafing in critical areas. 4-way stretch fabric improves mobility while maintaining shape.";"";"Tricouri";"1095";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Tricouri";"15464-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104340";"FOX MX-SOCK FRI DIVISION THIN SOCK RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/570-fri-divizion-thin-sock";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104340/main_images/pWXRxlhxs1e0Kiq-fox-fri-divizion-thin-sock-15197-red.webp";"60";"The Fri Thin Race Sock uses thin anatomically placed padding throughout for less bulk. These exceptionally comfortable MX socks provide friction absorption, moisture management, and durability. Coolmax fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry Thin construction for a cool comfortable fit Articulated construction for a precise fit Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"15197-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104341";"FOX Fri Falcon Thick Sock";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/868-fri-falcon-thick-sock";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104341/main_images/5AtstGCE9NHus9W-fox-fri-falcon-thick-sock-17812-black-orange.webp";"69";"The FRI Thick sock provides ample cushioning for supreme comfort. The firm anatomically placed padding throughout the sock gives support, friction absorption, moisture management and durability. COOLMAX fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry Thick construction for added comfort Articulated construction for a precise fit Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"17812-016";"Portocaliu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "104342";"FOX MX-SOCK FRI FALCON THICK SOCK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/867-fri-falcon-thick-sock";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104342/main_images/ImXTDLpBmQgPAy4-fox-fri-falcon-thick-sock-17812-001-black.webp";"69";"The Fri Thin Race Sock uses thin anatomically placed padding throughout for less bulk. These exceptionally comfortable MX socks provide friction absorption, moisture management, and durability. Coolmax fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry Thin construction for a cool comfortable fit Articulated construction for a precise fit Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"17812-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104343";"FOX FRI FALCON THICK SOCK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/869-fri-falcon-thick-sock";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104343/main_images/sDaguGorxqycgWt-fox-fri-falcon-thick-sock-17812-037-black-red.webp";"69";"The FRI Thick sock provides ample cushioning for supreme comfort. The firm anatomically placed padding throughout the sock gives support, friction absorption, moisture management and durability. COOLMAX fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry Thick construction for added comfort Articulated construction for a precise fit Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"17812-037";"Rosu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Rosu/Negru";"0" "104344";"FOX MX-SOCK FRI ROHR THIN SOCK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/866-fri-rohr-thin-sock";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104344/main_images/uzbyjDcD1cn3H1j-fox-fri-rohr-thin-sock-17811-black.webp";"69";"The Fri Thin Race Sock uses thin anatomically placed padding throughout for less bulk. These exceptionally comfortable MX socks provide friction absorption, moisture management, and durability. Coolmax fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry Thin construction for a cool comfortable fit Articulated construction for a precise fit Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"17811-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104345";"FOX MTB-GUARD KNEE WARMER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/1152-mtb-guard-knee-warmer-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104345/main_images/JPth9roXcelsd6j-fox-knee-warmer-20219-001-black.webp";"219";"Your knees endures a lot of punishment when you're riding, take good care of them with the Fox Knee Warmers. Designed with nylon/spandex brushed jersey blend for comfort, strategic abrasion resistant film placement and compression band leg gripper so there's no shifting or slipping. Technical nylon/spandex brushed jersey blend for comfort Strategic abrasion resistant film for durability Compression leg grippers for a secure fit Logo debossed elastic";"";"Protectie";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"20219-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104346";"FOX MTB-GUARDS KNEE WARMER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/458-knee-warmers";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104346/main_images/SfZkiXvUUw8U4zM-fox-knee-warmers-14173-black.webp";"169";"Design & Functii - nylon/spandex tecnic pentru confort si caldura - Zone strategice rezistente la abraziune - Banda de Compresie";"";"Sosete : Protectie";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"14173-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104347";"FOX MTB-GUARDS KNEE WARMER RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/459-knee-warmers";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104347/main_images/3QZFqBffiqYZbqV-fox-knee-warmers-14173-red.webp";"169";"Design & Functii - nylon/spandex tecnic pentru confort si caldura - Zone strategice rezistente la abraziune - Banda de Compresie";"";"Sosete : Protectie";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"14173-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104348";"FOX MTB-GUARD LEG WARMER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/1151-leg-warmer";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104348/main_images/FCjrZnIg6zfYcMw-fox-leg-warmer-20218-001-black.webp";"228";"Your legs are the engine that drives you, keep them spinning at peak performance with a pair of Fox MTB Leg Warmers. Designed to provide optimum insulation and lightweight protection, they feature strategically placed abrasion resistant film, compression leg grippers and technical nylon/spandex brushed jersey blend for comfort. Technical nylon/spandex brushed jersey blend for comfort Strategic abrasion resistant film for durability Compression leg grippers for a secure fit Logo debossed elastic";"";"Protectie";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"20218-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104349";"FOX MTB-GUARDS LEG WARMER RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/457-leg-warmers";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104349/main_images/lYc4YxLGI6tHGxs-fox-leg-warmers-14170-red.webp";"199";"Design & Functii - nylon/spandex tecnic pentru confort si caldura - Zone strategice rezistente la abraziune - Banda de Compresie";"";"Sosete : Protectie";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"14170-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104350";"FOX LEGACY SS RASHGUARD BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/694-legacy-ss-rashguard";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104350/main_images/MtaJ36l0iSZFdSk-fox-legacy-ss-rashguard-16253-001-black.webp";"119";"UPF 50+. Screen print logo on chest. 85% Polyester / 15% Elastane Jersey.";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"16253-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104351";"FOX MTB-MERINO WOOL SOCK 6 BLCK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-bike/432-merino-wool-sock-6";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104351/main_images/fxTBruPXTyHQRoB-fox-merino-wool-sock-6-13427-black.webp";"89";"Our Merino Wool Socks are designed using genuine, naturally anti-microbial and incredibly soft Merino Wool. This natural material is enhanced with mesh panels and flexible break areas to provide superior fit and comfort on even the longest and most challenging rides. Genuine Merino Wool offers both moisture & odor control Mesh zones throughout Flexible mesh foot break areas Anatomic arch support Flat stitch toe construction";"";"Sosete";"1094";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Sosete";"13427-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104352";"FOX MX-SOCK MX TECH SOCK ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/568-mx-tech-sock";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104352/main_images/Pe3bfLup8EDLtcg-fox-mx-tech-sock-15194-orange.webp";"69";"The Fox Racing MX Tech Sock features an elastic top band that adjusts to fit the leg perfectly without slipping or constricting. Coolmax construction wicks away moisture to keep feet dry and comfortable. Strategically placed zonal padding enhances comfort, shock absorption, and arch support. An asymmetrical left and right design provides a precise fit.";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"15194-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104353";"FOX MX-SOCK MX TECH SOCK AQUA";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/569-mx-tech-sock";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104353/main_images/2tWbQ1GCYighgII-fox-mx-tech-sock-15194-aqua.webp";"69";"The Fox Racing MX Tech Sock features an elastic top band that adjusts to fit the leg perfectly without slipping or constricting. Coolmax construction wicks away moisture to keep feet dry and comfortable. Strategically placed zonal padding enhances comfort, shock absorption, and arch support. An asymmetrical left and right design provides a precise fit.";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"15194-246";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104354";"FOX MX-SOCK PROFORMA KB SOCK BLACK/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/387-proforma-knee-brace";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104354/main_images/FYBByPPmo33tnyu-fox-proforma-knee-brace-12483-black-red.webp";"129";"Sosete de motocross FOX compatibile cu genunchiere si orteze profesionale. Ofera maxim de confort, prezinta intarituri strategic pozitionate, sunt foarte rezistente, permit pielii sa respire previenind umezirea picioarelor.";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"12483-017";"Rosu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Rosu/Negru";"0" "104355";"FOX MX-SOCK SECA PROFORMA KNEE BRACE SOCK RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/870-seca-knee-brace-sock";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104355/main_images/l6YcQkdg3TtQDhJ-fox-seca-knee-brace-sock-17866-red.webp";"139";"Sosete de motocross FOX compatibile cu genunchiere si orteze profesionale. Ofera maxim de confort, prezinta intarituri strategic pozitionate, sunt foarte rezistente, permit pielii sa respire previenind umezirea picioarelor.";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"17866-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104356";"FOX MX-SOCK SECA PROFORMA KNEE BRACE SOCK GREY/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/871-seca-knee-brace-sock";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104356/main_images/pwGaVvtz0OyfFCb-fox-seca-knee-brace-sock-17866-grey-red.webp";"139";"Sosete de motocross FOX compatibile cu genunchiere si orteze profesionale. Ofera maxim de confort, prezinta intarituri strategic pozitionate, sunt foarte rezistente, permit pielii sa respire previenind umezirea picioarelor.";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"17866-037";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104357";"FOX TITAN RACE SHORT [CHAR]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/221-mx-short-titan-race-short-charcoal";"1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104357/main_images/HX7nbpJyHmRqTaX-fox-titan-race-short-07488-charcoal.webp";"369";"Articulatii multi panou.Captuseala sold confectionata din spuma anatomic turnata Tesatura perforata pentru o buna respiratie a pielii.";"";"Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"07488-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"1" "104358";"FOX Titan Sport Short -26073 Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/indispensabili/1199-titan-sport-short";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104358/main_images/LfCWE1oD4r8pSs7-fox-titan-sport-short-26073-black.webp";"228";"Pantaloni construiti din panouri multiple dintr-un material Lycra creat prin thenologie de compresie. In plus mai are insertii din plasa care mentin temperatura optima. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"";"67";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Lenjerie de protectie";"26073-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104359";"FOX MX-SHORT TITAN SPORT SHORT CHARCOAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/222-mx-short-titan-sport-short-charcoal";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104359/main_images/tRuYAPgz4vKeWR8-fox-titan-sport-short-charcoal-07489-charcoal.webp";"249";"Pantaloni construiti din panouri multiple dintr-un material Lycra creat prin thenologie de compresie. In plus mai are insertii din plasa care mentin temperatura optima.";"";"Outlet Bike";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"07489-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104360";"FOX MX-GUARDS LAUNCH ENDURO ELBOW PAD RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/256-mx-guards-launch-enduro-elbow-pad-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104360/main_images/JOPApI1GU4o9O2o-fox-cotiera-launch-enduro-elbow-pad-09561-red.webp";"278";"Cotiere Launch Enduro Elbow Pad Usoare si Bike friendly, comode si usor de pus , fabricate din neopren rezistente la abraziune Banda silicon in interior pt a prevenii alunecarea";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"09561-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104361";"FOX MX-GUARDS LAUNCH ENDURO ELBOW PAD GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/257-cotiera-fox-launch-enduro-elbow-pad";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104361/main_images/aaXWEtUBkp3rVXr-fox-cotiera-launch-enduro-elbow-pad-09561-grey.webp";"219";"Cotiere Launch Enduro Elbow Pad Usoare si Bike friendly, comode si usor de pus , fabricate din neopren rezistente la abraziune Banda silicon in interior pt a prevenii alunecarea";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"09561-006";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104362";"FOX MX-GUARDS LAUNCH ELBOW GUARD BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/1218-mx-guards-launch-elbow-guard-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104362/main_images/DtcFr6D7fwEqdPF-fox-launch-elbow-guard-29024-black.webp";"259";"Cotiere Launch Elbow Guard  sistem performant de flexare protectie completa in concordanta cu normele CE Design asimetric stanga/dreapta, potrivire perfecta Material interior moale (bio-foam) si ventilat pentru confort maxim Sistem de prindere tip velcro, asigura o fixare perfecta in 3 puncte";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"29024-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104363";"FOX LAUNCH PRO D3O ELBOW GUARD [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/937-mtb-guard-launch-pro-d3o-elbow-guard-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104363/main_images/FAlxqn1cr5ZZW6V-953-launch-pro-d3o-elbow-guard.webp";"549";"The Launch Pro D3O® Elbow Guards leverage our relationship with D3O® - the worldwide leader in impact reducing materials - and combines that technology with a removable hard cap for bulletproof durability and top tier mountain bike performance. The D3O® CE certified build allows the elbow guard to stay flexible for ease of movement and comfort, but upon impact, they instantly harden to provide a hard shell like protection. The Launch Pro D3O® Elbow Guards have a breathable, moisture wicking construction, so they remain comfortable all day long. FEATURES Perforated Ariaprene™ neoprene for enhanced breathability Anatomically design provides superior on bike comfort Moisture wicking back fabric keeps you cool and dry Removable/replaceable hardshell front cap to reduce snagging D3O® CE certified insert for impact protection";"";"Protectie : Lichidari de stoc : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"18495-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104364";"FOX MX-GUARDS LAUNCH PRO ELBOW GUARD BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/1224-mx-guards-launch-pro-elbow-guard-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104364/main_images/RKyVvUiVB8mmRgL-fox-launch-pro-elbow-guard-29040-black.webp";"239";"Cotierele Launch Pro Elbow Guard ofera o protectie excelenta, fiind realizate din neopren, un material durabil si rezistent. Prezinta mici gauri pentru a permite pielii sa respire si au o forma articulata ergonomic. Prezinta de asemenea si o cupa de plastic din Kelvar, un material foarte rezistent.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"29040-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104365";"FOX TITAN PRO ELBOW GRD, CE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/177-mx-guards-titan-pro-elbow-guard-black";"16";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104365/main_images/lV7EQ6A92WVXQvK-fox-titan-pro-elbow-guard-06195-black.webp";"299";"Titan Pro Elbow Guard sunt cele mai complete protectii pentru motocross-enduro. Ofera protectie completa la cot.sistem performant de flexare. Protectie completa in concordanta cu normele CE. Design asimetric stanga/dreapta, potrivire perfecta .Material interior moale (bio-foam) si ventilat pentru confort maxim. Sistem de prindere tip velcro, asigura o fixare perfecta in 3 puncte";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"06195-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"1" "104366";"FOX TITAN RACE ELBOW GRD, CE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/173-mx-guards-titan-race-elbow-guard-ce-black";"5 : 6";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104366/main_images/qPnnh0Ya2wHfNpJ-fox-titan-race-elbow-guard-06190-black.webp";"299";"Cotiere Competitii";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"06190-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"1" "104367";"FOX Titan Sport Elbow Guard Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cotiere/1909-titan-sport-elbow-guard";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104367/main_images/3H3lqsFvuhRfHYR-fox-titan-sport-elbow-guard-black.webp";"149";"Cotiere incepatori Marimi disponibile: XS/S, S/M, M/L, L/XL, XL/2XL, 2XL/3XL";"";"";"68";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Cotiere";"MAN_1931-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104368";"Leatt ELBOW GUARD 3.0 - 5016000500 Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cotiere/1802-elbow-guard-30";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104368/main_images/kSqP4arqkaHrE1O-leatt-elbow-guard-3-0-5016000500-black.webp";"199";"Leatt 3.0 Elbow Guard fabricat din panouri soft si hard. Prinderi x-strap. Marimi disponibile: XS/S, S/M, M/L, L/XL, XL/2XL, 2XL/3XL";"";"";"68";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Cotiere";"5016000500-001";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104369";"Leatt ELBOW GUARD CONTOUR - 5015200101 Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cotiere/1796-elbow-guard-contour";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104369/main_images/sMxlhZHbtH2Eeio-leatt-elbow-guard-contour-5015200101-black.webp";"299";"Leatt ELBOW GUARD CONTOUR fabricat din panouri soft si hard. Marimi disponibile: XS/S, S/M, M/L, L/XL, XL/2XL, 2XL/3XL";"";"";"68";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Cotiere";"5015200101-001-dublura-vechi";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104370";"FOX MX-GUARDS LAUNCH ENDURO KNEE PAD RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/258-mx-guards-launch-enduro-knee-pad-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104370/main_images/SeFPrUVuF7l40w0-fox-launch-enduro-knee-pad-09562-red.webp";"319";"Protectie pentru genunchi FOX Launch Enduro Knee Pad, este usoara, ofera protectie functionala. Articulata cu sasiu gaurit de neopren, ofera o potrivire ergonomica si confortabila. Protectia din zona genunchiului este rezistenta si durabila.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"09562-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104371";"FOX MX-GUARDS LAUNCH ENDURO KNEE PAD GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/259-mx-guards-launch-enduro-knee-pad-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104371/main_images/KrCxKg2fiaD5NnH-fox-launch-enduro-knee-pad-09562-grey.webp";"328";"Protectie pentru genunchi FOX Launch Enduro Knee Pad, este usoara, ofera protectie functionala. Articulata cu sasiu gaurit de neopren, ofera o potrivire ergonomica si confortabila. Protectia din zona genunchiului este rezistenta si durabila.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"09562-006";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104372";"FOX LAUNCH PRO D3O KNEE GUARD [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/936-mtb-guard-launch-pro-d3o-knee-guard-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104372/main_images/lIBHh5q26HqrvAB-951-launch-pro-d3o-knee-guard.webp";"689";"The Launch Pro D3O® Knee Guards leverage our relationship with D3O® - the worldwide leader in impact reducing materials - and combines that technology with a removable hard cap for bulletproof durability and top tier mountain bike performance. The D3O® CE certified build allows the mtb knee guard to stay flexible for ease of movement and comfort, but upon impact, they instantly harden to dissipate the force of the crash. The Launch Pro D3O® Knee Guards have a breathable, moisture wicking construction for all day comfort. FEATURES Perforated Ariaprene™ neoprene for enhanced breathability Designed for superior pedal efficiency and on bike comfort Moisture wicking back fabric keeps you cool and dry Removable/replaceable hardshell front knee cap to reduce snagging D3O® CE certified insert for impact protection";"";"Bike : Protectie : Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Bike";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"18493-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104373";"FOX Launch Pro Knee Pad [Black]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/1219-mx-guard-launch-pro-knee-pad-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104373/main_images/9O8CWn6tLEeroks-fox-launch-pro-knee-guard-29029-black.webp";"378";"The Launch Pro Knee Guards are trusted by some of the world's best riders on the toughest trails across the globe. They give you the confidence to attack even the most aggressive trails. They combine the comfort of soft slip-on style guards with the added security of integrated plastic front plates. So you get the perfect marriage of comfort and protection. FEATURES Integrated front plastic knee coverage Abrasion resistant stretch Kevlar® knee areas Perforated neoprene offers comfort & breathability Pre-curved ergonomic fit Wrap around hook and loop closures";"";"Protectie";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"29029-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104374";"FOX MX-M-E-GUARDS LAUNCH PRO KNEE/SHIN GUARD BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/1221-launch-pro-knee-shin-guard";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104374/main_images/Nefsg7zeSOLfYsf-fox-launch-pro-knee-shin-guard-29034-black.webp";"349";"Aparatoare genunchi + tibie, ofera protectia necesara, cu acoperire suplimentara.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"29034-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104375";"FOX MX-M-E-GUARDS LAUNCH SHORTY KNEE PAD BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/1217-launch-shorty-knee-pad";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104375/main_images/wF8GlZ0KOkG62qe-fox-launch-shorty-knee-pad-29009-black.webp";"299";"Datorita sistemului de prindere ""X-Up"" care ofera un maxim de siguranta, proectiile FOX Launch Shorty Knee/Shin Guard s-au dovedit a fi cele mai bune de pe piata. Sistemul de prindere patentat, impiedica orice alunecare sau rasucire pe picior. Protectiile pentru rotula si placa dura ce protejeaza tibia, ofera protectie maxima impotriva impactului.Ventilatia ofera confort si respirabilitate in zona protejata.";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"29009-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104376";"FOX MX-GUARDS LAUNCH SPORT KNEE PAD BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/1220-launch-sport-knee-guard";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104376/main_images/uY7opnlUrqDk2OB-fox-launch-sport-knee-guard-29030-black.webp";"149";"-Protectie la impact puternic -Interior Bio Foam -Bretele inchidere elastice";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"29030-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104377";"FOX TITAN PRO KNEE/SHIN GRD, CE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/174-mx-guards-titan-pro-knee-shin-guard-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104377/main_images/2pTdO78rri0Ymta-fox-titan-pro-knee-shin-guard-06192-black-371.webp";"499";"Aparatorile Motocros Titan de la Fox ofera protectie completa a tibiei, genunchiului si a coapsei inferioare. Este un ansamblu articulat cu doua puncte de pivotare si o aparatoare pentru rotula. Sustinerea aparatorii se face prin catarama de tip Posi-Lock care permite ajustare. Per total ofera protectie centrala pe parcursul tuturor miscarilor necesare in motocross astfel fiind foarte apreciata de catre utilizatorii experimentati.";"";"Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"06192-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104378";"FOX TITAN RACE KNEE/SHIN GRD, CE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/175-mx-gurad-titan-race-knee-shin-guard-ce-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104378/main_images/mKS8PqWlvIXfenk-fox-titan-race-knee-shin-guard-06193-black.webp";"219";"The Titan Race Knee Guards offer zero restrictions and ultimate comfort. They provide knee and shin coverage in a highly ventilated package. Plus, with the Posi-Lock clip system, they're simple to use. Set the size once, and fit will be dial for every ride after. FEATURES One-time adjust posi-lock strap system Soft vented bio-foam chassis keeps you cool and comfortable Elastic straps with hook and loop adjustment Sold in pairs";"";"Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"06193-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104379";"FOX TITAN SPORT KNEE/SHIN GRD, CE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/176-mx-guards-titan-sport-knee-shin-grd-ce-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104379/main_images/BPhW1J08wEDnAnd-fox-titan-sport-knee-guards-06194-black.webp";"169";"Fox Titan Sport Knee Guards. This is the Fox knee guard to get you started in the sport. It incorporates a plastic protector that protects the knee and shin area. It uses a traditional adjustment system with Velcro straps. The inside has Bio Foam padding to make them cooler and more comfortable.";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"06194-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104380";"FOX Youth Launch Pro Knee [Black]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/28-mtb-guard-youth-launch-pro-knee-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104380/main_images/7d66wEm7LWG0F8p-fox-youth-launch-pro-knee-02108-001-black.webp";"349";"The Fox Superfast Visor Beanie sports a an embossed Fox brand name that's careening off your head at a breakneck pace, while a Fox Head embroidery logo stands firm on the Superfast Beanies's back left side 100% Acrylic Fine guage Heat embossed Fox logo/Fox Head logo embroidery";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"02108-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104381";"Leatt KNEE & SHIN GUARD 3.0 EXT - 5016000401 Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/genunchiere/1801-knee-shin-guard-30-ext";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104381/main_images/EhHgIxJecv71DtZ-leatt-knee-shin-guard-3-0-ext-5016000401-black.webp";"219";"Leatt 3.0 EXT Knee and Shin Guards genunchiere si tibiere cu intariri in zonele de impact Testate si aprobate si pt BMX/DH Marimi disponibile: XS/S, S/M, M/L, L/XL, XL/2XL, 2XL/3XL";"";"";"70";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Genunchiere";"5016000401-001";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104382";"Leatt KNEE & SHIN GUARD DUAL AXIS - 5017010191 Lime-Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/genunchiere/1806-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104382/main_images/7kRMt0CDHvr4UiW-leatt-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-5017010191-lime-blue.webp";"399";"Genunchiere premium Leatt Dual Axis cu sistem pivotant costruite din materiale soft si hard Testate CE Marimi disponibile: XS/S, S/M, M/L, L/XL, XL/2XL, 2XL/3XL";"";"";"70";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Genunchiere";"5017010191-dublura-vechi";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104383";"Leatt KNEE & SHIN GUARD DUAL AXIS - 5017010176 White-Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/genunchiere/1804-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104383/main_images/Ys8b5Ar1N1arPxW-leatt-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-5017010176-white-black.webp";"399";"Genunchiere premium Leatt Dual Axis cu sistem pivotant costruite din materiale soft si hard Testate CE Marimi disponibile: XS/S, S/M, M/L, L/XL, XL/2XL, 2XL/3XL";"";"";"70";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Genunchiere";"5017010176-085";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104384";"Leatt KNEE & SHIN GUARD DUAL AXIS - 5017010181 Black-Red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/genunchiere/1805-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104384/main_images/62eQ3paBs0zEcrw-leatt-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-5017010181-black-red.webp";"399";"Genunchiere premium Leatt Dual Axis cu sistem pivotant costruite din materiale soft si hard Testate CE Marimi disponibile: XS/S, S/M, M/L, L/XL, XL/2XL, 2XL/3XL";"";"";"70";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Genunchiere";"5017010181-017-dublura-vechi";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104385";"Leatt KNEE &SHIN GUARD 3DF HYBRID EXT - 5015400471 Lime-Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/genunchiere/1800-knee-shin-guard-3df-hybrid-ext";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104385/main_images/xZ5IpdW4nrChMQs-leatt-knee-shin-guard-3df-hybrid-ext-5015400471-lime-black.webp";"449";"Genunchierele 3DF HYBRID EXT combina protectia materialelor soft 3DF cu panourile de plastic pentru a oferii extra protectie . Marimi disponibile: XS/S, S/M, M/L, L/XL, XL/2XL, 2XL/3XL";"";"";"70";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Genunchiere";"5015400471";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104386";"Leatt KNEE GUARD 3DF 5.0 - 5016100421 Blue-Orange";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/genunchiere/1803-knee-guard-3df-50";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104386/main_images/WE3nepOZnzSLJGy-leatt-knee-guard-3df-5-0-5016100421-blue-orange.webp";"399";"Genunchierele 3DF 5.0 Knee Guards sunt usoare subtiri si flexibile fabricate din spuma cu intarire la impact 3DF AirFit Marimi disponibile: XS/S, S/M, M/L, L/XL, XL/2XL, 2XL/3XL";"";"";"70";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Genunchiere";"5016100421";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104387";"Leatt KNEE GUARD 3DF HYBRID - 5015400431 Lime-Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/genunchiere/1799-knee-guard-3df-hybrid";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104387/main_images/6VBHGMfN36Wpbia-leatt-knee-guard-3df-hybrid-5015400431-lime-black.webp";"399";"Genunchierele 3DF 5.0 Knee Guards sunt usoare subtiri si flexibile fabricate din spuma cu intarire la impact 3DF AirFit Marimi disponibile: XS/S, S/M, M/L, L/XL, XL/2XL, 2XL/3XL";"";"";"70";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Genunchiere";"5015400431";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104390";"FOX Air Defence Creo Goggle -18428 Chrome SPK-Orange";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/886-air-defence-creo-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104390/main_images/ppAXmBZ1mQYRPQE-fox-air-defence-creo-goggle-18428-chrome-spk-orange.webp";"399";"Ochelarii Air Defence imping barierele performantei .Noua tehnologie a lentilei ofera rezistenta superioara la impact si claritate optica de neegalat. Ventilatie imbunatatita pentru a mentine lentila uscata in timp ce tu esti focusat pe obstacolele de pe traseu.";"";"Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18428";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104391";"FOX AIR DEFENCE ORG / GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/504-air-defence-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104391/main_images/OWnQYt7BB8YPEOQ-fox-air-defence-goggle-14594-orange.webp";"399";"Bending the performance barrier, the Air Defence Goggle. - Pre curved anti-fog lens offers superior optical clarity. - Smart venting system. - Increased peripheral viewing. - Thermoformed triple layer face foam. - 8-Pin lens retention system keeps lens intact. - Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection. - 45MM non-slip silicone strap. - Removable rock guard.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"14594-009";"Portocaliu/Gri";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Gri";"0" "104392";"FOX AIR DEFENCE SECA GREY/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/887-air-defence-seca-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104392/main_images/s6pHjYRFyAjVfjJ-fox-air-defence-seca-goggle-18429-grey-red.webp";"399";"Bending the performance barrier, the Air Defence Goggle. - Pre curved anti-fog lens offers superior optical clarity. - Smart venting system. - Increased peripheral viewing. - Thermoformed triple layer face foam. - 8-Pin lens retention system keeps lens intact. - Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection. - 45MM non-slip silicone strap. - Removable rock guard.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18429-037";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104393";"FOX Air Defence-Libra - 15359 Blu SPK-Blue-Red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1767-air-defence-libra";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104393/main_images/71FlL6iOaFuysRK-fox-air-defence-libra-15359-blu-spk-blue-red.webp";"399";"Ochelarii Air Defence imping barierele performantei .Noua tehnologie a lentilei ofera rezistenta superioara la impact si claritate optica de neegalat. Ventilatie imbunatatita pentru a mentine lentila uscata in timp ce tu esti focusat pe obstacolele de pe traseu.";"";"Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"15359";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104394";"FOX Air Defence-Libra - 15359 Red-Yellow";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1768-air-defence-libra";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104394/main_images/VEW5Pb0UU1T4t4M-fox-air-defence-libra-15359-red-yellow.webp";"399";"Ochelarii Air Defence imping barierele performantei .Noua tehnologie a lentilei ofera rezistenta superioara la impact si claritate optica de neegalat. Ventilatie imbunatatita pentru a mentine lentila uscata in timp ce tu esti focusat pe obstacolele de pe traseu.";"";"Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"15359-1";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104395";"FOX AIR SPACE CAMO/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1765-air-space-camo";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104395/main_images/ujcTVfkSLLxLYJa-fox-air-space-camo-15358-blue-camo-blue.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"15358";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104396";"FOX AIR SPACE CAUZ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/589-air-space-cauz";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104396/main_images/BaTVwa3pxN4Iryt-fox-air-space-cauz-15356-white-fade-clear.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"15356-901";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104397";"FOX AIR SPACE CAUZ BLUE/CLEAR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/590-air-space-cauz";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104397/main_images/Zy2YVJOm3eedXbb-fox-air-space-cauz-15356-clear-blue.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"15356-902";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104398";"FOX AIR SPACE DIVIZION YELLOW-BLUE/CLEAR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/586-air-space-division";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104398/main_images/dtjDpjVSIEaejn7-fox-air-space-division-15346-yellow-clear-blue.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"15346-901";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104399";"FOX AIR SPACE ENDURO [MTE BLK/DUAL ORN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/266-air-space-enduro-dual-lens-antifog";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104399/main_images/y3hIc9lMD2jd4ep-fox-air-space-enduro-dual-lens-antifog-09951-matte-black-orange.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"09951-902";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104400";"FOX AIR SPACE ENDURO [MTE BLK/DUAL CLR]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/265-air-space-enduro-dual-lens-antifog";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104400/main_images/DxGdaD0yMPjwNzS-fox-air-space-enduro-dual-lens-antifog-09951-matte-black-clear.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"09951-901";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104401";"FOX Air Space Goggle - 06333 Clear-Polished Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1732-air-space-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104401/main_images/Gk4K4SbQgMA3BUN-fox-air-space-goggle-06333-clear-polished-black.webp";"259";"Noii ochelari MX-Enduro FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"06333-4";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104402";"FOX AIR SPACE GRAV NS -18430-002-NS Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/888-air-space-grav-ns";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104402/main_images/duGfsJe34RLShj3-fox-air-space-grav-ns-18430-002-ns-blue.webp";"299";"Noii ochelari MX-Enduro FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18430-002-NS";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104403";"FOX AIR SPACE GRAV NS -18430-003-NS Red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/889-air-space-grav-ns";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104403/main_images/q0G94vZtijBie3z-fox-air-space-grav-ns-18430-003-ns-red.webp";"399";"Noii ochelari MX-Enduro FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18430-003-NS";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104404";"FOX AIR SPACE GRAV NS -18430-008-NS WHT-Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/890-air-space-grav-ns";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104404/main_images/FPtvPb7d7T4quNv-fox-air-space-grav-ns-18430-008-ns-wht-blue.webp";"299";"Noii ochelari MX-Enduro FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18430-008-NS";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104405";"FOX Air Space Rhor Goggle -18431-001-NS Chrome SPK-Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/891-air-space-rhor-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104405/main_images/IiAy29tOWW5tXTH-fox-air-space-rhor-goggle-18431-001-ns-chrome-spk-black.webp";"299";"Noii ochelari MX-Enduro FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18431-001-NS";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104406";"FOX Air Space Rhor Goggle -18431-008-NS SPK-WHT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/892-air-space-rhor-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104406/main_images/YqxIJHB0V8mCxet-fox-air-space-rhor-goggle-18431-008-ns-spk-wht.webp";"299";"Noii ochelari MX-Enduro FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18431-008-NS";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104407";"FOX Air Space Rhor Goggle -18431-176-NS Rose-Teal";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/893-air-space-rhor-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104407/main_images/PW0loofbh3VfbNF-fox-air-space-rhor-goggle-18431-176-ns-rose-teal.webp";"299";"Noii ochelari MX-Enduro FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18431-176-NS";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104408";"FOX AIR SPACE BLUE/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1728-airspc-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104408/main_images/kdtJoT4YdQ9pCZm-fox-airspc-goggle-06333-day-glo-orange.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"6333";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104409";"FOX Airspc Goggle - 06333 Clear-Red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1729-06333-1-airspc-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104409/main_images/P7Cd8rM83b3R753-fox-airspc-goggle-06333-clear-red.webp";"259";"Noii ochelari MX-Enduro FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"06333-1";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104410";"FOX Airspc Goggle - 06333 PINK-WHT FADE-Clear";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1731-airspc-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104410/main_images/lCBMBXuF5F2ITYz-fox-airspc-goggle-06333-pink-wht-fade-clear.webp";"259";"Noii ochelari MX FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"06333-3";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104411";"FOX MX-GOGGLE AIRSPC";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/178-airspc-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104411/main_images/adO98klrIuwmOOt-fox-airspc-goggle-06333-black.webp";"259";"Noii ochelari MX FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"06333-255";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104412";"FOX MX-GOGGLE AIRSPC DG GREEN/BLACK FADE CLEAR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/179-airspc-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104412/main_images/j3aiF7647q8Q7Jh-fox-airspc-goggle-06333-clear-dg-grn-black-fade.webp";"259";"Noii ochelari Enduro FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"06333-905";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "104413";"FOX AIR SPACE BLUE/WHITE FADE/CLEAR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/180-airspc-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104413/main_images/IG3fyvpRfnAhCzl-fox-airspc-goggle-06333-blue-white.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"06333-907";"Alb/Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Albastru";"0" "104414";"FOX MX-GOGGLE AIRSPC SAND - MATTE BLACK/GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/184-airspc-goggle-sand-2015";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104414/main_images/UUuRmd7G1cZ6lbJ-fox-airspc-goggle-sand-2015-06333-sand-matte-black-grey.webp";"259";"Noii ochelari MX FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"06333-917";"Gri/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Gri/Negru";"0" "104415";"FOX MX-GOGGLE MAIN ENDURO MATTE BLACK/ORANGE DUAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/390-main-enduro";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104415/main_images/toTJunvvh1OLnGM-fox-main-enduro-12604-orange-dual-matte-black.webp";"189";"Noii ochelari MX-Enduro Main ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etcoii ochelari MX-Enduro Main ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"12604-901";"Portocaliu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "104416";"FOX MAIN [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1123-main-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104416/main_images/k0SMJtKmhqV0tre-fox-main-goggle-19827-black.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19827-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104417";"FOX MAIN [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1124-main-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104417/main_images/8AMkjY4qmW38qL2-fox-main-goggle-19827-blue.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19827-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104418";"FOX MAIN [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1125-main-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104418/main_images/zganB7Qqa6nLSwg-fox-main-goggle-19827-red.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19827-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104419";"FOX MX-GOGGLE MAIN HOT PINK/CLEAR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/384-mx-goggle-main-hot-pink-clear";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104419/main_images/ZvFlwjIq3zo4NXB-fox-main-goggle-2015-12364-hot-pink-clear.webp";"159";"Noii ochelari MX-Enduro Main ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etcoii ochelari MX-Enduro Main ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"12364-904";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104420";"FOX MX-GOOGLE MAIN NIRV BLACK/RED SPK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/896-main-nirv";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104420/main_images/H0g5qnkY4o6WB5k-fox-main-nirv-18435-001-black-red.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. FEATURES Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included INCLUDED LENS SPECIFICATIONS Nirv Black: Red Spark Nirv Grey/Yellow: Yellow Nirv White: Blue";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18435-001";"Rosu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Rosu/Negru";"0" "104421";"FOX MX-GOOGLE MAIN NIRV WHITE/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/897-main-nirv";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104421/main_images/iHAbuE1KZgVrB9j-fox-main-nirv-18435-008-blue-white.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. FEATURES Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included INCLUDED LENS SPECIFICATIONS Nirv Black: Red Spark Nirv Grey/Yellow: Yellow Nirv White: Blue";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18435-008";"Alb/Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Albastru";"0" "104422";"FOX MAIN NIRV";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/898-main-nirv";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104422/main_images/REZNPIwoPNdhV5s-fox-main-nirv-18435-086-grey-yellow.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18435-086";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104423";"FOX MX-GOOGLE MAIN RACE GREEN/CHROM SPK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/894-main-race";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104423/main_images/dWeSdsWWPG7PCHE-fox-main-race-18433-004-chrome-green.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. FEATURES Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included INCLUDED LENS SPECIFICATIONS Nirv Black: Red Spark Nirv Grey/Yellow: Yellow Nirv White: Blue";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18433-004";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "104424";"FOX MX-GOOGLE MAIN RACE ORANGE/BLUE SPK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/895-main-race";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104424/main_images/yJqusT5y4drdNJO-fox-main-race-18433-009-blue-orange.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. FEATURES Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included INCLUDED LENS SPECIFICATIONS Nirv Black: Red Spark Nirv Grey/Yellow: Yellow Nirv White: Blue";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18433-009";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"0" "104425";"FOX MAIN SAND [BLK/GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1126-main-sand-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104425/main_images/nl7eReUAIW7m0qE-fox-main-sand-goggle-19828-grey-black.webp";"189";"";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19828-014";"Gri/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Gri/Negru";"0" "104426";"FOX AIR DEFENCE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/502-ochelari-air-defence";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104426/main_images/DUYFGKpeTNjJyYS-fox-ochelari-air-defence-14594-red.webp";"399";"Bending the performance barrier, the Air Defence Goggle. - Pre curved anti-fog lens offers superior optical clarity. - Smart venting system. - Increased peripheral viewing. - Thermoformed triple layer face foam. - 8-Pin lens retention system keeps lens intact. - Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection. - 45MM non-slip silicone strap. - Removable rock guard.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"14594-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104427";"FOX AIR DEFENCE RACE [BLK/CLR]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/506-mx-air-defence-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104427/main_images/3WWEjd4pPBAqorz-fox-ochelari-air-defence-14594-clear-black.webp";"399";"Bending the performance barrier, the Air Defence Goggle. - Pre curved anti-fog lens offers superior optical clarity. - Smart venting system. - Increased peripheral viewing. - Thermoformed triple layer face foam. - 8-Pin lens retention system keeps lens intact. - Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection. - 45MM non-slip silicone strap. - Removable rock guard.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"14594-904";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104428";"FOX AIR DEFENCE GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/503-ochelarii-air-defence";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104428/main_images/BDj4AdWb4a13KVp-fox-ochelarii-air-defence-14594-green.webp";"399";"Bending the performance barrier, the Air Defence Goggle. - Pre curved anti-fog lens offers superior optical clarity. - Smart venting system. - Increased peripheral viewing. - Thermoformed triple layer face foam. - 8-Pin lens retention system keeps lens intact. - Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection. - 45MM non-slip silicone strap. - Removable rock guard.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"14594-004";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "104430";"FOX MX-GUARDS RAPTOR VEST CE BLACK/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/378-mx-guards-raptor-vest-ce-black-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104430/main_images/QXsxKrOj7MnrXTq-fox-adult-raptor-ce-12351-white-black.webp";"898";"Low profile neck brace compatible roost deflector Adjustable shoulder straps for a precise fit with or without neck brace Easy to the use buckle system integrated into chest plate Soft Biofoam chassis against body for a comfortable fit Neck Brace Compatible";"";"MX - Enduro : Protectie";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"12351-018";"Negru/Alb";"FOX Racing";"Negru/Alb";"0" "104431";"FOX MX-GUARDS RAPTOR VEST CE BLUE/YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/379-adult-raptor-ce";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104431/main_images/vkwHJabrfDFGrTL-fox-adult-raptor-ce-12351-blue-yellow.webp";"798";"The Raptor Vest provides complete unrestricted coverage. It features full-body plastic side plates, extended lower back, double layer bio-foam system, and total flow-through venting. The Raptor is unmatched when it comes to coverage and performance and has been tested for Level 2 CE back and chest certification providing the ultimate confidence when on the track or trail. FEATURES Adjustable and removable shoulder and bicep coverage   Neck brace compatible with adjustable front plate   Integrated buckle system CERTIFICATIONS CE EN 1621-2 LEVEL 2 back coverage   CE prEN 1621-3 LEVEL 2 chest coverage";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"12351-026";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104432";"FOX MX-GUARD RAPTOR VEST CE BLUE/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/380-adult-raptor-ce";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104432/main_images/q8Am9UR1mRZxRCc-fox-adult-raptor-ce-12351-blue-red.webp";"898";"The Raptor Vest provides complete unrestricted coverage. It features full-body plastic side plates, extended lower back, double layer bio-foam system, and total flow-through venting. The Raptor is unmatched when it comes to coverage and performance and has been tested for Level 2 CE back and chest certification providing the ultimate confidence when on the track or trail. FEATURES Adjustable and removable shoulder and bicep coverage   Neck brace compatible with adjustable front plate   Integrated buckle system CERTIFICATIONS CE EN 1621-2 LEVEL 2 back coverage   CE prEN 1621-3 LEVEL 2 chest coverage";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"12351-149";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104433";"FOX MX-GUARDS PROFRAME LC CE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/444-fox-proframe-lc";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104433/main_images/hw4Yj93dgC0Vnsj-fox-proframe-lc-13558-red.webp";"559";"Protectie lejeritate si confort sunt caracteristicile armurii Proframe. Compatibilitate cu Neck Brace. Ajustabilitate. Protectie spate detasabila. Interior de tip Biofoam foarte moale si confortabil.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"13558-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104434";"FOX MX-GUARD PROFRAME LC, CE YELLOW/GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/447-fox-proframe-lc";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104434/main_images/aBvdjx8JeMTlI20-fox-proframe-lc-13558-063-grey-yellow.webp";"559";"Protectie lejeritate si confort sunt caracteristicile armurii Proframe. Compatibilitate cu Neck Brace. Ajustabilitate. Protectie spate detasabila. Interior de tip Biofoam foarte moale si confortabil.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"13558-063";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104435";"FOX MX-GUARD PROFRAME LC, CE BLUE/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/448-fox-proframe-lc";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104435/main_images/JuDpagJnKB1ggbZ-fox-proframe-lc-13558-149-blue-red.webp";"559";"Protectie lejeritate si confort sunt caracteristicile armurii Proframe. Compatibilitate cu Neck Brace. Ajustabilitate. Protectie spate detasabila. Interior de tip Biofoam foarte moale si confortabil.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"13558-149";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104436";"FOX Titan Sport Jacket [Black]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/274-mx-guards-titan-sport-jacket-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104436/main_images/sGac9VdDyYrKX9o-fox-titan-sport-jacket-10050-black.webp";"699";"Armura de motocross Foxracing Titan Sport Jacket este facuta in mod special sa-ti acopere si sa-ti apere partea superioara a corpului. Armura contine are un scut din platic pe spate care este detasabil si este prevazut cu o centura de fixare a partii inferioare a coloanei vertebrale.Armura MX de la Fox este ideala pentru motociclisti si ATV-isti.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"10050-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104437";"FOX MX-GUARDS TITAN SPORT JACKET WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/275-mx-guards-titan-sport-jacket-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104437/main_images/sqTYGwdGHfNyhPS-fox-titan-sport-jacket-10050-white.webp";"599";"Armura de motocross Foxracing Titan Sport Jacket este facuta in mod special sa-ti acopere si sa-ti apere partea superioara a corpului. Armura contine are un scut din platic pe spate care este detasabil si este prevazut cu o centura de fixare a partii inferioare a coloanei vertebrale.Armura MX de la Fox este ideala pentru motociclisti si ATV-isti.";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"10050-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104438";"FOX MX-GUARDS TITAN SPORT SLEEVELESS JACKET WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/276-titan-sport-sleevless-jacket";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104438/main_images/79Ss5yWskW2XZ1t-fox-titan-sport-sleevless-jacket-10056-black.webp";"499";"Full body under jersey coverage has a new standard with the Fox Titan Sport Jacket. Its complete plastic plating of key contact areas is unmatched. Its full mesh main body offers a precise, bunch-free fit. Add in the intelligently engineered ventilation zones and the Fox Titan Sport Jacket truly becomes the ultimate battle suit. Features: Anatomic high impact two piece plastic chest plate Removable articulated plastic back coverage High impact plastic shoulder and elbow coverage Soft vented mesh main body fabric for enhanced fit, comfort and ventilation Center zipper for easy on and off CE certified";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"10056-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104440";"Leatt BODY PROTECTOR 3DF AIRFIT LITE - 5017180030 Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose/5017180030-001-body-protector-3df-airfit-lite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104440/main_images/F6LQ279YtWeifsv-leatt-body-protector-3df-airfit-lite-5017180030-black.webp";"898";"Contine multistrat din spuma 3DF AirFit pentru o mai buna ventilatie . Cea mai confortabila armura de pe piata Testata si certificata CE EN1621-2,EN1621-3,EN1621-1 Confetionata cu tesatura MoistureCool pentru o buna respirabilitate. Compatibila cu Neck Brace. Spuma detasabila pentru o usoara curatare. Marimi disponibile: XS/S, S/M, M/L, L/XL, XL/2XL, 2XL/3XL";"";"";"74";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Platose";"5017180030-001-dublura-vechi";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104442";"Leatt CHEST PROTECTOR 4.5 - 5015300100 Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose/1797-chest-protector-45";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104442/main_images/DHzBVWiKYNzjR2y-leatt-chest-protector-4-5-5015300100-black.webp";"898";"Protectie completa si miscare nerestrictionata intr-o armura versatila si compatibila cu sistem Neck Brace";"";"";"74";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Platose";"5015300100-001";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104443";"Leatt CHEST PROTECTOR 4.5 PRO - 5017120100 Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose/1807-chest-protector-45-pro";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104443/main_images/2Vsy9OkO3yFivyN-leatt-chest-protector-4-5-pro-5017120100-black.webp";"998";"Protectie completa si miscare nerestrictionata intr-o armura versatila si compatibila cu sistem Neck Brace";"";"";"74";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Platose";"5017120100-001-dublura-vechi";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104448";"FOX MX-JACKET FLUID MX JACKET YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/269-fluid-mx-jkt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104448/main_images/zy1CX2tjFe15kNF-fox-fluid-mx-jkt-10033.webp";"179";"Geaca Enduro impermeabila, ideala pentru utilizatorii pe care vremea ploioasa nu ii descurajeaza. Este fabricata din material care ofera protectie impotriva ploii si care nu limiteaza miscarile utilizatorului. Mai are ca si caracteristici puncte de ventilatie la subrat care impiedica acumularea caldurii.";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"10033-005";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104449";"FOX FLUID MX JKT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/270-mx-jacket-fluid-mx-jacket-orange";"1 : 14 : 18 : 14 : 7";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104449/main_images/qp3YqOyx1444zMb-fox-mx-fluid-jacket-10033-clear-orange.webp";"189";"The ideal slicker for riding in the rain, the Fluid jacket is a clear, PVC raincoat that'll keep you dry even when it's really coming down. Features include mesh armpit vents, cape back vent, and reflective taping on the back. FEATURES 100 % PVC Rain Jacket Mesh arm pit vents for ventilation Cape back vent increased breathability Reflective taping at back for visibility";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"10033-009";"";"FOX Racing";"";"1" "104450";"FOX MX Fluid Jacket [Clear]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/271-mx-jacket-fluid-mx-jacket-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104450/main_images/2YZovPZZrkLl4fy-fox-mx-fluid-jacket-10033-clear-1-e26.webp";"189";"Geaca Enduro impermeabila, ideala pentru utilizatorii pe care vremea ploioasa nu ii descurajeaza. Este fabricata din material care ofera protectie impotriva ploii si care nu limiteaza miscarile utilizatorului. Mai are ca si caracteristici puncte de ventilatie la subrat care impiedica acumularea caldurii.";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"10033-012";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104451";"FOX M-V-ACCESSORIES CHOP SUEY WALLET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1531-m-v-accessories-chop-suey-wallet-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104451/main_images/xRCWLvTaN5FlI3b-fox-chop-suey-wallet-57650-black.webp";"65";"Portmoneul Fox Chop Suey Wallet aduce un plus de originalitate personalitatii noastre, ajutandu-ne in acelasi timp sa fim la moda.";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57650-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104452";"FOX M-V-ACCESSORIES CHOP SUEY WALLET GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1532-m-v-accessories-chop-suey-wallet-green";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104452/main_images/2XwyBOuZPsQNpWS-fox-chop-suey-wallet-57650-green.webp";"19";"Portmoneul Fox Chop Suey Wallet aduce un plus de originalitate personalitatii noastre, ajutandu-ne in acelasi timp sa fim la moda.";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57650-004";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "104453";"FOX Girls So Grooveable Pouch";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1633-girls-so-grooveable-pouch";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104453/main_images/Igrx74xmJADOPHD-fox-girls-so-grooveable-pouch-59266-sample-white.webp";"119";"";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"59266-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104454";"FOX Leather Trifold Wallet [Black]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1617-leather-trifold-wallet";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104454/main_images/LjLSN2ZSXuQvcSR-fox-leather-trifold-wallet-59016-001-black.webp";"149";"";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"59016-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104455";"FOX Leather Trifold Wallet";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1618-leather-trifold-wallet";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104455/main_images/RiENR4TGmmG777D-fox-leather-trifold-wallet-59016-081-brown.webp";"119";"";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"59016-081";"Maro";"FOX Racing";"Maro";"0" "104456";"FOX M-E-ACCESSORIES MOTTO CARDS BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1502-m-e-accessories-motto-cards-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104456/main_images/o9nL03jmy2kbzJn-fox-motto-cards-57300-black.webp";"29";"Carti de joc originale Foxracing pentru impatimitii de poker.";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57300-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104457";"FOX M-E-ACCESSORIES SLIPSTREAM LEATHER WALLET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1525-m-e-accessories-slipstream-leather-wallet-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104457/main_images/YR4v6bo0EKphDBx-fox-slipstream-wallet-57504-black.webp";"69";"Portmoneu din piele ecologiga Dimensiune : 8.25x25.5 cm";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57504-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104458";"FOX Strung Out Lanyard";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1541-strung-out-lanyard";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104458/main_images/BCgzQhVUpM4Xhfl-fox-strung-out-lanyard-57690-red.webp";"19";"Breloc original Fox cu design unic ce iţi scoate in evidenţă personalitatea.";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57690-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104459";"FOX Strung Out Shorty Lanyard";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1539-strung-out-shorty-lanyard";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104459/main_images/HrTOh68qyKsBeN9-fox-strung-out-shorty-lanyard-57689-white.webp";"10";"Breloc original Foxracing Strung Out Shorty Lanyard care te ajută să ţii cheile la indemană.";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57689-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104460";"FOX The Gu Gu Sunglasses ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/promotionale/166-the-gu-gu-sunglasses";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104460/main_images/8iUHQDMWcQKPQzO-fox-the-gu-gu-sunglasses.webp";"369";"Ochelari de soare profesionisti Fox The Gu Gu Sunglasses cu rame usoare, flexibile, rezistente si lentile cu protectie anti-UV 100%. Optica High Definition ofera o vedere clara si nedistorsionata.";"";"PROMOTIONALE";"99";"ACCESORII : PROMOTIONALE";"5277";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104461";"FOX The Heretic Sunglasses -57809 Black Tortoise";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/promotionale/1544-the-heretic-sunglasses";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104461/main_images/OW7DhzI9Eat9zs4-fox-the-heretic-sunglasses-57809-black-tortoise.webp";"599";"Fox va propune ochelarii de soare in stil retro The Heretic Sunglasses care utilizeaza tehnologia High Definition pentru o vedere cat mai clara. Rama este realizata din O-Matter, un material flexibil si rezistent iar lentilele sunt din plutonit, oferind protectie 100% inpotriva razelor ultraviolet.";"";"PROMOTIONALE";"99";"ACCESORII : PROMOTIONALE";"57809";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104462";"FOX M-E-ACCESSORIES THE HERETIC BROWN SUGAR W/ GOLD IRIDIUM";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1644-the-heretic-sunglasses";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104462/main_images/DwDxxOCD49RQtxb-fox-the-heretic-sunglasses-59592-brown-sugar.webp";"469";"Fox va propune ochelarii de soare in stil retro The Heretic Sunglasses. Rama este realizata din O-Matter, un material flexibil si rezistent iar lentilele sunt din plutonit, oferind protectie 100% inpotriva razelor ultraviolet.";"";"Ochelari de soare";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"59592";"Maro";"FOX Racing";"Maro";"0" "104463";"SHIFT Shift Large CD Wallet";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/683-shift-large-cd-wallet";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104463/main_images/NuvoXatKZX81PsC-shift-shift-large-cd-wallet-grey.webp";"50";"Protectie pentru CD-uri si DVD-uri Shift.";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"16113-006";"Gri";"Shift";"Gri";"0" "104464";"SHIFT Shift Small CD Wallet";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/680-shift-small-cd-wallet";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104464/main_images/Jbabq0VKeSJRL2Y-shift-shift-small-cd-wallet-grey.webp";"40";"Protectie pentru CD-uri si DVD-uri Shift.";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"16110-006";"Gri";"Shift";"Gri";"0" "104465";"FOX 3 Liter Replacement Bladder -91590 No Color";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/1689-3-liter-replacement-bladder";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104465/main_images/5jCcvtpTbyP88UO-fox-3-liter-replacement-bladder-91590-no-color.webp";"99";"";"";"Accesorii echipamente ATV";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"91590-000";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104466";"FOX 30-146 Fox Anti-Fog Lens ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/243-30-146-fox-anti-fog-lens";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104466/main_images/vqaafEW9NhJdZEK-fox-30-146-fox-anti-fog-lens.webp";"199";"Lentile pentru ochelari MX care previn aburirea acestora.";"";"Accesorii echipamente ATV";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"9058";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104467";"FOX 30-148 Fox 25 Pack of Tear offs ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/244-30-148-fox-25-pack-of-tear-offs";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104467/main_images/AqLcOgNjJo269Km-fox-30-148-fox-25-pack-of-tear-offs.webp";"79";"Folii de protectie pentru ochelari de MX.";"";"Accesorii echipamente ATV";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"9061";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104468";"FOX 30-149 Fox 14 Pack of Laminated Tear Offs ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/245-30-149-fox-14-pack-of-laminated-tear-offs";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104468/main_images/AxeTf4CCD3OCphk-fox-30-149-fox-14-pack-of-laminated-tear-offs.webp";"60";"";"";"Accesorii echipamente ATV";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"9063";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104469";"FOX 30-157 Fox Main/Pro Dual Rep Lens";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1516-30-157-fox-main-pro-dual-rep-lens";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104469/main_images/yBQeV3QPTkSAlNh-fox-30-157-fox-main-pro-dual-rep-lens-57431-clear.webp";"119";"Lentile Fox pentru ochelari MX-Enduro. Protectie 100% impotriva razelor ultra-violete.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"57431";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104470";"FOX MX-HELMETS ADULT V1 CHEEK PADS BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1687-mx-helmets-adult-v1-cheek-pads-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104470/main_images/at0j2BmmmWsrRbK-fox-adult-v1-cheek-pads-91468-black.webp";"50";"The Legion Jacket blends off-road durability and functionality with pure race performance. Abrasion resistant fabric is used on the front, shoulders and outside arms, so youre well protected from overhanging branches, brush and other obstructions you'll encounter riding tight single track. Furthermore, it includes internal pockets which accept D30 elbow pads (sold separately). For increased range of motion, stretch Cordura is used on the back, inside arms and side panels. The Legion jacket is ideal for chilly days and brisk mornings. However, as things heat up throughout the day, you can increase ventilation, making this a versatile piece for a full day of riding. Large zipper vents on the arms and chest channel refreshing air in, while two zippers on the back open to allow heat out. Strategically paneled ripstop and stretch Cordura construction Zippered vents at chest, back, and forearms for flow through ventilation Bonded Cordura patches at key areas for additional protection Mesh zipper pockets at waist Left side chest zipper pocket Hook and loop closure on wrists Soft collar for increased comfort Seamless underarm for mobility and comfort Right and left side hem cinch with barrel lock Drop tail design for increased coverage Strategically placed reflective trims (charcoal only) Internal pockets accept elbow armor (sold separately)";"";"Casti Fox / Shift";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"91468-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104471";"FOX Adult V3 Comfort Liner";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1678-adult-v3-comfort-liner";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104471/main_images/EJnC3Y9AsJNcxUM-fox-adult-v3-comfort-liner-91322-black.webp";"50";"";"";"Casti Fox / Shift";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"91322-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104472";"FOX AIR DEFENCE REPL. LENS [CLEAR] -14602-901-NS Clear";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/517-air-defence-repl-lens-clear-";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104472/main_images/RUqMw6TbRVBwGWe-fox-air-defence-repl-lens-clear-14602-901-ns-clear.webp";"79";"Lentila precurbata Air Defence foarte groasa si rezistenta care datorita metodei de fabricatie ofera vizibilitate sporita";"";"Accesorii echipamente ATV";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"14602-901-NS";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104473";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES AIR SPACE LENSES SPARK BLUE SPARK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1739-air-space-lenses-spark";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104473/main_images/S2L0uPuwusVQkvt-fox-air-space-lenses-spark-08078-blue-spark.webp";"60";"";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"8078";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104474";"FOX Air Space Lenses-Spark -08078 Green";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/236-air-space-lenses-spark";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104474/main_images/QEp4oymzatMWBEN-fox-air-space-lenses-spark-08078-green.webp";"60";"";"";"Accesorii echipamente ATV";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"08078-004";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104475";"FOX AIR SPACEENSES - SPARK [RED SPARK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/237-air-space-lexan-anti-fog-lens";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104475/main_images/3g03ngoUvhr4HKN-fox-air-space-lexan-anti-fog-lens-08078-gold-blue-orange.webp";"60";"Replacement lenses for Fox Air Space Goggles. Standard lenses. Not compatible with MX20 and newer goggles, which feature the Variable Lens System (VLS). 8 pin retention system keeps the lens intact & makes interchanging easy Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection Anti-Fog treatment Anti-Scratch treatment For use with Fox Air Space goggles only";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"08078-901";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104476";"FOX Airspace Lenses ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/235-airspace-lenses";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104476/main_images/BdKMmdVGMCjQ3g3-fox-airspace-lenses.webp";"60";"Airspc Repl. este o lentila de inlocuire pentru modelul de goggles FOX AIRSPACE.";"";"Accesorii echipamente ATV";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"8056";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104477";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES DS04 RAPLACEMENT COVER SET INTL NO COLO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/249-mx-accessories-ds04-raplacement-cover-set-intl-no-colo";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104477/main_images/pIApdA9x1IJ90d8-fox-ds04-replacement-cover-09183-no-color.webp";"69";"Accesoriu pentru ochelari de MX";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"09183-000";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104478";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES FOX MAIN LAMINATED TEAR OFFS 14-PAK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1491-mx-accessories-laminated-tear-offs-14-pak";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104478/main_images/d95GTzNaDtxqMfT-fox-laminated-tear-offs-14-pack-57036-no-color.webp";"60";"Folii de protectie pentru ochelari enduro Fox.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"57036-000";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104479";"FOX LCR19 Lens AFAS Clear";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1748-lcr19-lens-afas-clear";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104479/main_images/ZZpvyr9Mu5Sezcp-fox-lcr19-lens-afas-clear-09169-clear.webp";"39";"Sticla de inlocuire pentru ochelari MX Fox Main / Main Pro de culoare transparent cu un raport de transmitere a luminii de 90%. Se poate folosi in orice conditie climatica.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"09169-1";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104480";"FOX MAIN REPL. LENSES -12606 Clear";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/393-main-repl-lenses";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104480/main_images/84UjlXc7yktexJ3-fox-main-repl-lenses-12606-clear.webp";"39";"MAIN REPL. LENSES -este o lentila de inlocuire pentru modelul de ochelari Main Goggle #12364.";"";"Accesorii echipamente ATV";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"12606";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104481";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES MF19 MUD VISOR 3 PACK FOX MAIN PATTERN INTL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/250-mf19-mud-visor-fox-main-3pck";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104481/main_images/HXppaPS5T15uwlL-fox-mf19-mud-visor-fox-main-3pck-09184-no-color.webp";"19";"Protectii impotriva noroiului.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"09184-000";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104482";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES PC 01 PULL CORD UNIT EXC COVER INTL NO COLOR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/253-mx-accessories-pc-01-pull-cord-unit-exc-cover-intl-no-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104482/main_images/vEiwmhI8v0ZZKJt-fox-pc01-pull-cord-unit-exc-cover-09188-no-color.webp";"60";"Fox pull cord unit";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"09188-000";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104483";"FOX MTB-ACCESSORIES RAINCOVER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-bike/603-mtb-accessories-raincover-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104483/main_images/Y9JtXI5jDUfA5w6-fox-raincover-15691-black.webp";"69";"Husa ploaie";"";"Accesorii";"450";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Accesorii";"15691-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104484";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES REPLACEMENT BITE VALVES";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/1690-replacement-bite-valves";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104484/main_images/dKn9y7digLYrT7E-fox-replacement-bite-valves-91591-no-color.webp";"60";"Inlcudes 1 replacement bite valve in black/clear.";"";"Accesorii";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"91591-000";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104485";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES RF12 ROLL FILM 12 PACK INTL NO COLOR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/251-mx-accessories-rf12-roll-film-12-pack-intl-no-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104485/main_images/3N2XbSlWY7jKGnG-fox-rf12-roll-film-12pck-09185-no-color.webp";"69";"Pack of 12 rolls of film to install in the Fox Roll-Off kit.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"09185-000";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104486";"FOX MX-GOGGLE 30-151 FOX ROCK GUA BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1679-fox-rock-guard";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104486/main_images/tToiYL0fKDl5J4f-fox-rock-guard-91365-black.webp";"39";"Protectie nazala detasabila. Se potriveste ochelarilor enduro Fox Main si Main Pro.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"91365-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104487";"FOX SMALL TAILGATE COVER [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-bike/721-mtb-accessories-small-tailgate-cover-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104487/main_images/JkmGiybJ2SRTiCa-fox-small-tailgate-cover-16817-001-black.webp";"549";"Throw your tailgate cover on, cinch it down, load up the bikes and go. There is no easier way to head to the top. With 5 straps, the Fox Tailgate Cover Small an help shuttle your whole crew while protecting your bikes and pickup from dings and scratches. FEATURES Fits most mid-size, compact trucks Premium padded tailgate protection Flap for easy access to tailgate handle Five webbing straps for attachment DIMENSIONS 137 x 86 CM";"";"Accesorii";"450";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Accesorii";"16817-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104488";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES SS01 SUPPLY SIDE UNIT EXC COVER INT NO COLOR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/252-ss01-supply-side-unit-exc-cover";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104488/main_images/POnPbSU6LMjJOgL-fox-ss01-supply-side-unit-exc-cover-09187-no-color.webp";"29";"Fox supply side unit";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"09187-000";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104489";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES TEAR OFFS STD AIRSPC 25PK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1734-tear-offs-std";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104489/main_images/vU5eguppRiwe45h-fox-tear-offs-std.webp";"60";"";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"8052";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104490";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES TVS19 TOTAL VISION SYSTEM INTL NO COLO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/248-tvs19-total-vision-system-lens";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104490/main_images/p8ZO8ZOSBQP8fzG-fox-tvs19-total-vision-system-lens-09152-no-color.webp";"119";"The Fox Main Total Vision System combines a tearoff and rolloff system in one. The system features built-in posts so you can equip tearoff sheets onto the rolloff system. Includes: Roll off system canisters with built in tear off fitting on covers High impact anti-fog, anti-scratch Lexan® lens 2 films rolls Mud Guards 10 x tear off sheets";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"09152-000";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104491";"FOX FALL 08 V1 WHITEWALL VISOR BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1686-fall-08-v1-whitewall-visor-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104491/main_images/H6uxqQg5FiIkBvp-fox-v1-whitewall-visor-91466-black.webp";"50";"";"";"Casti Fox / Shift";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"91466-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104492";"AIROH Airoh Aviator Cheek Pads";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1440-airoh-aviator-cheek-pads";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104492/main_images/Yr69cIwNgMaqRPw-airoh-airoh-aviator-cheek-pads-5197avi00n-black.webp";"179";"";"";"Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"5197AVI00N-001";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "104493";"AIROH Airoh Aviator Comfort Liner";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1436-airoh-aviator-comfort-liner";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104493/main_images/ogSrPgujlak1ohL-airoh-airoh-aviator-comfort-liner-5095avi00n-black.webp";"159";"";"";"Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"5095AVI00N-001";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "104494";"AIROH AIROH COVERS FOR AVIATOR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/431-airoh-covers-for-aviator";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104494/main_images/xCNxds5k2XL4RpS-airoh-covers-for-aviator-1330tr-smoke.webp";"49";"";"";"Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"1330TR";"Gri";"Airoh";"Gri";"0" "104495";"AIROH Dust Filter for Aviator/Terminator";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1650-dust-filter-for-aviator-terminator";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104495/main_images/rLBmZpIDoTye2kC-airoh-dust-filter-for-aviator-terminator-6227-black.webp";"60";"";"";"Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"6227-001";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "104496";"AIROH Extend Peak for Aviator";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/660-extend-peak-for-aviator";"4";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104496/main_images/vfBmo2PtPGlyNWN-airoh-extend-peak-for-aviator-15copf08-smoke.webp";"49";"Extend Peak for Aviator";"";"Casti Airoh ";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"15COPF08";"Gri";"Airoh";"Gri";"1" "104497";"AIROH Screws Kit for Aviator";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1649-screws-kit-for-aviator";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104497/main_images/q1eZHAszbI7OPTe-airoh-screws-kit-for-aviator-6207-black.webp";"39";"";"";"Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"6207-001";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "104500";"Can-am Bombardier Sidexside Team Jersey - 286392 Olive-Grey";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-barbati/1773-can-am-sidexside-team-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104500/main_images/QrKfuewt9xINyDF-can-am-bombardier-sidexside-team-jersey-286392-olive-grey.webp";"249";"Tricou Can-Am Sidexside Team Jersey -Respirant -75% Polyester, 25% Fibra de Cocos pentru o uscare rapida , -Antibacterian -Alungit in spate -Rezistent la decolorare Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"";"266";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte barbati";"286392";"";"Can-am Bombardier";"";"0" "104501";"Can-am Bombardier Sidexside Team Jersey -286392 Yellow";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-barbati/1215-can-am-sidexside-team-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104501/main_images/FJbnehDZspco9nd-can-am-bombardier-sidexside-team-jersey-286392-yellow.webp";"249";"Tricou Can-Am Sidexside Team Jersey -Respirant -75% Polyester, 25% Fibra de Cocos pentru o uscare rapida , -Antibacterian -Alungit in spate -Rezistent la decolorare";"";"";"266";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte barbati";"286392-005";"";"Can-am Bombardier";"";"0" "104502";"Can-am Bombardier Sidexside Team Jersey -286392 White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-barbati/1216-can-am-sidexside-team-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104502/main_images/JBkCKYx9CCgofb7-can-am-bombardier-sidexside-team-jersey-286392-white.webp";"249";"Tricou Can-Am Sidexside Team Jersey -Respirant -75% Polyester, 25% Fibra de Cocos pentru o uscare rapida , -Antibacterian -Alungit in spate -Rezistent la decolorare";"";"";"266";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte barbati";"286392-008";"";"Can-am Bombardier";"";"0" "104503";"Can-am Bombardier Zipped Hoody -2862090415 Gray";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/1210-can-zipped-hoody-h-m-p-s";"2";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104503/main_images/KtWDUOnOKFTR1t9-can-am-bombardier-zipped-hoody-2862090415-gray.webp";"269";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"2862090415";"";"Can-am Bombardier";"";"1" "104504";"FOX M-E-SHIRTS ANTHOLOGY S/S WOVEN BARK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/camasi-casual-barbati/1789-anthology-woven";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104504/main_images/MrEdtClabMUh5ps-fox-anthology-woven-44074-cashmere.webp";"225";"Camasa pentru barbati FOX Anthology Woven cu maneca scurta, imprimata cu logo-ul FOX pe umarul drept si la inceputul nasturilor, pe tiv.60% Bumbac si 40% Polyester";"";"Camasi : manual";"364";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Camasi";"44074";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104505";"FOX M-E-SHIRTS ANTHOLOGY S/S WOVEN SMOKE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1297-m-e-shirts-anthology-s-s-woven-smoke";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104505/main_images/bCdOoyospoGebMC-fox-anthology-woven-44074-smoke.webp";"149";"Camasa pentru barbati FOX Anthology Woven cu maneca scurta, imprimata cu logo-ul FOX pe umarul drept si la inceputul nasturilor, pe tiv.60% Bumbac si 40% Polyester";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"44074-296";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104506";"FOX M-E-SHIRTS ANTHOLOGY S/S WOVEN BARK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1298-m-e-shirts-anthology-s-s-woven-bark";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104506/main_images/I72N2yQ013DS7k3-fox-anthology-woven-44074-bark.webp";"149";"Camasa pentru barbati FOX Anthology Woven cu maneca scurta, imprimata cu logo-ul FOX pe umarul drept si la inceputul nasturilor, pe tiv.60% Bumbac si 40% Polyester";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"44074-374";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104507";"FOX BLACK CHERRY SS TEE OPT WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/878-black-cherry-ss-tee-opt-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104507/main_images/xgB9rJldaFRUgLC-fox-black-cherry-ss-tee-17921-190-white.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"17921-190";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104508";"FOX Bomber Long Sleeve Dirt Shirt";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/1179-bomber-long-sleeve-dirt-shirt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104508/main_images/GyzKXtlMDDd3i94-fox-bomber-long-sleeve-dirt-shirt-23138-006-grey.webp";"99";"Bluza Foxracing pentru biciclisti sportivi. Prezinta croiala raglan pentru o mai mare mobilitate si confort sporit. Materialul bluzei Fox este din polyester 80%, bumbac 16% si spandex 4%. Ideala pentru zilele reci de toamna sau primavara.";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"23138-006";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104509";"FOX Bomber Long Sleeve Dirt Shirt";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/1180-bomber-long-sleeve-dirt-shirt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104509/main_images/hYNv05XtzZWpnOG-fox-bomber-long-sleeve-dirt-shirt-23138-028-charcoal.webp";"99";"Bluza Foxracing pentru biciclisti sportivi.Prezinta croiala raglan pentru o mai mare mobilitate si confort sporit.Materialul bluzei Fox este din polyester 80%, bumbac 16% si spandex 4%.Ideala pentru zilele racoroase de toamna sau de primavara.";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"23138-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104510";"FOX CALIPER SHORT DARK KHAKI";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/704-caliper-short-dark-khaki";"3";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104510/main_images/rT8IUuXI2Hw9pmR-705-caliper-short.webp";"199";"Short casual barbati";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"16567-108";"";"FOX Racing";"";"1" "104511";"FOX CALIPER SHORT DARK INDIGO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/705-caliper-short-dark-indigo";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104511/main_images/wmfwrKF1bMgOweU-708-caliper-short.webp";"199";"Short casual barbati";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"16567-199";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104512";"FOX MTB-SHORTS CAMPUS SHORT BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1201-campus-short";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104512/main_images/yXi5azStlx8zbt4-fox-campus-short-26077-black.webp";"199";"Pantaloni scurti originali Fox. Material usor si rezistent.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"26077-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104513";"FOX MTB-SHORTS CAMPUS SHORT WHT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1202-mtb-shorts-campus-short-wht";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104513/main_images/ubGj471FRrSInxT-fox-campus-short-26077-white.webp";"580";"Foxracing a creat pantalonii scurti Campus Short pentru plimbarile prin oras, prin campus, pana la magazin sau pentru plimbarile cu bicicleta. Desi in afara par niste pantaloni scurti obisnuiti, prezinta o captuseala care poate fi data jos.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"26077-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104515";"FOX CLOSED CIRCUIT SS TECH HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1080-closed-circuit-ss-tech-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104515/main_images/XZQIZAw42s69vQz-fox-closed-circuit-ss-tech-tee-19265-243-heather-black.webp";"119";"Pre-ride, post-ride, the Closed Circuit tech tee can do it all. It uses TRUDRI wicking fibers to wick sweat and dries quickly, so you feel fresh all day long. Proprietary TRUDRI fabric Rapidly wicks perspiration Fast drying to keep you comfortable Softhand graphics for comfort 85% Polyester / 15% Cotton TRUDRI Jersey Length (HPS): 30"" TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19265-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104516";"FOX CLOSED CIRCUIT SS TECH TEE HEATHER RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1081-closed-circuit-ss-tech-tee-heather-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104516/main_images/3fkh6syQC9vmnjS-fox-closed-circuit-ss-tech-tee-19265-383-red.webp";"119";"Pre-ride, post-ride, the Closed Circuit tech tee can do it all. It uses TRUDRI wicking fibers to wick sweat and dries quickly, so you feel fresh all day long. Proprietary TRUDRI fabric Rapidly wicks perspiration Fast drying to keep you comfortable Softhand graphics for comfort 85% Polyester / 15% Cotton TRUDRI Jersey Length (HPS): 30"" TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19265-383";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104517";"FOX M-V-TEES COLOSSAL L/S TEE WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1421-m-v-tees-colossal-l-s-tee-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104517/main_images/h4fb3PAH8K4NLJA-fox-colossal-l-s-tee-49935-white.webp";"39";"Bluza Colossal L/S Tee prezinta un design simplu si casual.Bumbac 100%";"";"Produse : Lichidari de stoc : Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"49935-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104518";"FOX Command P L/S Tee";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/1378-command-p-l-s-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104518/main_images/k3C29vuEqB8mwga-fox-command-p-l-s-tee-47103-navy.webp";"99";"Bluza Fox Command P L/S Tee este potrivita pentru iesirile din zilele usor racoroase de primavara.";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"47103-007";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104519";"FOX CONJUNCTION SS TECH TEE GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/808-conjunction-ss-tech-tee-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104519/main_images/puh2oAoQ4JKewN3-fox-conjunction-ss-tech-tee-17575-006-grey.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"17575-006";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104520";"FOX M-V-SHIRTS DEVILLE S/S WOVEN ACID GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/camasi-casual-barbati/1788-de-ville-s-s-woven";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104520/main_images/hXTkjRWNZMZxn1E-fox-de-ville-s-s-woven-44004-purple-haze.webp";"139";"Camasa de barbati Foxracing De Ville S/S Woven este foarte potrivita pentru a fi purtata pe durata sezonului de vara si nu numai.";"";"Camasi : manual";"364";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Camasi";"44004";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104521";"FOX M-V-SHIRTS DEVILLE S/S WOVEN ACID GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1295-m-v-shirts-deville-s-s-woven-acid-green";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104521/main_images/wpUIqkp1Nqh01Sr-fox-de-ville-s-s-woven-44004-acid-green.webp";"139";"Camasa de barbati Foxracing De Ville S/S Woven este foarte potrivita pentru a fi purtata pe durata sezonului de vara si nu numai.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"44004-115";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "104522";"FOX Death by Momentum SS Tee";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/598-death-by-momentum-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104522/main_images/liHgNZvpcw5kO0T-fox-death-by-momentum-ss-tee-15449-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"15449-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104523";"FOX DIRT PRAYER SS TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1087-dirt-prayer-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104523/main_images/tBrBQcdvjoZoVIQ-fox-dirt-prayer-ss-tee-19272-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19272-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104524";"FOX DISPLACED PREMIUM TANK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1003-displaced-premium-tank";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104524/main_images/Sg4gcJWrYILP4Zl-fox-displaced-premium-tank-18793-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18793-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104525";"FOX DISPLACED PREMIUM TANK HEATHER M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1004-displaced-premium-tank";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104525/main_images/YUZldeZZoNVBxb1-fox-displaced-premium-tank-18793-492-heather-blue.webp";"61";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18793-492";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104526";"FOX DISPLACED SS TEE HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1088-displaced-ss-tee-heather-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104526/main_images/aasVzqyDInB2Hu9-fox-displaced-ss-tee-19273-243-heather-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19273-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104527";"FOX DISPLACED SS TEE HEATHER RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1089-displaced-ss-tee-heather-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104527/main_images/VJPgSTKwgg2xJJC-fox-displaced-ss-tee-19273-383-red.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19273-383";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104528";"FOX DISTINGUISH SS TECH TEE HEATHER GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1082-distinguish-ss-tech-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104528/main_images/btuiVfzFWpMVIQC-fox-distinguish-ss-tech-tee-19266-185-heather-graphite.webp";"119";"Fox Tech Tees are lightweight, breathable and have a soft premium feel for ultimate comfort. The Fox Distinguish Short Sleeve Tech Tee is built with our exclusive TRUDRI moisture management technology. This performance fabric rapidly wicks moisture from the skin to keep you dry and comfortable. The shirt has a premium fit for a tailored look without feeling restricting. Blurring the line between active and casual wear, this Tech Tee is perfect for the gym or just everyday life. Premium Fit Crew neck tee Short sleeve Rapid wicking and fast drying Softhand plastisol ink screen print at front and sleeve 85% Polyester / 15% Cotton TRUDRI Length (HPS): 30"" TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19266-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104529";"FOX DORMANT SS TEE OPT WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1090-dormant-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104529/main_images/hOsq4odEwJi8yyT-fox-dormant-ss-tee-19274-190-white.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19274-190";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104530";"FOX DORMANT SS TEE HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1091-dormant-ss-tee-heather-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104530/main_images/hyT6wW6irEsBFd7-fox-dormant-ss-tee-19274-243-heather-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19274-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104531";"FOX M-E-OUTERWEAR DUSTER JEAN GREASE MONKEY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/1283-m-e-outerwear-duster-jean-grease-monkey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104531/main_images/lu0QgiLVA6cTt8r-fox-duster-jean-43009-grease-monkey.webp";"349";"Incearca blugii originali Fox Duster. Sunt largi si comozi. Pe buzunarele din spate au o semnatura Fox de motocross. Material 100% din bumbac.";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"43009-134";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "104532";"FOX M-V-SWEATER EL SCORCHO SWEATER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1362-m-v-sweater-el-scorcho-sweater-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104532/main_images/TQ91dbGs6xneKqP-fox-el-scorcho-sweater-46212-black.webp";"309";"Schimbatii look-ul cu Foxracing in doar 5 secunde!Bluza Fox El Scorcho Sweater te ajuta sa fii la moda cu doua modele diferite intr-o singura bluza Trebuie doar sa o intorci pe dos.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"46212-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104533";"FOX ELECTRODE PREMIUM TANK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1005-electrode-premium-tank";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104533/main_images/FbYJvzUb8E3RA7J-fox-electrode-premium-tank-18794-001-black.webp";"61";"The Mens Electrode Tank is designed to look good whether youre on the bike or just hanging out with friends. It comes in clutch on warm days and provides a great base layer under your moto gear. Softhand graphics for comfort Black: 100% Cotton Heather Grey / Heather Reef: 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester Length (HPS): 30""";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18794-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104534";"FOX ELECTRODE PREMIUM TANK HEATHER M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1006-electrode-premium-tank";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104534/main_images/xAoSQa1SgPW3o7G-fox-electrode-premium-tank-18794-492-heather-blue.webp";"61";"The Mens Electrode Tank is designed to look good whether youre on the bike or just hanging out with friends. It comes in clutch on warm days and provides a great base layer under your moto gear. Softhand graphics for comfort Black: 100% Cotton Heather Grey / Heather Reef: 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester Length (HPS): 30""";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18794-492";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104535";"FOX ESSEX PINSTRIPE SHORT CHARCOAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/1048-essex-pinstripe-short-charcoal";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104535/main_images/sDJ6Ns6b4DUI797-1090-essex-pinstripe-short.webp";"139";"Take on the summer in comfort and style with Fox shorts. The Essex Pinstripe Shorts offer front, back and rear pockets, a classic zip/button closure, and all over pinstripe detailing. Embroidery on left side Front hand pockets Rear welt pockets 22” Outseam 60% cotton / 40% polyester Twill";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"19039-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104536";"FOX ESSEX TECH SHORT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1049-essex-tech-short-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104536/main_images/jV3asUBd9s1t4eT-1093-essex-tech-short.webp";"219";"Sometimes you don’t know what epic adventure is waiting at your doorstep. Be ready with the perfect blend of comfort, versatility, and style. Whether you’re riding, swimming or just chilling, the Essex Tech Short is your perfect companion. We designed these with ultimate versatility in mind; they're durable yet lightweight and offer a comfortable fit and water-resistant construction. FEATURES Zip fly with Fox logo snap Durable water repellent treatment Rapid dry time Quick draining side mesh pockets Back welt pockets with buttons Interior drawstring for an adjustable fit Outseam: 21"", size 34 FABRIC 100% polyester cross dye, 140g";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"19042-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104537";"FOX EYECON PHOTO SS TEE OPT WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1092-eyecon-photo-ss-tee-opt-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104537/main_images/2Rc1PabicYtYKiu-fox-eyecon-photo-ss-tee-19275-190-white.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19275-190";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104538";"FOX FLEXAIR MOTH SS KNIT M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1021-flexair-moth-ss-knit-m-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104538/main_images/zTpDsLdz2nTwBgj-1055-flexair-moth-ss-knit.webp";"139";"Born from the same passion for technical innovation as our performance racewear, the Mens Flexair Moth short sleeve top is ultra-lightweight, breathable and provides an unrestrictive fit. By incorporating Flexair mesh & TruDri fabric typically reserved for our pinnacle racewear we gave you more movement, more breathability, more moisture wicking and much less weight. The Mens Moth Flexair Top does more, so you can feel as free and comfortable off the bike as you do on it. Proprietary TRUDRI fabric Rapidly wicks perspiration Fast drying to keep you comfortable Artwork inspired by the MX-Moth graphics 94% Polyester / 6% spandex Flexair mesh Length (HPS): 30"" TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18850-551";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104539";"FOX FLEXAIR MOTH TANK M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1007-flexair-moth-tank-m-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104539/main_images/XLJjOBHI5rva2pe-1040-flexair-moth-tank.webp";"99";"Born from the same passion for technical innovation as our performance racewear, the Mens Flexair Moth Tank is engineered for a lightweight, unrestrictive fit. When you throw on the Flexair Tank, the feeling of comfort and mobility is immediate. Our proprietary TRUDRI fabric blend is super-soft, yet exceptionally durable. The high-stretch content allows the Tank to move naturally for an entirely unrestrictive feel. And lightweight, moisture-wicking properties keep you cool, dry and comfortable even on the warmest of days. Proprietary TRUDRI fabric Rapidly wicks perspiration Fast drying to keep you comfortable Welded shoulder seams Artwork inspired by the MX-Moth graphics 94% Polyester / 6% Spandex FLEXAIR Mesh Length (HPS): 30"" TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18799-551";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104540";"FOX GETTING EVEN SS TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/877-getting-even-ss-tee-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104540/main_images/MBibOUdMUgTG66f-fox-getting-even-ss-tee-17919-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"17919-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104541";"FOX GHOSTBURN SS TEE HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1102-gostburn-ss-tee-heather-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104541/main_images/kG4qSrV8n9zpdEi-fox-ghostburn-ss-tee-19280-243-heather-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19280-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104542";"FOX M-E-TEES HALL OF FAME L/S KNIT YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1311-m-e-tees-hall-of-fame-l-s-knit-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104542/main_images/fzfotrJBZx5133Y-fox-hall-of-fame-l-s-knit-44170-yellow.webp";"199";"Bluza FOX Hall Of Fame Knit in stil retro, pentru cei carora le place sa se intoarca putin in timp.Material 60% din bumbac si 40% polyester.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"44170-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "104543";"FOX M-E-ACCESSORIES HOLE OUT LEATHER BELT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1523-m-e-accessories-hole-out-leather-belt-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104543/main_images/WLkdIXKxplTAp2H-fox-hole-out-belt-57500-black.webp";"79";"Curea din piele ecologica nAre imprimat logo-ul metalic FOX";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57500-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104544";"FOX Impulsive SS Tee";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/881-impulsive-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104544/main_images/kkyjs342NZAor9X-fox-impulsive-ss-tee-17925-heather-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"17925-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104545";"FOX SAMPLE JASPER L/S WOVEN CHARCOAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1315-sample-jasper-l-s-woven-charcoal";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104545/main_images/MLjjoxyoJVhbNph-fox-jasper-ls-woven-44251-charcoal.webp";"209";"Fii la moda cu camasa originala pentru barbati Foxracing Jasper ls Woven.Prezinta tesatura poplin 100% din bumbac.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"44251-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104546";"FOX M-V-SHIRTS JASPER L/S WOVEN DARK BROWN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1316-m-v-shirts-jasper-l-s-woven-dark-brown";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104546/main_images/2kJgJIorPzMmdy8-fox-jasper-ls-woven-44251-dark-brown.webp";"209";"Fii la moda cu camasa originala pentru barbati Foxracing Jasper ls Woven.Prezinta tesatura poplin 100% din bumbac.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"44251-229";"Maro";"FOX Racing";"Maro";"0" "104547";"FOX KASTED SS TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1093-kasted-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104547/main_images/O8KAfIejXYaabgF-fox-kasted-ss-tee-19276-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19276-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104548";"FOX KASTED SS TEE HEATHER GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1094-kasted-ss-tee-heather-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104548/main_images/8fDNbL2CK89L8bi-fox-kasted-ss-tee-19276-185-heather-graphite.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19276-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104549";"FOX KATCH PULLOVER FLEECE PEWTER";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/828-katch-pullover-fleece-pewter";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104549/main_images/QfCvWQ8BXZseUuA-fox-katch-pullover-fleece-17618-052-pewter.webp";"299";"Give chilly days the cold shoulder with this plush-lined zipper hoodie in our FOX graphic contrast color scheme. This soft fleece is so comfortable you will be hoping for a long winter. The hoodie features drawcords for adjustable coverage and the effortless comfort of a pullover design. Effortless pullover design Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth and convenient storage Fox / Fox Head screen print art at front body 100% Polyester Fleece, 250gm Length (HPS): 30""";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"17618-052";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104550";"FOX KATCH PULLOVER FLEECE HEATHER GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/829-katch-pullover-fleece-heather-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104550/main_images/pZsa46oDswYL48r-fox-katch-pullover-fleece-17618-185-heather-graphite.webp";"259";"Give chilly days the cold shoulder with this plush-lined zipper hoodie in our FOX graphic contrast color scheme. This soft fleece is so comfortable you will be hoping for a long winter. The hoodie features drawcords for adjustable coverage and the effortless comfort of a pullover design. Effortless pullover design Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth and convenient storage Fox / Fox Head screen print art at front body 100% Polyester Fleece, 250gm Length (HPS): 30""";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"17618-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104551";"FOX KATCH PULLOVER FLEECE HEATHER MILITARY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/830-katch-pullover-fleece-heather-military";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104551/main_images/mHkyTJsr8wkQBrY-fox-katch-pullover-fleece-17618-549-heather-military.webp";"299";"Give chilly days the cold shoulder with this plush-lined zipper hoodie in our FOX graphic contrast color scheme. This soft fleece is so comfortable you will be hoping for a long winter. The hoodie features drawcords for adjustable coverage and the effortless comfort of a pullover design. Effortless pullover design Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth and convenient storage Fox / Fox Head screen print art at front body 100% Polyester Fleece, 250gm Length (HPS): 30""";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"17618-549";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104552";"FOX KATCH SS TECH TEE HTR GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/810-katch-ss-tech-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104552/main_images/QOx40t4x5c21JIy-fox-katch-ss-tech-tee-17576-heather-graphite.webp";"119";"The Fox Katch Tech Tee is a new style of the classic tech tee range from Fox; lightweight, breathable with soft premium feel for ultimate comfort thanks to their exclusive TRUDRI fabric! This tech tee is constructed from TRUDRI moisture management technology so you get all the performance of a mountain bike jersey, but the style of a tee. This performance fabric rapidly wicks moisture from the skin to keep you dry and comfortable. The shirt has a premium fit for a tailored look without feeling restricting. Blurring the line between active and causal wear, this tech tee is perfect for the gym or just everyday life. Fox Katch Tech Tee Features Premium Fit Crew neck tee Short sleeve Rapid wicking and fast drying Softhand plastisol ink screen print at front 85% Polyester / 15% Cotton TRUDRI Length (HPS): 30"" Fox Trudri Fabric Features Wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"17576-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104553";"FOX KATCH SS TECH TEE INDIGO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/809-katch-ss-tech-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104553/main_images/b3jvx7VWP2ynG8I-fox-katch-ss-tech-tee-17576-052-pewter.webp";"119";"The Fox Katch Tech Tee is a new style of the classic tech tee range from Fox; lightweight, breathable with soft premium feel for ultimate comfort thanks to their exclusive TRUDRI fabric! This tech tee is constructed from TRUDRI moisture management technology so you get all the performance of a mountain bike jersey, but the style of a tee. This performance fabric rapidly wicks moisture from the skin to keep you dry and comfortable. The shirt has a premium fit for a tailored look without feeling restricting. Blurring the line between active and causal wear, this tech tee is perfect for the gym or just everyday life. Fox Katch Tech Tee Features Premium Fit Crew neck tee Short sleeve Rapid wicking and fast drying Softhand plastisol ink screen print at front 85% Polyester / 15% Cotton TRUDRI Length (HPS): 30"" Fox Trudri Fabric Features Wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"17576-052";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104554";"FOX KATCH SS TECH TEE HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/811-katch-ss-tech-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104554/main_images/UpIdbnKl9fXtPqV-fox-katch-ss-tech-tee-17576-243-heather-black.webp";"119";"The Fox Katch Tech Tee is a new style of the classic tech tee range from Fox; lightweight, breathable with soft premium feel for ultimate comfort thanks to their exclusive TRUDRI fabric! This tech tee is constructed from TRUDRI moisture management technology so you get all the performance of a mountain bike jersey, but the style of a tee. This performance fabric rapidly wicks moisture from the skin to keep you dry and comfortable. The shirt has a premium fit for a tailored look without feeling restricting. Blurring the line between active and causal wear, this tech tee is perfect for the gym or just everyday life. Fox Katch Tech Tee Features Premium Fit Crew neck tee Short sleeve Rapid wicking and fast drying Softhand plastisol ink screen print at front 85% Polyester / 15% Cotton TRUDRI Length (HPS): 30"" Fox Trudri Fabric Features Wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"17576-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104555";"FOX M-E-TEES KNOCK OFF L/S TEE NAVY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1393-m-e-tees-knock-off-l-s-tee-navy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104555/main_images/pl2ornVGPBkEv3U-fox-knock-off-l-s-tee-47351-navy.webp";"79";"Bluza Knock Off L/S Tee este conceputa cu un design care scoate in evident logo-ul FOX.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"47351-007";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104556";"FOX KRANK TECH CREW FLEECE CRANBERRY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/1025-krank-tech-crew-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104556/main_images/8met1BJzklpOojz-fox-krank-tech-crew-fleece-18875-527-cranberry.webp";"215";"";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"18875-527";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104557";"FOX LATERAL PANT [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/486-lateral-pant-htr-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104557/main_images/kOgCU6lBUb0CBq4-fox-lateral-pant-14287-heather-graphite.webp";"199";"The Lateral Pants are the ultimate in cool comfort. A tapered fit with elastic cuffs ensures a clean and modern look which is as comfortable kickin' it at home, cruising for a burger, or relaxing after a long day at the track. FEATURES Men's jogger pants Brushed cotton offers extremely comfortable soft feel Tapered fit with elastic cuffs at bottom opening Ties at bottom cuff allow for pant to be worn cinched Inseam: 29.5"" FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 280g";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"14287-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104558";"FOX LATERAL PANT [HTR BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/487-lateral-pant-heather-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104558/main_images/BNH68QZ0uSWWrwP-fox-lateral-pant-14287-243-heather-black.webp";"199";"The Lateral Pants are the ultimate in cool comfort. A tapered fit with elastic cuffs ensures a clean and modern look which is as comfortable kickin' it at home, cruising for a burger, or relaxing after a long day at the track. FEATURES Men's jogger pants Brushed cotton offers extremely comfortable soft feel Tapered fit with elastic cuffs at bottom opening Ties at bottom cuff allow for pant to be worn cinched Inseam: 29.5"" FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 280g";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"14287-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104559";"FOX LEGACY CREW FLEECE HEATHER GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/1031-legacy-crew-fleece-heather-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104559/main_images/41O9bhiK2Zz4Hip-fox-legacy-crew-fleece-18881-040-heather-grey.webp";"219";"The Legacy Crewneck Sweatshirt is as timeless as it is comfortable. It offers the relaxed feel of your favorite sweatshirt in a classic crewneck silhouette. The raglan sleeves provide mobility and a flexible feel. FEATURES Soft brushed interior 280 g fleece is perfect for when it's just a little too cold for a t-shirt Fox/Fox Head smooth print art at front body Length (HPS): 30"", size large FABRIC 80% Cotton 20% Polyester Fleece, 280g";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"18881-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104560";"FOX LEGACY FHEADX SS TEE -14272 White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-barbati/473-legacy-fheadx-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104560/main_images/qtaT9Dk47lBPOSc-fox-legacy-fheadx-ss-tee-14272-white.webp";"99";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"";"266";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte barbati";"14272-008";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104561";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD X SS TEE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/474-legacy-fheadx-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104561/main_images/enWUYuZB2zwvluv-fox-legacy-fheadx-ss-tee-14272-009-orange.webp";"119";"The MX inspired Fox Legacy T-Shirt is a nod to our quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. Fox art on chest Crew-neckline Softhand, plastisol graphic 100% Cotton [solid tees] 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester [heather tees]";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"14272-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104562";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD X ZIP FLEECE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/531-legacy-foxhead-x-zip-fleece-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104562/main_images/e1x3h8VDuv090zM-fox-legacy-fheadx-zip-fleece-14626-001-black.webp";"199";"The Legacy F-HEAD-X Camo Zip Hoodie provides casual comfort with iconic Fox branding. It's constructed from a soft camouflage printed cotton/polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. FEATURES Heavyweight fleece Soft brushed interior for comfort & warmth Full-length front zipper Drawcord hood for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% Cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330g";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"14626-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104563";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD X ZIP FLEECE HEATHER GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/532-legacy-foxhead-x-zip-fleece-heather-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104563/main_images/KS1eV2r0gxvyE9b-fox-legacy-fheadx-zip-fleece-14626-185-heather-graphite.webp";"199";"The Legacy F-HEAD-X Camo Zip Hoodie provides casual comfort with iconic Fox branding. It's constructed from a soft camouflage printed cotton/polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. FEATURES Heavyweight fleece Soft brushed interior for comfort & warmth Full-length front zipper Drawcord hood for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% Cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330g";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"14626-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104564";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD PO FLEECE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/529-legacy-foxhead-po-fleece-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104564/main_images/6ti8YFdybSuHq3I-fox-legacy-fox-head-14625-001-black.webp";"239";"The Legacy Fox Head Pullover Hoodie features the iconic Fox Head logo boldly displayed on the chest. It's constructed from a soft cotton, polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. FEATURES Effortless pullover design Smooth Fox Head art on chest Drawstring for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth Soft, mid-weight fleece Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% Cotton / 20% Polyester Fleece Soft, mid-weight fleece";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"14625-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104565";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD PO FLEECE [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/530-legacy-foxhead-po-fleece-heather-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104565/main_images/KZwsA6cpfhJrksh-fox-legacy-foxhead-po-fleece-14625-185-heather-graphite.webp";"239";"The Legacy Fox Head Pullover Hoodie features the iconic Fox Head logo boldly displayed on the chest. It's constructed from a soft cotton, polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. FEATURES Effortless pullover design Smooth Fox Head art on chest Drawstring for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth Soft, mid-weight fleece Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% Cotton / 20% Polyester Fleece Soft, mid-weight fleece";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"14625-185";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104566";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD SS TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/475-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104566/main_images/WMqwShy9ufkMlcY-fox-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-14274-black.webp";"119";"The MX inspired Fox Legacy T-Shirt is a nod to our quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. Fox art on chest Crew-neckline Softhand, plastisol graphic 100% Cotton [solid tees] 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester [heather tees]";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"14274-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104567";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD SS TEE BLACK/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/480-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-black-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104567/main_images/qWdSexAZPFBVfls-fox-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-14274-013-blue-black.webp";"119";"The MX inspired Fox Legacy T-Shirt is a nod to our quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. Fox art on chest Crew-neckline Softhand, plastisol graphic 100% Cotton [solid tees] 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester [heather tees]";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"14274-013";"Albastru/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru/Negru";"0" "104568";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD SS TEE BLACK/ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/481-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-black-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104568/main_images/buUbsCsPnQSSrzz-fox-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-14274-016-black-orange.webp";"119";"The MX inspired Fox Legacy T-Shirt is a nod to our quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. Fox art on chest Crew-neckline Softhand, plastisol graphic 100% Cotton [solid tees] 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester [heather tees]";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"14274-016";"Portocaliu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "104569";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD SS TEE HEATHER GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/484-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-heather-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104569/main_images/CvFzfFwHUOFB91z-fox-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-14274-185-heather-graphite.webp";"119";"The MX inspired Fox Legacy T-Shirt is a nod to our quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. Fox art on chest Crew-neckline Softhand, plastisol graphic 100% Cotton [solid tees] 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester [heather tees]";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"14274-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104570";"FOX LEGACY ZIP FLEECE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/824-legacy-zip-fleece-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104570/main_images/9LSrnXV2XvoxW4V-fox-legacy-zip-fleece-17616-black.webp";"278";"The Legacy Fox Head Zip Hoodie provides casual comfort with bold Fox branding. It's constructed from a soft cotton/polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. Details include silicone coated eyelets and aglets, and a durable YKK zipper. FEATURES Fox Head embroidery on chest Durable YKK full length zipper Silicone coated aglets and eyelets Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth Soft brushed polyester fleece Drawstring for adjustable coverage Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330gm Soft brushed polyester fleece";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"17616-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104571";"FOX LEGACY ZIP FLEECE INDIGO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/826-legacy-zip-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104571/main_images/7HXbnFVh4OuXtB7-fox-legacy-zip-fleece-17616-pewter.webp";"249";"The Legacy Fox Head Zip Hoodie provides casual comfort with bold Fox branding. It's constructed from a soft cotton/polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. Details include silicone coated eyelets and aglets, and a durable YKK zipper. FEATURES Fox Head embroidery on chest Durable YKK full length zipper Silicone coated aglets and eyelets Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth Soft brushed polyester fleece Drawstring for adjustable coverage Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330gm Soft brushed polyester fleece";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"17616-052";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104572";"FOX LEGACY ZIP FLEECE HEATHER GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/825-legacy-zip-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104572/main_images/dIuZ3tHQJXzFt4u-fox-legacy-zip-fleece-17616-040-heather-graphite.webp";"249";"The Legacy Fox Head Zip Hoodie provides casual comfort with bold Fox branding. It's constructed from a soft cotton/polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. Details include silicone coated eyelets and aglets, and a durable YKK zipper. FEATURES Fox Head embroidery on chest Durable YKK full length zipper Silicone coated aglets and eyelets Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth Soft brushed polyester fleece Drawstring for adjustable coverage Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330gm Soft brushed polyester fleece";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"17616-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104573";"FOX LEGACY ZIP FLEECE HEATHER BURGUNDY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/827-legacy-zip-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104573/main_images/TGWj4DIdJmOeObu-fox-legacy-zip-fleece-17616-106-heather-burgundy.webp";"249";"The Legacy Fox Head Zip Hoodie provides casual comfort with bold Fox branding. It's constructed from a soft cotton/polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. Details include silicone coated eyelets and aglets, and a durable YKK zipper. FEATURES Fox Head embroidery on chest Durable YKK full length zipper Silicone coated aglets and eyelets Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth Soft brushed polyester fleece Drawstring for adjustable coverage Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330gm Soft brushed polyester fleece";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"17616-106";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104574";"FOX Libra Pullover Fleece -17621 Heather Graphite";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-barbati/831-libra-pullover-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104574/main_images/2hfxgy68hpsKPfl-fox-libra-pullover-fleece-17621-heather-graphite.webp";"215";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"";"266";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte barbati";"17621";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104575";"FOX Libra Sherpa Zip Fleece -17614 Light Grey";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-barbati/822-libra-sherpa-zip-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104575/main_images/ja4KjCBhSbRuo4F-fox-libra-sherpa-zip-fleece-17614-light-grey.webp";"299";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"";"266";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte barbati";"17614";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104576";"FOX LIBRA SS TECH KNIT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/805-libra-ss-tech-knit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104576/main_images/3R0KhV2ilwMIyuW-fox-libra-ss-tech-knit-17533-black.webp";"159";"The Libra Short Sleeve Tech Knit is a performance driven tee which draws inspiration from our Libra MX gear set. The perfect fusion of style and function, it combines a clean look with advanced fabric technologies. The main body uses our TRUDRI fabric to wick sweat, keeping you dry and comfortable. The back panel and underarms are designed with a breathable mesh for great ventilation. Rapid wicking Fast drying TRUDRI reflective heat transfer at back hem No sew welded pocket with bonded reflective tape at pocket opening Fox Head reflective heat transfer at chest 85% Polyester / 15% Cotton TRUDRI Jersey TRUDRI:Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"17533-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104577";"FOX LIFER SS PREMIUM TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1010-lifer-ss-premium-tee-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104577/main_images/5o288ATibjNU80q-fox-lifer-ss-premium-tee-18828-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18828-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104578";"FOX LIFER SS PREMIUM TEE HEATHER GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1011-lifer-ss-premium-tee-heather-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104578/main_images/d5IuecSGMmQNbHr-fox-lifer-ss-premium-tee-18828-040-heather-grey.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18828-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104579";"FOX LOOPED OUT SS TEE HEATHER HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1095-looped-out-ss-tee-heather-heather-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104579/main_images/R8giE7u4HL3eytk-fox-looped-out-ss-tee-19277-243-heather-black.webp";"119";"Comfortable crew neck tee made from durable and soft cotton fabric. Features: Material: 100% Cotton Neck: Crew Graphics: Screen Print Machine Washable";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19277-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104580";"FOX LOOPED OUT SS TEE HEATHER RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1096-looped-out-ss-tee-heather-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104580/main_images/i53IENqSDqIGXC4-fox-looped-out-ss-tee-19277-383-red.webp";"119";"Comfortable crew neck tee made from durable and soft cotton fabric. Features: Material: 100% Cotton Neck: Crew Graphics: Screen Print Machine Washable";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19277-383";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104581";"FOX LOOPED OUT SS TEE HEATHER M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1097-looped-out-ss-tee-heather-m-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104581/main_images/Pns7ZwzVW4bSTOo-fox-looped-out-ss-tee-19277-492-blue.webp";"119";"Comfortable crew neck tee made from durable and soft cotton fabric. Features: Material: 100% Cotton Neck: Crew Graphics: Screen Print Machine Washable";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19277-492";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104582";"FOX M-E-ACCESSORIES LOUDMOUNTH BELT SILVER";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1518-m-e-accessories-loudmounth-belt-silver";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104582/main_images/J6xbAMiu6vOfwgr-fox-loudmouth-belt-57495-silver.webp";"79";"Curea din piele ecologica, avand imprimeu metalic FOX pe catarama si imprimeuri aurii/argintii FOX pe toata lungimea ei";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57495-064";"Argintiu";"FOX Racing";"Argintiu";"0" "104583";"FOX M-E-ACCESSORIES LOUDMOUTH BELT GOLD";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1519-m-e-accessories-loudmouth-belt-gold";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104583/main_images/kQTyW7NCggwyDjv-fox-loudmouth-belt-57495-gold.webp";"79";"Curea din piele ecologica, avand imprimeu metalic FOX pe catarama si imprimeuri aurii/argintii FOX pe toata lungimea ei";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57495-200";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104584";"FOX MACHETE TECH SHORT HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/692-machete-tech-short-heather-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104584/main_images/g6I15omi91CylgS-fox-machete-tech-short-16225-243-heather-black.webp";"239";"The Machete Tech Shorts seamlessly blend style and functionality. The main body is soft and stretchy for comfort and mobility. It is treated with a durable, water-resistant coating to shed light moisture. And it has plenty of pockets for storage, including a cell phone pocket. FEATURES DWR treated to shed light moisture Welded cell phone pocket Zip fly with button closure Front hand pocket Back welt pockets Outseam: 20"" FABRIC 95% polyester / 5% elastane cross dye, 140gm C6 DWR treated";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"16225-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104585";"FOX MACHETE TECH SHORT CRANBERRY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/693-machete-tech-short-cranberry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104585/main_images/0b02mFe7YOGhOfD-fox-machete-tech-short-16225-527-cranberry.webp";"239";"The Machete Tech Shorts seamlessly blend style and functionality. The main body is soft and stretchy for comfort and mobility. It is treated with a durable, water-resistant coating to shed light moisture. And it has plenty of pockets for storage, including a cell phone pocket. FEATURES DWR treated to shed light moisture Welded cell phone pocket Zip fly with button closure Front hand pocket Back welt pockets Outseam: 20"" FABRIC 95% polyester / 5% elastane cross dye, 140gm C6 DWR treated";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"16225-527";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104586";"FOX MOTH DOTS SS TECH TEE HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1083-moth-dots-ss-tech-tee-heather-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104586/main_images/5qBlpus1GteoMMA-fox-moth-dots-ss-tech-tee-19268-243-heather-black.webp";"139";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19268-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104587";"FOX MOTH DOTS SS TECH TEE HEATHER BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1084-moth-dots-ss-tech-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104587/main_images/guUAmkyYiuZzCBP-fox-moth-dots-ss-tech-tee-19268-522-blue.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19268-522";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104588";"FOX MOTH SS REGLAN OPT WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1098-moth-ss-raglan";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104588/main_images/NBhDe8jMCNT2rg8-fox-moth-ss-raglan-19278-190-white.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19278-190";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104589";"FOX MOTH SS REGLAN HEATHER M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1099-moth-ss-reglan-heather-m-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104589/main_images/XDuIADgiRfNT6tl-fox-moth-ss-raglan-19278-492-blue.webp";"139";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19278-492";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104590";"FOX MOTH SS TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1112-moth-ss-tee-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104590/main_images/Kpf1uqqzhlhhYI5-fox-moth-ss-tee-19289-001-blue-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19289-001";"Albastru/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru/Negru";"0" "104591";"FOX MOTH SS TEE HEATHER GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1113-moth-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104591/main_images/eaw1zuN7vZH60Nq-fox-moth-ss-tee-19289-185-heather-graphite.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19289-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104592";"FOX MOTH SS TEE HEATHER RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1114-moth-ss-tee-heather-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104592/main_images/tqqnH2jiBYVsthp-fox-moth-ss-tee-19289-383-red.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19289-383";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104593";"FOX MOTH SS TEE HEATHER M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1115-moth-ss-tee-heather-m-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104593/main_images/jKRss2SzIqpL1C4-fox-moth-ss-tee-19289-492-heather-blue.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19289-492";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104594";"FOX MR CLEAN WEB BELT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1646-mr-clean-web-belt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104594/main_images/e5zFI31StHNDo2R-fox-mr-clean-web-belt-59697-001-black.webp";"69";"Accessories are the exclamation point of style. Make a bold proclamation with the Fox Mr. Clean Belt. It's made from a super durable polyester wedding and features a metal Fox logo buckle as well as an integrated bottle opener. This is the perfect addition to any look, and, of course, it also does a great job of keeping your pants up. FEATURES Men's belt Metal buckle Polyurethane strap Integrated bottle opener Clamp closure MATERIALS 100% polyester SIZES Small = 28-32"" Medium = 32-34"" Large = 36-38"" X-Large = 40-42""";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"59697-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104595";"FOX MR CLEAN WEB BELT CHARCOAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1647-mr-clean-web-belt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104595/main_images/E0YELE2PH8s7HU4-fox-mr-clean-web-belt-59697-028-charcoal.webp";"69";"Accessories are the exclamation point of style. Make a bold proclamation with the Fox Mr. Clean Belt. It's made from a super durable polyester wedding and features a metal Fox logo buckle as well as an integrated bottle opener. This is the perfect addition to any look, and, of course, it also does a great job of keeping your pants up. FEATURES Men's belt Metal buckle Polyurethane strap Integrated bottle opener Clamp closure MATERIALS 100% polyester SIZES Small = 28-32"" Medium = 32-34"" Large = 36-38"" X-Large = 40-42""";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"59697-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104596";"FOX Mr. Clean Sweater";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/1360-mr-clean-sweater";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104596/main_images/gGgiIIeMMeAcK9n-fox-mr-clean-sweater-46072-light-heather-grey.webp";"129";"Bluza Fox pentru cei care iubesc simplitatea, fara a face compromis la calitate. 60% bumbac, 40% polyester.";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"46072-416";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104597";"FOX MR. CLEAN WEB BELT MIL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1648-mr-clean-web-belt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104597/main_images/0w0UCH1JQLpzHYi-fox-mr-clean-web-belt-59697-373-military.webp";"69";"Accessories are the exclamation point of style. Make a bold proclamation with the Fox Mr. Clean Belt. It's made from a super durable polyester wedding and features a metal Fox logo buckle as well as an integrated bottle opener. This is the perfect addition to any look, and, of course, it also does a great job of keeping your pants up. FEATURES Men's belt Metal buckle Polyurethane strap Integrated bottle opener Clamp closure MATERIALS 100% polyester SIZES Small = 28-32"" Medium = 32-34"" Large = 36-38"" X-Large = 40-42""";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"59697-373";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104598";"FOX NO LOSS SS TEE HEATHER GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1100-no-loss-ss-tee-heather-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104598/main_images/xodjDMQmmjNiPAQ-fox-no-loss-ss-tee-19279-185-heather-graphite.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19279-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104599";"FOX NO LOSS SS TEE OPT WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1101-no-loss-ss-tee-opt-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104599/main_images/EfGSRNqnkg9aBF9-fox-no-loss-ss-tee-19279-190-white.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19279-190";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104600";"FOX OBAKE SS TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/879-obake-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104600/main_images/4C0s8CKOEgByU7E-fox-obake-ss-tee-17924-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"17924-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104601";"FOX OBAKE SS TEE OPTICAL WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/880-obake-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104601/main_images/24vLwhNgpVR3O0s-fox-obake-ss-tee-17924-opt-white.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"17924-190";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104602";"FOX OBSERVED SS PREMIUM TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1012-observed-ss-premium-tee-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104602/main_images/VbgGPDmOfH8o55s-fox-observed-ss-premium-tee-18831-001-black.webp";"99";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18831-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104603";"FOX OBSERVED SS PREMIUM TEE HEATHER GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1013-observed-ss-premium-tee-heather-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104603/main_images/jVxR7udugrSnbQw-fox-observed-ss-premium-tee-18831-040-heather-grey.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18831-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104604";"FOX OBSERVED SS PREMIUM TEE HEATHER M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1014-observed-ss-premium-tee-heather-m-blue";"1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104604/main_images/4MettPmEEFqS7zI-fox-observed-ss-premium-tee-18831-492-heather-blue.webp";"99";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18831-492";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"1" "104605";"FOX OBSESSED SS TECH TEE HEATHER GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1017-obsessed-ss-tech-tee-heather-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104605/main_images/Ugu96nMy7MI5zc6-fox-obsessed-ss-tech-tee-18838-185-heather-graphite.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18838-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104606";"FOX OBSESSED SS TECH TEE HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1018-obsessed-ss-tech-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104606/main_images/KqMmqlcJF8gkuaZ-fox-obsessed-ss-tech-tee-18838-243-heather-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18838-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104607";"FOX OBSESSED SS TECH TEE HEATHER RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1019-obsessed-ss-tech-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104607/main_images/9v2HVPfgYX8V9Cr-fox-obsessed-ss-tech-tee-18838-383-heather-red.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18838-383";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104608";"FOX OVERHEAD AMBUSH BOARDSHORT BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/1131-overhead-ambush-boardshort";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104608/main_images/qC41bOn6av4yF0V-fox-overhead-ambush-boardshort-19953-002-blue.webp";"159";"Be seen all summer long in our Overhead Camo Stretch Boardshort. The 22” length lays at the knee, and the 4-way stretch material makes them ultra-comfortable. FEATURES DWR for faster dry times Solid dyed short Welt pocket on right leg Shock cord inside pocket Sewn hem Outseam: 22"" FABRIC 100% polyester microfiber with DWR";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"19953-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104609";"FOX OVERHEAD BOARDSHORT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/1032-overhead-boardshort-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104609/main_images/9WbtaR4pPeE2y7E-fox-overhead-boardshort-18882-001-black.webp";"139";"Be seen all summer long in our Overhead Camo Stretch Boardshort. The 22” length lays at the knee, and the 4-way stretch material makes them ultra-comfortable. FEATURES DWR for faster dry times Solid dyed short Welt pocket on right leg Shock cord inside pocket Sewn hem Outseam: 22"" FABRIC 100% polyester microfiber with DWR";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"18882-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104610";"FOX PROCESSED SS TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1103-processed-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104610/main_images/WGWgw5qqQxGl9ol-fox-processed-ss-tee-19281-001-black.webp";"119";"Keep things bold and straightforward with the men’s Processes short sleeve tee. The clean Fox graphics are instantly recognizable, and the relaxed fit gives you the comfort you seek. FEATURES Crewneck / short sleeve Soft hand plastisol print Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 60% cotton / 40% combed ringspun jersey";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19281-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104611";"FOX PROCESSED SS TEE HEATHER M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1104-processed-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104611/main_images/AI9AZEJHLpBJ5WM-fox-processed-ss-tee-19281-492-blue.webp";"119";"Keep things bold and straightforward with the men’s Processes short sleeve tee. The clean Fox graphics are instantly recognizable, and the relaxed fit gives you the comfort you seek. FEATURES Crewneck / short sleeve Soft hand plastisol print Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 60% cotton / 40% combed ringspun jersey";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19281-492";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104612";"FOX Recoil Pant -43004 Khaki";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-barbati/1282-recoil-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104612/main_images/Ose95Aum8TzEMTC-fox-recoil-pant-43004-khaki.webp";"50";"Pantaloni pentru barbati .";"";"";"266";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte barbati";"43004";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104613";"FOX RECOILER ZIP FLEECE HEATHER M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/1030-recoiler-zip-fleece-heather-m-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104613/main_images/VAJyxTQ2KZa5Df9-fox-recoiler-zip-fleece-18879-492-htr-blue.webp";"249";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"18879-492";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104614";"FOX REFORMER SHERPA ZIP FLEECE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/821-reformer-sherpa-zip-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104614/main_images/geSg2RlNCeqtPDl-fox-reformer-sherpa-zip-fleece-17613-black.webp";"299";"COLD WEATHER CONQUEROR The Reformed Sherpa hoodie can be worn from the start of fall to the end of winter. It has a simple look and casual fit which fits in anywhere. The sherpa fleece lining is ultra soft and warm, keeping you cozy anywhere you roam. The fleece-lined hood and kanga style pocket will make sure you're warm from your fingers to your ears. FEATURES Men's lined fleece Full-length zipper for adjustable coverage Silicone heat transfers Drawstring for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets and aglets Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC Shell: 60% polyester / 40% cotton Lining: 100% polyester sherpa";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"17613-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104615";"FOX RENEGADE PULLOVER FLEECE -18878 Heather Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/1029-renegade-pullover-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104615/main_images/zh3yVHMbWO58TmQ-fox-renegade-pullover-fleece-18878-heather-blue.webp";"249";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"18878-522";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104616";"FOX RENEGADE PULLOVER FLEECE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/1028-renegade-pullover-fleece-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104616/main_images/PiAU5CoTgURmG7y-fox-renegade-pullover-fleece-18878-001-black.webp";"249";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"18878-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104617";"FOX REPAIRED SS TEE HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1105-repaired-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104617/main_images/JebvXE8mQrxCfaZ-fox-repaired-ss-tee-19282-243-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19282-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104618";"FOX ROTATED ZIP FLEECE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/1026-rotated-zip-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104618/main_images/vkji8Z9ESNZreXH-fox-rotated-zip-fleece-18877-001-black.webp";"299";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"18877-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104619";"FOX ROTATED ZIP FLEECE FLM RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/1027-rotated-zip-fleece-flm-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104619/main_images/s7eL49dq8cpClIe-fox-rotated-zip-fleece-18877-122-red.webp";"299";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"18877-122";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104620";"FOX ROTATIONS ZIP FLEECE MILITARY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/883-rotations-zip-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104620/main_images/PTBUZnRt10L7VSD-fox-rotations-zip-fleece-18161-military.webp";"299";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"18161-373";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104621";"FOX SCALED SS PREMIUM TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1015-scaled-ss-premium-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104621/main_images/1zJYqseyWWlz7CL-fox-scaled-ss-premium-tee-18835-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18835-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104622";"FOX SCALED SS PREMIUM TEE HEATHER M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1016-scaled-ss-premium-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104622/main_images/9aNJU0A9xWUcZuh-fox-scaled-ss-premium-tee-18835-492-blue.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18835-492";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104623";"FOX SCRIPTED SS TEA HEATHER RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/699-scripted-ss-tea-heather-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104623/main_images/juRhiO8HM1FgPfY-fox-scripted-ss-tee-16484-383-red.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"16484-383";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104624";"FOX SECA SPLICE SS TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1106-seca-splice-ss-tee-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104624/main_images/98TUM6Isqmavi9L-fox-seca-splice-ss-tee-19283-001-black.webp";"129";"No matter the day or the occasion, you can't go wrong with the men's Seca Splice short sleeve tee. This crew neck tee is equipped with a comfortable cotton construction, a modern fit, and MX-inspired graphics to set it apart. FEATURES Crewneck / short sleeve Soft hand plastisol print Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 60% cotton / 40% combed ringspun jersey";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19283-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104625";"FOX SECA SPLICE SS TEE OPT WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1107-seca-splice-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104625/main_images/n1aLhoam9ZmyIaI-fox-seca-splice-ss-tee-19283-190-opt-white.webp";"129";"No matter the day or the occasion, you can't go wrong with the men's Seca Splice short sleeve tee. This crew neck tee is equipped with a comfortable cotton construction, a modern fit, and MX-inspired graphics to set it apart. FEATURES Crewneck / short sleeve Soft hand plastisol print Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 60% cotton / 40% combed ringspun jersey";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19283-190";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104626";"FOX SECA SPLICE SS TEE HEATHER RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1108-seca-splice-ss-tee-heather-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104626/main_images/nJ7pqRCQFjOH9fT-fox-seca-splice-ss-tee-19283-383-red.webp";"119";"No matter the day or the occasion, you can't go wrong with the men's Seca Splice short sleeve tee. This crew neck tee is equipped with a comfortable cotton construction, a modern fit, and MX-inspired graphics to set it apart. FEATURES Crewneck / short sleeve Soft hand plastisol print Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 60% cotton / 40% combed ringspun jersey";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19283-383";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104627";"FOX SECA SS KNIT HEATHER GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1022-seca-ss-knit-heather-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104627/main_images/jyrV2bZuWjlJ9ES-1057-seca-ss-knit.webp";"179";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18851-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104628";"FOX SECA SS KNIT CHARCOAL HEATHER";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1023-seca-ss-knit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104628/main_images/V64eGfHN5W4tGeP-1059-seca-ss-knit.webp";"139";"Tricou casual barbati.";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18851-123";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104629";"FOX Selector Jean Cuttof -42199 Indigo Rinse";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-barbati/1268-selector-jean-cuttof";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104629/main_images/QK0zWSdDBJqQJde-fox-selector-jean-cuttof-42199-indigo-rinse.webp";"89";"Pantaloni scurti Foxracing din material de blugi. Doua buzunare in fata cu un buzunar mic cu fermoar pentru ceas. Material din bumbac 81,5%, polyester 17,5% si spandex 1%. Marimi disponibile: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42";"";"";"266";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte barbati";"42199";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104630";"FOX Shift 2nd Infantry Short -42055 Fatigue Green";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-barbati/1266-shift-2nd-infantry-short";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104630/main_images/rQzFQURcBV9oeB5-fox-shift-2nd-infantry-short-42055-fatigue-green.webp";"89";"Pantaloni scurti de vara pentru barbati Marimi disponibile: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42";"";"";"266";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte barbati";"42055";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104631";"FOX SIRUS TECH PANT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/834-sirus-tech-pant-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104631/main_images/XihfVTEy9kXPiIh-fox-sirius-tech-pant-17639-black.webp";"399";"The Sirus pants are lightweight, breathable and extremely soft. A nod to our motocross heritage, the pants have a back yoke design normally seen on our world-class motocross pants. This unique to Fox design adds a bit of style and improves ease of movement. The pants are built with our exclusive TRUDRI moisture management technology. This performance fabric rapidly wicks moisture from the skin to keep you dry and comfortable. The Sirus pants will match you stride for stride on your morning run, keep you comfortable and focused at the gym, and offers a relaxed garment for a day spend on the couch. Contrast MX inspired back yoke panel Elastic waistband and hem Knee darts for articulation Reflective branding Contrast reflective drawcord 70% Polyester / 30% Cotton. 280gms.";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"17639-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104632";"FOX SLAMBOZO CARGO SHORT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1050-slambozo-cargo-short-black";"1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104632/main_images/U2v8WhLZOaFEp7n-1095-slambozo-cargo-short.webp";"259";"Designed for comfort whether you're in the mountains, on the track or simply running errands, the Slambozo Cargo Short boasts a durable cotton canvas construction, tons of storage options, and a heavy stone wash. FEATURES Zip fly with metal button (2) Side pockets (2) Back pockets (2) Side cargo pockets Heavy stone and enzyme wash Outseam: 22"" size 34 FABRIC 100% cotton canvas";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"19043-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"1" "104633";"FOX SLAMBOZO CARGO SHORT GUNMETAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1051-slambozo-cargo-short-gunmetal";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104633/main_images/9qyEiOVMReQxgOn-1098-slambozo-cargo-short.webp";"259";"Designed for comfort whether you're in the mountains, on the track or simply running errands, the Slambozo Cargo Short boasts a durable cotton canvas construction, tons of storage options, and a heavy stone wash. FEATURES Zip fly with metal button (2) Side pockets (2) Back pockets (2) Side cargo pockets Heavy stone and enzyme wash Outseam: 22"" size 34 FABRIC 100% cotton canvas";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"19043-038";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104634";"FOX SLAMBOZO CARGO SHORT DARK KHAKI";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1052-slambozo-cargo-short-dark-khaki";"2 : 2";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104634/main_images/9YYeiGjBnYXtQNR-1101-slambozo-cargo-short.webp";"259";"Designed for comfort whether you're in the mountains, on the track or simply running errands, the Slambozo Cargo Short boasts a durable cotton canvas construction, tons of storage options, and a heavy stone wash. FEATURES Zip fly with metal button (2) Side pockets (2) Back pockets (2) Side cargo pockets Heavy stone and enzyme wash Outseam: 22"" size 34 FABRIC 100% cotton canvas";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"19043-108";"";"FOX Racing";"";"1" "104635";"FOX M-E-ACCESSORIES SLIPSTREAM LEATHER BELT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1522-m-e-accessories-slipstream-leather-belt-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104635/main_images/oTcJnRDLTxbbvDl-fox-slipstream-belt-57499-black.webp";"69";"curea din piele ecologica cu imprimeuri FOX pentru barbati";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57499-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104636";"FOX M-E-SHIRTS SOLICIT S/S WOVEN CARBON";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1299-m-e-shirts-solicit-s-s-woven-carbon";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104636/main_images/Un7eaKTW2FTcYpr-fox-solicit-woven-44086-carbon.webp";"149";"Camasa barbati FOX Solitic Woven in carouri cu maneca scurta, casual, prezinta un buzunar la piept care poate fi inchis cu un nasture.60% Bumbac si 40% Polyester";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"44086-011";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104637";"FOX M-E-SHIRTS SOLICIT S/S WOVEN PUTTY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1300-m-e-shirts-solicit-s-s-woven-putty";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104637/main_images/p04N1n4dN47KYbw-fox-solicit-woven-44086-putty.webp";"149";"Camasa barbati FOX Solitic Woven in carouri cu maneca scurta, casual, prezinta un buzunar la piept care poate fi inchis cu un nasture.60% Bumbac si 40% Polyester";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"44086-238";"Maro";"FOX Racing";"Maro";"0" "104638";"FOX M-E-SHIRTS SOLICIT S/S WOVEN VINTAGE WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1301-m-e-shirts-solicit-s-s-woven-vintage-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104638/main_images/jUoQPV7ZRvkWSpE-fox-solicit-woven-44086-vintage-white.webp";"149";"Camasa barbati FOX Solitic Woven in carouri cu maneca scurta, casual, prezinta un buzunar la piept care poate fi inchis cu un nasture.60% Bumbac si 40% Polyester";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"44086-579";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104639";"FOX STOCKED UP SS TECH TEE HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1020-stocked-up-ss-tech-tee-heather-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104639/main_images/DY83r9wLcOR0tqW-fox-stocked-up-ss-tech-tee-18839-243-heather-black.webp";"139";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"18839-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104640";"FOX STRETCHER EYECON FLEECE SHORT HEATHER GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/1033-stretcher-eyecon-fleece-short";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104640/main_images/UmGzca5vmqvARwF-1071-stretcher-eyecon-fleece-short.webp";"199";"Do you live an active life style? Then these are the pants for you. The Stretch Chino pants offer a relaxed feel with a slim tapered fit. And thanks to the stretch construction, the pants move with you for comfort while maintaining a tailored look. These pants are perfect for those looking for comfort, mobility, and contemporary styling. FEATURES Feels like a chino, moves like an active pant (2)Front hand pockets (2)Back welt pockets (1)Side pocket Zip fly with snap closure 20min garment wash with softener Inseam: 32"" size 34 FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex, 238gm";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"18902-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104641";"FOX STRETCHER EYECON FLEECE SHORT HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/1034-stretcher-eyecon-fleece-short";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104641/main_images/eaVaJWO0LAXbp9E-1073-stretcher-eyecon-fleece-short.webp";"199";"Do you live an active life style? Then these are the pants for you. The Stretch Chino pants offer a relaxed feel with a slim tapered fit. And thanks to the stretch construction, the pants move with you for comfort while maintaining a tailored look. These pants are perfect for those looking for comfort, mobility, and contemporary styling. FEATURES Feels like a chino, moves like an active pant (2)Front hand pockets (2)Back welt pockets (1)Side pocket Zip fly with snap closure 20min garment wash with softener Inseam: 32"" size 34 FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex, 238gm";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"18902-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104642";"FOX STRETCHER SECA PULLOVER HEATHER GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/1024-stretcher-seca-pullover-heather-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104642/main_images/H3GjnZgm6j5Gjbr-1061-stretcher-seca-pullover.webp";"339";"Hanorac casual barbati.";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"18868-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104643";"FOX SYSTEMATIC SS PREMIUM TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/818-systematic-ss-premium-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104643/main_images/Z2LtSX7O86pN0uA-fox-systematic-ss-premium-tee-17591-black.webp";"119";"Quality tee’s that go the distance and suit any occasion. Made from cool and breathable 50% Cotton / 50% Polyester. Features Soft hand plastisol ink, Screen print on front. Slim fit 50% Cotton / 50% Polyester Combed Ringspun Jersey. 24/1 165g.";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"17591-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104644";"FOX Throttle Jean Intl Only -43030 Blue Napalm";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-barbati/1285-throttle-jean-intl-only";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104644/main_images/5yKn47AlDBdUuUo-fox-throttle-jean-intl-only-43030-blue-napalm.webp";"119";"Marimi disponibile: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42";"";"";"266";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte barbati";"43030";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104645";"FOX TOURNAMENT SS TECH TEE INDIGO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/315-tournament-ss-tech-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104645/main_images/NKSckUNIvi9U6pe-fox-tournament-ss-tech-tee-10845-pewter.webp";"119";"A Technical long sleeve t-shirt with moisture wicking. Built on our performance-focused drirelease® tech tee, the Tournament Long Sleeve dries 4X faster than a standard cotton tee and is a proven performance style meant to work as well on the bike as off. FEATURES Fabric wicks sweat away from the body Dries 4X faster than basic cotton fabric Added odor protection Qualities last for lifetime of the garment Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 85% polyester / 15% cotton drirelease® Jersey, 190g";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"10845-052";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104646";"FOX TOURNAMENT SS TECH TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/314-tournament-ss-tech-tee-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104646/main_images/XGw04BZLGbCCWzj-fox-tournament-ss-tech-tee-10845-001-black.webp";"119";"A Technical long sleeve t-shirt with moisture wicking. Built on our performance-focused drirelease® tech tee, the Tournament Long Sleeve dries 4X faster than a standard cotton tee and is a proven performance style meant to work as well on the bike as off. FEATURES Fabric wicks sweat away from the body Dries 4X faster than basic cotton fabric Added odor protection Qualities last for lifetime of the garment Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 85% polyester / 15% cotton drirelease® Jersey, 190g";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"10845-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104647";"FOX TRANSPORT RACE SS TEE HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1109-transport-race-ss-tee-heather-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104647/main_images/EC6lebrBPLarsn9-fox-transport-race-ss-tee-19285-243-heather-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19285-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104648";"FOX Tuned SS Premium Tee -17592 Burgundy";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-barbati/819-tuned-ss-premium-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104648/main_images/WBtMydyTYoZAVVW-fox-tuned-ss-premium-tee-17592-burgundy.webp";"77";"Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"";"266";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte barbati";"17592";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104649";"FOX TURNSTILE SS TEE HEATHER BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/700-turnstile-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104649/main_images/IDXg19bTIPG8K0Q-fox-turnstile-ss-tee-16496-243-heather-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"16496-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104650";"FOX TURNSTILE SS TEE HEATHER M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/701-turnstile-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104650/main_images/AupgJFCkc6szuwz-fox-turnstile-ss-tee-16496-492-blue.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"16496-492";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104651";"FOX Wasteland Belt";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1521-wasteland-belt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104651/main_images/qD3l0VSm8HkFKZu-fox-wasteland-belt-57498-black.webp";"80";"Curea din piele ecologica nAre imprimat logo-ul metalic FOX pe catarama si textura nisipoasa cu logo-ul FOX";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57498-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104652";"FOX WICKEN SS TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1085-wicken-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104652/main_images/uEQvpQs8GCZ7YJu-fox-wicken-ss-tee-19271-001-black.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19271-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104653";"FOX WICKEN SS TEE HEATHER GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1086-wicken-ss-tee-heather-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104653/main_images/GNPkd5AcvxvdINb-fox-wicken-ss-tee-19271-185-heather-graphite.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19271-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104654";"FOX WOUND OUT SS TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1110-wound-out-ss-tee-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104654/main_images/RoDKwAxMnhKfogY-fox-wound-out-ss-tee-19288-001-black.webp";"119";"Keep it straightforward with the Men's Wound Out Tee. It's made from a fresh cotton blend with a tag-less design and features clean graphics for a modern look. Standard Fit Crew neck tee Short sleeve Softhand plastisol ink 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester Length (HPS): 30.5""";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19288-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104655";"FOX WOUND OUT SS TEE HEATHER M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/1111-wound-out-ss-tee-heather-m-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104655/main_images/kGy9zLPntJ1k1rs-fox-wound-out-ss-tee-19288-492-heather-blue.webp";"119";"Keep it straightforward with the Men's Wound Out Tee. It's made from a fresh cotton blend with a tag-less design and features clean graphics for a modern look. Standard Fit Crew neck tee Short sleeve Softhand plastisol ink 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester Length (HPS): 30.5""";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"19288-492";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104656";"FOX YS SLAMBOZO PANT CHARCOAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/615-ys-slambozo-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104656/main_images/3JDfHCHksJlGVSD-fox-ys-slambozo-pant-15783-charcoal.webp";"199";"The Slambozo pant is made of 100% polyester in mechanical design to gently stretch the elastic function of the material. With two front open pockets, two rear pockets and two side pockets on the thighs, all these pockets being covered with Velcro collar it offers lots of room for your stuff. Slit opening with button and zipper. Composition: 100% polyester.";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"15783-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104657";"Can-am Bombardier Micro Fleece Hoodie -2862000407 Gray";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/1209-micro-fleece-hoodie";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104657/main_images/dQF4AHrlpAs69Ux-can-am-bombardier-micro-fleece-hoodie-2862000407-gray.webp";"269";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"2862000407";"";"Can-am Bombardier";"";"0" "104658";"FOX ACTIVATED CREW SS TEE MELON";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-dama/938-activated-crew-ss-tee";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104658/main_images/9xsQnAos2Ka8E29-955-activated-crew-ss-tee.webp";"99";"Casual and comfortable is the name of the game with the Women's Activated Crew Neck T-shirt. This pure-cotton tee features a garment wash and Fox Head screen print on the front. TECHNICAL DETAILS Regular Fit: Not too slim or loose, comfortable fit on your body Model Info: Height: 5'9"" | Bust: 34"" | Waist: 24""| Hip: 34"" | Wearing Size: Small Fox Head screen print at front 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester Jersey Length (HPS): 26""";"";"Tricouri";"363";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Tricouri";"18548-413";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104659";"FOX G-V-DENIM BOYFRIEND DESTROYED JEAN DARK VINTAGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-dama/1435-g-v-denim-boyfriend-destroyed-jean-dark-vintage";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104659/main_images/wf5Qhx8TxKJzbcs-fox-boyfriend-destroyed-jean-50549-dark-vintage.webp";"259";"Fii la moda primavara aceasta cu blugii de firma Foxracing BOYFRIEND DESTROYED JEAN!Blugi mulati cu talie joasa, cinci buzunare, logo Fox pe nasturele de la talie, din bumbac 100%.";"";"Pantaloni";"458";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Pantaloni";"50549-564";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104660";"FOX G-V-TOPS CASTAWAY TOP BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1451-g-v-tops-castaway-top-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104660/main_images/J9K5zdnaUfcnw56-fox-castaway-top-53283-black.webp";"159";"Fi la moda cu acest top Foxracing provocator! - Material: 100% Bumbac.- inaltime: 73 centimetri- Buzunare pentru a depozita obiecte mici.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"53283-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104661";"FOX G-V-TOPS CASTAWAY TOP WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1452-g-v-tops-castaway-top-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104661/main_images/InvPwdbFfDSVVzE-fox-castaway-top-53283-white.webp";"159";"Fi la moda cu acest top Foxracing provocator! - Material: 100% Bumbac.- inaltime: 73 centimetri- Buzunare pentru a depozita obiecte mici.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"53283-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104662";"FOX CONTOURATION ZIP HOODY BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/940-contouration-zip-hoody-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104662/main_images/YSHoZj0Rg31lYhj-959-contouration-zip-hdy.webp";"299";"Hoody confortabil, calduros, design cu fermoar pentru a mentine temperatura optima a corpului. Prevazut cu buzunare laterale, gluga.";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"18589-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104663";"FOX FLEXAIR FADE ZIP FLEECE HTR GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/833-flexair-fade-zip-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104663/main_images/bt3OgiStMEjBZlq-fox-flexair-fade-zip-fleece-17626-heather-graphite.webp";"399";"Echoing the performance features of our famous FLEXAIR jersey, the FLEXAIR Fade fleece hoodie keeps you warm but also comfortable with its technical fabric. Designed with TRUDRI, the full zip hoody rapidly wicks sweat from your skin to keep you dry and comfortable. Details include a media pocket, smooth printed FOX graphics and drawcord hood for adjustable coverage. Full length zipper with logo tech pull Hood with adjustable drawstring Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth and convenient storage Inverse Fox screen print art at front body Fox Head embroidery art at left chest Fox Head screen print art at contrast sleeve panels Shell: 80% Cotton / 20% Polyester Fleece, 280gm Body / Hood Lining: 100% Polyester Sherpa, 240gm Length (HPS): 30""";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"17626-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104664";"FOX FLEXAIR FADE ZIP FLEECE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/832-flexair-fade-zip-fleece-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104664/main_images/E6p9q2jg6QDFPUg-fox-flexair-fade-zip-fleece-17626-001-black.webp";"399";"Echoing the performance features of our famous FLEXAIR jersey, the FLEXAIR Fade fleece hoodie keeps you warm but also comfortable with its technical fabric. Designed with TRUDRI, the full zip hoody rapidly wicks sweat from your skin to keep you dry and comfortable. Details include a media pocket, smooth printed FOX graphics and drawcord hood for adjustable coverage. Full length zipper with logo tech pull Hood with adjustable drawstring Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth and convenient storage Inverse Fox screen print art at front body Fox Head embroidery art at left chest Fox Head screen print art at contrast sleeve panels Shell: 80% Cotton / 20% Polyester Fleece, 280gm Body / Hood Lining: 100% Polyester Sherpa, 240gm Length (HPS): 30""";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"17626-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104665";"FOX Girls Abbot Swater Vest";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1490-girls-abbot-swater-vest";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104665/main_images/13dOLKMMvJ1bWwL-fox-girls-abbot-swater-vest-56224-charcoal.webp";"169";"Top care da un look sportiv. Bumbac 100%. Se spala in apa rece.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"56224-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104666";"FOX G-E-HOODYS GIRLS DOWN UNDER HOODY BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1471-g-e-hoodys-girls-down-under-hoody-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104666/main_images/Zt254GSKfkGhSbz-fox-girls-down-under-hoody-55431-black.webp";"269";"";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"55431-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104667";"FOX Girls Down Under Hoody";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1472-girls-down-under-hoody";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104667/main_images/6dNE9kbVk6FZHU6-fox-girls-down-under-hoody-55431-white.webp";"269";"Hanorac elegant pentru fete";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"55431-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104668";"FOX G-E-TEES GIRLS ELECTRIFY POLO WOMENS WHT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1454-g-e-tees-girls-electrify-polo-womens-wht";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104668/main_images/JOvPhLahZMxCMrJ-fox-girls-electrify-polo-53859-white.webp";"119";"";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"53859-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104669";"FOX G-V-TANKS GIRLS GEEK CHIC CAMI BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1444-g-v-tanks-girls-geek-chic-cami-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104669/main_images/6JfNWS33r2HkzMD-fox-girls-geek-chic-cami-53006-black.webp";"60";"Top de vara";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"53006-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104670";"FOX G-V-TANKS GIRLS GEEK CHIC CAMI WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1445-g-v-tanks-girls-geek-chic-cami-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104670/main_images/FabEnuhAnDZr4Wb-fox-girls-geek-chic-cami-53006-white.webp";"60";"Top de vara pentru fete";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"53006-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104671";"FOX Girls Harlow Jean -50533 - Sample Maui Blue";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-femei/1433-girls-harlow-jean";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104671/main_images/dU8xKBQ2hMYkYqQ-fox-girls-harlow-jean-50533-sample-maui-blue.webp";"99";"Blugii FOX Girls Harlow sunt creati pentru a fi confortabili si potriviti oricarui sezon.";"";"";"267";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte femei";"50533";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104672";"FOX G-E-TANKS GIRLS HEADIN OUT TANK BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1459-girls-headin-out-tank";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104672/main_images/VRLZFCl3tlLPjym-fox-girls-headin-out-tank-53869-black.webp";"99";"Tricou fete cu logo-ul FOX. Culori: negru si roz.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"53869-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104673";"FOX Girls Headin Out Tank";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1460-girls-headin-out-tank";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104673/main_images/WHkuTloy9RX9R6o-fox-girls-headin-out-tank-53869-pink.webp";"99";"Tricou fete cu logo-ul FOX. Culori: negru si roz.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"53869-170";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104674";"FOX Girls High Roller Top";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-dama/1457-girls-high-roller-top";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104674/main_images/ic3K7A8LPIff9J2-fox-girls-high-roller-top-53864-black.webp";"109";"Top de vara negru pentru fete";"";"Tricouri";"363";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Tricouri";"53864-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104675";"FOX Girls Jammin Tank";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-dama/1453-girls-jammin-tank";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104675/main_images/SwC8cjc4Ky0I1ew-fox-girls-jammin-tank-53845-black.webp";"60";"";"";"Tricouri";"363";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Tricouri";"53845-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104676";"FOX Girls Last Call Sweater";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-fete/1485-girls-last-call-sweater";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104676/main_images/QXuSc9AOpn66dnR-fox-girls-last-call-sweater-56186-black.webp";"99";"Hanorac calduros cu gluga pentru fete.";"";"Bluze";"1097";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Bluze";"56186-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104677";"FOX G-V-DENIM JET DESTROYED JEAN BLEACH WASH";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/quad/1429-girls-legend-short";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104677/main_images/kpd2QdpSFBGzEr7-fox-girls-legend-short-50449-light-indigo.webp";"99";"Pantaloni scurti din blugi Girls Legend pentru fete indraznete.";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"22";"Vehicule : QUAD";"50449-202";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104678";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS MYSTIC PANT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-dama/1431-sample-girls-mystic-pant-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104678/main_images/g270gxrmg5r3wiU-fox-girls-mystic-pant-50510-sample-black.webp";"99";"Pantaloni casual FOX Girls Mystic pentru fete, confortabili si foarte potriviti pentru zilele de primavera.";"";"Pantaloni";"458";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Pantaloni";"50510-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104679";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS POSH CROP JEAN WHT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-dama/1427-sample-girls-posh-crop-jean-wht";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104679/main_images/eIZf1cAqsJZNvJu-fox-girls-posh-crop-jean-50441-white.webp";"389";"Pantaloni pentru fete FOX Girls Posh Crop au un design simplu si unic, potrivit pentru primvara si vara.Masuratori:3 = 26/S11 = 31.5/XL";"";"Pantaloni";"458";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Pantaloni";"50441-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104680";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS POSH SKIRT YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/quad/1437-sample-girls-posh-skirt-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104680/main_images/JUqlrzEY4ENqs5x-fox-girls-posh-skirt-51072-yellow.webp";"189";"Fusta scurta pentru fete de la Denim cu doua buzunare laterale si cu doua buzunare cu fermoar pe spate. Material 99% din bumbac si 1% spandex.Masuratori: 3 = 26/S.";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"22";"Vehicule : QUAD";"51072-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "104681";"FOX G-E-SKIRT GIRLS POSH SKIRT WHT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/quad/1438-g-e-skirt-girls-posh-skirt-wht";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104681/main_images/gEv4LeJbviUOIov-fox-girls-posh-skirt-51072-white.webp";"189";"Fusta scurta pentru fete de la Denim cu doua buzunare laterale si cu doua buzunare cu fermoar pe spate. Material 99% din bumbac si 1% spandex.Masuratori: 3 = 26/S.";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"22";"Vehicule : QUAD";"51072-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104682";"FOX Girls Power Henley -54261 - Sample Vintage White";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-femei/1468-girls-power-henley";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104682/main_images/qkqGzzVXc08rvIq-fox-girls-power-henley-54261-sample-vintage-white.webp";"99";"Hanorac calduros pentru fete. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"";"267";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte femei";"54261";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104683";"FOX Girls Shock Em Short - 50469 Stone";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-femei/1825-girls-shock-em-short";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104683/main_images/abusIk8EoUWecaL-fox-girls-shock-em-short-50469-stone.webp";"99";"Pantaloni scurti FOX Girls Shock Em - 100% bumbac pentru fete; un design reusit care te va scoate in evidenta in zilele calduroase de vara.Masuratori:3 = 26/S";"";"";"267";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte femei";"50469";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104684";"FOX G-E-SHORTS GIRLS SHOCK EM SHORT WOMENS WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/quad/1430-girls-shock-em-short";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104684/main_images/KuaFzrDiY05EvLY-fox-girls-shock-em-short-50469-white.webp";"99";"Pantaloni scurti FOX Girls Shock Em - 100% bumbac pentru fete; un design reusit care te va scoate in evidenta in zilele calduroase de vara.Masuratori:3 = 26/S";"";"manual : Pantaloni Scurti";"22";"Vehicule : QUAD";"50469-008";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104685";"FOX Girls Stevie 2 Jean -50379 Worn Wash";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-femei/1424-girls-stevie-2-jean";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104685/main_images/LcLNzpEv5lGZcqP-fox-girls-stevie-2-jean-50379-worn-wash.webp";"99";"Blugi pentru fete FOX Girls Stevie 2 au un design simplu care ofera confort si pot fi purtati in orice moment al zilei.Masuratori:5 = 27/S7 = 28.5/M";"";"";"267";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte femei";"50379";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104686";"FOX G-V-TOPS TATTATOOEE STRAPPY CAMI CHARCOAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1449-g-v-tops-tattatooee-strappy-cami-charcoal";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104686/main_images/63ZGJl1NueUdVdF-fox-girls-tattatooee-strappy-cami-53248-charcoal.webp";"119";"Cu noul top Foxracing esti la moda. Modelele de pe haina sunt inspirate din stilurile tatuajelor. Material: 95% bumbac, 5% spandex.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"53248-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104687";"FOX G-V-TOPS TATTATOOEE STRAPPY CAMI KELP";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1450-g-v-tops-tattatooee-strappy-cami-kelp";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104687/main_images/a7oKp07VssdeB7J-fox-girls-tattatooee-strappy-cami-53248-kelp.webp";"119";"Cu noul top Foxracing esti la moda. Modelele de pe haina sunt inspirate din stilurile tatuajelor. Material: 95% bumbac, 5% spandex.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"53248-577";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "104688";"FOX G-E-DRESSES GIRLS TEHNOLOGIC DRESS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rochii/1442-g-e-dresses-girls-tehnologic-dress";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104688/main_images/L2c107s1OOb0GwQ-fox-girls-technologic-dress-52071-black.webp";"259";"";"";"Rochii";"1098";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Rochii";"52071-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104689";"FOX Girls Technologic Dress";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rochii/1443-girls-technologic-dress";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104689/main_images/G7ZAcElwiili8cT-fox-girls-technologic-dress-52071-graphite.webp";"159";"Rochie de vara eleganta pentru fete";"";"Rochii";"1098";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Rochii";"52071-103";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104690";"FOX G-E-TOPS GIRLS TECHNOLOGIC BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1462-g-e-tops-girls-technologic-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104690/main_images/mS3EOFNLal467eh-fox-girls-technologic-tube-top-53905-black.webp";"209";"Top de vara pentru fete. Puteti sa comandati haine online sau sa ne vizitati la magazinele din Cluj si din tara!";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"53905-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104691";"FOX G-E-TOPS GORLS TEHNOLOGIC WHT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1463-girls-technologic-tube-top";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104691/main_images/V86svSzUopHeFGl-fox-girls-technologic-tube-top-53905-white.webp";"99";"Top de vara";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"53905-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104692";"FOX INVARIABLE CREW RL SLVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-dama/1133-invariable-crew-rl-slve";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104692/main_images/Rrl7RgnxS7NpXxK-1190-invariable-crew-rl-slve.webp";"99";"Tricou casual fete.";"";"Tricouri";"363";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Tricouri";"19995-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104693";"FOX Jet Destroyed Jean -50548 Bleach Wash";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-femei/1434-jet-destroyed-jean";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104693/main_images/dB7BFl4lyjOZvGQ-fox-jet-destroyed-jean-50548-bleach-wash.webp";"99";"Blugi de fete Foxracing JET DESTROYED JEAN care scot in evidenta primavara aceasta personalitatea ta rebela. Se inchid cu fermoar iar pe nasturele de la talie este gravat logo-ul Foxracing. Design-ul nonconformist al blugilor Fox te ajuta sa fii originala si la moda cu ultimele tendinte Masuratori:0 = 24/XS3 = 26/S5 = 27/S7 = 28.5/M9 = 30/L";"";"";"267";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Imbracaminte femei";"50548";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104694";"FOX G-V-DENIM JET JEAN PUNK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-dama/1432-g-v-denim-jet-jean-punk-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104694/main_images/9CTDhP14IGpY9TM-fox-jet-jean-50531-punk-black.webp";"219";"Blugii de fete Foxracing JET JEAN scot ce e mai bun din tine si te ajuta sa fi la moda primavara aceasta. Sunt blugi cu talie joasa, au cinci buzunare si se inchid cu fermoar. Pe buzunarul din spate au logo-ul Fox pe o bucata de material din piele. Sunt comozi, practici, flexibili si rezistenti.Masuratori:0 = 24/XS3 = 26/S5 = 27/S7 = 28.5/M9 = 30/L";"";"Pantaloni";"458";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Pantaloni";"50531-569";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104695";"FOX REACTED PULLOVER HOODY BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/1053-reacted-po-hdy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104695/main_images/5SY0COycbgwIuvk-1104-reacted-po-hdy.webp";"199";"Hoody confortabil, calduros. Prevazut cu buzunare laterale si gluga.";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19057-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104696";"FOX REACTED PULLOVER HOODY MELON";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/1054-reacted-pullover-hoody-melon";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104696/main_images/3ZigZeiRBtRc0fx-1106-reacted-po-hdy.webp";"199";"Hoody confortabil, calduros. Prevazut cu buzunare laterale si gluga.";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19057-413";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104697";"FOX SUGGEST ZIP HOODY BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/807-suggest-zip-hoody-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104697/main_images/V9YFW6xWMPpGpd7-fox-suggest-zip-hoody-17544-001-black.webp";"299";"Hoody confortabil, calduros, design cu fermoar dublu pentru a mentine temperatura optima a corpului. Prevazut cu buzunare laterale, gluga.";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"17544-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104698";"FOX VENTILE PO HDY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/939-ventile-po-hdy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104698/main_images/MfrTEDU85TcGJ1L-957-ventile-po-hdy.webp";"199";"Hoody confortabil, calduros. Prevazut cu buzunare laterale si gluga.";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"18584-413";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104699";"FOX BEACHED FLIP FLOP BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/incaltaminte-barbati/1143-beached-flip-flop-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104699/main_images/Oq71dffcaZ5rp62-fox-beached-flip-flop-20171-001-black.webp";"79";"The Beached Flip Flops are your go-to footwear when you're beach bound, poolside or at the river. They also come in clutch after you slip out of your boots (or mtb shoes) after a day of riding. Just toss them in your gear bag, and they'll be there when you need them. These sandals use a lightweight rubber and feature our Fox Head logo. FEATURES Screen printed insole Two tone logo strap Thin & lightweight design MATERIALS Rubber sole PVC strap SIZES Small = 7-8 Medium = 9-10 Large = 11-12";"";"Incaltaminte : Incaltaminte";"456";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Incaltaminte";"20171-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104700";"FOX BEACHED FLIP FLOP BLACK/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/incaltaminte-barbati/1144-beached-flip-flop-black-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104700/main_images/uqj2z3Jtp9yrS8p-fox-beached-flip-flop-20171-018-white-black.webp";"79";"The Beached Flip Flops are your go-to footwear when you're beach bound, poolside or at the river. They also come in clutch after you slip out of your boots (or mtb shoes) after a day of riding. Just toss them in your gear bag, and they'll be there when you need them. These sandals use a lightweight rubber and feature our Fox Head logo. FEATURES Screen printed insole Two tone logo strap Thin & lightweight design MATERIALS Rubber sole PVC strap SIZES Small = 7-8 Medium = 9-10 Large = 11-12";"";"Incaltaminte : Incaltaminte";"456";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Incaltaminte";"20171-018";"Alb/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Negru";"0" "104701";"FOX BEACHED FLIP FLOP GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/incaltaminte-barbati/1145-beached-flip-flop-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104701/main_images/Au9ezmplaMFFYcH-fox-beached-flip-flop-20171-103-graphite.webp";"79";"The Beached Flip Flops are your go-to footwear when you're beach bound, poolside or at the river. They also come in clutch after you slip out of your boots (or mtb shoes) after a day of riding. Just toss them in your gear bag, and they'll be there when you need them. These sandals use a lightweight rubber and feature our Fox Head logo. FEATURES Screen printed insole Two tone logo strap Thin & lightweight design MATERIALS Rubber sole PVC strap SIZES Small = 7-8 Medium = 9-10 Large = 11-12";"";"Incaltaminte : Incaltaminte";"456";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Incaltaminte";"20171-103";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104702";"FOX BEACHED FLIP FLOP GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/incaltaminte-barbati/1146-beached-flip-flop-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104702/main_images/C7BYSiJ91y2Djei-fox-beached-flip-flop-20171-130-flo-yellow.webp";"69";"The Beached Flip Flops are your go-to footwear when you're beach bound, poolside or at the river. They also come in clutch after you slip out of your boots (or mtb shoes) after a day of riding. Just toss them in your gear bag, and they'll be there when you need them. These sandals use a lightweight rubber and feature our Fox Head logo. FEATURES Screen printed insole Two tone logo strap Thin & lightweight design MATERIALS Rubber sole PVC strap SIZES Small = 7-8 Medium = 9-10 Large = 11-12";"";"Incaltaminte : Incaltaminte";"456";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Incaltaminte";"20171-130";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "104703";"FOX G-E-FOOTWEAR GIRLS ENVY STRAP BLK/GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1656-g-e-footwear-girls-envy-strap-blk-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104703/main_images/RtQQQkZxcPtryuV-fox-girls-envy-strap-65080-grey-black.webp";"299";"Adidasii de la Fox Girls Envy Strap se remarca prin design-ul inovator si confortabilitatea ridicata.";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"65080-014";"Negru/Gri";"FOX Racing";"Negru/Gri";"0" "104704";"FOX G-E-FOOTWEAR WOMENS MAJESTIC HIGH WHITE/LIGHT PINK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1660-g-e-footwear-womens-majestic-high-white-light-pink";"1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104704/main_images/Fudr4caE3menSOK-fox-girls-majestic-high-65084-light-pink-white.webp";"199";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"65084-543";"";"FOX Racing";"";"1" "104705";"FOX G-E-FOOTWEAR WOMENS MAJESTIC HIGH BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1659-g-e-footwear-womens-majestic-high-black";"1 : 5 : 2 : 1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104705/main_images/oGqX76My1ji5UMu-fox-girls-majestic-high-65084-black.webp";"199";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"65084-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"1" "104706";"FOX G-E-FOOTWEAR WOMENS MAJESTIC LOW WHITE/GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1661-g-e-footwear-womens-majestic-low-white-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104706/main_images/ySg5vAmHz2mOInx-fox-girls-majestic-low-65085-white-grey.webp";"239";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"65085-060";"Alb/Gri";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Gri";"0" "104707";"FOX G-E-FOOTWEAR WOMENS MAJESTIC LOW BLACK/PINK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/girls-majestic-low-65085-pink-black";"5 : 1 : 1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104707/main_images/uOyiNa2BY8KYNpH-fox-girls-majestic-low-65085-pink-black.webp";"239";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"65085-285";"";"FOX Racing";"";"1" "104708";"FOX G-E-FOOTWEAR GIRLS OVERLOAD DELUXE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1658-g-e-footwear-girls-overload-deluxe-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104708/main_images/i0kq2MBSDWfzl5S-fox-girls-overload-deluxe-65082-black.webp";"99";"Foxracing prezinta Girls Overload Deluxe, adidasi sportivi originali care impun respect.Sunt deosebit de confortabili si proiectati pentru a permite pielii sa respire.";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"65082-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104709";"FOX MOTION ELITE 2 BLACK/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/359-motion-elite-2";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104709/main_images/96BNIi0qYXwKMcI-fox-motion-elite-2-12162-018-white-black.webp";"499";"The Motion Elite 2 Training Shoe delivers lightweight cushioning, enhanced support and excellent flexibility, along with an updated sleek design built for speed and agility.";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"12162-018";"Alb/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Negru";"0" "104710";"FOX M-E-SANDALS MX SPLIT RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1619-m-e-sandals-mx-split-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104710/main_images/sNu2hXdJ0UrBpNC-fox-mx-split-sandal-59026-red.webp";"99";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"59026-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104711";"FOX M-E-SANDALS MX SPLIT SILVER";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/incaltaminte-barbati/1620-m-e-sandals-mx-split-silver";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104711/main_images/AcueabhNRGmMfTH-fox-mx-split-sandal-59026-silver.webp";"60";"";"";"Incaltaminte : Incaltaminte";"456";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Incaltaminte";"59026-064";"Argintiu";"FOX Racing";"Argintiu";"0" "104712";"FOX MTB-ACCESSORIES CAUZ 26 OZ. 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WATER BOTTLE PINK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/685-mtb-accessories-core-22-oz-water-bottle-pink";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104718/main_images/eB6QmI5LZrVb2vD-fox-core-22oz-water-bottle-16113-pink.webp";"79";"Recipient hidratare Core 22oz Water Bottle Tratata impotriva formarii mucegaiului petelor si a mirosului Usor de deschis cu valva deschidere si inchidere fara rotire 100% ermetica";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"16113-170";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104719";"FOX MTB-ACCESSORIES CORE 26 OZ. WATER BOTTLE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/682-mtb-accessories-core-26-oz-water-bottle-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104719/main_images/gYSCtFNIZIL2Dme-fox-core-26oz-water-bottle-16112-orange.webp";"49";"Stay hydrated in-between laps with the Fox Core water bottle. It has a hands-free valve so taking a sip is effortless, and the lid is leak-proof, so you never see a spill. Leak-proof top Simple, hands-free open & close valve";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"16112-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "104720";"FOX MTB-ACCESSORIES CORE 26 OZ. WATER BOTTLE GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/681-core-26oz-water-bottle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104720/main_images/AvPPFNcFKdEo2Fe-fox-core-26oz-water-bottle-16112-grey.webp";"49";"Recipient hidratare Core 26oz Water Bottle Tratata impotriva formarii mucegaiului petelor si a mirosului Usor de deschis cu valva deschidere si inchidere fara rotire 100% ermetica";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"16112-006";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104721";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES FUTURE WATER BOTTLE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/163-mx-accessories-future-water-bottle-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104721/main_images/WgA5edqcKhKKtEU-fox-future-water-bottle-05225-black.webp";"29";"Water bottle featuring MX inspired graphics and removable pop top.";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"05225-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104722";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES FUTURE WATER BOTTLE BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/164-mx-accessories-future-water-bottle-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104722/main_images/f2JnzbYu9tVy02O-fox-future-water-bottle-05225-blue.webp";"29";"Water bottle featuring MX inspired graphics and removable pop top.";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"05225-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "104723";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES FUTURE WATER BOTTLE red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/165-mx-accessories-future-water-bottle-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104723/main_images/wEGnR6DlGi3cFSP-fox-future-water-bottle-05225-red.webp";"29";"Water bottle featuring MX inspired graphics and removable pop top.";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"05225-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104724";"FOX MTB-ACCESSORIES GIVEN WATER BOTTLE GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/263-given-water-bottle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104724/main_images/70e3warPk5w9Klz-fox-given-water-bottle-09774-grey.webp";"79";"Recipient hidratare Given Water Bottle Tratata impotriva formarii mucegaiului petelor si a mirosului Usor de deschis cu valva deschidere si inchidere fara rotire 100% ermetica";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"09774-006";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104725";"FOX MTB-ACCESSORIES GIVEN WATER BOTTLE WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/264-given-water-bottle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104725/main_images/pWIKXqmSB34NU4f-fox-given-water-bottle-09774-white.webp";"79";"Recipient hidratare Given Water Bottle Tratata impotriva formarii mucegaiului petelor si a mirosului Usor de deschis cu valva deschidere si inchidere fara rotire 100% ermetica";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"09774-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "104726";"FOX LRG CAMBER RACE PACK [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/626-mtb-accessories-large-camber-race-pack-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104726/main_images/g05QxnGOXsRGABs-fox-large-camber-race-d30-bag-15884-black.webp";"519";"Noul Rucsac Portage Camber Race Pack 2L este prevazut cu tub de baut detasabil si cu spatiu de deschidere mare pentru umplere si curatare mai usoara.-Compartiment pentru scule-Compartiment pentru ochelari-Diferite alte compartimente necesare pentru calatorii Ofera protectie spate certificata pentru a te mentine in siguranta in cadrul competitiilor sau calatoriilor Se poate agata casca pe exterior";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"15884-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104727";"FOX MTB-ACCESSORIES LARGE CAMBER RACE PACK FLOY YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/628-mtb-accessories-large-camber-race-pack-floy-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104727/main_images/yYBT70Nsx0bLCmF-fox-large-camber-race-d30-bag-15884-flo-yellow.webp";"519";"Noul Rucsac Portage Camber Race Pack 2L este prevazut cu tub de baut detasabil si cu spatiu de deschidere mare pentru umplere si curatare mai usoara.-Compartiment pentru scule-Compartiment pentru ochelari-Diferite alte compartimente necesare pentru calatorii Ofera protectie spate certificata pentru a te mentine in siguranta in cadrul competitiilor sau calatoriilor Se poate agata casca pe exterior";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"15884-130";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "104728";"FOX LRG CAMBER RACE D30 PACK [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/630-mtb-accessories-large-camber-race-d30-pack-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104728/main_images/em2DfMkfNO8VJis-fox-large-camber-race-d30-bag-15l-15886-black.webp";"789";"Noul Rucsac Portage Camber Race Pack 2L este prevazut cu tub de baut detasabil si cu spatiu de deschidere mare pentru umplere si curatare mai usoara.-Compartiment pentru scule-Compartiment pentru ochelari-Diferite alte compartimente necesare pentru calatorii Ofera protectie spate certificata pentru a te mentine in siguranta in cadrul competitiilor sau calatoriilor Se poate agata casca pe exterior";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"15886-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104729";"FOX MTB-ACCESSORIES LARGE CAMBER RACE PACK RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/627-large-camber-race-pack";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104729/main_images/0qDztZubWrS7dh1-fox-large-camber-race-pack-15884-red.webp";"519";"The Large Camber Race Bag takes the performance levels of our hydration systems to all new heights. Minimally designed to be as light on your back as possible. The Camber carries all of your ride specific essentials inside while leaving room to hold your helmet (full face or trail) on the outside. Lightweight, durable nylon rip stop exterior fabric Quick stow pockets at sides and waist belt Dedicated tool storage pockets Guard and helmet storage Holds up to 2.0 liter bladder";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"15884-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104730";"FOX LOW PRO HYDRATION PACK [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/343-mx-accessories-low-pro-hydration-pack-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104730/main_images/Et4zHqYfAuQxRhK-fox-low-pro-hydration-pack-11725-black.webp";"278";"Rucsacul Low Pro Hydration Pack este prevazut pentru hidratare in timpul iesirilor. Cu o capacitate de 1.5 l pentru lichide, rucsacul are un design ce permite depozitarea si altor obiecte mai mici si mentine aerisirea spatelui.";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"11725-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104731";"FOX OASIS HYDRATION PACK [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/340-mx-accessories-oasis-hydration-pack";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104731/main_images/8rOCCD0AYdcxPx6-fox-oasis-hydration-pack-11686-black.webp";"399";"Rucsacul Oasis Hydration Pack 2L este prevazut cu tub de baut detasabil si cu spatiu de deschidere mare pentru umplere si curatare mai usoara.";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"11686-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104732";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES OASIS HYDRATION PACK CAMO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/342-oasis-hydration-pack";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104732/main_images/PGaM3bEI0uGYNmG-fox-oasis-hydration-pack-11686-camuflaj.webp";"339";"Rucsacul Oasis Hydration Pack 2L este prevazut cu tub de baut detasabil si cu spatiu de deschidere mare pentru umplere si curatare mai usoara.";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"11686-027";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104733";"FOX PORTAGE HYDRATION PACK [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/338-mx-accessories-portage-hydration-pack-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104733/main_images/ENkS88qFf0Mu3r5-fox-portage-hydration-pack-11685-black.webp";"438";"Rucsacul Portage Hydration Pack 3L este prevazut cu tub de baut detasabil si cu spatiu de deschidere mare pentru umplere si curatare mai usoara.-Compartiment pentru scule-Compartiment pentru ochelari-Diferite alte compartimente necesare pentru calatorii";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"11685-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104734";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES PORTAGE HYDRATION PACK CAMO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/339-mx-accessories-portage-hydration-pack-camo";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104734/main_images/ru4AoRNBb7fKL9p-fox-portage-hydration-pack-11685-camuflaj.webp";"499";"Rucsacul Portage Hydration Pack 3L este prevazut cu tub de baut detasabil si cu spatiu de deschidere mare pentru umplere si curatare mai usoara.-Compartiment pentru scule-Compartiment pentru ochelari-Diferite alte compartimente necesare pentru calatorii";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"11685-027";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104735";"FOX MX-SECA 26 OZ WATER BOTTLE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/1035-mx-seca-26-oz-water-bottle-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104735/main_images/pAnSRXJpL6yDNVW-fox-seca-26-oz-water-bottle-18940-red.webp";"79";"";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"18940-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104736";"FOX MX-SECA 26 OZ WATER BOTTLE GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/1036-mx-seca-26-oz-water-bottle-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104736/main_images/k4oePM7mdPldeA3-fox-seca-26-oz-water-bottle-18940-grey.webp";"79";"";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"18940-006";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104737";"FOX SM CAMBER RACE PACK [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/623-mtb-accessories-sm-camber-race-pack-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104737/main_images/tYPFRL1nEJoNQlG-fox-small-camber-race-bag-15883-black.webp";"480";"Noul Rucsac Portage Camber Race Pack 2L este prevazut cu tub de baut detasabil si cu spatiu de deschidere mare pentru umplere si curatare mai usoara.-Compartiment pentru scule-Compartiment pentru ochelari-Diferite alte compartimente necesare pentru calatorii Ofera protectie spate certificata pentru a te mentine in siguranta in cadrul competitiilor sau calatoriilor";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"15883-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104738";"FOX SM CAMBER RACE D30 PACK [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/629-mtb-accessories-sm-camber-race-d30-pack-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104738/main_images/7EtfwbNQxgT4ry2-fox-small-camber-race-bag-d30-15885-black.webp";"499";"Noul Rucsac Portage Camber Race Pack 2L este prevazut cu tub de baut detasabil si cu spatiu de deschidere mare pentru umplere si curatare mai usoara.-Compartiment pentru scule-Compartiment pentru ochelari-Diferite alte compartimente necesare pentru calatorii Ofera protectie spate certificata pentru a te mentine in siguranta in cadrul competitiilor sau calatoriilor Se poate agata casca pe exterior";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"15885-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104739";"FOX MTB-ACCESSORIES SM CAMBER RACE PACK RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/624-small-camber-race-pack";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104739/main_images/8u14tJwmetJC9z7-fox-small-camber-race-pack-15883-red.webp";"519";"The Camber Hydration Pack takes the performance levels of our hydration systems to all new heights. We designed it to be as light on your back as possible while maintaining elite-level functionality. The Camber carries all of your ride specific essentials inside while leaving room to hold your helmet (full face or trail) on the outside FEATURES Breathable EVA airflow back panel for ultimate fit and comfort Lightweight, durable nylon rip stop exterior fabric Quick stow pockets at sides and waist belt Dedicated tool storage pockets Holds up to a 2.0-liter reservoir";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"15883-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104740";"FOX MTB-ACCESSORIES UNION 22 OZ. WATER BOTTLE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/678-mtb-accessories-union-22-oz-water-bottle-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104740/main_images/eAgmQaZKOrZpjjK-fox-union-22oz-water-bottle-16107-red.webp";"79";"Recipient hidratare Union 22oz Water Bottle Tratata impotriva formarii mucegaiului petelor si a mirosului Usor de deschis cu valva deschidere si inchidere fara rotire";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"16107-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "104741";"FOX MTB-ACCESSORIES UNION 22 OZ. WATER BOTTLE GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/679-union-22oz-water-bottle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104741/main_images/2nyMWGavrfPelpO-fox-union-22oz-water-bottle-16107-grey.webp";"49";"Recipient hidratare Union 22oz Water Bottle Tratata impotriva formarii mucegaiului petelor si a mirosului Usor de deschis cu valva deschidere si inchidere fara rotire 100% ermetica";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"16107-006";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104742";"Leatt Hydration GPX Cargo 3.0 Black/White White-Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/1931-hydration-gpx-cargo-30-black-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104742/main_images/kt1sV04jVqEjruP-leatt-hydration-gpx-cargo-3-0-black-white-white-black.webp";"499";"Ghiozdan de hidratare GPX Cargo 3.0 cu rezervor de 3 l detasabil si usor de curatat. Capacitate de 10 l. Ghiozdanul asigura protectie pentru coloana datorita panourilor 3DF airfit care se intaresc in urma impactului. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"MAN_2575-018";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104743";"Leatt Hydration GPX Race HF 2.0 Black-Red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare-bike/1932-hydration-gpx-race-hf-20";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104743/main_images/tbEmCoqRBibbWgA-leatt-hydration-gpx-race-hf-2-0-black-red-97a.webp";"499";"Ghiozdan de hidratare slim, care are o capacitate de 3 l. Protectie pentru spate detasabila, protectie 3DF AirFit care se intareste in urma impactului. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Hidratare";"449";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Hidratare";"MAN_2577-055";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104744";"Leatt HYDRATION PACK GPX RACE HF 2.0 - 7016100100 Black-Orange";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/1853-hydration-pack-gpx-race-hf-20";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104744/main_images/94YVai1mKMt31Qj-leatt-hydration-pack-gpx-race-hf-2-0-7016100100-black-orange.webp";"499";"Ghiozdan de hidratare slim, care are o capacitate de 3 l. Protectie pentru spate detasabila, protectie 3DF AirFit care se intareste in urma impactului. Marimi disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL";"";"Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"7016100100";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "104745";"FOX COVINA KAOS BACKPACK CAMO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/836-covina-kaos-backpack";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104745/main_images/dsbWssR8dmkESVe-fox-covina-kaos-backpack-17642-camouflage.webp";"119";"Comfortable pack for taking on everyday adventures. The Covina Kaos backpack has ample room for everyday essentials like a warm layer, keys, food and water. It also features padded shoulder harnesses and back panel for superior comfort. The backpack includes a large main compartment for storage and front utility pocket for organization. Fox embroidery & Fox logo zipper pulls Large main compartment Front utility pocket Top web haul strap Padded back panel Capacity: 21.6L (1318.1 cu in) Dimensions: 17.7 x 11 x 5.5 in / 45 x 28 x 14 cm Harness: Adjustable shoulder straps Material: 600D polyester";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"17642-027";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104746";"FOX DECOMPRESS BACKPACK BLACK/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/855-decompress-backpack";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104746/main_images/EK5cpCU2CduaQv1-fox-decompress-backpack-17736-black-red.webp";"199";"";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"17736-017";"Rosu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Rosu/Negru";"0" "104747";"FOX DELUXE TOOLPACK [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/genti/1008-mx-accessories-delux-toolpack-black";"9";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104747/main_images/qoiZ6b7Ir5klfRQ-fox-deluxe-tool-pack-18819-black.webp";"299";"Geanta moto ""FoxRacing"" cu prinderi reglabile în jurul taliei.3 buzunare: 2 cu fermoar, 1 la interior.Fermoarul buzunarului mare se poate desface ușor cu mănușile pe mâini.Foarte ușoară și utila. Nu se simte în timpul mersului pe motocicleta.Se pot depozita bani, acte , telefoane, chei etc.";"";"Accesorii : Accesorii";"270";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Genti";"18819-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"1" "104748";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES DELUX TOOLPACK GREY/ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/1009-mx-accessories-delux-toolpack-grey-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104748/main_images/kiYcjsQoJIGDrHw-fox-deluxe-tool-pack-18819-grey-orange.webp";"179";"Geanta moto ""FoxRacing"" cu prinderi reglabile în jurul taliei. 3 buzunare: 2 cu fermoar, 1 la interior. Prezinta un buzunar transparent pentru harta, alte buzunare mai mici si suport pentru diferite tipuri de unelte. Fermoarul buzunarului mare se poate desface ușor cu mănușile pe mâini. Foarte ușoară și utila. Nu se simte în timpul mersului pe motocicleta. Se pot depozita bani, acte , telefoane, chei etc.";"";"Accesorii";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"18819-230";"Portocaliu/Gri";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Gri";"0" "104749";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES DELUX TOOLPACK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/561-mx-accessories-delux-toolpack-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104749/main_images/J17dzraiTU74bAd-fox-deluxe-toolpack-black-15142-black.webp";"179";"Geanta moto ""FoxRacing"" cu prinderi reglabile în jurul taliei. 3 buzunare: 2 cu fermoar, 1 la interior. Prezinta un buzunar transparent pentru harta, alte buzunare mai mici si suport pentru diferite tipuri de unelte. Fermoarul buzunarului mare se poate desface ușor cu mănușile pe mâini. Foarte ușoară și utila. Nu se simte în timpul mersului pe motocicleta. Se pot depozita bani, acte , telefoane, chei etc.";"";"Accesorii";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"15142-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104750";"FOX G-E-PURSES GIRLS TALK SOUP PURSE BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1496-g-e-purses-girls-talk-soup-purse-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104750/main_images/eDU0fB5s776qoI1-fox-girls-talk-soup-purse-57089-black.webp";"109";"";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57089-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104751";"FOX G-V-PURSE TONGUE TIED PURSE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/1642-g-v-purse-tongue-tied-purse-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104751/main_images/DYeJBM9hfqlJYgT-fox-girls-tongue-tied-purse-59548-black.webp";"119";"Poseta originala pentru fete Girls Tongue Tied Purse este din bumbac 100% si are dimensiunile de 38 x 39 x 15 cm.Cu poseta de firma Foxracing esti la moda cu ultimele tendinte.";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"59548-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104752";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES GYM BAG BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/327-gym-bag";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104752/main_images/FPxmEYabAb0xT6r-fox-gym-bag-11066-black.webp";"199";"Aceasta geanta sport de la Fox este compacta si usoara. Ea poate fi folosita fie pentru drumuri scurte catre sala de sport fie pentru transportarea echipamentului de protectie. Este sufficient de incapatoare pentru a acomoda atat echipamentul de antrenament cat si cel pentru competitii.";"";"Accesorii echipamente ATV";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"11066-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104753";"FOX LARGE SEAT BAG [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-bike/605-mtb-accessories-large-seat-bag-black-one-size";"7";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104753/main_images/hazcja7Q0ZRrS2w-fox-large-seat-bag-15693-black.webp";"179";"Borseta de prins sub scaun Fermoar pentru extindere spatiu depozitare Polyester 600D";"";"Accesorii";"450";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Accesorii";"15693-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"1" "104754";"FOX LEGACY DUFFLE BAG GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/960-legacy-duffle-bag-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104754/main_images/yUKIj6xBfmKvYBo-fox-legacy-duffle-bag-18711-103-graphite.webp";"249";"Geanta sport incapatoare, fiind potrivita pentru calatorii, sala, etc.";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"18711-103";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "104755";"FOX LETS RIDE LIBRA BACKPACK PEWTER";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/838-let";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104755/main_images/brn3mmLKPfikxmT-fox-let-peweter.webp";"199";"The Lets Ride backpack is a lightweight and versatile bag perfect for everyday use. One large main compartment provides ample storage for essential items like books or an extra warm-layer. The main compartment features an internal sleeve that safely stows your laptop. A front utility pocket keeps things organized and adjustable shoulder straps provide a perfect fit. Fox artwork Laptop pocket Large main compartment Front utility pocket Top web haul strap Padded back panel Capacity: 28.1L (1714.8 cu in) Dimensions: 18.1 x 12.2 x 7.8 in / 46 x 31 x 19.8 cm Harness: Adjustable shoulder straps Material: 600D polyester";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"17644-052";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104756";"FOX LETS RIDE OZWEGO BACKPACK CAMO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/839-let";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104756/main_images/L3HQZL9PwBXUMK4-fox-let-camo.webp";"199";"The Lets Ride backpack is a lightweight and versatile bag perfect for everyday use. One large main compartment provides ample storage for essential items like books or an extra warm-layer. The main compartment features an internal sleeve that safely stows your laptop. A front utility pocket keeps things organized and adjustable shoulder straps provide a perfect fit. Fox artwork Laptop pocket Large main compartment Front utility pocket Top web haul strap Padded back panel Capacity: 28.1L (1714.8 cu in) Dimensions: 18.1 x 12.2 x 7.8 in / 46 x 31 x 19.8 cm Harness: Adjustable shoulder straps Material: 600D polyester";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"17645-027";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "104757";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES MX GOGGLE BAG BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/328-mx-goggle-bag";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104757/main_images/vwy8GAfPn6f3Syi-fox-mx-goggle-bag-11067-black.webp";"129";"Organizarea si protejarea ochelarilor de protectie va fi de acum incolo mai usoara. Are un design care permite stocarea a mai multor ochelari, panze de curatat ochelari si protectii pentru lentila.";"";"Accesorii";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"11067-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104758";"FOX MX Goggle Case";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/546-mx-goggle-case";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104758/main_images/T6dGDSSpA7La8Dj-fox-mx-goggle-case-14774-black.webp";"129";"Husa pentru 5 perechi ochelari";"";"Accesorii";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"14774-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104759";"FOX MX Helmet Bag";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/545-mx-helmet-bag";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104759/main_images/H8pzKvdOIVmCkQC-fox-mx-helmet-bag-14773-black.webp";"149";"Husa casca Mx Universala";"";"Accesorii";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"14773-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104760";"FOX MTB-ACCESSORIES POCKET CASE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-bike/602-mtb-accessories-pocket-case-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104760/main_images/A5BSHNQbrUk2BJA-fox-pocket-case-15690-black.webp";"49";"Borseta de buzunar cu fermoar impermeabil pentru telefon, carduri si scule de bicicleta, fabricata din material 600D";"";"Accesorii";"450";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Accesorii";"15690-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104761";"FOX RUCKPACK RUKKUS BACKPACK [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/854-ruckpack-rukkus-backpac";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104761/main_images/PCgiB12TycBd5do-fox-ruckpack-rukkus-backpac-17735-black.webp";"499";"The Rukkus Ruckpack is a premium everyday travel backpack offering ample storage and organization. This day ruck bag is the perfect companion for day hikes, travel and is large enough for overnight essentials. With 13 individual compartments, it provides numerous options for storage and organization. Two roomy main compartments handle the bulk of the load while an array of zipper and mesh pockets keep everything orderly. The backpack has a durable, water-resistant construction to keep your gear safe and secure in any environment. A 5-point adjusting harness provides stability while a molded back panel and padded shoulder straps keep you comfortable. Internal: With 2 mesh stuff-pockets and 2 mesh zipper pockets, the backpack has plenty of options for storing accessories. A tie-down compression strap secures luggage, making the bag ideal for travel. Dual fleece lined sleeve pockets safely stow your laptop and tablet so you can stay connected while on the move. External: Quick access side pockets give you immediate access to water, keys, snacks and other small items you want to keep close at hand. 3 welded zipper pockets offer secure storage and protect items from the elements. Dual main storage areas with welded zippers Dual fleece lined sleeves for laptop and tablet Twin internal mesh stuff pockets Twin internal mesh zipper pockets Dual side access pockets Multiple external welded zipper pockets Height adjusting sternum strap for a precise fit EVA molded back panels for comfort and support Top grab and go handle Padded air-mesh shoulder straps for comfort and ventilation Internal tie down compression strap for securing luggage Welded YKK zippers Capacity: 30.7L (1873.4 cu in) Dimensions: 22 x 51 x 32 in / 55.9 x 129.5 x 81.3 cm Harness: Five-point shoulder strap adjustment Material: Cordura with DWR (durable water resistant)";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"17735-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "104762";"FOX SMALL SEAT BAG [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-bike/604-mtb-accessories-small-seat-bag-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/104762/main_images/vwRr3oM2vN46Y8r-fox-small-seat-bag-15692-black.webp";"69";"Borseta de prins sub scaun Polyester 600D";"";"Accesorii";"450";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Accesorii";"15692-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105572";"AIROH AVIATOR 2.2 READY BLUE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/aviator-22-ready-blue-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105572/main_images/celp3wNVdntZiLD-aviator-22-ready-blue-gloss-1-b52.webp";"2599";"Aviator 2.2 Ready (900 Grame) -reprezinta evoluatia castii Aviator 2.1. Conceputa din materiale de calitate, 100% Kevlar carbon, fiind cea mai usoara si cu cele mai bune performante in clasa sa. Aviator 2.2 este echipa cu un filtru de praf si sistem de urgenta pentru eliberarea de tampoane obraz (AEFR). Accesorii: Kit Go-Pro, acoperitoare pentru orificiile de ventilatie utilizate in caz de ploaie sau noroi. Airoh este de asemenea mandru de a oferi un produs la dispozitia publicului, care este complet identic cu cel folosit de campioni.";"";"Produse : Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"AV22RD18";"Albastru";"Airoh";"Albastru";"0" "105581";"Airoh AVIATOR 2.2 STYLING RED MATT ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2064-casca-aviator-22-styling";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105581/main_images/MyiCdHpoK9DemNG-casca-aviator-22-styling-1-82c.webp";"2599";"Aviator 2.2 (900 Grame) - reprezinta evolutia castii Aviator 2.1. Conceputa din materiale de calitate, 100% Kevlar carbon, fiind cea mai usoara si cu cele mai bune performante in clasa sa. Aviator 2.2 este echipa cu un filtru de praf si sistem de urgenta pentru eliberarea buretilor (AEFR). Accesorii: Kit Go-Pro, acoperitoare pentru orificiile de ventilatie utilizate in caz de ploaie sau noroi. Airoh este de asemenea mandru de a oferi un produs la dispozitia publicului, care este complet identic cu cel folosit de campioni.";"";"MX - Enduro : Casti - MX : Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"AV22SY55";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105586";"AIROH CITY ONE COLOR BLACK MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/1893-casca-city-one-color-black-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105586/main_images/J9U2YcCHdiVkRpz-casca-city-one-color-black-matt.webp";"669";"Casca Airoh City One are exterior din termoplastic, testata in tunel de vant total, silentioasa si confortabila, ofera maxima protectie.  Marimi: XS (54cm) - S (55cm) - M (56cm) - L (59-60cm) - XL (61cm).";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"CO11";"Albastru";"Airoh";"Albastru";"0" "105587";"AIROH MOVEMENT-S CUT WHITE MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/casca-movement-s-cut-white-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105587/main_images/ei4pCgrQ0Rz3GrW-casca-movement-s-cut-white-matt.webp";"898";"Casca Movement Castigatoare in comparatia revistei Motorrad din germania dedicata castilor cu viziera de soare.

Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide , lentila  pinlock inclusa

Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme 

";"";"Casti - Urban : manual";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"MVSCU38";"Alb";"Airoh";"Alb";"0" "105588";"AIROH RIDES COLOR WHITE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/casca-rides-color-white-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105588/main_images/6vozkiwYv2F0Kp2-casca-rides-color-white-gloss.webp";"699";"Casca Flip up Rides este confectionata din termoplastic Dubla omologare P/J Pinlock Ready";"";"Casti - Urban : manual";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"RD14";"Alb";"Airoh";"Alb";"0" "105589";"AIROH RIOT COLOR BLACK MAT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/casca-riot-color-black-mat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105589/main_images/iVaJVA4IRPxwXoU-casca-riot-color-black-mat.webp";"699";"MULTI AXIAL CARBON SI KEV-LAR COMPOSITTESTATA IN TUNEL DE VANTTOTAL SILENTIOASAMAXIM COMFORTMAXIMA PROTECTIEgreutate: 900 G.marimi: XS (53-54) - S (55-56) - M (57-58) - L (59-60) - XL (61)";"";"Casti - Urban : manual";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"RI11";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "105590";"AIROH RIOT COLOR GOLD GLITTER";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/casca-riot-color-gold-glitter";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105590/main_images/HY1SjIGkV2U0WLN-casca-riot-color-gold-glitter.webp";"499";"MULTI AXIAL CARBON SI KEV-LAR COMPOSITTESTATA IN TUNEL DE VANTTOTAL SILENTIOASAMAXIM COMFORTMAXIMA PROTECTIEgreutate: 900 G.marimi: XS (53-54) - S (55-56) - M (57-58) - L (59-60) - XL (61)";"";"Casti - Urban : manual";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"RI39";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105591";"AIROH AIROH RIOT GAS BLACK MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/1891-casca-riot-gas-black-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105591/main_images/zxAgh9GfP2GJOPy-casca-riot-gas-black-matt.webp";"798";"Casca Airoh RIOT Gas Black Matt, multi axiala, carbon si kevlar, compozitie testata in tunel de vant total. Silentioasa, confort maxim si protectie garantata. Marimi: XS (53-54) - S (55-56) - M (57-58) - L (59-60) - XL (61)";"";"Casti - Urban : manual";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"RIG35";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "105592";"AIROH S5 BLACK MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/casca-s5-black-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105592/main_images/iLjIXsSaXuN58jA-casca-s5-black-matt.webp";"798";"Casca de enduro AIROH S5 Helmet 2014 este o casca prevazuta cu un sistem de ventilatie performant, cu vizor rezistent la zgarieturi, indepartare usoara a buretilor de la obraji si cu un cozoroc ajustabil.";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"S511";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "105593";"AIROH S5 COLOR WHITE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/casca-s5-color-white-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105593/main_images/mCQwaXXoLhyqP7u-casca-s5-color-white-gloss-1-81d.webp";"798";"Casca de enduro AIROH S5 Helmet 2014 este o casca prevazuta cu un sistem de ventilatie performant, cu vizor rezistent la zgarieturi, indepartare usoara a buretilor de la obraji si cu un cozoroc ajustabil.";"";"MX - Enduro : Casti - MX : Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"S514";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105594";"AIROH SWITCH COLOR BLACK MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1924-casca-switch-color-black-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105594/main_images/Qe4sLUB7wW4qaeO-casca-switch-color-black-matt.webp";"599";"

Casca Swich reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice.

Greutate :1270 g +- 50 gr

Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt , numar ridicat de ventilatii , greutate redusa interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil.";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"SW11";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "105595";"AIROH SWITCH COLOR WHITE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1925-casca-switch-color-white-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105595/main_images/Ou6H03RYZGZxnGK-casca-switch-color-white-gloss.webp";"599";"Casca Switch reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate: 1270 g +- 50 gr. Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt: numarul ridicat de ventilatii, greutate redusa, interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil.";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"SW14";"Alb";"Airoh";"Alb";"0" "105596";"AIROH SWITCH SCARY BLACK MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2651-casca-switch-startruck-red-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105596/main_images/RJnyXKbUVyFpcWY-casca-switch-startruck-red-gloss-1-0ba.webp";"669";"Casca Switch reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate: 1270 g +- 50 gr. Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt: numarul ridicat de ventilatii, greutate redusa, interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil.";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"SWSC11";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105597";"AIROH SWITCH STARTRUCK BLUE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/casca-switch-startruck-blue-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105597/main_images/PvPpZBHlktVPRrY-casca-switch-startruck-red-gloss-1-f14.webp";"669";"Casca Switch reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate: 1270 g +- 50 gr. Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt: numarul ridicat de ventilatii, greutate redusa, interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil.";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"SWST18";"Albastru";"Airoh";"Albastru";"0" "105598";"AIROH SWITCH STARTRUCK RED GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2026-casca-switch-startruck-red-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105598/main_images/3c6k5rcT2S1LItl-casca-switch-startruck-red-gloss.webp";"669";"Casca Switch reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate: 1270 g +- 50 gr. Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt: numarul ridicat de ventilatii, greutate redusa, interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil.";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"SWST55";"Rosu";"Airoh";"Rosu";"0" "105599";"AIROH SWITCH STARTRUCK YELLOW GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/casca-switch-startruck-yellow-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105599/main_images/sA0JTj7wxGCzEyC-casca-switch-startruck-red-gloss-1-bde.webp";"669";"Casca Switch reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate: 1270 g +- 50 gr. Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt: numarul ridicat de ventilatii, greutate redusa, interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil.";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"SWST31";"Galben";"Airoh";"Galben";"0" "105610";"AIROH TWIST FREEDOM YELLOW GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/casca-twist-freedom-yellow-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105610/main_images/7TvXauOAMVdqla1-casca-twist-freedom-yellow-gloss.webp";"998";"Twist (1100 grame) este o casca noua din termoplastic dezvoltata pentru pilotii cei mai exigenţi. Usoara, cu un aspect îndrăzneţ casca Twist este usor de remarcat. Captuseala interioara este foarte respirabila, detaşabila şi lavabila, toate pentru a oferi un confort unic.Twist este casca ce ofera posibilitatea de a i se ajusta vârful. Este echipata cu un filtru de praf, care se va dovedi un bun aliat în timpul curselor off-road. Sistemul de retentie cu inele duble-d asigura maxima siguranta.";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWFR31";"Galben";"Airoh";"Galben";"0" "105611";"AIROH CITY ONE COLOR WHITE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/city-one-color-white-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105611/main_images/QtPhYjUeBVbUr9l-city-one-color-white-gloss-1-178.webp";"669";"Casca Airoh City One are exterior din termoplastic, testata in tunel de vant total, silentioasa si confortabila, ofera maxima protectie.  Marimi: XS (54cm) - S (55cm) - M (56cm) - L (59-60cm) - XL (61cm).";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"CO14";"Albastru";"Airoh";"Albastru";"0" "105612";"AIROH AIROH GARAGE CARBON GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/2636-airoh-garage-carbon-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105612/main_images/UZRuyBnZL9QyeHy-airoh-garage-carbon-gloss.webp";"1939";"Tendința retro a revenit în final la acest model clasic vesnic. În plus față de aspectul vintage impodobit cu inserții din piele, casca Garage oferă o calitate uimitoare, confort și o căptușeală hipoalergenica complet detașabilă, lavabilă și respirabilă. Această cască vine cu 3 carcase diferite și ochelari retro (inclusi în pachet), ceea ce îl face complet unic și original pe piață. Fără îndoială, acest produs își va lăsa amprenta asupra ta.";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"GAC17";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105613";"AIROH AIROH GARAGE COLOR BLACK MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/2639-airoh-garage-carbon-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105613/main_images/n97vrUVj2FPn6Ru-airoh-garage-carbon-gloss.webp";"959";"Tendința retro a revenit în final la acest model clasic vesnic. În plus față de aspectul vintage impodobit cu inserții din piele, casca Garage oferă o calitate uimitoare, confort și o căptușeală hipoalergenica complet detașabilă, lavabilă și respirabilă. Această cască vine cu 3 carcase diferite și ochelari retro (inclusi în pachet), ceea ce îl face complet unic și original pe piață. Fără îndoială, acest produs își va lăsa amprenta asupra ta.";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"GA11";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105614";"AIROH AIROH GARAGE COLOR WHITE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/2638-airoh-garage-carbon-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105614/main_images/hzD6DqRmPfIZVVK-airoh-garage-carbon-gloss.webp";"848";"Tendința retro a revenit în final la acest model clasic vesnic. În plus față de aspectul vintage impodobit cu inserții din piele, casca Garage oferă o calitate uimitoare, confort și o căptușeală hipoalergenica complet detașabilă, lavabilă și respirabilă. Această cască vine cu 3 carcase diferite și ochelari retro (inclusi în pachet), ceea ce îl face complet unic și original pe piață. Fără îndoială, acest produs își va lăsa amprenta asupra ta.";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"GA14";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105615";"AIROH GARAGE RAW MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/airoh-garage-raw-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105615/main_images/uaFcSPtzilhFnn9-airoh-garage-carbon-gloss.webp";"898";"Garage is the new ultra-compact Jet helmet. Designed with a smart and stylish vintage look, it is available in full Carbon as well as in HPC (High Performance Composite) fibre technology. Garage is available in three different shells that improve the user’s comfort. The size of the shell make Garage one of the smaller and lighter Urban Jet on the market. The inner lining is a perfect fusion of cutting-edge functionality and breathability combined with a vintage leather effect, all the while being 100% removable and washable. Vintage style Goggles are also provided with the helmet. Available, as accessories, bubble, long peak and peak ""retro"" visors. This jet also poses particular attention to the safety, thanks to a highly functional micrometric retention system, as well as to a totally reflective edge that ensures visibility even at night. HPC (High Performance Composite) shell One of the smallest and lightest urban jet helmets on the market Removable and washable hypoallergenic inner lining Faux vintage leather internal detailing Complete with vintage style goggles Subtle reflective edge trim for increased visibility Great fitting and comfort Micrometric retention system Weight: 800g +/- 50g Retro visors include";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"GARA35";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105616";"AIROH JUMPER ATTACK 2016";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/casca-jumper-attack-2016";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105616/main_images/mq8kfSuRpxP7GhW-casca-jumper-attack-2016-1c9.webp";"599";"Casca enduro de la Airoh. Carcasa termoplastica, extrem de usoara,oferind maxim confort, maxima protectie. Greutate : 1270 g. Dimensiuni: M = 57 - 58 CM L = 59 - 60 CM XL = 61 CM";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"AI96T13JUS$SS";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105617";"AIROH JUMPER STING 2016";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/casca-jumper-sting-2016";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105617/main_images/wTSzisETcKAf8LQ-casca-jumper-sting-2016.webp";"599";"Casca enduro de la Airoh. Carcasa termoplastica, extrem de usoara,oferind maxim confort, maxima protectie. Greutate : 1270 g. Dimensiuni: M = 57 - 58 CM L = 59 - 60 CM XL = 61 CM";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"AI96T13JUS$TS";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105619";"AIROH ST 701 SLASH WHITE MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/st-701-slash-white-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105619/main_images/nAzVrsJmpunSAR2-st-701-slash-white-matt-1-1fe.webp";"1899";"";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"ST7SL38";"Alb/Negru";"Airoh";"Alb/Negru";"0" "105620";"AIROH ST 701 WAY GOLD GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/st-701-way-gold-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105620/main_images/11gaTGIQDj3UjqR-st-701-way-gold-gloss-1-8a8.webp";"1999";"";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"ST7W39";"Alb/Verde";"Airoh";"Alb/Verde";"0" "105621";"AIROH STORM ANGER GREY GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/storm-anger-grey-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105621/main_images/WSDAYj3x2v8s4Ig-storm-anger-grey-gloss-1-4e4.webp";"759";"";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"STA16";"Gri";"Airoh";"Gri";"0" "105622";"AIROH STORM ANGER RED GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/storm-anger-red-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105622/main_images/LEtBC0gBiVwDbik-storm-anger-red-gloss-1-2ca.webp";"759";"";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"STA55";"Albastru";"Airoh";"Albastru";"0" "105623";"AIROH STORM BATTLE YELLOW GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/storm-battle-yellow-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105623/main_images/SQHymNiq3IEYGfI-storm-battle-yellow-gloss-1-acc.webp";"759";"";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"STBT31";"Galben";"Airoh";"Galben";"0" "105624";"AIROH STORM POISON WHITE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/storm-poison-white-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105624/main_images/sxc9Hhc2rm2sqMD-storm-anger-grey-gloss-1-69f.webp";"759";"";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"STP38";"Gri";"Airoh";"Gri";"0" "105625";"AIROH SWITCH SIGN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2000-swich-sign";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105625/main_images/ain5dkTeCJqeaKw-swich-sign.webp";"669";"

Casca Swich reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice.

Greutate :1270 g +- 50 gr

Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt , numar ridicat de ventilatii , greutate redusa interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil.

";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"SWSI18";"Albastru";"Airoh";"Albastru";"0" "105626";"AIROH SWITCH SIGN RED GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2080-casca-switch-sign-red-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105626/main_images/xzkHBChzvXJnXvl-casca-switch-sign-red-gloss.webp";"749";"Casca Switch reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate: 1270 g +- 50 gr. Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt: numarul ridicat de ventilatii, greutate redusa, interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil.";"";"Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"SWSI55";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105627";"AIROH Tear-off Clear Peak for Aviator";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/661-tear-off-clear-peak-for-aviator";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105627/main_images/9XYjDxn4hdMz9Kx-tear-off-clear-peak-for-aviator.webp";"169";"Tear-off Clear Peak for Aviator";"";"Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"15COPF09";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105628";"AIROH TERMINATOR 2.1 CUT 2016";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1968-terminator-21-cut-2016";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105628/main_images/LJSKQbkl43jcDce-terminator-21-cut-2016.webp";"1599";"Casca AIROH Terminator 2.1 Cut 1020G - este foarte usoara, rezistenta si este prevazuta cu un sistem de ventilatie revolutionar. Greutatea castii incepe de la 1020G si este fabricata din fibra de carbon si kelvar. Accesoriile castii pot fi gasite in kitul de achizitionare. De asemenea, acest model de casca AIROH este prevazuta cu sistem de urgenta pt indepartarea buretilor de la obraji.";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"AI14T13ORO!VC";"Portocaliu";"Airoh";"Portocaliu";"0" "105632";"AIROH TERMINATOR 2.1 S SLIM YELLOW MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2190-terminator-21-slim-yellow-mat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105632/main_images/tg74ivlviDvV8kX-terminator-21-slim-yellow-mat-1-d1c.webp";"1599";"Casca de enduro AIROH Terminator 2.1 S. Interior modificat fabricat din materiale superioare. Este foarte usoara, rezistenta si este prevazuta cu un sistem de ventilatie revolutionar. Greutatea castii incepe de la 1020grame si este fabricata din fibra de carbon si kevlar. Accesoriile castii pot fi gasite in kitul de achizitionare. De asemenea, acest model de casca AIROH este prevazuta cu sistem de indepartare a buretilor de la obraji.";"";"MX - Enduro : Casti - MX : Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"T2SSL31";"Galben";"Airoh";"Galben";"0" "105634";"AIROH TWIST AVANGER GREY MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/twist-avanger";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105634/main_images/bQ53kBXcwe0SGbz-twist-avanger.webp";"998";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWAN16";"Gri";"Airoh";"Gri";"0" "105635";"AIROH TWIST CAIROLI MANTOVA";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1999-twist-cairoli-mantova";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105635/main_images/RuojtpqnZbFJLwl-twist-cairoli-mantova.webp";"998";"Casca Twist T1100G
-Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asigura confort.
-Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat
-Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWTCMN16";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105637";"AIROH TWIST COLOR BLACK MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1905-casca-twist-color-black-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105637/main_images/apRaQc79vlhz0c9-casca-twist-color-black-matt.webp";"859";"Casca Twist Color 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TW11";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "105638";"AIROH TWIST COLOR WHITE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1918-casca-twist-color-white-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105638/main_images/FsG6HH3bfJFkpan-casca-twist-color-white-gloss.webp";"859";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TW14";"Alb";"Airoh";"Alb";"0" "105640";"AIROH TWIST EVIL BLUE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/twist-evil-blue-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105640/main_images/PChyZ8f44w3QJCq-twist-evil.webp";"998";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWE18";"Albastru";"Airoh";"Albastru";"0" "105641";"AIROH TWIST EVIL ORANGE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/twist-evil-orange-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105641/main_images/nbYP68MmC9KadAF-twist-evil.webp";"998";"Twist (1100 grame) este o casca noua din termoplastic dezvoltata pentru pilotii cei mai exigenţi. Usoara, cu un aspect îndrăzneţ casca Twist este usor de remarcat. Captuseala interioara este foarte respirabila, detaşabila şi lavabila, toate pentru a oferi un confort unic.Twist este casca ce ofera posibilitatea de a i se ajusta vârful. Este echipata cu un filtru de praf, care se va dovedi un bun aliat în timpul curselor off-road. Sistemul de retentie cu inele duble-d asigura maxima siguranta.";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWE32";"Portocaliu";"Airoh";"Portocaliu";"0" "105642";"AIROH TWIST FREEDOM BLACK MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/casca-twist-freedom-black-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105642/main_images/UPPqoJGas1uIZtR-casca-twist-strange.webp";"998";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWFR35";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "105643";"AIROH TWIST FREEDOM GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/twist-freedom";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105643/main_images/lFZmAg70jvKRXda-twist-freedom.webp";"998";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWFR38";"Albastru";"Airoh";"Albastru";"0" "105644";"AIROH TWIST LEADER GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/twist-leader";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105644/main_images/uLHnwz2htFmsyEx-twist-leader.webp";"998";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWLE18";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105645";"AIROH TWIST MIX GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1998-twist-mix";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105645/main_images/lQV6mJDkeun8umM-twist-mix.webp";"998";"Casca Twist 1100G+ -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWMX18";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105646";"AIROH TWIST MIX ORANGE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1995-twist-mix";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105646/main_images/6kuid6pwF120wan-twist-mix.webp";"998";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWMX32";"Portocaliu";"Airoh";"Portocaliu";"0" "105647";"AIROH TWIST PUNK GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/twist-punk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105647/main_images/bZO6wAnTpNrCcuS-twist-punk.webp";"998";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWPU17";"Albastru";"Airoh";"Albastru";"0" "105649";"AIROH TWIST SPOT GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/twist-spot";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105649/main_images/pN1VuJNH6j1fRo2-twist-spot.webp";"998";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWSP17";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105650";"AIROH TWIST STRANGE BLUE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/twist-strange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105650/main_images/vIvPqAyMwIBuJuo-twist-strange.webp";"998";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWST18";"Albastru";"Airoh";"Albastru";"0" "105651";"AIROH TWIST STRANGE RED GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/casca-twist-strange-red-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105651/main_images/ucdhjMUu2Ph4Bmj-casca-twist-strange-red-gloss.webp";"998";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWST55";"Rosu";"Airoh";"Rosu";"0" "105652";"AIROH TWIST TC16";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/twist-tc16";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105652/main_images/4IJ3Oi8dJYA1zxD-twist-tc16.webp";"998";"Casca Twist TC16 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWTC16";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105653";"AIROH VALOR ECLIPSE ORANGE MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/2652-valor-touchdown-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105653/main_images/6bYP3hfUG8h76o5-valor-touchdown-gloss.webp";"898";"Strong, angular and sharp lines. Valor represents the starting point for demanding motorcyclists searching for a race-oriented helmet. The HRT (High Resistant Thermoplastic) shell is developed in two sizes to perfectly adapt to every shape, and it was modelled based on speed, while the graphics emphasise its dynamism and personality. An 8-zone integrated ventilation system, the Extra-Wide visor, Pinlock ready lens and Stop Wind complement this product of absolute Value. Features: Anti-UV extra wide visor simple and safe visor mechanism enables quick removal and installation without tools Inner lining breathable, hypoallergenic and removable Wind stop: restricts the penetration of cold from the underside and reduces internal noise Specifications: Material: thermoplastic HRT Weight: from 1400 g (+/- 50 g) Outer shell: 2 sizes (XS-S-M, L-XL-XXL) Ventilation: top, side, chin guard Locking system: Micrometric System Safety standard: ECE 2205 Visor: Racing Visor, 50% smoked Contents: 1x Airoh helmet 1x helmet bag 1x Pinlock visor";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"VAEC32";"Portocaliu";"Airoh";"Portocaliu";"0" "105654";"AIROH CASCA VALOR ROCKSTAR MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/2643-valor-touchdown-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105654/main_images/hF4Wr5VrVxx9eYH-valor-touchdown-gloss.webp";"898";"";"";"Casti - Urban : Moto Street";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"VARK35";"Multicolor";"Airoh";"Multicolor";"0" "105655";"AIROH VIZIERA CASTI AIROH VIS.KR/SV/SC/SR/SIL/SE/LX/S56 CLEAR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/1841-viziera-casti-airoh-viskr-sv-sc-sr-sil-se-lx-s56-clear";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105655/main_images/QH8MS9kkwDyIhQ8-viziera-casti-airoh-viskr-sv-sc-sr-sil-se-lx-s56-clear.webp";"69";"Viziera transparenta pentru casca MX Airoh modelul S5.";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"5834";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105656";"AIROH CAPPELLINO AIROH BIANCO";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/1037-cappellino-airoh-bianco";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105656/main_images/xMnr5HcZDa0OZPV-cappellino-airoh-bianco.webp";"159";"žapca Airoh de culoare alba pentru fanii brandului.";"";"Caciuli-Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18CA05";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "105657";"Can-am Bombardier RIDING JACKET H/M M/M";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/can-riding-jacket-h-m-m-m";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105657/main_images/MzWdQ2dklhtaoB8-can-riding-jacket-h-m-m-m.webp";"499";"";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"2862300604";"";"Can-am Bombardier";"";"0" "105660";"FOX MX-BOOT COMP 5 BOOT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/152-mx-boot-comp-5-boot-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105660/main_images/wDLZUL8vTNOtxpX-mx-boot-comp-5-boot-black.webp";"998";"Foxracing Comp 5 Boot prezinta catarame rezistente si sigure care se aseaza usor in pozitia optima pentru a oferi o stransoare cat mai buna. Constructia superioara a acestor cizme enduro din piele si zonele cu plastic ofera flexibilitate si durabilitate.";"";"Cizme FOX";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"05023-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105661";"FOX MX-BOOT COMP 5 OFFROAD BOOT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/mx-boot-comp-5-offroad-boot-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105661/main_images/CfILEd6UDSSc7z7-mx-boot-comp-5-offroad-boot-black.webp";"998";"Foxracing Comp 5 Boot prezinta catarame rezistente si sigure care se aseaza usor in pozitia optima pentru a oferi o stransoare cat mai buna. Constructia superioara a acestor cizme enduro din piele si zonele cu plastic ofera flexibilitate si durabilitate.";"";"Cizme FOX";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"05030-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105664";"FOX FOX V3 MOTH LE 2018 RED/BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2160-fox-v3-moth-le-2018";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105664/main_images/ZSlnjyijMsqbO7V-fox-v3-moth-le-2018.webp";"2399";"Casca Fox V3 Moth Le Blue, 1160grame. Echipata cu tehnologie MIPS (Multi-Directional Impact Protection System). Exterior multi-composit. Protectie: Dual Density EPS, 14 admisii de aer si 4 iesiri pentru ventilatie optima. Dri Lex -pentru a nu retine umiditatea/transpiratia";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17394-055";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105665";"FOX FOX V3 MOTH LE TEAL 2018";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2159-fox-v3-moth-le-2018";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105665/main_images/nRJpMLahJHPf3qu-fox-v3-moth-le-2018.webp";"2399";"Casca Fox V3 Moth Le Blue, 1160grame. Echipata cu tehnologie MIPS (Multi-Directional Impact Protection System). Exterior multi-composit. Protectie: Dual Density EPS, 14 admisii de aer si 4 iesiri pentru ventilatie optima. Dri Lex -pentru a nu retine umiditatea/transpiratia";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17394-176";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105666";"FOX MX-HELMET INTL ONLY V1 MAKO HELMET ECE YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/mx-helmet-intl-only-v1-mako-helmet-ece-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105666/main_images/LcnGywceIUYqaDl-mx-helmet-intl-only-v1-mako-helmet-ece-yellow.webp";"699";"Modelul de casca FOX V1 este conceputa pentru a oferi confort, performanta si valoare.";"";"Casti - MX : Casti Fox / Shift";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"16003-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "105667";"FOX MX-HELMET V1 FALCON HELMET ECE RED/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/791-mx-helmet-v1-falcon-helmet-ece-red-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105667/main_images/ZJxi6VyBQ1hVrpe-mx-helmet-v1-falcon-helmet-ece-red-white.webp";"798";"Modelul de casca FOX V1 este conceputa pentru a oferi confort, performanta si valoare.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17352-054";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105668";"FOX MX-HELMET V1 MAKO HELMET ECE ORANGE ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/mx-helmet-v1-mako-helmet-ece-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105668/main_images/cd6MoOZ9UMbnqKl-mx-helmet-v1-mako-helmet-ece-orange.webp";"699";"Modelul de casca FOX V1 este conceputa pentru a oferi confort, performanta si valoare, este fabricata din policarbonat prin injectare. Casca are 9 puncte de admisie a aerului si 4 puncte de evacuare a aerului cald, ceea ce face ca ventilatia castii sa fie optima. Greutate: 1350g Marimi disponibile: M";"";"Casti";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"14407-009";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105669";"FOX MX-HELMET V1 RACE HELMET ECE BLUE/YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/mx-helmet-v1-race-helmet-ece-blue-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105669/main_images/FClIE8k7PvPYAaD-mx-helmet-v1-race-helmet-ece-blue-yellow.webp";"699";"Modelul de casca FOX V1 este conceputa pentru a oferi confort, performanta si valoare.";"";"Casti - MX : Casti Fox / Shift";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"14401-026";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105670";"FOX MX-HELMET V1 RACE HELMET ECE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/790-mx-helmet-v1-race-helmet-ece-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105670/main_images/GE3CjkkdvKg0l3G-mx-helmet-v1-race-helmet-ece-orange.webp";"798";"Modelul de casca FOX V1 este conceputa pentru a oferi confort, performanta si valoare, este fabricata din policarbonat prin injectare. Casca are 9 puncte de admisie a aerului si 4 puncte de evacuare a aerului cald, ceea ce face ca ventilatia castii sa fie optima. Greutate: 1350g";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17344-009";"Portocaliu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "105671";"FOX V1 RACE HELMET ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2205-v1-race-helmet";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105671/main_images/9Mppg6rkxL1bS3u-v1-race-helmet-1-764.webp";"829";"Modelul de casca FOX V1 este conceputa pentru a oferi confort, performanta si valoare, este fabricata din policarbonat prin injectare. Casca are 9 puncte de admisie a aerului si 4 puncte de evacuare a aerului cald, ceea ce face ca ventilatia castii sa fie optima. Greutate: 1350g";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19532-009";"Portocaliu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "105672";"FOX V1 RACE HELMET RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2206-v1-race-helmet";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105672/main_images/hItzr5nmmiz0U6T-v1-race-helmet-1-aa4.webp";"829";"Modelul de casca FOX V1 este conceputa pentru a oferi confort, performanta si valoare, este fabricata din policarbonat prin injectare. Casca are 9 puncte de admisie a aerului si 4 puncte de evacuare a aerului cald, ceea ce face ca ventilatia castii sa fie optima. Greutate: 1350g";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19532-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105673";"FOX V1 RACE HELMET RED/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2207-v1-race-helmet";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105673/main_images/pk3GTVku6dixxkZ-v1-race-helmet-1-f9c.webp";"829";"Modelul de casca FOX V1 este conceputa pentru a oferi confort, performanta si valoare, este fabricata din policarbonat prin injectare. Casca are 9 puncte de admisie a aerului si 4 puncte de evacuare a aerului cald, ceea ce face ca ventilatia castii sa fie optima. Greutate: 1350g";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19534-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105674";"FOX V1 RACE HELMET";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2208-v1-race-helmet";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105674/main_images/ntZKpjVO615N1aJ-v1-race-helmet-1-7fd.webp";"829";"Modelul de casca FOX V1 este conceputa pentru a oferi confort, performanta si valoare, este fabricata din policarbonat prin injectare. Casca are 9 puncte de admisie a aerului si 4 puncte de evacuare a aerului cald, ceea ce face ca ventilatia castii sa fie optima. Greutate: 1350g";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19534-009";"Portocaliu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "105675";"FOX MX-HELMET V2 MATTE HELMET ECE BLACK M ATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/mx-helmet-v2-matte-helmet-ece-black-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105675/main_images/9zz4Y6CFOkZNKE9-mx-helmet-v2-matte-helmet-ece-black-matt.webp";"898";"Casca V2 Nirv Helmet. Construcția din fibră de sticlă oferă stil. Depaseste certificarile ECE 22.05 si DOT, excelenta pentru concursurile de downhill, respirabila si usoara. Are 4 dimensiuni EPS pentru o potrivire precisă. Dual densitate EPS 10 orificii de admisie și 4 guri de evacuare pentru un flux optim de aer. Cozoroc reglabil. Închidere dublă ";"";"Produse : Casti - MX : Casti Fox / Shift";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"08319-255";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105679";"FOX V3 PREEST HELMET, ECE [NVY/RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2344-v3-preest-helmet-ece-nvy-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105679/main_images/WRs1Qt8Gw2bOOcj-2590-v3-preest-helmet-ece-nvy-rd-1-549.webp";"2440";"Casca Fox V3 Moth Le Blue, 1160grame. Echipata cu tehnologie MIPS (Multi-Directional Impact Protection System). Exterior multi-composit. Protectie: Dual Density EPS, 14 admisii de aer si 4 iesiri pentru ventilatie optima. Dri Lex -pentru a nu retine umiditatea/transpiratia";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19522-248";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105682";"FOX LEGION JACKET [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/2581-legion-jacket-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105682/main_images/fYaEFiQcJJdU8yg-legion-jacket-drk-rd.webp";"898";"DESCRIERENoua jacheta offroad Legion se transformă într-o vesta pentru o mai mare versatilitate. Deci, acum beneficiați de durabilitatea și funcționalitatea off-road în două moduri. Materialul rezistent la abraziune este folosit pe partea din față, umeri și brațe exterioare, astfel încât să fiți bine protejați de crengi și alte obstacole pe care le veți întâlni. În plus, include buzunare interne care acceptă plăcuțele de cot D30 (vândute separat). Pentru miscare si durabilitate  sporită  stretch Cordura® este utilizat pe spate, în interiorul brațelor și panourilor laterale. Această jachetă  este ideală pentru zilele răcoroase și dimineața. Cu toate acestea, pe măsură ce lucrurile se încălzesc pe tot parcursul zilei, puteți crește ventilația, făcând-o o piesă versatilă pentru o zi plină de călării.  DETALII PRODUSStratul de rigidizare și structura Cordura® sunt structurate strategicMâneca detașabilă permite jachetei să se transforme într-o vestă.Gurile de aerisire cu fermuar, la piept, spate și antebrațe, pentru  ventilațieLegăturile Cordura® îmbinate în zonele cheie pentru protecție suplimentarăBuzunarele cu fermoar  la talieÎnchidere cu buclă și buclă pe încheieturiSoft guler pentru confort sporitAmplasamente reflectorizante așezate strategicBuzunarele interne primesc armura de cot (se vinde separat) ®";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"17678-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105683";"FOX M-JACKET DOWNPOUR JACKET YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/m-jacket-downpour-jacket-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105683/main_images/jJ9bWv8LDadA0bN-m-jacket-downpour-jacket-yellow.webp";"998";"Geaca Enduro impermeabila, Downpour Jacket este ideala pentru utilizatorii pe care vremea ploioasa nu ii descurajeaza. Este fabricata din material care ofera protectie impotriva ploii si care nu limiteaza miscarile utilizatorului. Gluga este detasabila si este gandita in asa fel incat sa incapa sub casca. Mai are ca si caracteristici puncte de ventilatie la subrat si la spate care impiedica acumularea caldurii si doua buzunare impermeabile care se inchid cu fermoar.";"";"Geci : Geci : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"03875-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "105684";"FOX METRICK JACKET [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-dama/metrick-jacket-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105684/main_images/MeY6WvAxQ7MaQ21-metrick-jacket-blk-vin.webp";"599";"Cold and rainy days call for a jacket that brings the heat while keeping you protected from the elements. Introducing the Women's Metrick Sherpa Lined Jacket. We gave the outside the DWR (durable water repellent)treatment, so water just slides off the polyester twill finish. The inside is another story, the soft and cozy inner liner encompasses you in sleeping bag level warmth for comfort in frigid conditions. So when Mother Nature rears her cold and ugly head, reach for your Women's Metrick Sherpa Lined Jacket. C6 DWR for water-resistance Full-length zipper Adjustable hood Front hand pockets TPR Fox logo at back waist Silicone Fox Head logo at chest Peached surface 100% Polyester twill Length: (HPS) 32""";"";"Geci";"457";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Geci";"20056-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105685";"FOX METRICK JACKET [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-dama/2621-metrick-jacket-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105685/main_images/PXnS8QUooENXB7T-metrick-jacket-drk-rd.webp";"599";"Cold and rainy days call for a jacket that brings the heat while keeping you protected from the elements. Introducing the Women's Metrick Sherpa Lined Jacket. We gave the outside the DWR (durable water repellent)treatment, so water just slides off the polyester twill finish. The inside is another story, the soft and cozy inner liner encompasses you in sleeping bag level warmth for comfort in frigid conditions. So when Mother Nature rears her cold and ugly head, reach for your Women's Metrick Sherpa Lined Jacket. C6 DWR for water-resistance Full-length zipper Adjustable hood Front hand pockets TPR Fox logo at back waist Silicone Fox Head logo at chest Peached surface 100% Polyester twill Length: (HPS) 32""";"";"Geci";"457";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Geci";"20056-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105686";"FOX PIT JACKET [CAM]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/pit-jacket-cam";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105686/main_images/DItRe2PU34G6HSs-pit-jacket-cam.webp";"599";"";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"20061-027";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105687";"FOX TRACKSIDE JACKET [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/2562-trackside-jacket-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105687/main_images/8eTresObjvymEuZ-trackside-jacket-drk-rd.webp";"699";"Jacheta No Fear Trackside oferă o eleganță, căldură, prevăzută cu o fixare completă cu fermoar, cu clapetă de fixare rapidă, atingeți și închideți curelele reglabile pe manșetă, două buzunare de fixare și închidere, un buzunar din piele rezistent la apă și două buzunare interne cu fermoar. Este fabricat dintr-o țesătură durabilă, o construcție groasă din căptușeală, o conductă reflectorizantă și un model de fabricație ”No Fear”. 100% poliester Rezistentă la mașină de spălat";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"20060-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105688";"FOX YS CITY SLICKER JACKET [MER]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/2306-ys-city-slicker-jacket-mer";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105688/main_images/B2BeOiUWlaKNfWX-ys-city-slicker-jacket-mer.webp";"879";"Învelișul: 100% poliester, 2.5 strat laminat.  Rezistență la apă 10,000mm / 10,000g / m2.  Cusătură perfect sigilată pentru protecția la apă, 2-way stretch.  Buzunar la piept de buzunar interior.  Sistemul de aerisire din spate și panoul din partea din spate ajută la eliberarea rapidă a transpirației. Sisteme de închidere pentru tampoane interioare reglabile.  Dispozitive de reglare a manșoanelor. Brand reflectorizant.";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"15785-412";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105689";"FOX YS THERMABOND JKT [CHAR]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/2308-ys-thermabond-jkt-char";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105689/main_images/H5LUTAkYtfznjhN-ys-thermabond-jkt-char.webp";"449";"Jacheta YS Thermabond Jacket a fost construită pentru a vă menține corpul cald. Dispunând de fleece moale de poliester, buzunare sudate cu fermoar în piept și un buzunar compatibil cu port pentru căști. Lungime fermoar cu logo-ul de tragere tech Buzunare în piept cu fermoar  Compatibil media Fox Head din silicon        Înveliș: (corp, glugă și mâneci) - 100% poliester Ripstop Shell (corpul inferior din față, buzunarul kanga și panourile sub manșetă) 80% bumbac, 20% fleece din poli, 280g Mansoane: 100% Taffeta din poliester Umplutură: 80gm Polyfil în manșoane Lungime (HPS) 30 """;"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"18965-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105690";"FOX 360 GRAV GLOVE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2686-mx-glove-pawtector-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105690/main_images/p6zX7kaJhLFpmUA-mx-glove-pawtector-glove-black.webp";"228";"The 360 Glove is unparalleled in fit, dexterity, and handlebar control. By incorporating advanced materials and innovative technology, the glove brings a whole new level of connection. Stretch Cordura ripstop fabric is used to increase durability while maintaining remarkable flexibility. Our exclusive TruFeel technology delivers better precision and sensitivity by placing direct injected internal TPR knobbies at your fingertips. The result is increased dexterity while grabbing levers, tearoffs, and zippers. The fully articulated design features TPR padding for impact protection. And a compression molded wrist closure provides a ultra-secure fit without feeling tight or restricting. New chassis construction for improved fit and function Stretch Cordura® top of hand construction for complete mobility Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations Stretch mesh finger gussets Fully articulated, direct inject TPR knuckle coverage Compression molded neoprene cuff with hook and loop closure for secure fit TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies direct injected at fingertips Silicone print on finger tips for added lever grip TruFeel: Our exclusive technology delivers better precision and sensitivity by placing direct injected internal TPR knobbies inside each glove to contact your thumbs and two inner fingers.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"17289-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105691";"FOX 360 GRAV GLOVE [DRK YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2689-mx-glove-pawtector-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105691/main_images/Fa6DLL4jEn5556Z-mx-glove-pawtector-glove-black.webp";"199";"The 360 Glove is unparalleled in fit, dexterity, and handlebar control. By incorporating advanced materials and innovative technology, the glove brings a whole new level of connection. Stretch Cordura ripstop fabric is used to increase durability while maintaining remarkable flexibility. Our exclusive TruFeel technology delivers better precision and sensitivity by placing direct injected internal TPR knobbies at your fingertips. The result is increased dexterity while grabbing levers, tearoffs, and zippers. The fully articulated design features TPR padding for impact protection. And a compression molded wrist closure provides a ultra-secure fit without feeling tight or restricting. New chassis construction for improved fit and function Stretch Cordura® top of hand construction for complete mobility Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations Stretch mesh finger gussets Fully articulated, direct inject TPR knuckle coverage Compression molded neoprene cuff with hook and loop closure for secure fit TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies direct injected at fingertips Silicone print on finger tips for added lever grip TruFeel: Our exclusive technology delivers better precision and sensitivity by placing direct injected internal TPR knobbies inside each glove to contact your thumbs and two inner fingers.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"17289-547";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105692";"FOX 360 GRAV GLOVE [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2688-mx-glove-pawtector-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105692/main_images/8zfaRPC0QxoBiz7-3257-mx-glove-pawtector-glove-black.webp";"228";"The 360 Glove is unparalleled in fit, dexterity, and handlebar control. By incorporating advanced materials and innovative technology, the glove brings a whole new level of connection. Stretch Cordura ripstop fabric is used to increase durability while maintaining remarkable flexibility. Our exclusive TruFeel technology delivers better precision and sensitivity by placing direct injected internal TPR knobbies at your fingertips. The result is increased dexterity while grabbing levers, tearoffs, and zippers. The fully articulated design features TPR padding for impact protection. And a compression molded wrist closure provides a ultra-secure fit without feeling tight or restricting. New chassis construction for improved fit and function Stretch Cordura® top of hand construction for complete mobility Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations Stretch mesh finger gussets Fully articulated, direct inject TPR knuckle coverage Compression molded neoprene cuff with hook and loop closure for secure fit TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies direct injected at fingertips Silicone print on finger tips for added lever grip TruFeel: Our exclusive technology delivers better precision and sensitivity by placing direct injected internal TPR knobbies inside each glove to contact your thumbs and two inner fingers.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"17289-009";"Portocaliu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "105693";"FOX 360 GRAV GLOVE [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2687-mx-glove-pawtector-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105693/main_images/2LL91yzh0yYSk0D-mx-glove-pawtector-glove-black.webp";"228";"The 360 Glove is unparalleled in fit, dexterity, and handlebar control. By incorporating advanced materials and innovative technology, the glove brings a whole new level of connection. Stretch Cordura ripstop fabric is used to increase durability while maintaining remarkable flexibility. Our exclusive TruFeel technology delivers better precision and sensitivity by placing direct injected internal TPR knobbies at your fingertips. The result is increased dexterity while grabbing levers, tearoffs, and zippers. The fully articulated design features TPR padding for impact protection. And a compression molded wrist closure provides a ultra-secure fit without feeling tight or restricting. New chassis construction for improved fit and function Stretch Cordura® top of hand construction for complete mobility Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations Stretch mesh finger gussets Fully articulated, direct inject TPR knuckle coverage Compression molded neoprene cuff with hook and loop closure for secure fit TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies direct injected at fingertips Silicone print on finger tips for added lever grip TruFeel: Our exclusive technology delivers better precision and sensitivity by placing direct injected internal TPR knobbies inside each glove to contact your thumbs and two inner fingers.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"17289-003";"Rosu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Rosu/Negru";"0" "105694";"FOX Bomber Glove [Black]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/2056-bomber-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105694/main_images/c4uSKTCBA5QiWt2-bomber-glove-black.webp";"278";"Easily the most protective glove in the line, the Bomber spares no expense in providing extreme durability and coverage from the fingers to the cuff. The molded plastic knuckle and finger armor protect from rocks and branches and the extended hook and loop wrapped cuff keep you wrist safe from all but the heaviest of impacts. Molded plastic ballistic knuckle and finger coverage Compression molded cuff with hook & loop closure Perforated goatskin leather upper for enhanced comfort and breathability Double layer Clarino® palm for enhanced comfort and durability Silicone lever grip improved control";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"03009-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105695";"FOX BOMBER GLV [BLACK/BLACK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2057-bomber-glove-leather";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105695/main_images/mFqgV0uvip32X1U-bomber-glove-leather.webp";"278";"Easily the most protective glove in the line, the Bomber spares no expense in providing extreme durability and coverage from the fingers to the cuff. The molded plastic knuckle and finger armor protect from rocks and branches and the extended hook and loop wrapped cuff keep you wrist safe from all but the heaviest of impacts. Molded plastic ballistic knuckle and finger coverage Compression molded cuff with hook & loop closure Perforated goatskin leather upper for enhanced comfort and breathability Double layer Clarino® palm for enhanced comfort and durability Silicone lever grip improved control";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"03009-021";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105696";"FOX BOMBER GLV [BLK/ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/2055-bomber-glove";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105696/main_images/cPnYNidT7YnNgwa-bomber-glove.webp";"278";"Easily the most protective glove in the line, the Bomber spares no expense in providing extreme durability and coverage from the fingers to the cuff. The molded plastic knuckle and finger armor protect from rocks and branches and the extended hook and loop wrapped cuff keep you wrist safe from all but the heaviest of impacts. Molded plastic ballistic knuckle and finger coverage Compression molded cuff with hook & loop closure Perforated goatskin leather upper for enhanced comfort and breathability Double layer Clarino® palm for enhanced comfort and durability Silicone lever grip improved control";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"03009-016";"Negru/Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Negru/Portocaliu";"0" "105697";"FOX DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2695-mtb-glove-dirtpaw-race-glove-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105697/main_images/nAgS1EcReOJkQUq-mtb-glove-dirtpaw-race-glove-yellow.webp";"139";"Moto-inspired heavy duty performance MTB glove which has become a standard for all levels of riders. Stretch construction Padded, single layer Clarino palm Stretch mesh finger gussets Padded Knuckle Hook and loop wrist closure Silicone print at finger tips for lever grip";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19503-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105698";"FOX FLEXAIR GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/flexair-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105698/main_images/RXhA5cLiTzIk1Q1-flexair-glove-black.webp";"169";"Feel the trail like never before. The Flexair Glove is a minimalist MTB glove with an exceptional fit and lightweight feel. Constructed from Stretch Cordura, it provides the greatest level of dexterity. The stretch mesh finger gussets (the fabric between your fingers) increases flexibility as well as helps channel air through the glove for superior comfort. The Flexair glove also features a conductive thread on the thumb and index finger so you can use your phone without removing your gloves. Capture every moment and feel free to share - #foxmtb. Minimalistic design for optimal comfort Stretch Cordura ripstop construction for strength and flexibility Single layer cool touch palm Stretch mesh finger gussets increase airflow and dexterity Conductive thread on thumb and index finger for touch screen compatibility";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18467-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105699";"FOX FLEXAIR GLOVE COPPER";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2090-flexair-glove-copper";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105699/main_images/LVwOXmtDCVS9LkJ-flexair-glove-copper.webp";"169";"Feel the trail like never before. The Flexair Glove is a minimalist MTB glove with an exceptional fit and lightweight feel. Constructed from Stretch Cordura, it provides the greatest level of dexterity. The stretch mesh finger gussets (the fabric between your fingers) increases flexibility as well as helps channel air through the glove for superior comfort. The Flexair glove also features a conductive thread on the thumb and index finger so you can use your phone without removing your gloves. Capture every moment and feel free to share - #foxmtb. Minimalistic design for optimal comfort Stretch Cordura ripstop construction for strength and flexibility Single layer cool touch palm Stretch mesh finger gussets increase airflow and dexterity Conductive thread on thumb and index finger for touch screen compatibility";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18467-369";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105700";"FOX FLEXAIR GLOVE FLORIDA/YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/flexair-glove-florida-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105700/main_images/lv7hvzRxTD6PCUS-flexair-glove-floridayellow.webp";"169";"Feel the trail like never before. The Flexair Glove is a minimalist MTB glove with an exceptional fit and lightweight feel. Constructed from Stretch Cordura, it provides the greatest level of dexterity. The stretch mesh finger gussets (the fabric between your fingers) increases flexibility as well as helps channel air through the glove for superior comfort. The Flexair glove also features a conductive thread on the thumb and index finger so you can use your phone without removing your gloves. Capture every moment and feel free to share - #foxmtb. Minimalistic design for optimal comfort Stretch Cordura ripstop construction for strength and flexibility Single layer cool touch palm Stretch mesh finger gussets increase airflow and dexterity Conductive thread on thumb and index finger for touch screen compatibility";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18467-130";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105701";"FOX FLEXAIR GLOVE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2091-flexair-glove-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105701/main_images/6BuZ5m80ujxreo1-flexair-glove-red.webp";"169";"Feel the trail like never before. The Flexair Glove is a minimalist MTB glove with an exceptional fit and lightweight feel. Constructed from Stretch Cordura, it provides the greatest level of dexterity. The stretch mesh finger gussets (the fabric between your fingers) increases flexibility as well as helps channel air through the glove for superior comfort. The Flexair glove also features a conductive thread on the thumb and index finger so you can use your phone without removing your gloves. Capture every moment and feel free to share - #foxmtb. Minimalistic design for optimal comfort Stretch Cordura ripstop construction for strength and flexibility Single layer cool touch palm Stretch mesh finger gussets increase airflow and dexterity Conductive thread on thumb and index finger for touch screen compatibility";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18467-055";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105702";"FOX LEGION GLOVE [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2516-legion-glove-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105702/main_images/m3Nor1N1XIzpOPV-legion-glove-drk-rd.webp";"199";"COLD WEATHER OFFROAD ADVENTURE GLOVES Legion Offroad Gloves are designed specifically for off-road motocross. The palms and inside thumb use a double-layer Clarino® which drastically improves the life of the gloves. The back of the hand features direct-injected TRP; this protective material runs the full length of the fingers and shields your hands from overhanging branches, brush, and other impacts. If conditions get muddy and damp, the TPU lined gussets will help keep things dry. Silicone grippers on the index and pointer fingers leave you in full control of the clutch and brake when the levers get a little slick. And, the brush fleeced liner will keep your digits comfortable and warm. FEATURES Touch screen compatibility on index finger Brushed fleece bonded Cordura® for protection and warmth Clarino® palm with bonded reinforcement layer in high wear areas TPU lined Lycra® gussets seal out the elements Direct injected TRP protects from knuckle and finger impacts Compression molded cuff with hook and loop closure";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19862-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105703";"FOX LEGION GLOVE [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/legion-glove-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105703/main_images/sdphO1WjZzq7Wqm-legion-glove-org.webp";"199";"COLD WEATHER OFFROAD ADVENTURE GLOVES Legion Offroad Gloves are designed specifically for off-road motocross. The palms and inside thumb use a double-layer Clarino® which drastically improves the life of the gloves. The back of the hand features direct-injected TRP; this protective material runs the full length of the fingers and shields your hands from overhanging branches, brush, and other impacts. If conditions get muddy and damp, the TPU lined gussets will help keep things dry. Silicone grippers on the index and pointer fingers leave you in full control of the clutch and brake when the levers get a little slick. And, the brush fleeced liner will keep your digits comfortable and warm. FEATURES Touch screen compatibility on index finger Brushed fleece bonded Cordura® for protection and warmth Clarino® palm with bonded reinforcement layer in high wear areas TPU lined Lycra® gussets seal out the elements Direct injected TRP protects from knuckle and finger impacts Compression molded cuff with hook and loop closure";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19862-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105704";"FOX MTB-GLOVE REFLEX GEL GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/418-mtb-glove-reflex-gel-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105704/main_images/CC5nLmWVlIaNKvw-mtb-glove-reflex-gel-glove-black.webp";"159";"Manusile FOX Reflex Gel Glove sunt concepute pentru a intarzia efectul de oboseala din timpul condusului datorita stratului de gel aplicat la nivelul palmii.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"13223-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105705";"FOX MX-GLOVE ATTACK GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/mx-glove-attack-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105705/main_images/TQMsmz7pCUu8FI3-mx-glove-attack-glove-black.webp";"119";"The all new Attack glove features trail tested All Mountain knuckle protection provided by D30 - the world leader in impact protecting foam. The D3O padding allows the gloves to stay flexible for ease of movement, but upon impact, they instantly harden to provide bulletproof protection on the knuckles. The palm is a single layer Clarino for excellent bar feel and features TRUFEEL, a sensitivity-enhancing technology on the fingers. TRUFEEL uses internal TPR knobbies on the inside of the glove to heightened sensation and feedback, so you have maximum control of the levers. Lastly, the Attack Glove features a Conductive Clarion palm so you can use your phone without removing your gloves. Capture every moment and feel free to share - #foxmtb. Premium D30 knuckle guard for impact protection Stretch Cordura ripstop construction withcompression molded neoprene Single layer Clarino palm with strategicallyD30 Aero foam protection Conductive Clarino palm for touch screencompatibility TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies directinjected at fingertips Compression molded cuff for secure fit";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"07668-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105706";"FOX MX-GLOVE ATTACK GLOVE FLORIDA YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/mx-glove-attack-glove-florida-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105706/main_images/sVoFZre24D3hFhn-mx-glove-attack-glove-florida-yellow.webp";"149";"The all new Attack glove features trail tested All Mountain knuckle protection provided by D30 - the world leader in impact protecting foam. The D3O padding allows the gloves to stay flexible for ease of movement, but upon impact, they instantly harden to provide bulletproof protection on the knuckles. The palm is a single layer Clarino for excellent bar feel and features TRUFEEL, a sensitivity-enhancing technology on the fingers. TRUFEEL uses internal TPR knobbies on the inside of the glove to heightened sensation and feedback, so you have maximum control of the levers. Lastly, the Attack Glove features a Conductive Clarion palm so you can use your phone without removing your gloves. Capture every moment and feel free to share - #foxmtb. Premium D30 knuckle guard for impact protection Stretch Cordura ripstop construction withcompression molded neoprene Single layer Clarino palm with strategicallyD30 Aero foam protection Conductive Clarino palm for touch screencompatibility TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies directinjected at fingertips Compression molded cuff for secure fit";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"07668-130";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "105707";"FOX MX-GLOVE ATTACK GLOVE NEON RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/mx-glove-attack-glove-neon-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105707/main_images/63JNQrO8BZbZ6HA-mx-glove-attack-glove-neon-red.webp";"149";"The all new Attack glove features trail tested All Mountain knuckle protection provided by D30 - the world leader in impact protecting foam. The D3O padding allows the gloves to stay flexible for ease of movement, but upon impact, they instantly harden to provide bulletproof protection on the knuckles. The palm is a single layer Clarino for excellent bar feel and features TRUFEEL, a sensitivity-enhancing technology on the fingers. TRUFEEL uses internal TPR knobbies on the inside of the glove to heightened sensation and feedback, so you have maximum control of the levers. Lastly, the Attack Glove features a Conductive Clarion palm so you can use your phone without removing your gloves. Capture every moment and feel free to share - #foxmtb. Premium D30 knuckle guard for impact protection Stretch Cordura ripstop construction withcompression molded neoprene Single layer Clarino palm with strategicallyD30 Aero foam protection Conductive Clarino palm for touch screencompatibility TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies directinjected at fingertips Compression molded cuff for secure fit";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"07668-531";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105708";"FOX MX-GLOVE DEMO AIR GLOVE FLO YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/mx-glove-demo-air-glove-flo-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105708/main_images/vdVDsPCxYXU7ceG-mx-glove-demo-air-glove-flo-yellow.webp";"139";"A favorite of our World Cup riders, the Demo Glove has been proven to ride fast and win races. Starting with our proven Clarino palm for durability, we added extremely lightweight and flexible material on the top of the hand for greater bar feel. Slip on cuff construction Perforated single layer Clarino palm for a better connection to the bike Vented mesh body construction for enhanced venting Sublimated graphics Silicone gripper on the finger tips increased lever control";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"15917-130";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "105709";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIGIT GLOVE BLACK/GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/mx-glove-digit-glove-black-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105709/main_images/9fT35bdUFUAYek3-mx-glove-digit-glove-black-grey.webp";"139";"The Digit is a great do it all trail glove that will work for almost any type of riding. With its padded Airprene knuckles, the Digit Glove adds a level of protection that our other trail gloves cant match. To keep it light, breathable and durable, we paired the Airprene with an air mesh top hand and our proven double-layer Clarino palm. Lightweight air mesh top hand fabrics Padded Airprene knuckle Double layer Clarino palm Absorbent micro-suede thumb Silicone grip fingertip Low profile wrist tab closure";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"13222-014";"Gri/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Gri/Negru";"0" "105710";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIGIT GLOVE FLORIDA YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/mx-glove-digit-glove-florida-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105710/main_images/CJimCGVnjevUs0c-mx-glove-digit-glove-florida-yellow.webp";"139";"The Digit is a great do it all trail glove that will work for almost any type of riding. With its padded Airprene knuckles, the Digit Glove adds a level of protection that our other trail gloves cant match. To keep it light, breathable and durable, we paired the Airprene with an air mesh top hand and our proven double-layer Clarino palm. Lightweight air mesh top hand fabrics Padded Airprene knuckle Double layer Clarino palm Absorbent micro-suede thumb Silicone grip fingertip Low profile wrist tab closure";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"13222-130";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "105711";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/mx-glove-dirtpaw-race-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105711/main_images/tbXSsF1XF9owZEJ-mx-glove-dirtpaw-race-glove-black.webp";"99";"Aceasta pereche de manusi pentru motocros ofera calitate superioara la un pret accesibil. Recent s-au facut modificari pentru a spori confortul utilizatorului. Modificarile au cuprins protectii si puncte de articulare la nivelul degetelor, insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza asupra manetelor si un sistem de inchidere foarte eficient. Majoritatea pilotilor incepatori prefera acest model";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"12007-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105712";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/553-mx-glove-dirtpaw-race-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105712/main_images/uGcepY9UYvLXwjb-mx-glove-dirtpaw-race-glove-black.webp";"149";"Aceaste manusi pentru motocros ofera calitate superioara la un pret accesibil. Recent s-au facut modificari pentru a spori confortul utilizatorului. Modificarile au cuprins protectii si puncte de articulare la nivelul degetelor, insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza asupra manetelor si un sistem de inchidere foarte eficient. Majoritatea pilotilor incepatori prefera acest model";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"14999-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105713";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE ORANGE/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/mx-glove-dirtpaw-race-glove-orange-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105713/main_images/EOgco3f3xzIpxha-mx-glove-dirtpaw-race-glove-orange-blue.webp";"149";"Aceaste manusi pentru motocros ofera calitate superioara la un pret accesibil. Recent s-au facut modificari pentru a spori confortul utilizatorului. Modificarile au cuprins protectii si puncte de articulare la nivelul degetelor, insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza asupra manetelor si un sistem de inchidere foarte eficient. Majoritatea pilotilor incepatori prefera acest model";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14999-592";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"0" "105714";"FOX MX-GLOVE DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/mx-glove-dirtpaw-race-glove-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105714/main_images/imptOgtjY7zAlzX-mx-glove-dirtpaw-race-glove-red.webp";"149";"Aceaste manusi pentru motocros ofera calitate superioara la un pret accesibil. Recent s-au facut modificari pentru a spori confortul utilizatorului. Modificarile au cuprins protectii si puncte de articulare la nivelul degetelor, insertii de silicon pentru o mai buna priza asupra manetelor si un sistem de inchidere foarte eficient. Majoritatea pilotilor incepatori prefera acest model";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"14999-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105715";"FOX MX-GLOVE PAWTECTOR GLOVE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/mx-glove-pawtector-glove-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105715/main_images/SFJDSpQ61Jy3zbx-mx-glove-pawtector-glove-orange.webp";"199";"Protejeaza-ti mainile cu noile manusi Pawtector 2017 , Aceste manusi de concurs sunt confectionate din strat dublu clarino, neopren si protectii de cauciuc fiind prevazute cu o inchidere comoda si sigura.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17286-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105716";"FOX MX-GLOVE REFLEX GEL GLOVE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/mx-glove-reflex-gel-glove-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105716/main_images/KTOjGuzlRilIKNF-mx-glove-reflex-gel-glove-black.webp";"129";"Manusile FOX Reflex Gel Glove sunt concepute pentru a intarzia efectul de oboseala din timpul condusului datorita statului de gel aplicat la nivelul palmii.40% piele sintetica, 25% Nylon, 15% Policloropren (cauciuc sintetic), 10% gel, 5% poliester, 5% cauciuc PVC";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"07671-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105717";"FOX MX-GLOVE SIDEWINDER POLAR GLOVE FLORIDA ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/282-mx-glove-sidewinder-polar-glove-florida-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105717/main_images/RTILrgRUA52uVKy-mx-glove-sidewinder-polar-glove-florida-orange.webp";"198";"Manusa de iarna rezistenta la vant fabricata din Clarino si Airprene";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"10316-824";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105718";"FOX MX-GLOVE UNABOMBER GLOVE BLACK/GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/mx-glove-unabomber-glove-black-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105718/main_images/yke3bQMXZIXpOUv-mx-glove-unabomber-glove-black-grey.webp";"189";"Providing the ultimate mix of flexibility, freedom of movement and bombproof protection, the Unabomber is a go-to glove for downhill riding of all types. The perforated leather and air mesh top combine with proven Poron XRD knuckle and TPR accented Clarino palms to create a glove that is ready for the toughest trails. Perforated leather and air mesh top hand D30 knuckle protection Clarino palm, Integrated TPR protection at the heel of the hand Absorbent micro-suede thumb Silicone grip fingertip Low profile wrist tab closure";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"13955-014";"Gri/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Gri/Negru";"0" "105719";"FOX MX-GLOVE UNABOMBER GLOVE CYAN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/450-mx-glove-unabomber-glove-cyan";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105719/main_images/115Hm1Pt7zxMia8-mx-glove-unabomber-glove-cyan.webp";"189";"Providing the ultimate mix of flexibility, freedom of movement and bombproof protection, the Unabomber is a go-to glove for downhill riding of all types. The perforated leather and air mesh top combine with proven Poron XRD knuckle and TPR accented Clarino palms to create a glove that is ready for the toughest trails. Perforated leather and air mesh top hand D30 knuckle protection Clarino palm, Integrated TPR protection at the heel of the hand Absorbent micro-suede thumb Silicone grip fingertip Low profile wrist tab closure";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"13955-189";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105720";"FOX MX-GLOVE UNABOMBER GLOVE NEON RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/mx-glove-unabomber-glove-neon-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105720/main_images/ovsiveZ3PCKdgap-mx-glove-unabomber-glove-neon-red.webp";"189";"Providing the ultimate mix of flexibility, freedom of movement and bombproof protection, the Unabomber is a go-to glove for downhill riding of all types. The perforated leather and air mesh top combine with proven Poron XRD knuckle and TPR accented Clarino palms to create a glove that is ready for the toughest trails. Perforated leather and air mesh top hand D30 knuckle protection Clarino palm, Integrated TPR protection at the heel of the hand Absorbent micro-suede thumb Silicone grip fingertip Low profile wrist tab closure";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"13955-531";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105721";"FOX 180 MASTAR PANT [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/180-mastar-pant-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105721/main_images/0YtnckrpBOeP9Dz-180-mastar-pant-org-1-0e7.webp";"699";"The Fox 180 Mastar Pant uses our RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for greater comfort while in the riding position. This articulated fit, combined with strategic stretch panels, provides flexibility and more natural movement on the bike. For dependability and longevity, the pants use a robust 600D polyester construction on the main body. Heat and abrasion leather knee panels on both legs offer further reinforcement in the most critical wear areas. RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for a precise fit on the bike Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Durable 600D polyester main body construction Stretch panels at knee, rear yoke and crotch Hip pads included";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19431-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105722";"FOX 180 MASTAR PANT [YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2387-180-mastar-pant-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105722/main_images/ydtw6aH9Tt7YyIs-180-mastar-pant-ylw-1-f87.webp";"699";"The Fox 180 Mastar Pant uses our RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for greater comfort while in the riding position. This articulated fit, combined with strategic stretch panels, provides flexibility and more natural movement on the bike. For dependability and longevity, the pants use a robust 600D polyester construction on the main body. Heat and abrasion leather knee panels on both legs offer further reinforcement in the most critical wear areas. RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for a precise fit on the bike Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Durable 600D polyester main body construction Stretch panels at knee, rear yoke and crotch Hip pads included";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19431-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "105723";"FOX 180 RACE PANT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2382-180-race-pant-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105723/main_images/dA23IpwH5D7z80S-180-race-pant-blk-02-6c9.webp";"699";"The 180 Race is a motocross pant designed for todays amateur riders and top professionals around the world. Featuring race inspired technical construction to help you charge to the next level. Rider Attack Position construction for a precise fit on the bike Durable 600D polyester main body construction Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Stretch panels at knee, rear and crotch";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19427-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105724";"FOX 180 RACE PANT [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/180-race-pant-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105724/main_images/Uw6ZpcJ23ZBwDdY-180-race-pant-blu-02-440.webp";"699";"The 180 Race is a motocross pant designed for todays amateur riders and top professionals around the world. Featuring race inspired technical construction to help you charge to the next level. Rider Attack Position construction for a precise fit on the bike Durable 600D polyester main body construction Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Stretch panels at knee, rear and crotch";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19427-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105725";"FOX 180 RACE PANT [GRN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2385-180-race-pant-grn";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105725/main_images/rbYqEEJ8rGHeCyA-180-race-pant-grn-02-142.webp";"699";"The 180 Race is a motocross pant designed for todays amateur riders and top professionals around the world. Featuring race inspired technical construction to help you charge to the next level. Rider Attack Position construction for a precise fit on the bike Durable 600D polyester main body construction Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Stretch panels at knee, rear and crotch";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19427-004";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "105726";"FOX 180 RACE PANT [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2384-180-race-pant-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105726/main_images/5ndKU24Kcp6fudb-2556-180-race-pant-rd-02-8b2.webp";"719";"The 180 Race is a motocross pant designed for todays amateur riders and top professionals around the world. Featuring race inspired technical construction to help you charge to the next level. Rider Attack Position construction for a precise fit on the bike Durable 600D polyester main body construction Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Stretch panels at knee, rear and crotch";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19427-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105728";"FOX 180 SAYAK PANT [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2386-180-sayak-pant-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105728/main_images/vtoC0Y1zyHUwO73-180-sayak-pant-org-02-f2e.webp";"699";"The Fox 180 Sayak Pant uses our RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for greater comfort while in the riding position. This articulated fit, combined with strategic stretch panels, provides flexibility and more natural movement on the bike. For dependability and longevity, the pants use a robust 600D polyester construction on the main body. Heat and abrasion leather knee panels on both legs offer further reinforcement in the most critical wear areas. RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for a precise fit on the bike Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Durable 600D polyester main body construction Stretch panels at knee, rear yoke and crotch Hip pads included";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19429-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105729";"FOX 360 PREME PANT (CORE COLOR) [NVY/RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2584-360-preme-pant-core-color-nvy-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105729/main_images/WS0f5DBnKAedLe7-360-preme-pant-core-color-nvy-rd.webp";"798";"Over the years the sport of motocross has progressed. From the days of factory welded cone pipes to todays high revving 4-stroke engines, our 360 MX Pants continually evolved to stay on top. Whether you're the new kid on the starting gate, chasing your first championship or the G.O.A.T., our 360 Racewear is ready to perform. Two years ago our product design team set out to redesign our iconic 360 Racewear with a new pant chassis. After countless hours and multiple prototypes, the next generation of performance racewear was born. The pants utilize TruMotion 4-way stretch fabric for near limitless range of motion, while 600D polyester protects high abrasion areas. This strategic fabric placement delivers a remarkable combination of mobility and bulletproof durability. Our Rider Attack Position (RAP) construction is used for a precise fit, putting you in the best position to win. Finally, laser cut perforations and vents channel air through the pants for superior breathability. RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for a precise fit on the bike 600D Polyester Main Body with zonal TruMotion panels Laser-perforations and vented TPR logos in key zones Double layer knee system with full grain cow leather knee panels backed with abrasion resistant material Thin hem at cuff to eliminate bulk in boot Triple needle stitching in critical areas Hip pads sold separately Matching gear available TRUMOTION: Our all-way stretch fabric offers full range of motion increasing mobility. Durable stretch woven fabric Spandex content allows for greater range of motion Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19417-248";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105730";"FOX 360 PREME PANT [DRK YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/2585-360-preme-pant-drk-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105730/main_images/e7qEnYJhSPmOJol-360-preme-pant-drk-ylw.webp";"798";"Over the years the sport of motocross has progressed. From the days of factory welded cone pipes to todays high revving 4-stroke engines, our 360 MX Pants continually evolved to stay on top. Whether you're the new kid on the starting gate, chasing your first championship or the G.O.A.T., our 360 Racewear is ready to perform. Two years ago our product design team set out to redesign our iconic 360 Racewear with a new pant chassis. After countless hours and multiple prototypes, the next generation of performance racewear was born. The pants utilize TruMotion 4-way stretch fabric for near limitless range of motion, while 600D polyester protects high abrasion areas. This strategic fabric placement delivers a remarkable combination of mobility and bulletproof durability. Our Rider Attack Position (RAP) construction is used for a precise fit, putting you in the best position to win. Finally, laser cut perforations and vents channel air through the pants for superior breathability. RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for a precise fit on the bike 600D Polyester Main Body with zonal TruMotion panels Laser-perforations and vented TPR logos in key zones Double layer knee system with full grain cow leather knee panels backed with abrasion resistant material Thin hem at cuff to eliminate bulk in boot Triple needle stitching in critical areas Hip pads sold separately Matching gear available TRUMOTION: Our all-way stretch fabric offers full range of motion increasing mobility. Durable stretch woven fabric Spandex content allows for greater range of motion Rapid dry time";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"19417-547";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "105731";"FOX 360 VIZA PANT [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/360-viza-pant-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105731/main_images/7FAUGNz6JduvjZA-360-viza-pant-blu.webp";"898";"Over the years the sport of motocross has progressed. From the days of factory welded cone pipes to todays high revving 4-stroke engines, our 360 MX Pants continually evolved to stay on top. Whether you're the new kid on the starting gate, chasing your first championship or the G.O.A.T., our 360 Racewear is ready to perform. Two years ago our product design team set out to redesign our iconic 360 Racewear with a new pant chassis. After countless hours and multiple prototypes, the next generation of performance racewear was born. The pants utilize TruMotion 4-way stretch fabric for near limitless range of motion, while 600D polyester protects high abrasion areas. This strategic fabric placement delivers a remarkable combination of mobility and bulletproof durability. Our Rider Attack Position (RAP) construction is used for a precise fit, putting you in the best position to win. Finally, laser cut perforations and vents channel air through the pants for superior breathability. RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for a precise fit on the bike 600D Polyester Main Body with zonal TruMotion panels Laser-perforations and vented TPR logos in key zones Double layer knee system with full grain cow leather knee panels backed with abrasion resistant material Thin hem at cuff to eliminate bulk in boot Triple needle stitching in critical areas Hip pads sold separately Matching gear available TRUMOTION: Our all-way stretch fabric offers full range of motion increasing mobility. Durable stretch woven fabric Spandex content allows for greater range of motion Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19421-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105732";"FOX 360 VIZA PANT [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2589-360-viza-pant-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105732/main_images/rFi9TAKSxudmrP5-360-viza-pant-org.webp";"898";"Over the years the sport of motocross has progressed. From the days of factory welded cone pipes to todays high revving 4-stroke engines, our 360 MX Pants continually evolved to stay on top. Whether you're the new kid on the starting gate, chasing your first championship or the G.O.A.T., our 360 Racewear is ready to perform. Two years ago our product design team set out to redesign our iconic 360 Racewear with a new pant chassis. After countless hours and multiple prototypes, the next generation of performance racewear was born. The pants utilize TruMotion 4-way stretch fabric for near limitless range of motion, while 600D polyester protects high abrasion areas. This strategic fabric placement delivers a remarkable combination of mobility and bulletproof durability. Our Rider Attack Position (RAP) construction is used for a precise fit, putting you in the best position to win. Finally, laser cut perforations and vents channel air through the pants for superior breathability. RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for a precise fit on the bike 600D Polyester Main Body with zonal TruMotion panels Laser-perforations and vented TPR logos in key zones Double layer knee system with full grain cow leather knee panels backed with abrasion resistant material Thin hem at cuff to eliminate bulk in boot Triple needle stitching in critical areas Hip pads sold separately Matching gear available TRUMOTION: Our all-way stretch fabric offers full range of motion increasing mobility. Durable stretch woven fabric Spandex content allows for greater range of motion Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19421-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105733";"FOX AGREER SWEATPANT [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-dama/agreer-sweatpant-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105733/main_images/0zuyFOM4gGj3PcP-agreer-sweatpant-htr-graph.webp";"199";"";"";"Pantaloni";"458";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Pantaloni";"19662-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105734";"FOX DAGGER SLIM PANT [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/2307-dagger-slim-pant-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105734/main_images/ywkudWsoLj4qzP5-dagger-slim-pant-blk-vin-692.webp";"399";"The men's Dagger Skinny shorts have a skinny-fit design with stretch that allows comfortable movement without compromising style. FEATURES Zip fly with button closure Skinny fit with performance stretch Front & back pockets Outseam: 20"" size 34 FABRIC 97% cotton / 3% elastane woven twill, 280g FIT Skinny fit through thigh & leg 24"" thigh 18"" bottom opening";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"17511-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105735";"FOX ENDURATION LEGGING [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-dama/enduration-legging-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105735/main_images/67SaK3yE7IjDPka-enduration-legging-blk.webp";"149";"Perfect for the girl with timeless appeal and transformable style, the Women's Enduration Leggings can be dressed up or dressed down. They offer a comfortable fit and the ideal thickness and stretch. FEATURES Wicks sweat to keep you dry Dries fast to keep you comfortable Inseam: 26"", size small FABRIC 90% cotton / 7% polyester / 3% elastane stretch jersey 270gm";"";"Pantaloni";"458";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Pantaloni";"19661-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105736";"FOX ENDURATION LEGGING [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-dama/2356-enduration-legging-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105736/main_images/dFyP4wyYeAsapFh-2673-enduration-legging-htr-graph-5b9.webp";"149";"Perfect for the girl with timeless appeal and transformable style, the Women's Enduration Leggings can be dressed up or dressed down. They offer a comfortable fit and the ideal thickness and stretch. FEATURES Wicks sweat to keep you dry Dries fast to keep you comfortable Inseam: 26"", size small FABRIC 90% cotton / 7% polyester / 3% elastane stretch jersey 270gm";"";"Pantaloni";"458";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Pantaloni";"19661-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105737";"FOX FLEXAIR MOTH LE PANT TEAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/2102-flexair-moth-le-pant-teal";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105737/main_images/tRDI0BKNtB0I2DT-flexair-moth-le-pant-teal-02-d7d.webp";"998";"Podium Proven and athlete endorsed, the FLEXAIR Jersey is worn by our top athletes in the UCI World Cup Downhill circuit. When it comes to design, pushing boundaries is what we do best, and with its technical features and next-level materials, the FLEXAIR Jersey will keep you far out in front of the pack. The FLEXAIR Jersey is the lightest jersey we have ever created and has changed the definition of what downhill gear can be. No longer are you limited to bulky and baggy gear that sacrifices fit for functionality. The FLEXAIR jersey combines lightweight, airy materials with all-way stretch construction and targeted ventilation. The result is a jersey that is so comfortable you might forget you're wearing it. Moisture wicking TRUDRI polyester/spandex stretch fabric Sew free cuff and hem for reduced bulk Precision fit athletic collar design TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"17238-176";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105738";"FOX G-E-DENIM GIRLS STEVIE 2 JEAN WORN WASH";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-dama/1424-g-e-denim-girls-stevie-2-jean-worn-wash";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105738/main_images/QXGnGxTpQGXRvU9-g-e-denim-girls-stevie-2-jean-worn-wash.webp";"249";"Blugi pentru fete FOX Girls Stevie 2 au un design simplu care ofera confort si pot fi purtati in orice moment al zilei.Masuratori:5 = 27/S7 = 28.5/M";"";"Pantaloni";"458";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Pantaloni";"50379-301";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105739";"FOX G-V-DENIM JET DESTROYED JEAN BLEACH WASH";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-dama/1434-g-v-denim-jet-destroyed-jean-bleach-wash";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105739/main_images/ZojVF2YiwQxp5lE-g-v-denim-jet-destroyed-jean-bleach-wash.webp";"259";"Blugi de fete Foxracing JET DESTROYED JEAN care scot in evidenta primavara aceasta personalitatea ta rebela. Se inchid cu fermoar iar pe nasturele de la talie este gravat logo-ul Foxracing. Design-ul nonconformist al blugilor Fox te ajuta sa fii originala si la moda cu ultimele tendinte Masuratori:0 = 24/XS3 = 26/S5 = 27/S7 = 28.5/M9 = 30/L";"";"Pantaloni";"458";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Pantaloni";"50548-318";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105741";"FOX LEGION OFF-ROAD PANT [CHAR]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/2511-legion-off-road-pant-char";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105741/main_images/GtLTYITMvFdq1xB-legion-off-road-pant-char.webp";"998";"Legion stands for all-day trail rides, for leaving your worries at the trailhead and for reminiscing about the adventure camp side after. The Legion Offroad pant keeps you covered and comfortable, so all you have to focus on is the ride. They have trail-ready durability, water-resistance for stream crossings, and vents to maintain comfort during hours in the saddle. Durable 600D Dobby polyester main body fabric 360 Chassis with Internal gaitor at boot YKK Zippers throughout Zippered pockets and vents Waist adjustment 3M DWR water repellent coating";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"17676-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105743";"FOX M-E-OUTERWEAR BASELINE JEAN GREASE MONKEY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/1287-m-e-outerwear-baseline-jean-grease-monkey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105743/main_images/MV1cwm9QlUpcJzZ-m-e-outerwear-baseline-jean-grease-monkey.webp";"349";"Blugi originali Fox, 100% din bumbac. Se inchid cu nasturi.";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"43045-134";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "105744";"FOX M-E-OUTERWEAR ESSEX PANT DARK KHAKI";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/m-e-outerwear-essex-pant-dark-khaki";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105744/main_images/pR9ANBbOT8lI0Yu-m-e-outerwear-essex-pant-dark-khaki.webp";"119";"";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"43337-108";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105745";"FOX M-E-OUTERWEAR THROTTLE JEAN INTL ONLY BLUE NAPALM";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/1285-m-e-outerwear-throttle-jean-intl-only-blue-napalm";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105745/main_images/GeMZPJirMgMQA8w-m-e-outerwear-throttle-jean-intl-only-blue-napalm.webp";"349";"";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"43030-257";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105746";"FOX MOTH LEGGING [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-dama/moth-legging-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105746/main_images/cYmioeMXLEWQqor-moth-legging-htr-graph.webp";"199";"With MX-inspired graphics, the Moth Leggings are all about standout style. Perfect for anything from studio workouts to running errands, these women's leggings have a flexible construction that moves when you move. They also feature performance wicking TruDri to keep you cool, dry and comfortable when things heat up. MOISTURE WICKING Fabric wicks sweat from the body to keep you dry and comfortable. RAPID DRY TIME Quickly transports moisture to outside layer for evaporation.";"";"Pantaloni";"458";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Pantaloni";"20181-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105747";"FOX PIT SLAMBOZO TECH CARGO PANT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/2333-pit-slambozo-tech-cargo-pant-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105747/main_images/gQcdGvb9ibuXEWY-pit-slambozo-tech-cargo-pant-blk.webp";"359";"We designed the Pit Slambozo Tech Cargo Pants with two things in mind: mobility and long-lasting durability. With a combination of Cordura® and stretch-woven fabric, these rugged work pants are made to move and as tough as they come. Throw in a full array of pockets - front, back and sides - plus a DWR coating for the elements and you have a pair of pants that are up for any job. FEATURES Tech cargo pants High stretch fabric for mobility Cordura® for strength Water-resistant Logo snap/zip closure 2 hand pockets 2 side cargo pockets 2 back pockets Logo embroidery details Inseam: 32"", size medium FABRIC 63% nylon Cordura® / 31% nylon / 6% spandex DWR treated";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"20134-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105748";"FOX PIT SLAMBOZO TECH CARGO PANT [CHAR]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/2335-pit-slambozo-tech-cargo-pant-char";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105748/main_images/tlhLvE9QQxuXmMs-pit-slambozo-tech-cargo-pant-char.webp";"359";"We designed the Pit Slambozo Tech Cargo Pants with two things in mind: mobility and long-lasting durability. With a combination of Cordura® and stretch-woven fabric, these rugged work pants are made to move and as tough as they come. Throw in a full array of pockets - front, back and sides - plus a DWR coating for the elements and you have a pair of pants that are up for any job. FEATURES Tech cargo pants High stretch fabric for mobility Cordura® for strength Water-resistant Logo snap/zip closure 2 hand pockets 2 side cargo pockets 2 back pockets Logo embroidery details Inseam: 32"", size medium FABRIC 63% nylon Cordura® / 31% nylon / 6% spandex DWR treated";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"20134-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105749";"FOX PIT SLAMBOZO TECH CARGO PANT [NVY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/2334-pit-slambozo-tech-cargo-pant-nvy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105749/main_images/pnm2VB044mmuXYV-pit-slambozo-tech-cargo-pant-nvy.webp";"359";"We designed the Pit Slambozo Tech Cargo Pants with two things in mind: mobility and long-lasting durability. With a combination of Cordura® and stretch-woven fabric, these rugged work pants are made to move and as tough as they come. Throw in a full array of pockets - front, back and sides - plus a DWR coating for the elements and you have a pair of pants that are up for any job. FEATURES Tech cargo pants High stretch fabric for mobility Cordura® for strength Water-resistant Logo snap/zip closure 2 hand pockets 2 side cargo pockets 2 back pockets Logo embroidery details Inseam: 32"", size medium FABRIC 63% nylon Cordura® / 31% nylon / 6% spandex DWR treated";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"20134-007";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105750";"FOX RHODES PANT [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/rhodes-pant-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105750/main_images/gNjkHvbdGl5soEf-rhodes-pant-blk-vin.webp";"199";"Head out for a couple laps around the block or stay home and chill in the Rhodes Pants. These comfortable joggers are cut from a 100% cotton terry fleece for flexibility and comfort during activities like running, working out or just lounging around. The elastic waist and ribbed cuffs offer a secure fit that stays in place and holds its shape all day. The pants are rounded out by silicone coated eyelets and aglets, Fox Head silicone heat transfers and TPR logos. Adjustable drawcord waist Elastic waistband and cuffs Side pockets 100% Cotton French Terry";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"20113-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105751";"FOX RHODES PANT [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/2366-rhodes-pant-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105751/main_images/WFkk55cyvjf4FhN-rhodes-pant-htr-graph.webp";"249";"Head out for a couple laps around the block or stay home and chill in the Rhodes Pants. These comfortable joggers are cut from a 100% cotton terry fleece for flexibility and comfort during activities like running, working out or just lounging around. The elastic waist and ribbed cuffs offer a secure fit that stays in place and holds its shape all day. The pants are rounded out by silicone coated eyelets and aglets, Fox Head silicone heat transfers and TPR logos. Adjustable drawcord waist Elastic waistband and cuffs Side pockets 100% Cotton French Terry";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"20113-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105752";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS HARLOW JEAN MAUI BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-dama/1433-sample-girls-harlow-jean-maui-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105752/main_images/kKW3KbmpeoEEB63-sample-girls-harlow-jean-maui-blue.webp";"99";"Blugii FOX Girls Harlow sunt creati pentru a fi confortabili si potriviti oricarui sezon.";"";"Pantaloni";"458";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Pantaloni";"50533-551";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105753";"FOX YS SLAMBOZO PANT CHARCOAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/2115-ys-slambozo-pant-charcoal";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105753/main_images/Dt1BWbJq76UkMx9-ys-slambozo-pant-charcoal.webp";"319";"";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"18963-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105754";"FOX 180 MASTAR JERSEY [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2381-180-mastar-jersey-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105754/main_images/5DdRe35IwZTnm8H-2565-180-mastar-jersey-org-02-f91.webp";"199";"The Fox 180 Mastar Jersey uses moisture wicking fabric on the main body to keep you dry and comfortable. Side panels are ventilated to increase airflow through the jersey, both aiding in moisture management and helping to regulate body temperature. Lightweight arm cuffs provide a precise fit without feeling restrictive, and a drop tail design keeps the jersey tucked. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric Vented side panels for enhanced airflow Asymmetrical mesh collar & light polyester cuffs Drop tail at back hem keeps jersey tucked in pants";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19430-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105755";"FOX 180 MASTAR JERSEY [YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/180-mastar-jersey-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105755/main_images/1DYYE5OkC0EimEV-2568-180-mastar-jersey-ylw-02-16a.webp";"199";"The Fox 180 Mastar Jersey uses moisture wicking fabric on the main body to keep you dry and comfortable. Side panels are ventilated to increase airflow through the jersey, both aiding in moisture management and helping to regulate body temperature. Lightweight arm cuffs provide a precise fit without feeling restrictive, and a drop tail design keeps the jersey tucked. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric Vented side panels for enhanced airflow Asymmetrical mesh collar & light polyester cuffs Drop tail at back hem keeps jersey tucked in pants";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19430-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "105756";"FOX 180 RACE JERSEY [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/180-race-jersey-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105756/main_images/iKniOgTy8Y6EUqA-2583-180-race-jersey-blk-02-32d.webp";"179";"The Fox 180 Race Jersey uses moisture wicking fabric on the main body to keep you dry and comfortable. Side panels are ventilated to increase airflow through the jersey, both aiding in moisture management and helping to regulate body temperature. Lightweight arm cuffs provide a precise fit without feeling restrictive, and a drop tail design keeps the jersey tucked. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric Vented side panels for enhanced airflow Asymmetrical mesh collar & light polyester cuffs Drop tail at back hem keeps jersey tucked in pants";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19426-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105757";"FOX 180 RACE JERSEY [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/180-race-jersey-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105757/main_images/aFluh9ILLBULdYu-180-race-jersey-blu-02-0ce.webp";"179";"The Fox 180 Race Jersey uses moisture wicking fabric on the main body to keep you dry and comfortable. Side panels are ventilated to increase airflow through the jersey, both aiding in moisture management and helping to regulate body temperature. Lightweight arm cuffs provide a precise fit without feeling restrictive, and a drop tail design keeps the jersey tucked. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric Vented side panels for enhanced airflow Asymmetrical mesh collar & light polyester cuffs Drop tail at back hem keeps jersey tucked in pants";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19426-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105758";"FOX 180 RACE JERSEY [GRN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/180-race-jersey-grn";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105758/main_images/iRxdMfH8xTyCGUf-180-race-jersey-grn02-b06.webp";"179";"The Fox 180 Race Jersey uses moisture wicking fabric on the main body to keep you dry and comfortable. Side panels are ventilated to increase airflow through the jersey, both aiding in moisture management and helping to regulate body temperature. Lightweight arm cuffs provide a precise fit without feeling restrictive, and a drop tail design keeps the jersey tucked. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric Vented side panels for enhanced airflow Asymmetrical mesh collar & light polyester cuffs Drop tail at back hem keeps jersey tucked in pants";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19426-004";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "105759";"FOX 180 RACE JERSEY [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2377-180-race-jersey-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105759/main_images/XccaDiQ8x17eQHj-2577-180-race-jersey-rd-02-e0c.webp";"199";"The Fox 180 Race Jersey uses moisture wicking fabric on the main body to keep you dry and comfortable. Side panels are ventilated to increase airflow through the jersey, both aiding in moisture management and helping to regulate body temperature. Lightweight arm cuffs provide a precise fit without feeling restrictive, and a drop tail design keeps the jersey tucked. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric Vented side panels for enhanced airflow Asymmetrical mesh collar & light polyester cuffs Drop tail at back hem keeps jersey tucked in pants";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19426-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105760";"FOX 180 Sabbath Jersey Black";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/180-sabbath-jersey-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105760/main_images/ebkE2nKWj36vTCd-180-sabbath-jersey-black-02-c54.webp";"169";"The 180 Sabbath is a motocross jersey designed for todays amateur riders and top professionals around the world. Featuring race inspired technical construction to help you charge to the next level. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric for enhanced performance and comfort Vented side panels for enhanced airflow Asymmetrical mesh collar and light polyester cuff Drop tail to keep jersey tucked in pant";"";"MX - Enduro : Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"17259-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105761";"FOX 180 SAYAK JERSEY [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/180-sayak-jersey-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105761/main_images/240tHQTiEK77HfB-180-sayak-jersey-org-02-924.webp";"179";"The Fox 180 Sayak Jersey uses moisture wicking fabric on the main body to keep you dry and comfortable. Side panels are ventilated to increase airflow through the jersey, both aiding in moisture management and helping to regulate body temperature. Lightweight arm cuffs provide a precise fit without feeling restrictive, and a drop tail design keeps the jersey tucked. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric Vented side panels for enhanced airflow Asymmetrical mesh collar & light polyester cuffs Drop tail at back hem keeps jersey tucked in pants";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19428-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105762";"FOX 360 PREME JERSEY [DRK YLW] L";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/360-preme-jersey-drk-ylw-l";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105762/main_images/8SzajMeyFnExEtU-360-preme-jersey-drk-ylw-l.webp";"199";"The Fox 360 Preme Jersey offers remarkable durability and comfort. It is battle proven and ridden at the biggest motocross races in the world often to victory and championships. The jersey uses a moisture wicking fabric on the main body, with mesh back, shoulder and side panels for breathability. This combination pulls perspiration off your skin and channels refreshing air through the jersey. Thus, you stay cool, dry and comfortable even in hot or muggy conditions. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric Large hole polyester mesh back panel for enhanced airflow Athletic fit collar provides superior comfort Minimal athletic precision fit cuff Drop tail rear design keeps jersey tucked in pants Fade free sublimated graphics Matching gear available";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19416-547";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "105763";"FOX 360 PREME JERSEY [NVY/RD] L";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/360-preme-jersey-nvy-rd-l";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105763/main_images/lyaqrTh8IemWFMA-360-preme-jersey-nvy-rd-l.webp";"199";"The Fox 360 Preme Jersey offers remarkable durability and comfort. It is battle proven and ridden at the biggest motocross races in the world often to victory and championships. The jersey uses a moisture wicking fabric on the main body, with mesh back, shoulder and side panels for breathability. This combination pulls perspiration off your skin and channels refreshing air through the jersey. Thus, you stay cool, dry and comfortable even in hot or muggy conditions. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric Large hole polyester mesh back panel for enhanced airflow Athletic fit collar provides superior comfort Minimal athletic precision fit cuff Drop tail rear design keeps jersey tucked in pants Fade free sublimated graphics Matching gear available";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19416-248";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105764";"FOX 360 VIZA JERSEY [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/360-viza-jersey-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105764/main_images/IHZSWWshGZDgaag-360-viza-jersey-blu.webp";"299";"As fast as it is functional, the Fox 360 Viza Jersey offers remarkable durability and comfort. It is battle proven and ridden at the biggest motocross races in the world often to victory and championships. The jersey uses a moisture wicking fabric on the main body, with mesh back, shoulder and side panels for breathability. This combination pulls perspiration off your skin and channels refreshing air through the jersey. Thus, you stay cool, dry and comfortable even in hot or muggy conditions. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric Large hole polyester mesh back panel for enhanced airflow Athletic fit collar provides superior comfort Minimal athletic precision fit cuff Drop tail rear design keeps jersey tucked in pants Fade free sublimated graphics Matching gear available";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19420-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105765";"FOX 360 VIZA JERSEY [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/360-viza-jersey-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105765/main_images/3tgVZDPX9Je0ZMy-360-viza-jersey-org.webp";"299";"As fast as it is functional, the Fox 360 Viza Jersey offers remarkable durability and comfort. It is battle proven and ridden at the biggest motocross races in the world often to victory and championships. The jersey uses a moisture wicking fabric on the main body, with mesh back, shoulder and side panels for breathability. This combination pulls perspiration off your skin and channels refreshing air through the jersey. Thus, you stay cool, dry and comfortable even in hot or muggy conditions. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric Large hole polyester mesh back panel for enhanced airflow Athletic fit collar provides superior comfort Minimal athletic precision fit cuff Drop tail rear design keeps jersey tucked in pants Fade free sublimated graphics Matching gear available";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19420-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105766";"FOX BLACKOUT JERSEY [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/372-mx-jersey-blackout-jersey-black";"1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105766/main_images/PYW4RGd4mNRJBhG-mx-jersey-blackout-jersey-black.webp";"199";"The Blackout Jersey will match with any dirt bike pant, because what doesn't match with black? It has a moisture-wicking main body construction to keep you comfortable while you're putting down laps on the track or miles on the local trail. Plus, it has a perforated mesh fabric, so there is plenty of airflow through this motocross jersey. FEATURES Moisture-wicking fabric keeps you cool and dry   Soft main body fabric provides comfort and a lightweight fit Vented mesh paneling increases breathability and airflow   Mesh collar and sleeve cuffs improve fit and comfort Dyed or Sublimated graphic panels for rich and vibrant color   Drop-tail design keeps jersey tucked in through intense rides   Cross merchandising options available on most styles";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"12336-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"1" "105767";"FOX LEGION JERSEY [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/846-mx-legion-jersey-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105767/main_images/FcsRFyVtagG9XcQ-mx-legion-jersey-blue.webp";"499";"Usor nu inseamna ca am uitat durabilitatea. Tricoul Legion Offroad Jersey este imbinarea perfecta intre usor ,rezistent si flexibil devenind cel mai functional tricou de pe piata . Material rezistent la rupere , Astfel nu veti mai fii nevoit sa cumparati un nou tricou la fiecare iesire. Respira datorita perfortiilor.";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"17675-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105768";"FOX MX LEGION LT OFFROAD JERSEY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/884-mx-legion-lt-offroad-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105768/main_images/7zqxdhLDzDkQqYW-mx-legion-lt-offroad-jersey.webp";"199";"";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"18236-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105769";"FOX MX-JERSEY 180 SABBATH SE JERSEY BLUE/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/mx-jersey-180-sabbath-se-jersey-blue-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105769/main_images/bPHDNQrh2AeW4u3-mx-jersey-180-sabbath-se-jersey-blue-black.webp";"169";"180 Sabbath Jersey editie speciala este fabricat din polyester pentru o buna absorbtie a umezelii. Manseta si guler din tesatura moale. Prelungit in zona spatelui.";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19788-023";"Albastru/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru/Negru";"0" "105770";"FOX MX-JERSEY FIRST LAYER SLVLESS JERSEY BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/mx-jersey-first-layer-slvless-jersey-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105770/main_images/t93NZTCFjb5Flrv-mx-jersey-first-layer-slvless-jersey-black.webp";"159";"Bluza FOX First Layer Jersey este perfecta pentru a fi purtata in timpul iesirilor cu bicicleta sau motocicleta, este conceputa pentru a tine la distanta umezeala de pe corp.";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"07586-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105771";"FOX MX-JERSEY FLEXAIR LIBRA JERSEY ORANGE/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/549-mx-jersey-flexair-libra-jersey-orange-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105771/main_images/Spg3qtfqGq3MgnP-mx-jersey-flexair-libra-jersey-orange-blue.webp";"399";"The FLEXAIR Jersey is extremely lightweight and has a luxuriously soft feel that is deceptively durable. The jersey moves with you for improved mobility while targeted ventilation and fast wicking properties keep you cool, dry and comfortable. Extremely lightweight and breathable High stretch for increased mobility Proprietary TRUDRI fabric developed exclusively for FOX Soft and exceptionally smooth against the skin Exceptional moisture transfer keeps you dry Weight of size large jersey: 6oz. Matching gear available TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"14960-592";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Albastru";"0" "105772";"FOX MX-JERSEY FLEXAIR SECA JERSEY GREY/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/mx-jersey-flexair-seca-jersey-grey-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105772/main_images/Y8Df2gbhZwiUduJ-mx-jersey-flexair-seca-jersey-grey-red.webp";"399";"For the past forty years, Fox has been the industry leader in producing high-performance motocross racewear. To this day, our commitment and passion for advancing racewear technology remain the driving force behind everything we do. The FLEXAIR Jersey is the lightest jersey we have ever created. Crafted in cooperation with professional riders like Ryan Dungey, it is the fusion of advanced fabric technology and racing insights distilled from fierce competition. When you throw on the FLEXAIR Jersey, the feeling of comfort and mobility is immediate. Our proprietary TRUDRI fabric blend is softer than any jersey in motocross, yet is still durable enough to stand up to the demands of racing. The high-stretch content allows the jersey to move naturally with you as you position yourself on the bike, giving you increased agility. This performance fabric is also the foundation of the jersey's moisture management system. A double knit construction pulls perspiration from your skin to the outer layer where it is rapidly evaporated. This process keeps you cool, dry and helps to regulate your body temperature during high-intensity motocross races. Extremely lightweight and breathable High stretch for increased mobility Proprietary TRUDRI fabric developed exclusively for FOX Soft and exceptionally smooth against the skin Exceptional moisture transfer keeps you dry Weight of size large jersey: 6oz. Matching gear available TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17239-037";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105773";"FOX WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN JERSEY RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2146-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105773/main_images/jy5eqrPv2d3F1aE-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-red.webp";"159";"";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19323-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105774";"FOX WOMENS RIPLEY LS JERSEY GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/2070-womens-ripley-ls-jersey-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105774/main_images/yFZilP9DezVjbBg-womens-ripley-ls-jersey-grey.webp";"199";"The Women's Ripley Long Sleeve Jersey is an incredible value for the level of quality it offers. With a refined fit, aesthetic and performance, it meets the needs of even the most devoted female riders. The fit has been updated for a women's specific tailored cut. The long sleeve version provides additional coverage from trail overgrowth and the sun. Long sleeves provide coverage from sun and trail overgrowth Stylize fabric offers excellent breathability and moisture wicking 100% polyester main body fabric Jacquard mesh pattern Women's specific fit";"";"Outlet Bike";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"18484-006";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105775";"FOX WOMENS RIPLEY LS JERSEY LIGHT YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-bike/womens-ripley-ls-jersey-light-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105775/main_images/w8MgPILhETCYm2m-womens-ripley-ls-jersey-light-yellow.webp";"177";"The Women's Ripley Long Sleeve Jersey is an incredible value for the level of quality it offers. With a refined fit, aesthetic and performance, it meets the needs of even the most devoted female riders. The fit has been updated for a women's specific tailored cut. The long sleeve version provides additional coverage from trail overgrowth and the sun. Long sleeves provide coverage from sun and trail overgrowth Stylize fabric offers excellent breathability and moisture wicking 100% polyester main body fabric Jacquard mesh pattern Women's specific fit";"";"Bike : Tricouri";"1095";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Tricouri";"18484-090";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105776";"FOX Womens Ripley SS Jersey";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/2072-womens-ripley-ss-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105776/main_images/T0sxXzHeGJUjdOB-womens-ripley-ss-jersey-02-9b9.webp";"209";"The Women's Ripley Jersey is an incredible value for the level of quality it offers. With a refined fit, aesthetic and performance, it meets the needs of even the most devoted female riders. The jersey is designed with Fox TruDri, a soft, durable fabric which quickly wicks sweat off the body. The fit has been updated for a women's specific tailored cut - not too tight, not too loose. TruDri polyester main body fabric Trail Fit Reflective details ID/Lift Pass stash pocket TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet Bike";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"18485-006";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105777";"FOX WOMENS RIPLEY SS JERSEY FUCSIA";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/2073-womens-ripley-ss-jersey-fucsia";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105777/main_images/Fa15gIVK72wkAkj-womens-ripley-ss-jersey-fucsia.webp";"199";"The Women's Ripley Jersey is an incredible value for the level of quality it offers. With a refined fit, aesthetic and performance, it meets the needs of even the most devoted female riders. The jersey is designed with Fox TruDri, a soft, durable fabric which quickly wicks sweat off the body. The fit has been updated for a women's specific tailored cut - not too tight, not too loose. TruDri polyester main body fabric Trail Fit Reflective details ID/Lift Pass stash pocket TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet Bike";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"18485-198";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105778";"FOX WOMENS RIPLEY SS JERSEY ICE BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/womens-ripley-ss-jersey-ice-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105778/main_images/k8l6RUC1B4kxeT7-womens-ripley-ss-jersey-ice-blue.webp";"199";"The Women's Ripley Jersey is an incredible value for the level of quality it offers. With a refined fit, aesthetic and performance, it meets the needs of even the most devoted female riders. The jersey is designed with Fox TruDri, a soft, durable fabric which quickly wicks sweat off the body. The fit has been updated for a women's specific tailored cut - not too tight, not too loose. TruDri polyester main body fabric Trail Fit Reflective details ID/Lift Pass stash pocket TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet Bike";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"18485-231";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105779";"FOX BLACK DIAMOND POM BEANIE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/black-diamond-pom-beanie-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105779/main_images/29fOHceB9tXEhf9-black-diamond-pom-beanie-blk.webp";"99";"When temperatures drop, keep it straightforward and stylish with the Streamliner Beanie. This Fox classic features a Fox Head logo and a comfortable fit. Roll cuff beanie with jacquard Fox Flat knit lining Fox Head embroidery on back 3 1/2"" pom 100% Acrylic";"";"Caciuli";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19778-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105780";"FOX BLACK DIAMOND POM BEANIE [DST BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/black-diamond-pom-beanie-dst-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105780/main_images/PWFvdIqxGiWlyHT-black-diamond-pom-beanie-dst-blu.webp";"99";"When temperatures drop, keep it straightforward and stylish with the Streamliner Beanie. This Fox classic features a Fox Head logo and a comfortable fit. Roll cuff beanie with jacquard Fox Flat knit lining Fox Head embroidery on back 3 1/2"" pom 100% Acrylic";"";"Caciuli";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19778-157";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105781";"FOX BLACK DIAMOND POM BEANIE [LT GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/black-diamond-pom-beanie-lt-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105781/main_images/tIfd2y7iduWRbrS-black-diamond-pom-beanie-lt-gry.webp";"99";"When temperatures drop, keep it straightforward and stylish with the Streamliner Beanie. This Fox classic features a Fox Head logo and a comfortable fit. Roll cuff beanie with jacquard Fox Flat knit lining Fox Head embroidery on back 3 1/2"" pom 100% Acrylic";"";"Caciuli";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19778-097";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105782";"FOX COLD FUSION ROLL BEANIE [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2352-cold-fusion-roll-beanie-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105782/main_images/gpybLBA91NDL7DQ-cold-fusion-roll-beanie-blk-vin-01-193.webp";"99";"When the temperatures drop, nothing is more comforting than a warm beanie. The Cold Fusion Beanie brings the heat with a large knit construction and polar fleece lining. Large waffle knit with polar fleece lining Fox / Fox Head damask woven label on front 100% Acrylic";"";"Caciuli";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19587-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105783";"FOX COLD FUSION ROLL BEANIE [HTR FAT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2350-cold-fusion-roll-beanie-htr-fat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105783/main_images/ZPgtqyPiXhlkSLV-cold-fusion-roll-beanie-htr-fat-01-e27.webp";"99";"When the temperatures drop, nothing is more comforting than a warm beanie. The Cold Fusion Beanie brings the heat with a large knit construction and polar fleece lining. Large waffle knit with polar fleece lining Fox / Fox Head damask woven label on front 100% Acrylic";"";"Caciuli";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19587-228";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "105784";"FOX COLD FUSION ROLL BEANIE [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2351-cold-fusion-roll-beanie-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105784/main_images/S9nXLaiawLVNHjD-cold-fusion-roll-beanie-mdnt-01-edit-7a0.webp";"99";"When the temperatures drop, nothing is more comforting than a warm beanie. The Cold Fusion Beanie brings the heat with a large knit construction and polar fleece lining. Large waffle knit with polar fleece lining Fox / Fox Head damask woven label on front 100% Acrylic";"";"Caciuli";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19587-329";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "105785";"FOX COPIUS SNAPBACK [HTR BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/copius-snapback-htr-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105785/main_images/QSuywC153vhQqAT-2698-copius-snapback-htr-blk-01-6b3.webp";"99";"The Coolmax® Thin Race Sock provides friction absorption, moisture management, and durability. With slim articulated padding, they provide comfort and support without the bulk. FEATURES Coolmax® fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry   Thin construction for a cool comfortable fit   Articulated construction for a precise fit   Arch support";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"20383-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105786";"FOX CRASS SNAPBACK [HTR BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/crass-snapback-htr-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105786/main_images/xahFNttzfPKCzoC-crass-snapback-htr-blk.webp";"99";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19578-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105787";"FOX FLEX 45 FLEXFIT HAT [BLK/BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/flex-45-flexfit-hat-blk-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105787/main_images/wRKAZNaz8EhWxAC-2694-flex-45-flexfit-hat-blk-blu-01-76a.webp";"96";"The Flex 45 Flexfit Hat sports a clean, monochromatic setup topped off with pinstripes and a 45-degree Fox Head embroidery on the front panel. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front and back 3D embroidery FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex Black Pinstripe: 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58379-013";"Albastru/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru/Negru";"0" "105788";"FOX FLEX 45 FLEXFIT HAT [BLK/GRN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2342-flex-45-flexfit-hat-blk-grn";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105788/main_images/kpjMS1X2movsEzx-2692-flex-45-flexfit-hat-blk-grn-01-8c4.webp";"96";"The Flex 45 Flexfit Hat sports a clean, monochromatic setup topped off with pinstripes and a 45-degree Fox Head embroidery on the front panel. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front and back 3D embroidery FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex Black Pinstripe: 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58379-151";"Verde/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Verde/Negru";"0" "105789";"FOX FRET SNAPBACK HAT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/fret-snapback-hat-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105789/main_images/PxpQbOlgqjNgxR6-fret-snapback-hat-black.webp";"119";"Throw a little texture into your action sports life with this Fret grey snapback hat from Fox. A black embroidered Fox head is featured on the front of this grey with black flecks polyester hat to make your style pop while keeping true to your hobbies. Fret Grey Snapback Hat from Fox. Embroidered graphic on the front. Black underside of bill. Fox brand tag on the back. Adjustable snapback sizing piece for a custom fit. 100% polyester.";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"17652-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105790";"FOX INVERTER SNAPBACK [DRK FAT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/Inverter-snapback-drk-fat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105790/main_images/0m55QxDr286dlWb-inverter-snapback-drk-fat.webp";"119";"The Inverter Snapback hat is not only great looking but sturdy as hell. Because we don't mess around with sun protection. Plus, it features Fox embroidery on the front and back, so you can show off your Fox pride whether you're coming or going. Men's Snapback Adjustable snap closure High profile Pro bill, No curve Front fabric paneling and Fox logo embroidery Fox Head embroidery on back Dark Fatigue: 80% Cotton / 13% Polyester / 7% Rayon Dark Fatigue: Menswear fabric paneling on front Midnight: 100% Cotton";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19577-161";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105791";"FOX MOTH SNAPBACK M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/moth-snapback-m-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105791/main_images/FBXrHiWjNbEiSRh-moth-snapback-black-01-82c.webp";"119";"Keep the sun out of your eye while you're trackside with the Moth Snapback. The TRUDRI fabric will keep you sweat-free while the MX-inspired, ""Moth"" graphics let the world know you ride. Adjustable snap closure High Profile. Pro Bill, No Curve Performance Sweatband with Cool'N'Dry underbill Perforated side and back panels helps keep you cool Reef: Silicone Heat Transfer Black: Front Copper Heat Transfer Fox Logo Lightweight Polyester Spandex Fabric 88% Nylon / 12% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"18758-551";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105792";"FOX MOTH TRUCKER [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/moth-trucker-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105792/main_images/0dSdV38OzVviCb2-2750-moth-trucker-blk-01-268.webp";"99";"Nothing is quite like the tried and true trucker hat. But not all truckers are created equal. With limited edition graphics ripped straight from the racetrack, the Copper Moth Trucker stands apart. Adjustable snap closure MX-Inspired graphics Back mesh panels for breathability Fox Copper Moth heat transfer on front Embroidered Fox Head on back mesh 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19617-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105793";"FOX RIDGE WOOL BEANIE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2365-ridge-wool-beanie-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105793/main_images/KzlZT4EpdX031gc-ridge-wool-beanie-blk.webp";"119";"The Ridge Beanie is ready for the cold stuff with a comfortable fit and a warm construction. Its merino wool blend is naturally soft, moisture wicking and odor-resistant. Roll cuff beanie Flat knit lining Fox Head clip label on front Jacquard Fox Head logo 50% Merino Wool / 50% Nylon";"";"Caciuli";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19779-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105794";"FOX SAPCA MX RAISED [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/mx-raised-snapback-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105794/main_images/fykc4OJFjQjd6Kj-mx-raised-snapback-mdnt.webp";"99";"Do you love the smell of two stroke in the morning Then this is the hat for you. Its snapback closure provides a customizable fit, and the mesh back panel gives you plenty of ventilation. Men's Trucker hat Adjustable snap closure Medium profile, natural curved bill Foam front panel with mesh backpanels for airflow Verbiage hi-density ink screen printon front 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19582-329";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105795";"FOX SCALENE SNAPBACK [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2314-scalene-snapback-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105795/main_images/UAvaPtkxnYrqMZi-scalene-snapback-rd.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19576-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105796";"FOX SEEK AND CONSTRUCT 110 SB [DRK FAT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2313-seek-and-construct-110-sb-drk-fat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105796/main_images/xp9WHKCXaPbxWMK-seek-and-construct-110-sb-drk-fat.webp";"119";"The Seek and Construct 110 Snapback is perfect for a day at the track or the trail. This go-to cap features a woven patch on the front, embroidery details on the back and an easy snap closure. Men's Snapback Adjustable snap closure Medium 110 profile, natural curved bill Fox Head embroidery on back Fox / Fox Head merrowed edge damask woven patch on front Heather Grey: 90% Polyester / 10% Cotton Dark Fatigue: 98% Cotton / 2% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19574-161";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105797";"FOX Signature Flexfit Hat [Red]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2343-signature-flexfit-hat-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105797/main_images/PqYvxjQrcZuHwhG-2690-signature-flexfit-hat-red-01-998.webp";"119";"Go bold and bright with the Fox Signature Flexfit Hat! The Signature Hat is a clean look and proudly displays a TPR Fox logo on the left front panel that pops you out. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front TPR Back flat embroidery FABRIC 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"68073-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105798";"FOX SNO CAT ROLL BEANIE [HTR MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2349-sno-cat-roll-beanie-htr-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105798/main_images/AuFWaTXXFELOv5o-sno-cat-roll-beanie-htr-mdnt-01-a1d.webp";"99";"";"";"Caciuli";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19586-491";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105799";"FOX SPEED DIVISION FLEXFIT [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/speed-division-flexfit-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105799/main_images/E04G270TExwAssB-speed-division-flexfit-rd.webp";"99";"Rock an MX-inspired look with the Speed Division Flexfit hat. This go-to hat features a mix of screen printed and embroidery artwork and a comfortable stretch-to-fit design. Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curved bill Back mesh panels for breathability Fox Head embroidery on back 63% Polyester / 35% Cotton / 2% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19560-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105800";"FOX Strange Military Hat";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/strange-military-hat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105800/main_images/VMBwFR2JK40tvtG-strange-military-hat.webp";"39";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58511-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105801";"FOX STREAMLINER BEANIE [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2373-streamliner-beanie-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105801/main_images/VRFLtF3ZmUjwjH2-streamliner-beanie-blk-vin.webp";"99";"When temperatures drop, keep it straightforward and stylish with the Streamliner Beanie. This Fox classic features a Fox Head logo and a comfortable fit. It's also reversible, so you have twice the style options. Reversible knit beanie Jacquard Fox Head on both sides 100% Acrylic";"";"Caciuli";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"20790-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105802";"FOX STREAMLINER BEANIE [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2371-streamliner-beanie-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105802/main_images/8BICc5IZ9OBx2Bj-streamliner-beanie-drk-rd.webp";"99";"When temperatures drop, keep it straightforward and stylish with the Streamliner Beanie. This Fox classic features a Fox Head logo and a comfortable fit. It's also reversible, so you have twice the style options. Reversible knit beanie Jacquard Fox Head on both sides 100% Acrylic";"";"Caciuli";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"20790-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105803";"FOX STREAMLINER BEANIE [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2372-streamliner-beanie-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105803/main_images/rX8CBzM1eA67SeZ-streamliner-beanie-mdnt.webp";"99";"When temperatures drop, keep it straightforward and stylish with the Streamliner Beanie. This Fox classic features a Fox Head logo and a comfortable fit. It's also reversible, so you have twice the style options. Reversible knit beanie Jacquard Fox Head on both sides 100% Acrylic";"";"Caciuli";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"20790-329";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105804";"FOX THREE 60 FLEXFIT [HTR MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/three-60-flexfit-htr-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105804/main_images/ms4DsinO40hZFbk-three-60-flexfit-htr-mdnt.webp";"119";"Add some casual style to your wardrobe with the Three 60 Flexfit Hat. This go-to cap features Fox Head embroidery details on the front and back and a comfortable stretch-to-fit design. Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curved bill Fox logo embroidery 88% Polyester / 8% Rayon / 4% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19559-491";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105805";"FOX TRI STACK FLEXFIT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/tri-stack-flexfit-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105805/main_images/11623hzbd5zK4TT-tri-stack-flexfit-blk.webp";"119";"Pre-ride, post-ride, backyard bbq - it's all good and we've got you covered. The Tri Stack Flexfit combines clean styling and a comfortable fit for a look that's great just about anywhere. Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curved bill Fox Head embroidery on back Fox / Fox Head sonic weld heat transfer 73% Cotton / 24% Polyester / 3% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19564-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105806";"FOX TRI STACK FLEXFIT [DRK FAT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/tri-stack-flexfit-drk-fat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105806/main_images/AdGxMNAcohnp6KC-tri-stack-flexfit-drk-fat.webp";"119";"Pre-ride, post-ride, backyard bbq - it's all good and we've got you covered. The Tri Stack Flexfit combines clean styling and a comfortable fit for a look that's great just about anywhere. Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curved bill Fox Head embroidery on back Fox / Fox Head sonic weld heat transfer 73% Cotton / 24% Polyester / 3% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19564-161";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105807";"FOX COOLMAX THIN - CAMO [CAM]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/coolmax-thin-camo-cam";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105807/main_images/rnf9BEkpKWljZMF-coolmax-thin-camo-cam.webp";"89";"The Coolmax® Thin Race Sock provides friction absorption, moisture management, and durability. With slim articulated padding, they provide comfort and support without the bulk. FEATURES Coolmax® fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry   Thin construction for a cool comfortable fit   Articulated construction for a precise fit   Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"21381-027";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105808";"FOX FRI THICK MASTAR [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/2525-fri-thick-mastar-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105808/main_images/b9RoHVYc5gi8rQZ-fri-thick-mastar-org.webp";"89";"The FRI Thick sock provides ample cushioning for supreme comfort. The firm anatomically placed padding throughout the sock gives support, friction absorption, moisture management and durability. COOLMAX fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry Thick construction for added comfort Articulated construction for a precise fit Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"20000-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105809";"FOX MX-M-E-GUARDS TITAN SPORT SHORT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/1199-mx-m-e-guards-titan-sport-short-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105809/main_images/liLAXl2p2VwvFTp-mx-m-e-guards-titan-sport-short-black.webp";"228";"Pantaloni construiti din panouri multiple dintr-un material Lycra creat prin thenologie de compresie. In plus mai are insertii din plasa care mentin temperatura optima.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"26073-001-006";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105810";"FOX PROFORMA KB SOCK - PREEST [DRK YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/proforma-kb-sock-preest-drk-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105810/main_images/njKKoWgPaZskL37-proforma-kb-sock-preest-drk-ylw.webp";"139";"Flexible, ventilated upper combined with an intelligently padded lower make this the bench-mark in full moto socks. Pull it up, and roll it down over your braces for maximum security. Built for friction absorption, moisture management and durability.";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"21290-547";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "105811";"FOX PROFORMA KNEE BRACE SOCK - CAMO [CAM]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/proforma-knee-brace-sock-camo-cam";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105811/main_images/k6SnfinkYQgB3lC-proforma-knee-brace-sock-camo-cam.webp";"139";"Flexible, ventilated upper combined with an intelligently padded lower make this the bench-mark in full moto socks. Pull it up, and roll it down over your braces for maximum security. Built for friction absorption, moisture management and durability.";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"21285-027";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105812";"FOX TITAN SPORT ELBOW GRD. CE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/1909-mx-guards-titan-sport-elbow-guard-ce-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105812/main_images/scveqpa64UqS5Cu-mx-guards-titan-sport-elbow-guard-ce-black.webp";"169";"Cotiere incepatori";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"06191-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105813";"FOX MX-GUARDS LAUNCH KNEE/SHIN GUARD BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/2066-mx-guards-launch-kneeshin-guard-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105813/main_images/eWwcocdFiu7r9TR-mx-guards-launch-kneeshin-guard-black.webp";"419";"";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"29027-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105814";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES 30-146 FOX FIRE MX ANTI-FOG (SINGLE)";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/243-mx-accessories-30-146-fox-fire-mx-anti-fog-single";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105814/main_images/gyq2TKA3o4kLhbd-mx-accessories-30-146-fox-fire-mx-anti-fog-single.webp";"199";"Lentile pentru ochelari MX care previn aburirea acestora.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"09058-000";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105815";"FOX AIR DEFENCE [RACE RED/CLR]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/2508-air-defence-race-red-clr";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105815/main_images/qsyZEAlFbVFjE2F-air-defence-race-red-clr.webp";"399";"Bending the performance barrier, the Air Defence Goggle. - Pre curved anti-fog lens offers superior optical clarity. - Smart venting system. - Increased peripheral viewing. - Thermoformed triple layer face foam. - 8-Pin lens retention system keeps lens intact. - Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection. - 45MM non-slip silicone strap. - Removable rock guard.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"14594-902";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105816";"FOX AIR DEFENCE KRONA [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/mx-goggle-air-defence-krona-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105816/main_images/jwl3uqKQY4FNg4e-mx-goggle-air-defence-libra-red-yellow-chrom-spk.webp";"399";"Bending the performance barrier, the Air Defence Goggle. - Pre curved anti-fog lens offers superior optical clarity. - Smart venting system. - Increased peripheral viewing. - Thermoformed triple layer face foam. - 8-Pin lens retention system keeps lens intact. - Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection. - 45MM non-slip silicone strap. - Removable rock guard.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"20982-001";"Galben/Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Galben/Rosu";"0" "105817";"FOX AIR DEFENCE KRONA [NVY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/mx-goggle-air-defence-krona-nvy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105817/main_images/BN7o5HMPf6hF7Ev-mx-goggle-air-defence-libra-red-yellow-chrom-spk.webp";"399";"Bending the performance barrier, the Air Defence Goggle. - Pre curved anti-fog lens offers superior optical clarity. - Smart venting system. - Increased peripheral viewing. - Thermoformed triple layer face foam. - 8-Pin lens retention system keeps lens intact. - Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection. - 45MM non-slip silicone strap. - Removable rock guard.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"20982-007";"Galben/Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Galben/Rosu";"0" "105818";"FOX AIR DEFENCE LIBRA BLUE/RED/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/mx-goggle-air-defence-libra-blue-red-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105818/main_images/2Hy4rguyF0scRRh-mx-goggle-air-defence-libra-blue-red-blue.webp";"399";"Bending the performance barrier, the Air Defence Goggle. - Pre curved anti-fog lens offers superior optical clarity. - Smart venting system. - Increased peripheral viewing. - Thermoformed triple layer face foam. - 8-Pin lens retention system keeps lens intact. - Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection. - 45MM non-slip silicone strap. - Removable rock guard.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"15359-901";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105819";"FOX AIR DEFENCE REPEN SPK [BLUE SPARK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/2509-air-defence-rep-len-spk-blue-spark";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105819/main_images/2llqvWisKZHP9KT-air-defence-rep-len-spk-blue-spark.webp";"139";"Bending the performance barrier, the Air Defence Goggle. - Pre curved anti-fog lens offers superior optical clarity. - Smart venting system. - Increased peripheral viewing. - Thermoformed triple layer face foam. - 8-Pin lens retention system keeps lens intact. - Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection. - 45MM non-slip silicone strap. - Removable rock guard.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"14607-902";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105820";"FOX AIR SPACE (COLORS) [BLACK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/air-space-colors-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105820/main_images/dSCyNHY73uSDyIw-air-space-colors-blk.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"20576-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105821";"FOX AIR SPACE (COLORS) [MATTE BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/air-space-colors-mt-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105821/main_images/moBByxdVCDrxCk8-air-space-colors-mt-blk.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"20576-255";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105822";"FOX AIR SPACE (COLORS) [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/air-space-colors-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105822/main_images/a9t8Mb7WL5HGOII-air-space-colors-org.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"20576-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105823";"FOX AIR SPACE (COLORS) [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/air-space-colors-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105823/main_images/3ikkMwMKPjKCCDQ-air-space-colors-rd.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"20576-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105824";"FOX AIR SPACE DRAFTER [BLUE]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/air-space-draftr-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105824/main_images/j5gWizDXpLd0dwb-air-space-draftr-blu.webp";"349";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19967-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105825";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES AIR SPACE LENSES SPARK BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/mx-accessories-air-space-lenses-spark-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105825/main_images/E7gRrc2ztJZF7vp-mx-accessories-air-space-lenses-spark-gold-d1a.webp";"60";"";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"08078-905";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "105826";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES AIR SPACE LENSES SPARK GOLD";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/mx-accessories-air-space-lenses-spark-gold";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105826/main_images/Ir4Z5yeYC99zDID-mx-accessories-air-space-lenses-spark-gold.webp";"60";"Replacement lenses for Fox Air Space Goggles. Standard lenses. Not compatible with MX20 and newer goggles, which feature the Variable Lens System (VLS). 8 pin retention system keeps the lens intact & makes interchanging easy Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection Anti-Fog treatment Anti-Scratch treatment For use with Fox Air Space goggles only";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"08078-904";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "105827";"FOX AIR SPACEENSES - SPARK [GREEN SPARK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/2132-mx-accessories-air-space-lenses-spark-gold";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105827/main_images/NbLXbvnDRA51rlq-mx-accessories-air-space-lenses-spark-gold.webp";"60";"Replacement lenses for Fox Air Space Goggles. Standard lenses. Not compatible with MX20 and newer goggles, which feature the Variable Lens System (VLS). 8 pin retention system keeps the lens intact & makes interchanging easy Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection Anti-Fog treatment Anti-Scratch treatment For use with Fox Air Space goggles only";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"08078-907";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "105828";"FOX Airspc Goggle";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/airspc-goggle-pink";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105828/main_images/QfJFzxGNg16P5IG-airspc-goggle.webp";"259";"Noii ochelari MX FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"06333-902";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105829";"FOX AIR SPACE GOGGLE RED/BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/1729-airspc-goggle";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105829/main_images/IYhlGTwvrLf6RdJ-airspc-goggle.webp";"299";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"06333-903";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105830";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES AIRSPC REPL LENSES BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/mx-accessories-airspc-repl-lenses-std-cl-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105830/main_images/WVDIxtYZ7XjYB9K-mx-accessories-airspc-repl-lenses-std-cl-02-09b-01-929.webp";"60";"Airspc Repl. este o lentila de inlocuire pentru modelul de goggles FOX AIRSPACE.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"08056-905";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105831";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES AIRSPC REPL LENSES ROSE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/2086-mx-accessories-airspc-repl-lenses-std-cl";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105831/main_images/XAJqHjWnck8HDjE-mx-accessories-airspc-repl-lenses-std-cl-8e5.webp";"60";"Airspc Repl. este o lentila de inlocuire pentru modelul de goggles FOX AIRSPACE.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"08056-903";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105832";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES AIRSPC REPL LENSES STD CL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/235-mx-accessories-airspc-repl-lenses-std-cl";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105832/main_images/rAXPePAGgxDoJhn-mx-accessories-airspc-repl-lenses-std-cl.webp";"60";"Airspc Repl. este o lentila de inlocuire pentru modelul de goggles FOX AIRSPACE.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"08056-901";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105833";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES AIRSPC REPL LENSES YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/mx-accessories-airspc-repl-lenses-std-cl-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105833/main_images/wesd9nIHpEBlrnq-mx-accessories-airspc-repl-lenses-std-cl-01-c73.webp";"60";"Airspc Repl. este o lentila de inlocuire pentru modelul de goggles FOX AIRSPACE.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"08056-906";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "105834";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES FOX LENS LCR19 AFAS Clear";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/lens-lcr19-afas-clear";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105834/main_images/p2jy9MMMnQSFwsH-mx-accessories-air-space-lenses-spark-gold.webp";"60";"";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"09169-012";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "105835";"FOX MAIN [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/main-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105835/main_images/2OMWImEA6CckWAN-main-org.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19827-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105836";"FOX MAIN ENDURO [BLK/ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/main-enduro-blk-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105836/main_images/ZTJeqRtPQfuu2qb-main-enduro-blk-org.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19829-016";"Portocaliu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "105837";"FOX MAIN ENDURO [NVY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/main-enduro-nvy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105837/main_images/G5x8aqwBjvKbTl3-main-enduro-nvy.webp";"199";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19829-007";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105838";"FOX MAIN RACE [BLK] NS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/main-race-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105838/main_images/lcs4hZsDl1CQsJs-main-race-blk.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19968-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105839";"FOX MAIN RACE [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/main-race-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105839/main_images/AKibbK9niYDUFup-main-race-blu.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19968-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105840";"FOX MAIN RACE [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/main-race-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105840/main_images/Ma9gfsshrBVKcea-main-race-rd.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19968-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105841";"FOX MAIN SAYAK [GRN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/main-sayak-grn";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105841/main_images/cF2Hts9JaywWYBv-main-sayak-grn.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19970-004";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "105842";"FOX MAIN SAYAK [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/main-sayak-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105842/main_images/6Dbfzk1ghe8qvvB-main-sayak-org.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19970-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105843";"FOX MAIN SAYAK [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/main-sayak-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105843/main_images/sEilvCIzNtVDPIh-main-sayak-rd.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19970-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105844";"FOX MX AIR DIFENCE CREO ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/mx-air-difence-creo-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105844/main_images/qzVSEHXRdRKvH2l-mx-air-difence-creo-orange.webp";"399";"Ochelarii Air Defence imping barierele performantei .Noua tehnologie a lentilei ofera rezistenta superioara la impact si claritate optica de neegalat. Ventilatie imbunatatita pentru a mentine lentila uscata in timp ce tu esti focusat pe obstacolele de pe traseu. ";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18428-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105845";"FOX AIR SPACE GRAV RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/889-mx-google-air-space-grav-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105845/main_images/5raAFJATSbIH7Vk-mx-google-air-space-grav-red.webp";"399";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18430-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105846";"FOX AIR SPACE GRAV WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/mx-google-air-space-grav-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105846/main_images/iQ7Ff70snjNztov-mx-google-air-space-grav-white.webp";"299";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18430-008";"Alb/Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Albastru";"0" "105847";"FOX AIR SPACE RHOR WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/mx-google-air-space-rhor-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105847/main_images/tVaKofCiDy7UU8y-mx-google-air-space-rhor-white.webp";"299";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"18431-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "105848";"FOX MX-GOGGLE AIRSPC DG ORANGE/BLACK FADE CLEAR";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/mx-goggle-airspc-dg-green-black-fade-clear";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105848/main_images/JsqTO1GBa1idYZJ-mx-goggle-airspc-dg-green-black-fade-clear.webp";"259";"Noii ochelari Enduro FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"06333-906";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105849";"FOX MX-GOGGLE AIRSPC ENCORE WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/mx-goggle-airspc-encore-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105849/main_images/Rvs4QkoKqpi4tLC-mx-goggle-airspc.webp";"228";"Noii ochelari Enduro FOX Airspc Goggle ofera un sistem imbunatatit de ventilatie si vedere periferica marita alaturi de alte caracteristici premium: burete de protectie pentru fata de 19mm, lentile de Lexan cu 100% protectie impotriva razelor UV etc.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"06333-912";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "105853";"FOX AIRFRAME PRO SLEEVE, CE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2630-airframe-pro-sleeve-ce-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105853/main_images/mZWNlr5m3MdDy7j-airframe-pro-sleeve-ce-blk.webp";"449";"The Airframe Pro Jacket CE breaks the mold for complete upper body protection on the dirt bike. In the world of motocross coverage, this is a heavyweight juggernaut. The CE certification in the chest, back, and shoulders gives you the confidence to ride at your limit. It has a secure fit which surrounds you in armor, giving you the feeling of invincibility. FEATURES Articulating back plate for superior fit andamp; range of motion Molded EVA foam in lightweight, resists sweat andamp; allows for ventilation Bonded construction eliminates the need for screws or posts Removable shoulder plates Bonded construction eliminates the need for screws or posts Neck brace compatible CERTIFICATIONS CE 1621-2 level 2 certified coverage on back CE 1621-3 level 1 certified coverage on chest CE 1621-1 level 1 on shoulder";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"20786-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105854";"FOX MX-GUARDS PROFRAME LC CE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/mx-guards-proframe-lc-ce-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105854/main_images/RZu4vdLfYHDWuKc-mx-guards-proframe-lc-ce-orange.webp";"559";"Protectie lejeritate si confort sunt caracteristicile Armurii Proframe. Compatibilitate cu Neck Brace. Ajustabilitate. Protectie spate detasabila. Interior de tip Biofoam foarte moale si confortabil.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"13558-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105855";"FOX BIFOLD LEATHER WALLET INTL ONLY BROWN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/bifold-leather-wallet-intl-only-brown";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105855/main_images/jsdo8z0zAHz5P6b-bifold-leather-wallet-intl-only-brown.webp";"119";"";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"59675-081";"Maro";"FOX Racing";"Maro";"0" "105856";"FOX FOX HEAD KEYRING [GMTL]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/fox-head-keyring-gmtl";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105856/main_images/f98cUcTcSKNq1oE-fox-head-keyring-gmtl.webp";"49";"";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"20163-038";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105857";"FOX No Fly Zone Umbrella ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/promotionale/fox-no-fly-zone-umbrella";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105857/main_images/LL2YVNj1cLPa5g0-fox-no-fly-zone-umbrella.webp";"199";"Escape the scorching sun with the No Fly Zone Fox beach umbrella. Comes with on convenience carry case for when you're heading to the beach, river or track. Canopy features Fox / Fox Head logo Includes carrying case with shoulder strap Material: 100% Nylon";"";"Haine Bărbaţi : Accesorii";"99";"ACCESORII : PROMOTIONALE";"20172-001";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105858";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS 100 DEGREES UMBRELLA BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/sample-girls-100-degrees-umbrella-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105858/main_images/y6w1DbXXDZeyiSe-sample-girls-100-degrees-umbrella-black.webp";"99";"";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57274-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105859";"FOX AIR DEFENCE REPEN SPK [RED SPARK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/2660-air-defence-repen-spk-red-spark";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105859/main_images/p4y4PJ82JFkGira-air-defence-repen-spk-red-spark-0a7.webp";"139";"Bending the performance barrier, the Air Defence Goggle. - Pre curved anti-fog lens offers superior optical clarity. - Smart venting system. - Increased peripheral viewing. - Thermoformed triple layer face foam. - 8-Pin lens retention system keeps lens intact. - Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection. - 45MM non-slip silicone strap. - Removable rock guard.";"";"MX - Enduro : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"14607-901";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105860";"FOX AIR SPACE DUAL REP. [DUAL CLR REP LENS]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/2097-air-space-dual-replacement-lens";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105860/main_images/ud3Pkisa30XjNQw-air-space-dual-replacement-lens.webp";"60";"Replacement lenses for Air Space goggles. Dual Lenses. 8 pin retention system keeps the lens intact & makes interchanging easy Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection Anti-Fog treatment Anti-Scratch treatment For use with Junior Air Space goggles only";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"09953-901";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105861";"FOX AIR SPACE LENSES - STD [CONTRAST ORANGE] ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/2659-air-spaceenses-std-contrast-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105861/main_images/HghKj7NbKLdOXxU-air-spaceenses-std-contrast-orange.webp";"60";"Replacement lenses for Fox Air Space Goggles. Standard lenses. Not compatible with MX20 and newer goggles, which feature the Variable Lens System (VLS). 8 pin retention system keeps the lens intact & makes interchanging easy Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection Anti-Fog treatment Anti-Scratch treatment For use with Fox Air Space goggles only";"";"MX - Enduro : Ochelari";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"08056-904";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105862";"FOX FOX AIRSPACE TOTAL VISION SYSTEM REFILL TEAROFF 20PACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/2127-fox-airspace-total-vision-system-refill-tearoff-20pack";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105862/main_images/nwZkpYueoXgnHC5-fox-airspace-total-vision-system-refill-tearoff-20pack.webp";"60";"";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"14191-903";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105863";"FOX AIRSPC TEAR OFFS STD 25PK ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-cross-enduro/2130-fox-airspc-tear-offs-std-25pk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105863/main_images/jjKNRXLQAXgzlFD-fox-airspc-tear-offs-std-25pk.webp";"60";"";"";"MX - Enduro : Ochelari";"385";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE CROSS ENDURO : Accesorii echipamente";"08052-901";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105864";"FOX BUCKLE SCREWS [NC]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/buckle-screws";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105864/main_images/tAElGNONVMKRMet-fox-buckle-screws-597.webp";"2";"";"";"Cizme";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"09420-000";"Multicolor";"FOX Racing";"Multicolor";"0" "105865";"FOX Instinct Cuff Screw";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/instinct-cuff-screw";"3";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105865/main_images/UUuFkvge6Z5fNlw-fox-instinct-cuff-screw-717.webp";"15";"Replacement cuff screw for Instinct Boots.";"";"MX - Enduro : Accesorii";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"09620-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"1" "105866";"FOX MX-ACCESSORIES COMP 5K STRAPS WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/1682-mx-accessories-comp-5k-straps-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105866/main_images/GpuFrnkGoORWRqE-mx-accessories-comp-5k-straps-white.webp";"49";"Kit de inlocuire a chingilor pentru cizme enduro ca si Comp 5 Youth (pana la marimea Y2) si Comp 5 K Boot (toate marimile). Este vandut in seturi de catre patru si nu includ cataramele.";"";"Cizme FOX";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"91389-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "105867";"FOX ALCHEMY SASQUATCH ZIP FLEECE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/2358-alchemy-sasquatch-zip-fleece-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105867/main_images/gHD0ofcdniSnhm9-alchemy-sasquatch-zip-fleece-blk.webp";"399";"You know that feeling when you put on a super warm, soft, cosy jacket…. That. The Fox Alchemy Jacket is lined with fleecey faux fur for extra warmth. Of course it’s got wicked Fox graphics to go with it, as well as two-toned Grey/Black design. Two front hand pockets are handy too for stashing away for your phone or wallet.";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"19679-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105868";"FOX ALCHEMY SASQUATCH ZIP FLEECE [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/alchemy-sasquatch-zip-fleece-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105868/main_images/s2Hw5iJsZn4a39T-alchemy-sasquatch-zip-fleece-mdnt.webp";"399";"You know that feeling when you put on a super warm, soft, cosy jacket…. That. The Fox Alchemy Jacket is lined with fleecey faux fur for extra warmth. Of course it’s got wicked Fox graphics to go with it, as well as two-toned Grey/Black design. Two front hand pockets are handy too for stashing away for your phone or wallet.";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"19679-329";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105869";"FOX COMPLIANCE SASQUATCH [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/2360-compliance-sasquatch-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105869/main_images/tiu9gvh4z7EXtGy-compliance-sasquatch-htr-graph.webp";"499";"Don't be fooled by this hoodie's classic exterior. Like so many things, there is more here than you see. When you throw on the Compliance Sasquatch, you will be enveloped in sleeping-bag-level warmth. The inside Faux Fur lining is absolute heaven. This lined hoodie is perfect for the cooler days of Fall and even early winter when you are not in a winter coat yet.";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"19680-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105870";"FOX DISTRICT 1 ZIP FLEECE [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/2560-district-1-zip-fleece-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105870/main_images/OyJkJwmQfA0lo5f-district-1-zip-fleece-htr-graph.webp";"249";"Start off your day in comfort in the District 2 Zip Hoody. Made with a soft cotton, polyester fleece, this full-length zip hoodie is perfect for early starts or chilly evenings. Custom Fox screenprints on the chest and a canvas logo patch on the arm elevate the design. FEATURES Full-length zipper for adjustable coverage Fox screen print on front Drawstring for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets and aglets Kanga style pocket Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 80% Cotton / 20% Polyester Fleece, 330gm";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"19693-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105871";"FOX DISTRICT 2 ZIP FLEECE [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/2558-district-2-zip-fleece-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105871/main_images/DKe03zui7jA3OZP-district-2-zip-fleece-mdnt.webp";"259";"Start off your day in comfort in the District 2 Zip Hoody. Made with a soft cotton, polyester fleece, this full-length zip hoodie is perfect for early starts or chilly evenings. Custom Fox screenprints on the chest and a canvas logo patch on the arm elevate the design. FEATURES Full-length zipper for adjustable coverage Fox screen print on front Drawstring for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets and aglets Kanga style pocket Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 80% Cotton / 20% Polyester Fleece, 330gm";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"19686-329";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105872";"FOX DISTRICT 3 PULLOVER FLEECE [DRK FAT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/2559-district-3-pullover-fleece-drk-fat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105872/main_images/Hqp0Ae9Xhy3TYmH-district-3-pullover-fleece-drk-fat.webp";"249";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"19692-161";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105873";"FOX DISTRICT 3 ZIP FLEECE [DRK FAT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/2557-district-3-zip-fleece-drk-fat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105873/main_images/2tfBuNxV4gOPVNg-district-3-zip-fleece-drk-fat.webp";"199";"Start off your day in comfort in the District 2 Zip Hoody. Made with a soft cotton, polyester fleece, this full-length zip hoodie is perfect for early starts or chilly evenings. Custom Fox screenprints on the chest and a canvas logo patch on the arm elevate the design. FEATURES Full-length zipper for adjustable coverage Fox screen print on front Drawstring for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets and aglets Kanga style pocket Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 80% Cotton / 20% Polyester Fleece, 330gm";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"19685-161";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105874";"FOX KROSS LS KNIT [GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/kross-ls-knit-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105874/main_images/HmPRgpnG1DkYn4M-2723-kross-ls-knit-gry-150.webp";"199";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"19704-006";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105875";"FOX KROSS LS KNIT [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/kross-ls-knit-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105875/main_images/FHECfZHqf6x9QZL-kross-ls-knit-mdnt.webp";"199";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"19704-329";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105876";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD SS TEE BLACK/GREEN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/483-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-black-green";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105876/main_images/V1oC7ImQ6dJwMzh-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-black-green-76b.webp";"119";"The MX inspired Fox Legacy T-Shirt is a nod to our quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. Fox art on chest Crew-neckline Softhand, plastisol graphic 100% Cotton [solid tees] 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester [heather tees]";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"14274-151";"Verde/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Verde/Negru";"0" "105877";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD SS TEE BLACK/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-black-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105877/main_images/lTgBaT4cZuBoDWO-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-black-red.webp";"119";"The MX inspired Fox Legacy T-Shirt is a nod to our quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. Fox art on chest Crew-neckline Softhand, plastisol graphic 100% Cotton [solid tees] 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester [heather tees]";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"14274-017";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105878";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD SS TEE BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/476-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105878/main_images/LULFDQy28pqqpIG-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-blue-b60.webp";"119";"The MX inspired Fox Legacy T-Shirt is a nod to our quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. Fox art on chest Crew-neckline Softhand, plastisol graphic 100% Cotton [solid tees] 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester [heather tees]";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"14274-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105879";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD SS TEE OPTIC WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-optic-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105879/main_images/MLeZ2pX1IHBA7jc-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-optic-white.webp";"119";"The MX inspired Fox Legacy T-Shirt is a nod to our quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. Fox art on chest Crew-neckline Softhand, plastisol graphic 100% Cotton [solid tees] 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester [heather tees]";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"14274-190";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "105880";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD SS TEE ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/479-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105880/main_images/XerQGn1r87bfDL9-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-orange-ef8.webp";"119";"The MX inspired Fox Legacy T-Shirt is a nod to our quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. Fox art on chest Crew-neckline Softhand, plastisol graphic 100% Cotton [solid tees] 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester [heather tees]";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"14274-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "105881";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD SS TEE RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105881/main_images/J6YHpuuZOq7wQxk-legacy-foxhead-ss-tee-red.webp";"119";"The MX inspired Fox Legacy T-Shirt is a nod to our quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. Fox art on chest Crew-neckline Softhand, plastisol graphic 100% Cotton [solid tees] 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester [heather tees]";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"14274-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105882";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD ZIP FLEECE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/2370-legacy-foxhead-zip-fleece-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105882/main_images/WFgEK1HLSYSaU30-legacy-foxhead-zip-fleece-blk.webp";"249";"The Legacy Fox Head Zip Hoody provides casual comfort with bold Fox branding. It's constructed from a soft cotton, polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. Details include silicone coated eyelets and aglets, and a durable YKK zipper. Features Full-length YKK zipper for adjustable coverage Fox Head smooth print on front Drawstring hood Silicone coated eyelets and aglets Kanga style pocket Length: 76cm";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"20766-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105883";"FOX LEGACY ZIP FLEECE [CHAR HTR]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/legacy-zip-fleece-char-htr";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105883/main_images/lKlKTPgvLL6RyZQ-legacy-zip-fleece-char-htr.webp";"249";"The Legacy Fox Head Zip Hoodie provides casual comfort with bold Fox branding. It's constructed from a soft cotton/polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. Details include silicone coated eyelets and aglets, and a durable YKK zipper. FEATURES Fox Head embroidery on chest Durable YKK full length zipper Silicone coated aglets and eyelets Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth Soft brushed polyester fleece Drawstring for adjustable coverage Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330gm Soft brushed polyester fleece";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"17616-123";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105884";"FOX LEGACY ZIP FLEECE [DST BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/legacy-zip-fleece-dst-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105884/main_images/eaTe41DlEwtCXXz-legacy-zip-fleece-dst-blu.webp";"249";"The Legacy Fox Head Zip Hoodie provides casual comfort with bold Fox branding. It's constructed from a soft cotton/polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. Details include silicone coated eyelets and aglets, and a durable YKK zipper. FEATURES Fox Head embroidery on chest Durable YKK full length zipper Silicone coated aglets and eyelets Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth Soft brushed polyester fleece Drawstring for adjustable coverage Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330gm Soft brushed polyester fleece";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"17616-157";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "105885";"FOX LIBRA PULLOVER FLEECE HEATER GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/libra-pullover-fleece-heater-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105885/main_images/uhpDKajsBpZK45g-libra-pullover-fleece-heater-graphite.webp";"215";"Add a pop of color to your riding gear in the Libra black and aqua hoodie from Fox. This soft fleece lined hoodie is perfect for those night rides, or camping trips to some new territory. The mesh lined adjustable drawstring hood brings an athletic vibe to this comfortable and warm hoodie while the front kangaroo pouch pocket will keep your hand warm and your items stashed away for hands-free enjoyment. Libra black and aqua hoodie from Fox. Thick construction. Adjustable mesh lined drawstring hood. Screen printed graphics on front and sleeves. Front kangaroo pouch pocket. Ribbed knit sleeve cuffs and bottom hem. Soft fleece lining. 80% cotton, 20% polyester. Model is wearing a size Large. 30"" from shoulder seam to bottom hem.";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"17621-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105886";"FOX MOTION STATIC BOARDSHORT AQUA";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/2084-motion-static-boardshort-aqua";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105886/main_images/TcF4WFitmDYVONZ-motion-static-boardshort-aqua.webp";"199";"100% Polyester Microfi ber, 150gm Inner gusset panel Allover sublimated graphics Welt pocket with shock cord on wearer's right leg Sewn Hem 21"" Outseam";"";"Haine Bărbaţi : Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"19998-246";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105887";"FOX MOTION STATIC BOARDSHORT FLM RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/2083-motion-static-boardshort-flm-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105887/main_images/9U4lSK1kBjTdH98-motion-static-boardshort-flm-red.webp";"239";"100% Polyester Microfi ber, 150gm Inner gusset panel Allover sublimated graphics Welt pocket with shock cord on wearer's right leg Sewn Hem 21"" Outseam";"";"Haine Bărbaţi : Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"19998-122";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105888";"FOX OVERHEAD STRETCH BOARDSHORT M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/overhead-stretch-boardshort-m-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105888/main_images/tt7gfEn5uHTDSQK-overhead-boardshort-black.webp";"139";"Be seen all summer long in our Overhead Camo Stretch Boardshort. The 22” length lays at the knee, and the 4-way stretch material makes them ultra-comfortable. FEATURES DWR for faster dry times Solid dyed short Welt pocket on right leg Shock cord inside pocket Sewn hem Outseam: 22"" FABRIC 100% polyester microfiber with DWR";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"19957-551";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105889";"FOX PIT TECH ZIP FLEECE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/2337-pit-tech-zip-fleece-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105889/main_images/g9BEPQv4FueMt6V-pit-tech-zip-fleece-blk.webp";"299";"Bonded Polar Fleece for extra warmth. Design cut with extended neckline. 55% Cotton 45% Polyester Jersey Bonded Polar Fleece, 340gm Full length coated zipper";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"20225-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105890";"FOX PIT TECH ZIP FLEECE [HTR GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/pit-tech-zip-fleece-htr-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105890/main_images/0FF0XQ163eMo8tn-pit-tech-zip-fleece-htr-gry.webp";"299";"Bonded Polar Fleece for extra warmth. Design cut with extended neckline. 55% Cotton 45% Polyester Jersey Bonded Polar Fleece, 340gm Full length coated zipper";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"20225-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105891";"FOX SPEED HEATHER VOLLEY SHORT AQUA";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/2114-speed-heather-volley-short-aqua";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105891/main_images/fyzYNpO14fUEqA7-speed-heather-volley-short-aqua-f1a.webp";"239";"These comfortable volley shorts fit right above the knee for ease of movement and feature a 4-way stretch fabric for flexibility. Men's volley shorts Internal cell phone pocket Elastic waistband with drawcord Back pocket flap with button closure Solid dyed fabric with all over speed heather screen print 91% Polyester / 9% Elastane 4 Way Stretch 19” Outseam";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"18899-246";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105892";"FOX TOURNAMENT SS TECH TEE FLAME RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/316-tournament-ss-tech-tee-flame-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105892/main_images/ZfCqW001r7e66rI-tournament-ss-tech-tee-flame-red-b0d.webp";"119";"A Technical long sleeve t-shirt with moisture wicking. Built on our performance-focused drirelease® tech tee, the Tournament Long Sleeve dries 4X faster than a standard cotton tee and is a proven performance style meant to work as well on the bike as off. FEATURES Fabric wicks sweat away from the body Dries 4X faster than basic cotton fabric Added odor protection Qualities last for lifetime of the garment Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 85% polyester / 15% cotton drirelease® Jersey, 190g";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"10845-122";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105893";"FOX TRACKED SHERPA ZIP FLEECE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/2361-tracked-sherpa-zip-fleece-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105893/main_images/g6Q5eidfft3G4Z2-tracked-sherpa-zip-fleece-blk.webp";"349";"It's cold out there. Bundle up with the Fox Tracked Sherpa Hoodie. With a fuzzy and warm sherpa lining, this cold weather fleece can handle blustery mornings and crisp afternoons in the woods. It features an adjustable hood and front kanga style pocket for when the mercury really plummets. Full-length zipper with logo tech pull Adjustable drawcord hood Silicone coated eyelets and aglets Front kanga pocket Body / Hood Lining: 100% Polyester Sherpa Shell: 80% Cotton / 20% Polyester Fleece Stretch woven nylon finish on hood, front and back yokes Length (HPS): 30""";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"19681-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105894";"FOX TRAILDUST FLANNEL [DRK FAT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/2331-traildust-flannel-drk-fat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105894/main_images/vQQxaitvw23lpJR-traildust-flannel-drk-fat-15d.webp";"199";"The Traildust Long Sleeve Flannel is a great way to add a little style to your look in a pinch. It features a comfortable pure cotton construction, two pocket design, and subtle Fox branding. FEATURES Men's flannel shirt Dual chest pocket with button closure Garment wash with softener Fox logo heat transfer on collar Length (HPS): 31.25"" size large FABRIC Body: 100% cotton yarn dye brushed twill flannel, 195g";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"19707-161";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105895";"FOX TRAILDUST FLANNEL [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/camasi-casual-barbati/2332-traildust-flannel-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105895/main_images/2UOZZtT6xyrRu9W-traildust-flannel-htr-graph-3af.webp";"259";"The Traildust Long Sleeve Flannel is a great way to add a little style to your look in a pinch. It features a comfortable pure cotton construction, two pocket design, and subtle Fox branding. FEATURES Men's flannel shirt Dual chest pocket with button closure Garment wash with softener Fox logo heat transfer on collar Length (HPS): 31.25"" size large FABRIC Body: 100% cotton yarn dye brushed twill flannel, 195g";"";"Camasi";"364";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Camasi";"19707-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105896";"FOX TUNED SS PREMIUM TEE BURGUNDY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/tuned-ss-premium-tee-burgundy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105896/main_images/wacsffVDuHWQfej-tuned-ss-premium-tee-burgundy.webp";"119";"You can never go wrong with the classics, especially this gradient graphic tee from Fox. Features: Solid: 100% Cotton 30/1, 155gm Heathers: 60% Cotton, 40% Polyester 30/1, 155gm Softhand plastisol ink screenprint at front 30"" HPS";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"17592-171";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105897";"FOX VOYD FLANNEL [BLK/RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/camasi-casual-barbati/2340-voyd-flannel-blk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105897/main_images/xPFxvOSRZs4eSpr-voyd-flannel-blk-rd-19a.webp";"259";"The Voyd Flannel gives you an elevated look on cooler days but is also great for layering under a jacket on really cold days. FEATURES Over dyed cotton fabric is soft, durable, and warm Perfect weight for layering under fleece or outerwear One front chest pocket FABRIC 100% cotton over-dyed twill flannel, 195g";"";"Camasi";"364";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Camasi";"20449-017";"Negru/Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Negru/Rosu";"0" "105898";"FOX AFFIRMED ZIP FLEECE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/2553-affirmed-zip-fleece-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105898/main_images/O3ehjAaH0LccdLt-affirmed-zip-fleece-blk.webp";"199";"Bundle up with the Women's Affirmed Zip Hoodie. Made with a soft cotton/polyester fleece, this pullover hoodie is perfect for early starts or chilly evenings. The Fox screenprints, front kanga style pockets and silicone coated eyelets and aglets elevate the design.";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19647-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105899";"FOX AFFIRMED ZIP FLEECE [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/affirmed-zip-fleece-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105899/main_images/lry4U7Nx4SwCPyz-affirmed-zip-fleece-drk-rd.webp";"199";"Bundle up with the Women's Affirmed Zip Hoodie. Made with a soft cotton/polyester fleece, this pullover hoodie is perfect for early starts or chilly evenings. The Fox screenprints, front kanga style pockets and silicone coated eyelets and aglets elevate the design.";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19647-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105900";"FOX AVOWED PO HDY [SGE]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/2354-avowed-po-hdy-sge";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105900/main_images/3v2v76yTQTWc0rO-avowed-po-hdy-sge.webp";"199";"Constructed from 100% french terry, the Women's Avowed Pullover is soft, flexible and durable enough to lasts for seasons. It’s heavier than a t-shirt but cooler than a fleece sweatshirt making it the perfect layering piece all year long. It features a large print on the chest, adjustable hood and kanga style pocket.";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19643-221";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105901";"FOX CERTAIN LS TOP [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-fete/certain-ls-top-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105901/main_images/xPgNkgddagX4NpK-certain-ls-top-blk-vin.webp";"99";"Designed to meet the demands of an active lifestyle, the Women's Certain Long Sleeve Tee incorporates high-performance fabrics and casual cuts for comfort anywhere from the trail to downtown. The raglan sleeves give you increased mobility for more flexibility while on the move, and the TruDri wicking keeps you dry if you end up working up a sweat. FEATURES Women's long sleeve V-neck neckline Rapidly wicks perspiration Front Fox Head graphic Softhand plastisol screenprint Length (HPS): 27"" FABRIC Body: 50% Polyester / 50% Viscose Jersey Sleeves: 65% Polyester / 35% Rayon mini rib";"";"Bluze";"1097";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Bluze";"19656-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105902";"FOX CERTAIN LS TOP [HTR GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-fete/2321-certain-ls-top-htr-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105902/main_images/XuwLxhgoFEwEB1O-certain-ls-top-htr-gry.webp";"99";"Designed to meet the demands of an active lifestyle, the Women's Certain Long Sleeve Tee incorporates high-performance fabrics and casual cuts for comfort anywhere from the trail to downtown. The raglan sleeves give you increased mobility for more flexibility while on the move, and the TruDri wicking keeps you dry if you end up working up a sweat. FEATURES Women's long sleeve V-neck neckline Rapidly wicks perspiration Front Fox Head graphic Softhand plastisol screenprint Length (HPS): 27"" FABRIC Body: 50% Polyester / 50% Viscose Jersey Sleeves: 65% Polyester / 35% Rayon mini rib";"";"Bluze";"1097";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Bluze";"19656-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105903";"FOX CERTAIN SS CREW TEE [C GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-dama/2324-certain-ss-crew-tee-c-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105903/main_images/K28xl2v04UnAEEV-certain-ss-crew-tee-c-gry.webp";"99";"With a large Fox Head front and center, the Certain Short Sleeve Crew Tee is unmistakable. It provides classic comfort with a Fox Racing edge. A relaxed fit, quality fabrics and durable graphics combine to make this short sleeve t-shirt a staple for all riders.";"";"Tricouri";"363";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Tricouri";"19667-276";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105904";"FOX CERTAIN SS CREW TEE [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-dama/certain-ss-crew-tee-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105904/main_images/4MppCrnyvnHqPWQ-certain-ss-crew-tee-drk-rd.webp";"99";"With a large Fox Head front and center, the Certain Short Sleeve Crew Tee is unmistakable. It provides classic comfort with a Fox Racing edge. A relaxed fit, quality fabrics and durable graphics combine to make this short sleeve t-shirt a staple for all riders.";"";"Tricouri";"363";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Tricouri";"19667-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105905";"FOX CERTAIN ZIP FLEECE [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/2555-certain-zip-fleece-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105905/main_images/BTGLwLhjLsVPKd3-certain-zip-fleece-mdnt.webp";"199";"Keeps things cozy and stylish with the Certain Zip Hoody. This women’s fleece features a full-length zipper for versatility and a kangaroo style front pocket.";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19648-329";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105906";"FOX COMPLIANCE CREW FLEECE [SGE]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-fete/2368-compliance-crew-fleece-sge";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105906/main_images/R0pOhfuCyCo4P92-compliance-crew-fleece-sge.webp";"199";"This is not your average crew neck pullover. We gave it the DWR (durable water repellent) treatment to combat the cold, the wet and all other matters of mother nature's worst. The sweater features a 100% french terry fabric to fend off the chill. And its sharp yet casual style means you'll be comfortable without looking sloppy. C6 DWR Eco-friendly coating prevents water absorption.";"";"Bluze";"1097";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Bluze";"20146-221";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "105907";"FOX CURRENTLY 3/4 SLVE AIRLINE TOP [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-fete/currently-3-4-slve-airline-top-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105907/main_images/yas0Wf2iwx7R5zJ-currently-3-4-slve-airline-top-blk-vin.webp";"109";"When it comes to comfort, performance, and style, the Women's Currently Airline 3/4 Tee is playing with a full deck. The ace up the long sleeve? A plated construction that combines unbelievably soft cotton with moisture wicking TruDri technology. The result is unreal comfort and functionality to keep up with running, biking, working out or going out. MOISTURE WICKING Fabric wicks sweat from the body to keep you dry and comfortable. LUXURY FEEL Unbelievably soft for maximum comfort. RAPID DRY TIME Quickly transports moisture to outside layer for evaporation.";"";"Bluze";"1097";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Bluze";"19655-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105908";"FOX DISTRICT PO HDY [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/district-po-hdy-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105908/main_images/EuSzwUWN3SusCAi-district-po-hdy-mdnt.webp";"199";"";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19640-329";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105909";"FOX DISTRICT PO HDY [SGE]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/2551-district-po-hdy-sge";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105909/main_images/sVIt4JNzXKQDZZp-district-po-hdy-sge.webp";"199";"";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19640-221";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105910";"FOX DISTRICT SS CREW [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-dama/district-ss-crew-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105910/main_images/f01Oxfu2Z7BycIe-district-ss-crew-drk-rd.webp";"99";"Casual women's v-neck tee with screen printed Fox Head logo and verbiage screenprint. FABRIC 60% Cotton 40% Polyester";"";"Tricouri";"363";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Tricouri";"19672-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105911";"FOX DRAFTR PO HDY [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/2577-draftr-po-hdy-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105911/main_images/KdTeQDtZapVv8xW-draftr-po-hdy-drk-rd.webp";"199";"This is how you keep cozy in between laps. The Women's Drafter medium weight hoodie features a warm fleece construction and MX-inspired graphics throughout to ensure everyone knows you're a proud Fox rider. Model Info: Height: 5'9"" | Bust: 32quot; | Waist: 24"" | Hip: 35"" | Wearing Size: Small Model Info: Height: 5'8"" | Bust: 34quot; | Waist: 24"" | Hip: 31"" | Wearing Size: Small Effortless pullover design Attached hood Garment burnout wash 60% Cotton / 40% polyester fleece Length: (HPS) 27""";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19641-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105912";"FOX DRAFTR PO HDY [SHDW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/2578-draftr-po-hdy-shdw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105912/main_images/dou3ABaziK07LBW-draftr-po-hdy-shdw.webp";"199";"This is how you keep cozy in between laps. The Women's Drafter medium weight hoodie features a warm fleece construction and MX-inspired graphics throughout to ensure everyone knows you're a proud Fox rider. Model Info: Height: 5'9"" | Bust: 32quot; | Waist: 24"" | Hip: 35"" | Wearing Size: Small Model Info: Height: 5'8"" | Bust: 34quot; | Waist: 24"" | Hip: 31"" | Wearing Size: Small Effortless pullover design Attached hood Garment burnout wash 60% Cotton / 40% polyester fleece Length: (HPS) 27""";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19641-414";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105913";"FOX EAGER PO HDY [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/2534-eager-po-hdy-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105913/main_images/HE5PZSW6OLrXzmJ-eager-po-hdy-drk-rd.webp";"299";"Stay warm while on the move with the Women's Eager Pullover Hoody. The stretch fleece construction moves when you move, so whether you're warming up at the gym or taking care of your to-do list, you're be crushing it in effortless comfort. If the wind picks up, you can rely on the front hand pockets and sherpa lined hood for additional cool-weather defense.";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19646-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105914";"FOX EAGER PO HDY [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/2533-eager-po-hdy-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105914/main_images/pm9qrOJvTJ4o0QN-eager-po-hdy-htr-graph.webp";"319";"Stay warm while on the move with the Women's Eager Pullover Hoody. The stretch fleece construction moves when you move, so whether you're warming up at the gym or taking care of your to-do list, you're be crushing it in effortless comfort. If the wind picks up, you can rely on the front hand pockets and sherpa lined hood for additional cool-weather defense.";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19646-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105915";"FOX ESSEX TECH SHORT HEATHER M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/2116-essex-tech-short-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105915/main_images/GLiIiFIZDpj99iF-essex-tech-short-black.webp";"219";"Sometimes you don’t know what epic adventure is waiting at your doorstep. Be ready with the perfect blend of comfort, versatility, and style. Whether you’re riding, swimming or just chilling, the Essex Tech Short is your perfect companion. We designed these with ultimate versatility in mind; they're durable yet lightweight and offer a comfortable fit and water-resistant construction. FEATURES Zip fly with Fox logo snap Durable water repellent treatment Rapid dry time Quick draining side mesh pockets Back welt pockets with buttons Interior drawstring for an adjustable fit Outseam: 21"", size 34 FABRIC 100% polyester cross dye, 140g";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"19042-492";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105916";"FOX G-E-TANKS GIRLS TOP DOLLA TANK BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/1455-g-e-tanks-girls-top-dolla-tank-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105916/main_images/C9njhUkqxfM4yHR-g-e-tanks-girls-top-dolla-tank-black.webp";"189";"Top de vara pentru fete";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"53862-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105917";"FOX OUTBOUND SHERPA ZIP FLEECE [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/2374-outbound-sherpa-zip-fleece-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105917/main_images/uLZyH3NHZzogHpd-outbound-sherpa-zip-fleece-htr-graph.webp";"299";"Make chilly days a none issue with the Outbound Sherpa Hoodie. This cold-weather-conqueror will let you forget the cold and focus on the experience. Wrap yourself in the super soft and wonderfully warm sherpa lining and let the cold be a thing of the past. This comfortable hoodie is rounded out by an adjustable hood, front kanga pocket, and a stretch nylon toped hood, front panel and back yoke. Full-length zipper with logo tech pull Adjustable drawcord hood Silicone coated eyelets and aglets Front kanga pocket Body / Hood Lining: 100% Polyester Sherpa Shell: 80% Cotton / 20% Polyester Fleece Stretch woven nylon topped on hood, front and back yokes Length (HPS): 30""";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19651-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105918";"FOX PASQUE PO HDY [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-dama/2532-pasque-po-hdy-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105918/main_images/zPCxmjaf24rxzxr-pasque-po-hdy-blk-vin.webp";"339";"With the end of summer, long, sunny days make way for breezy afternoons and crisp evenings, so put away the tank tops and flip flops and reach for your Women's Pasque Pullover. This pullover hoodie combines MX-inspired sublimated graphics with a relaxed fit and warm fleece construction for the most comfortable and stylish hoodie you'll find this season.";"";"Hanorace";"360";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Hanorace";"19644-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105919";"FOX PICOGRAM SS CREW [C GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-dama/2357-picogram-ss-crew-c-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105919/main_images/N9jDE0z6UucO5pF-picogram-ss-crew-c-gry.webp";"119";"Head to the track with the classic comfort and adventurous style of the Picogram Short-Sleeve Crew Tee. Made from a super-soft fabric blend, this easy-fitting tee offers a breezy style perfect for hanging trackside. Model Info: Height: 5'9"" | Bust: 32quot; | Waist: 24"" | Hip: 35"" | Wearing Size: Small Model Info: Height: 5'8"" | Bust: 34quot; | Waist: 24"" | Hip: 31"" | Wearing Size: Small Short Sleeve Crew Neck Photo real screen print 50% Polyester / 50% Viscose Jersey Length: (HPS) 26""";"";"Tricouri";"363";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Tricouri";"19669-276";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105920";"FOX RESPONDED SS RL SVLE [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-dama/responded-ss-rl-svle-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105920/main_images/HdsVV09rtIINg65-responded-ss-rl-svle-blk-vin.webp";"99";"Slip into your Women's Responded Short Sleeve Roll Sleeve shirt for casual comfort all day long. A premium fabric blend and a relaxed fit give this shirt the laid-back feel you love. The v-neckline and bold Fox branding offer tons of style. FEATURES Short sleeve V-neckline Screen print graphics Garment wash Length (HPS): 20"", size small FABRIC 60% cotton / 40% polyester jersey, 125g";"";"Tricouri";"363";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Tricouri";"19673-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105921";"FOX RESPONDED SS RL SVLE [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-dama/responded-ss-rl-svle-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105921/main_images/Mi3fPXyTiEyxxtq-responded-ss-rl-svle-drk-rd.webp";"99";"Slip into your Women's Responded Short Sleeve Roll Sleeve shirt for casual comfort all day long. A premium fabric blend and a relaxed fit give this shirt the laid-back feel you love. The v-neckline and bold Fox branding offer tons of style. FEATURES Short sleeve V-neckline Screen print graphics Garment wash Length (HPS): 20"", size small FABRIC 60% cotton / 40% polyester jersey, 125g";"";"Tricouri";"363";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Tricouri";"19673-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105922";"FOX RHODES SS TOP [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-dama/rhodes-ss-top-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105922/main_images/bjCKMCDNwyo0tUj-rhodes-ss-top-blk.webp";"99";"The Rhodes Short Sleeve features a crew neckline, easy-fitting silhouette, and a graceful swooping open back. The fabrication is soft to the touch for all day comfort. And for a hit of style, the front is embellished with a Fox Head logo.";"";"Tricouri";"363";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Tricouri";"19677-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105923";"FOX Mad Mod Flip Flop";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/mad-mod-flip-flop";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105923/main_images/t7GeIqRtzizOW9j-mad-mod-flip-flop.webp";"99";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"57056-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "105924";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS COCO LOCO FLIP FLOP WHT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1515-sample-girls-coco-loco-flip-flop-wht";"1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105924/main_images/Tgmmybi5C6x8Xzs-sample-girls-coco-loco-flip-flop-wht.webp";"389";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"57404-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"1" "105925";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS FEEL IT FLIP FLOP BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1509-sample-girls-feel-it-flip-flop-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105925/main_images/SabrFpxpbMx6sKC-sample-girls-feel-it-flip-flop-black.webp";"349";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"57390-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105926";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS FEEL IT FLIP FLOP WHT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1510-sample-girls-feel-it-flip-flop-wht";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105926/main_images/U6AOz5RK4D5WIKf-sample-girls-feel-it-flip-flop-wht.webp";"349";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"57390-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "105927";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS HEADLINER FLIP FLOP BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1503-sample-girls-headliner-flip-flop-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105927/main_images/kjojHuczrOmfJfT-sample-girls-headliner-flip-flop-blk.webp";"389";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"57304-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105928";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS HEADLINER FLIP FLOP WHT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1504-sample-girls-headliner-flip-flop-wht";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105928/main_images/ePqy5Yo79RqXYKd-sample-girls-headliner-flip-flop-wht.webp";"389";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"57304-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "105929";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS MIXED TAPE FLIP FLOP BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1512-sample-girls-mixed-tape-flip-flop-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105929/main_images/mSDkkB83LWFcV0I-sample-girls-mixed-tape-flip-flop-blk.webp";"389";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"57403-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105930";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS MIXED TAPE FLIP FLOP WHT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/sample-girls-mixed-tape-flip-flop-wht";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105930/main_images/3KA2MbXpuIGA4XS-sample-girls-mixed-tape-flip-flop-wht.webp";"99";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"57403-008";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "105931";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS MONEY MADE FLIP FLOP GRAPHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/imbracaminte-incaltaminte/1511-sample-girls-money-made-flip-flop-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105931/main_images/Kqlhwn3ydD9HYN3-sample-girls-money-made-flip-flop-graphite.webp";"389";"";"";"Incaltaminte";"1099";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Incaltaminte";"57399-103";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "105932";"FOX 180 DUFFLE BAG [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/2111-legacy-duffle-bag-graphite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105932/main_images/IumgZCrzpGvetAa-legacy-duffle-bag-graphite.webp";"261";"The 180 Duffle is the perfect bag for short adventures. Throw in your motocross kit, MTB gear and other essentials so you can just grab it and go when the weekend finally arrives. An internal zipper pocket keeps smaller items like keys, wallet, and cash organized and easy to find. FEATURES Large main compartment storage for essentials   Zip side compartments for easy gear distribution   Inner and side mesh pockets keep smaller items organized   Detachable padded shoulder strap   Main body constructed from durable 600D polyester   DIMENSIONS 60 x 30 x 25 cm Volume: 40L";"";"Accesorii";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"15141-001";"Gri/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Gri/Negru";"0" "105933";"FOX KICK STAND BACKPACK [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/Kick-stand-backpack-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105933/main_images/wIf3oXPQxIYKoJz-kick-stand-backpack-mdnt.webp";"129";"The Kick Stand Backpack has ample room for everyday essentials like a warm layer, keys, or school books. The backpack's large main compartment includes a padded laptop sleeve so you can stay connected on the go. A front utility pocket keeps things organization with loops and small pockets. And for a comfortable rider, the backpack features padded shoulder harnesses and breathable back panel. Large main compartment Front pocket organization system Mesh water bottle pockets on both sides Fleece lined sunglasses pocket Interior padded laptop sleeve Haul handle on top Capacity: 21 Liters [ 1281.5 cu inch ] Dimensions: H45 x W30 x D15cm [ 17.7 x 11.8 x 5.9"" ] Harness: Padded straps Material: 100% 600D Polyester";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"19605-329";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105934";"FOX MX GOGGLE CASE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-bike/mx-goggle-case-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105934/main_images/gxbMdB9VhzU3kqU-mx-accessories-delux-toolpack-black.webp";"219";"";"";"Produse : MX - Enduro : Accesorii";"450";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Accesorii";"18810-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105935";"FOX MX HELMET BAG [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/genti/2691-mx-accessories-delux-toolpack-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105935/main_images/yp7Ft9NXA5D43iz-mx-accessories-delux-toolpack-black.webp";"228";"Geanta de depozitat si transportat casca de enduro.";"";"Accesorii";"270";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Genti";"18816-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105936";"FOX SHUTTLE 180 SAYAK ROLLER GB [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/shuttle-180-sayak-roller-gb-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105936/main_images/mXNXwc4SmgaJ3Y9-shuttle-180-sayak-roller-gb-rd.webp";"699";"Haul all your gear without breaking the bank. The Shuttle 180 Roller Sayak features a cavernous main compartment with separate helmet storage at the front and a boot storage at the rear. Built on a roller system, this shuttle gear bag is the only way to travel. Durable urethane wheels Large main compartment Large boot and helmet compartment Material: Durable 600D Polyester fabric Dimensions: 35L x 16W x 18H in / 88.9 x 40.6 x 45.7 cm";"";"Accesorii";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"19987-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105937";"FOX SHUTTLE DRAFTR ROLLER GB [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/shuttle-draftr-roller-gb-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105937/main_images/01GPoR1bgGJA3oZ-shuttle-180-sayak-roller-gb-rd.webp";"998";"";"";"Accesorii";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"19985-002";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105938";"FOX THROTTLE BACKPACK [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/throttle-backpack-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105938/main_images/ixQbcL0COeOrSKO-throttle-backpack-drk-rd.webp";"149";"The Throttle Backpack has ample room for everyday essentials like a warm layer, keys, and water. It also features padded shoulder harnesses and back panel for superior comfort. The backpack includes a large main compartment for storage, front utility pocket for smaller items and a dedicated laptop sleeve. Large main compartment Front utility pocket Mesh water bottle pockets Capacity: 22 Liters [ 1342.5 cu inch] Dimensions: H47 x W32x D17cm [ 18.5 x 12.6 x 6.7"" ] Harness: Adjustable shoulder straps Material: 600D Polyester Herringbone";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"19571-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "105939";"FOX TRACK SIDE GB [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-echipamente-atv-moto/track-side-gb-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105939/main_images/eViEd9vfg5pVQ3j-track-side-gb-blk.webp";"798";"";"";"Accesorii";"265";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Accesorii echipamente ATV";"14768-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "105941";"GAERNE GAERNE BALANCE CLASSIC CAMOUFLAGE YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/2634-gaerne-balance-classic-camouflage-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105941/main_images/jA3ibRZOYQqtzoH-gaerne-balance-classic-camouflage-yellow.webp";"1200";"This trial boot is made with microfiber to grant lightness and comfort. It is also waterproof thanks to Gaerne DryTech membrane. a gum rubber sole completes the task for a great feel and control of the bike. Series: Trial Boots Features: sizes: 38 - 49 waterproof and breathable thanks to the Gaerne DryTech membrane rubber sole provides firm grip velcro and ratchet closure ensures easy on and off shin guard Technology: DryTech membrane: Gaerne DryTech is a waterproof and breathable all weather membrane, fitted between the outer leather and the linking. The Gaerne DryTech membrane allows perspiration to pass trought, but will not allow the raindrops to penetrate, keeping the wearer warm and dry. Gaerne DryTech is your best guarantee for warm and dry feet in all weather conditions.";"";"Produse : Cizme GAERNE : Cizme GAERNE";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"2532-020";"Rosu";"Gaerne";"Rosu";"0" "105942";"GAERNE BOOTS GAERNE SG 10 BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/boots-gaerne-sg-10-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105942/main_images/IySgaVLoQlIzdT6-boots-gaerne-sg-10-black.webp";"1699";"Off-road boots with an innovative, ergonomic and super comfortable design. Some speak of these boots as ""The perfect 10 - The gold standard from which to assess all Motocross boots”. Others have praised their comfort, their quality and their resistance. Try them yourself and feel the difference! Main Features: The upper is light and combines microfiber with PU protections. The “RazorBack” pivot system ensures a strong lateral support, preventing twisting of the ankle, but without compromising flexibility. The rubber protector inside the boot provides exceptional grip and protection against heat. The closure system features 4 buckles in light alloy with adjustable and interchangeable straps and Velcro upper for a perfect fit. Removing the 2 top buckles it is possible to make the opening bigger to be able to use the boots in case you have wider legs, or are wearing knee pads. Breathable and antibacterial inner lining. Memory foam inner lining around the foot. Toe cap in stainless steel. Dual compound rubber sole.";"";"MX - Enduro : Cizme : Cizme GAERNE : Cizme GAERNE";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"2190-001";"Negru";"Gaerne";"Negru";"0" "105945";"GAERNE BOOTS GAERNE SG 12 WHITE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/2678-boots-gaerne-sg-12-black";"7";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105945/main_images/alb1_OQE5B_1680695945.webp";"2599";"* New look Introducing the all new SG-12 from Gaerne. The best off road motorcycle boot on the planet!!  The Gaerne Sg-12 features a new ""G"" for an exciting first impression. Don't think we stopped there, that is just the beginning. Check out the new features. *Dual Stage Pivot System--This revolutionary new system is patented and exclusive to Gaerne and is certainly going to be a hit. The first pivot is attached to the ""Razorback"". This provides a rigid component that offers a strong lateral support while a glide-plate keeps the upper in a firm and upright position. The second pivot is fixed on a sliding glide that allows the riders foot to feel natural while on the peg in a shifting or breaking situation--However, it will ""bottom out"" and absorb shock in the case of over-jumping a jump or in the case of unwanted compression. *Grip Guard--On the inner side of the boot is the all new rubber ""Grip Guard"". You can feel the exceptional grip of the bike, as well as offering a heat resistant padding against your inner leg. *Front Plate/Shin Guard--This new Thermoplastic shin plate is anatomically shaped for a perfect fit. By removing three screws a rider can also make the opening wider to accommodate a bigger leg or knee-brace. *Buckle system--The SG-12 utilizes four lightweight alloy buckles that attach to an adjustable strap. This is a ""Tried and True"" system that provides the rider ""Easy in"" and ""Easy out"" non failure system. Keeping it simple! *Gaiter--Made of a new Swiss breathable fabric called Acronos, the gaiter is extremely stretchy but has the perfect shape to keep the sand and debris out. Interior Lining--On the inside you will find the famous ""Gaerne Memory Cell Foam"" --Known for the most comfortable feel and fit ride after ride. *Heel Cup--The new Heel cup has been designed to absorb shock in the case of a rear compression--It also doubles as a nice place to showcase the new ""G"" logo !! *Toe-Box--This new design features a slimmer shape in the toe area for an improved feel of the shift lever and the bikes controls. The entire area is wrapped by a new plastic material which is lighter and provides more comfort and feel for the bike as well. *Toe cap--The all new shape --the toecap has been re-designed and reinforced to provide a new ""tougher"" look. *Sole- For the SG-12 you will notice a new design. This sole is new in look, but still uses the Gaerne ""Dual Composite"" anti-shock rubber that has made Gaerne soles famous around the world. Insole--Inside the boot you will find an all new foot-bed which has been specially molded to correctly support the foot. In the rear portion of the foot-bed, a new shock absorbing material has been used. And in the front portion the construction has been made to allow the foot to vent. * Gaerne Supercross  Shank--This is the best shank money can buy--lighter--stronger. Gaerne SG-12: Quality, comfort, pride! Choises create champions, but support is what keeps them at the top, which is why the SG-12 boot is the choice for riders who aspire to rise above the competition. From box to bike with minimal break-in, Gaerne's SG-12 boots are made in Italy by practiced hands that step-by-step layer support, security and comfort into each boot. The premium SG-12 offers a streamlined toe box for precision control, a dual-stage pivot system for more aggressive riders, an anti-shock composite sole for besser connection to the pegs, slimline inner grip guard panels for better control and grip of the bike, memory foam interior for a customized fit, and an adjustable shin plate for more room aroung the calves. The buckle system makes it easy to get in and get going, so a rider can focus less on gear and more on the ride. Series: MX Line ​Features: sizes: 41 - 49 lightweight alloy buckles grip guard (exceptional grip of the bike, as well as offering a heat resistant padding against your inner leg) dual composite sole (anti-shock rubber that has made Gaerne soles famous around the world) front plate/shin guard (the thermoplastic shin plate is anatomically shaped for a perfect fit) by removing three screws you can also make the opening wider to accommodate a bigger leg or knee-brace dual stage pivot system (This revolutionary system is patented and exclusive to Gaerne. The first pivot is attached to the ""Razor Back"". The second pivot is fixed on a sliding glide that allows the riders foot to feel natural while on the peg in a shifting or breaking situation - However, it will ""bottom"" out and absorb shock in the case of over-jumping a jump or in the case of unwanted compresion. This provides a rigid component that offers a strong lateral support while a glide-plate keeps the upper in a firm and upright position.)";"";"MX - Enduro : Cizme : Cizme GAERNE";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"2174-014";"";"Gaerne";"";"1" "105946";"GAERNE BOOTS GAERNE SG 12 YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/boots-gaerne-sg-12-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105946/main_images/6Gojmtow5GryzwV-boots-gaerne-sg-12-yellow.webp";"2599";"Noile cizme GAERNE SG-12  au un  sistem revolutionar cu doi pivoti  ce iti ofera maxim de confort si mobilitate, la acelasi inegalabil standard de siguranta si protectie. Primul pivot  atasat de “ pinten” formeaza o parte componenta rigida care ofera un suport lateral puternic, in timp ce o placa glisanta mentine partea de sus a cizmei in pozitie verticala ferma. Al doilea pivot, de deasupra este asigurat de designul glisant al portiunilor exterioara si interioara din ansamblul partii superioare a cizmei   Banda de sus  a cizmei este fabricata dintr-un material elvetian flexibil numit ACRONOS, care se muleaza perfect pe picior, impiedicand intrarea nisipului sau a molozului.   SG-12  au  carcasa exterioara  acoperita aproape in totalitate in plastic, oferind protectie sporita impotriva eventualelor ciocniri de pietre, crengi si alte “ obstacole” naturale, iar portiunea superioara principala are panouri frontale care se suprapun, pe suprafata carora sunt atasate cataramele.   Noua placa frontala  (protectia pentru tibie)  este fabricata dintr-un material termoplastic, forma ei fiind perfect adaptata anatomic.  *Prin simpla indepartare a trei suruburi, puteti largi deschiderea pentru acomodarea unei gambe mai groase sau a ortezei de genunchi.   Partea din spate  la SG-12 este dintr-o bucata, spre deosebire de alte marci de cizme, care au o parte exterioara de plastic si una interioara, din material textil. Acest lucru face ca Gaerne sa ramana “ intreaga” atunci cand desfaceti cataramele si totodata, sa fie incaltata si descaltata mult mai usor, datorita faptului ca interiorul nu are un sistem de prindere cu arici la jumatatea cizmei , prezenta la alte marci…   Buckle system.  Toti riderii prefera un sistem de inchidere-deschidere  sigur, dar usor de folosit.  Pare simplu, dar majoritatea cizmelor de pe piata iti pot da batai de cap la acest capitol.  Gaerne  utilizeza un sistem de prindere prin care curelele sunt fixate in jos, intercalate de catarame, oferind siguranta garantata si recunoscuta de cei familiarizati cu el.  SG-12  au patru catarame din aliaj usor, atasate unor curele a caror lungime este usor de reglat si care raman foarte bine pe pozitie.   Mergem in partea de jos a cizmei  si observam ca  varful metalic  al SG-12 are o forma noua, regandita si intarita pentru a furniza o executie mai dura.   De asemenea,   botul cizmei  sau “ caseta degetelor” are noi trasaturi ce ofera un control imbunatatit asupra schimbatorului de viteze, datorita formatului mai subtire si mai spatios. Intreaga zona este infasurata intr-un plastic nou, mai usor, oferind un confort sporit si un nivel mai ridicat al modului in care iti  vei “ simti” motocicleta.   O trasatura majora  a acestei cizme o constituie modul in care interiorul iti cuprinde piciorul, avand o  captuseala numita “ memory foam” , un fel de material-gel care dupa cateva purtari se conformeaza formei piciorului celui care o poarta. In special capitonajul calcaiului iti lasa o puternica impresie ca cizma e bine “ prinsa” de tine. De altfel si  “ cupa calcaiului”  a fost special gandita pentru a absorbi socurile, in cazul unor compresii spate.   Pilotii care si-au achizitionat deja SG-12 sunt incantati  de confortul pe care il simt in jurul gleznei si de siguranta oferite de aceste cizme. Fata de alte modele, nu sunt rigide si voluminoase, ci se muleaza perfect pe picior. Talpa cizmei SG-12  este putin mai ingusta decat altele, are o forma traditionala, binecunoscuta, prin care poti simti interactiunea cu scarita, fapt datorat noului tip de cauciuc mult mai aderent (“ grip guard” ).  Totodata, acesta este invelit in interior de o captuseala termoizolanta, ferind piciorul de caldura degajata de motor si evacuare. Greutatea  lor nu depaseste parametrii in care se incadreaza majoritatea cizmelor de off-road, mai mult decat atat, cand le incalti, se simt mai usoare datorita faptului ca au proprietatea de a lua exact forma piciorului fericitului posesor. Pretul  cizmelor  GAERNE SG-12  este direct propotional cu  siguranta,   confortul,   calitatea  si  durabilitatea  oferite. Cunoscatorii spun ca decat sa rupi trei perechi de cizme de o calitate inferioara si cateva oase in doar cateva luni, mai bine faci un efort si iti cumperi din prima ceea ce meriti! Daca iti pasa de tine, daca-ti place performanta si-ti doresti ce e mai bun, atunci meriti  SG-12!";"";"Cizme GAERNE : Cizme GAERNE";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"2174-049";"Galben";"Gaerne";"Galben";"0" "105947";"LEATT JACKET GPX 4.5 X-FLOW BLUE/LIME";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/jacket-gpx-45-x-flow-blue-lime";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105947/main_images/gVnqzOcxFb2dkuV-jacket-gpx-45-x-flow-blue-lime.webp";"998";"Geaca GPX 4.5 X-FLOW este usoara, confortabila, prevazuta cu 6 buzunare. Buzunar interior pentru hidratare, pana la 3 l. Construita din panouri x-flow si spandura. Rezistenta la abraziune in zona coatelor. Compatibila cu neck brace.  Rezistenta la apa, jacheta de performanta off-road a fost conceputa pentru a vă face ziua mai frumoasa - chiar și în cele mai exigente medii. Foarte durabila pentru condiții mai dure, este echipata cu un buzunar intern de hidratare cu un sistem de suspensie a rezervorului de apa. Exterior impermeabil la apă și la murdărie, uscare rapida, în timp ce ventilația reglabilă vă va menține racoros în condiții fierbinți. Coatele sunt întărite cu un strat de protecție, o peliculă ultra-subțire flexibilă, crescand rezistența la zgârieturi și abraziune a materialului. Jacheta este personalizată, permițându-vă să mergeți in călătorii cu sau fără armura de protectie a corpului, iar gulerul Leatt se poate purta cu sau fără prinderile de gât. Deci, nu există nici o scuză! Rezistență la apă și cu o textura rezistentă la murdărie. Brate pre-curbate, cu zip-off cu ventilație reglabilă, cusături de siguranță pe mai multe rânduri.";"";"Geci : manual : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"501781031";"Albastru/Galben";"Leatt";"Albastru/Galben";"0" "105948";"LEATT JACKET GPX 4.5 X-FLOW ORANGE/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/jacket-gpx-45-x-flow-orange-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105948/main_images/2FzzhySxrV40hpb-jacket-gpx-45-x-flow-orange-black.webp";"998";"Geaca GPX 4.5 X-FLOW este usoara, confortabila, prevazuta cu 6 buzunare. Buzunar interior pentru hidratare, pana la 3 l. Construita din panouri x-flow si spandura. Rezistenta la abraziune in zona coatelor. Compatibila cu neck brace.  Rezistenta la apa, jacheta de performanta off-road a fost conceputa pentru a vă face ziua mai frumoasa - chiar și în cele mai exigente medii. Foarte durabila pentru condiții mai dure, este echipata cu un buzunar intern de hidratare cu un sistem de suspensie a rezervorului de apa. Exterior impermeabil la apă și la murdărie, uscare rapida, în timp ce ventilația reglabilă vă va menține racoros în condiții fierbinți. Coatele sunt întărite cu un strat de protecție, o peliculă ultra-subțire flexibilă, crescand rezistența la zgârieturi și abraziune a materialului. Jacheta este personalizată, permițându-vă să mergeți in călătorii cu sau fără armura de protectie a corpului, iar gulerul Leatt se poate purta cu sau fără prinderile de gât. Deci, nu există nici o scuză! Rezistență la apă și cu o textura rezistentă la murdărie. Brate pre-curbate, cu zip-off cu ventilație reglabilă, cusături de siguranță pe mai multe rânduri.";"";"Geci : manual : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"501781030";"Portocaliu/Negru";"Leatt";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "105949";"LEATT JACKET GPX 4.5 X-FLOW BLACK/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/1816-jacket-gpx-45-x-flow-black-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105949/main_images/fBsZTcn69h3k1pb-jacket-gpx-45-x-flow-black-red.webp";"998";"Geaca GPX 4.5 X-FLOW este usoara, confortabila, prevazuta cu 6 buzunare. Buzunar interior pentru hidratare, pana la 3 l. Construita din panouri x-flow si spandura. Rezistenta la abraziune in zona coatelor. Compatibila cu neck brace.  Rezistenta la apa, jacheta de performanta off-road a fost conceputa pentru a vă face ziua mai frumoasa - chiar și în cele mai exigente medii. Foarte durabila pentru condiții mai dure, este echipata cu un buzunar intern de hidratare cu un sistem de suspensie a rezervorului de apa. Exterior impermeabil la apă și la murdărie, uscare rapida, în timp ce ventilația reglabilă vă va menține racoros în condiții fierbinți. Coatele sunt întărite cu un strat de protecție, o peliculă ultra-subțire flexibilă, crescand rezistența la zgârieturi și abraziune a materialului. Jacheta este personalizată, permițându-vă să mergeți in călătorii cu sau fără armura de protectie a corpului, iar gulerul Leatt se poate purta cu sau fără prinderile de gât. Deci, nu există nici o scuză! Rezistență la apă și cu o textura rezistentă la murdărie. Brate pre-curbate, cu zip-off cu ventilație reglabilă, cusături de siguranță pe mai multe rânduri.";"";"Geci : manual : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"501781032";"Rosu/Negru";"Leatt";"Rosu/Negru";"0" "105950";"LEATT PANT GPX 4.5 LIME/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/pant-gpx-45-lime-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105950/main_images/jt8TrgcycK2S0RF-pant-gpx-45-lime-blue.webp";"499";"Pre-curved performance fit Light and breathable construction Ripstop stretch and X-Flow mesh panels NEW rear yoke NEW Heavy-duty seat and reinforced knees NEW Leather inner legs for bike grip NEW Multi-layer knee reinforcement Multi-row reinforced stitching Waist with micro adjuster and 270 ̊ heavy duty silicone grip Anti-odor MoistureCool mesh lining";"";"Pantaloni : manual";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"501761069";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105951";"LEATT PANT GPX 4.5 RED/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/1812-pant-gpx-45-red-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105951/main_images/2YPED6AxfOIAHBA-pant-gpx-45-red-blue.webp";"609";"Brother to our 5.5 factory racing pants, the GPX 4.5 is unbeaten in its price class. Promising a pre-curved performance fit – straight out of the box – these pants now also have a lighter, more breathable construction. They are made of Ripstop stretch with X-Flow mesh panels, offering durable and ventilated protection with 3D molded, fully floating knee cap reinforcements and two-point knee ventilation. The seat area is made of 1200D which makes it very durable, they have multi-row stitching, and the dual layer Amara inner leg is soft yet tough and grips well. The new, shorter micro adjuster waist belt with 180 ̊ silicone grip and YKK highest quality zippers ensure a solid fit. Pre-curved performance fit New lighter and breathable construction Ripstop stretch and X-Flow mesh panels 3D molded, fully floating knee cap reinforcement 1200D nylon, heavy duty seat material and Amara inner leg YKK zipper and multi-row safety stitching Two-point knee ventilation Waist with micro adjuster and 180 ̊ silicone grip Anti-odor MoistureCool mesh lining Size: XS-5XL";"";"Pantaloni : manual";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"501761068";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105952";"LEATT PANT GPX 5.5 I.K.S. ORANGE/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/1809-pant-gpx-55-iks-orange-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105952/main_images/kBEjSAPnmb2Q7bQ-pant-gpx-55-iks-orange-black.webp";"889";"";"";"Pantaloni : manual";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"501761060";"Portocaliu/Negru";"Leatt";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "105953";"LEATT JERSEY GPX 4.5 LITE LIME/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/1821-jersey-gpx-45-lite-lime-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105953/main_images/TMUvXbT52px2Pkp-jersey-gpx-45-lite-lime-blue.webp";"169";"Offering a classic fit and made of MoistureCool 3D stretch mesh material with air channels, this jersey is super comfortable. The tailored fit is designed to be worn with or without body armor and the collar is stretchable to be compatible with or without a Leatt neck brace. Features: Classic fit MoistureCool 3D stretch mesh with air channels Super vented X-Flow mesh side panels Overlock stitched seams for comfort Collar design for use with or without a neck brace Tailored fit for riding the motorcycle with or without protectors Silicone-print for better grip on the pants soft stretch cuff";"";"Tricouri : manual";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"501791050";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105954";"LEATT JERSEY GPX 4.5 X-FLOW LIME/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/jersey-gpx-45-x-flow-lime-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105954/main_images/eDdsCeCR27YjA7R-jersey-gpx-45-x-flow-lime-blue.webp";"169";"The perfect jersey for those super-hot days, this ventilated racing jersey is unbeaten in its class! The X-Flow mesh fabric makes it super vented, lightweight and MoistureCool wicking. Tailored designed to be worn with or without body armor and the collar works with or without a neck brace. Offers a more relaxed fit compared to the race-tight factory 5.5 jerseys. Additional comfort is provided by overlocked stitched seams and a silicone grip pant connector. Go riding, even if it is very hot out there! Features: Classic fit Lightweight MoistureCool X-Flow mesh Overlock stitched seams for comfort Collar design for use with or without a neck brace Tailored fit for riding with or without body armor Silicone pant grip Size: S-XXL";"";"Tricouri : manual";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"501791054";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105955";"LEATT JERSEY GPX 4.5 X-FLOW ORANGE/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/jersey-gpx-45-x-flow-orange-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105955/main_images/G57yazDIb8ct3NT-jersey-gpx-45-x-flow-orange-black.webp";"169";"The perfect jersey for those super-hot days, this ventilated racing jersey is unbeaten in its class! The X-Flow mesh fabric makes it super vented, lightweight and MoistureCool wicking. Tailored designed to be worn with or without body armor and the collar works with or without a neck brace. Offers a more relaxed fit compared to the race-tight factory 5.5 jerseys. Additional comfort is provided by overlocked stitched seams and a silicone grip pant connector. Go riding, even if it is very hot out there! Features: Classic fit Lightweight MoistureCool X-Flow mesh Overlock stitched seams for comfort Collar design for use with or without a neck brace Tailored fit for riding with or without body armor Silicone pant grip Size: S-XXL";"";"Tricouri : manual";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"501791051";"Portocaliu/Negru";"Leatt";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "105956";"LEATT JERSEY GPX 4.5 X-FLOW RED/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/jersey-gpx-45-x-flow-red-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105956/main_images/igr9oXQWZsQx7A4-jersey-gpx-45-x-flow-red-blue.webp";"169";"The perfect jersey for those super-hot days, this ventilated racing jersey is unbeaten in its class! The X-Flow mesh fabric makes it super vented, lightweight and MoistureCool wicking. Tailored designed to be worn with or without body armor and the collar works with or without a neck brace. Offers a more relaxed fit compared to the race-tight factory 5.5 jerseys. Additional comfort is provided by overlocked stitched seams and a silicone grip pant connector. Go riding, even if it is very hot out there! Features: Classic fit Lightweight MoistureCool X-Flow mesh Overlock stitched seams for comfort Collar design for use with or without a neck brace Tailored fit for riding with or without body armor Silicone pant grip Size: S-XXL";"";"Tricouri : manual";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"501791053";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105957";"LEATT JERSEY GPX 5.5 ULTRAWELD M LIME/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1819-jersey-gpx-55-ultraweld-m-lime-blue";"5";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105957/main_images/kKaF7jDemDO3mNq-jersey-gpx-55-ultraweld-m-lime-blue.webp";"299";"The GPX 5.5 Ultraweld jersey offers an ultra-light layer of protection for off-road racing. It is made of four-way stretch mesh fabric that is MoistureCool wicking and has air channels. Its tape-bonded seams offer a superior level of comfort and its comfortable athletic stretch fit allows you to wear the jersey with or without your body armor and neck brace. Its silicone tail easily connects to the Leatt off-road pants and its bar task stitching offers critical reinforcement whilst the brush guard fabric over the elbows offer added protection as it is an ultra-thin flex film that is feather-light and increases scratch and abrasion resistance properties of the material. Ultra-light, four-way stretch MoistureCool wicking mesh fabric with air channels Brush guard fabric protection over elbows Tape bonded seams for maximum comfort with bar task stitch for critical reinforcement Neck collar design for use with or without a neck brace Athletic stretch fit for riding with or without body armor Silicone printed tail to connect to pants Size S to XXL";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"501791043";"Albastru/Galben";"Leatt";"Albastru/Galben";"1" "105958";"LEATT ELBOW GUARD 3.0 BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/1802-elbow-guard-30-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105958/main_images/ebI0ddUaAgywbqR-elbow-guard-30-black.webp";"228";"Leatt 3.0 Elbow Guard fabricat din panouri soft si hard. Prinderi x-strap.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501600050";"Negru";"Leatt";"Negru";"0" "105959";"LEATT ELBOW GUARD CONTOUR BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/1796-elbow-guard-contour-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105959/main_images/Kef0zorsYHZO5Er-elbow-guard-contour-black.webp";"309";"The Leatt Contour Elbow Guards have been redesigned to feature a improved sliding surface, a silicone coated x-strap and specific right and left fits. Still slim and lightweight, the Contour Elbow Guards deliver plenty of protection that can be worn over or under your jersey. Features: 3D design for optimal fit with specific left and right sides Hard shell and 3DF AirFit ventilated soft impact foam CE tested and certified as impact protection: Elbow EN1621-1 Improved hard shell sliding surface Anti-slip forearm X-strap with silicone bicep lining Silicone printed elbow grip Anti-odor MoistureCool and AirMesh wicking fabrics Soft rubber edges offer superior protection, feel and comfort Vented plates for maximum airflow Sold in pairs Sizing: Based on upper arm circumference SM/MD: 8.5-11"" LG/XL: 11-13.7"" 2XL: 13.7-16""";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"501520010";"Negru";"Leatt";"Negru";"0" "105960";"LEATT KNEE & SHIN GUARD 3.0 EXT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/knee-shin-guard-30-ext-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105960/main_images/okumWrlUMo9GQLQ-knee-shin-guard-30-ext-black.webp";"219";"These hard shell reinforced certified 3DF knee & shin guards scores a total of 20 points in the Leatt protection rating system. 3.0 EXT are comfortable and very easy to slip on and off with the X-straps and offers a full hard shell knee & shin protection. For a more comfortable fit look at the EXT. For a soft and hard shell knee & shin guard look at the Hybrid EXT and for maximum knee & shin protection look at the Dual Axis. Tested and certified as impact protection: Knee & shin EN1621-2 Total Leatt protection score of 20 points Full shin BMX/DH approved extended length -EXT Hard shell deflecting and sliding surface 3DF impact absorbing body Easy fitting with X-straps 3D design for optimal fit with specific left and right sides Vented plates for maximum airflow Slim shin plate that also fit inside boots Weight: 600g – 1.3 lbs (pair) Please look at our sizing chart for best fit: #S/M #L/XL #XXL";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501600040";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105961";"LEATT KNEE & SHIN GUARD DUAL AXIS BLACK/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2037-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-black-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105961/main_images/qy4XZg9Ntrw10mX-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-black-red.webp";"499";"Pivoting Hard Shell Knee and Shin Guard Our Dual Axis Knee and Shin Guard is a brand new anatomically correct, pivoting design. Constructed from both soft and hard shell, it offers tested and certified protection that scores a total of 25 points in the Leatt protection rating system. The soft shell areas are made of 3DF AirFit impact foam, which is a soft, flexible foam that instantly hardens upon impact to absorb forces as protection, whereas the hard shell areas assist in deflecting. With a 3D design and slim shin plate, it allows for an optimal fit with both specific left and right sides. The level of comfort is enhanced by vented plates that allows for maximum airflow. A revolutionary design, the Dual Axis promises a great future for premium as well as comfortable limb protection. DETAILS Hard shell and 3DF AirFit ventilated soft impact foam tested and certified as impact protection: Knee EN1621-1 Total Leatt® protection score of 25 points Anatomically correct, pivoting design 3D design for optimal fit with specific left and right sides Vented plates for maximum airflow Slim shin plate that also fits inside boots Weight: 850g – 1.9 lbs (pair) Please look at our sizing chart for best fit #S/M #L/XL #XXL";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501701018";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105962";"LEATT KNEE & SHIN GUARD DUAL AXIS LIME/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/2038-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-lime-blue";"7";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105962/main_images/849uKPJw4gw7Uul-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-lime-blue.webp";"499";"Pivoting Hard Shell Knee and Shin Guard Our Dual Axis Knee and Shin Guard is a brand new anatomically correct, pivoting design. Constructed from both soft and hard shell, it offers tested and certified protection that scores a total of 25 points in the Leatt protection rating system. The soft shell areas are made of 3DF AirFit impact foam, which is a soft, flexible foam that instantly hardens upon impact to absorb forces as protection, whereas the hard shell areas assist in deflecting. With a 3D design and slim shin plate, it allows for an optimal fit with both specific left and right sides. The level of comfort is enhanced by vented plates that allows for maximum airflow. A revolutionary design, the Dual Axis promises a great future for premium as well as comfortable limb protection. DETAILS Hard shell and 3DF AirFit ventilated soft impact foam tested and certified as impact protection: Knee EN1621-1 Total Leatt® protection score of 25 points Anatomically correct, pivoting design 3D design for optimal fit with specific left and right sides Vented plates for maximum airflow Slim shin plate that also fits inside boots Weight: 850g – 1.9 lbs (pair) Please look at our sizing chart for best fit #S/M #L/XL #XXL";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"501701019";"";"Leatt";"";"1" "105963";"Leatt KNEE & SHIN GUARD DUAL AXIS WHITE/BLACK ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/genunchiere/2036-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-white-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105963/main_images/ToWO0Lmd0dSn5MQ-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-white-black.webp";"499";"Genunchiere premium Leatt Dual Axis cu sistem pivotant construite din materiale durabile, flexibile la incheietura, si foarte comode.Testate CE Marimi disponibile: M, L, S/M, L/XL, XXL";"";"";"70";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE DE PROTECTIE : Genunchiere";"501701017";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105964";"LEATT KNEE &SHIN GUARD 3DF HYBRID EXT BLACK/LIME";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/1800-knee-shin-guard-3df-hybrid-ext-black-lime";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105964/main_images/ueAbAnPVyZuxWXZ-knee-shin-guard-3df-hybrid-ext-black-lime.webp";"449";"Genunchierele 3DF HYBRID EXT combina protectia materialelor soft 3DF cu panourile de plastic pentru a oferii extra protectie . ";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501540047";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105965";"LEATT KNEE AND SHINGUARD EXT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2676-knee-guard-enduro-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105965/main_images/Q0NgTHNerD27kAc-knee-guard-enduro-black.webp";"499";"A hard-shell, extended length design with 3DF impact foam that offers premium protection. Now with a new slimmer knee pad profile and improved sliding surface, as well as a new ventilated, perforated sleeve with an integrated silicone coated thigh strap, all contributing to a solid fit with ergonomic left/right shapes. CE tested and certified protection that scores a total of 21 points in the Leatt protection rating system. Next step up in protection level is the Dual Axis with a score of 25 points. Total Leatt® protection score of 21 points Hard shell and 3DF AirFit ventilated soft impact foam CE tested and certified as impact protection: Knee and shin EN1621-1 Full shin extended length – EXT New slim, CE impact certified profile New improved hard shell sliding surface New ventilated perforated Neoprene sleeve New silicone coated integrated thigh strap Anti-odor MoistureCool and AirMesh wicking fabrics Soft edges offer superior feel and comfort 3D design for optimal fit with specific left and right sides Slim shin plate that also fits inside boots Weight: from 650g (1.4lbs) pair Please look at our sizing chart for best fit: S/M-L/XL.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501421004";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105967";"LEATT KNEE GUARD 3DF 5.0 BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/knee-guard-3df-50-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105967/main_images/8kRPBKGw3ffTSDw-knee-guard-3df-50-black.webp";"399";"These soft CE certified 3DF knee guard scores a total of 13 points in the Leatt protection rating system. High-performance soft knee guard, now with increased side protection. This pure soft shell guard is big on protection yet lightweight and comfortable. It's made with Leatt's innovative 3DF foam that absorbs energy on impact. Features: CE tested and certified as impact protection: - Knee EN1621-2 Total Leatt protection score of 13 points 25% slimmer CE impact certified profile super soft & flexible 3DF impact material increased side protection Abrasion resistant Aramid outer layer for durability wider silicone printed elastic cuffs MoistureCool & AirMesh fabrics: - Wicking, vented & antimicrobial All protection materials perforated for ventilation Pre-curved 3D design for better fit & function Size chart: size S/M L/XL XXL thigh circumference in cm 30-34 34-38 38-40 calf circumference in cm 22-26 26-30 32-34 The circumference should be measured about 13cm above and below the knee center.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501610040";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105968";"LEATT KNEE GUARD 3DF 5.0 BLUE/ORANGE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/knee-guard-3df-50-blue-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105968/main_images/yS0xDtJxNXRNdf0-knee-guard-3df-50-blue-orange.webp";"399";"These soft CE certified 3DF knee guard scores a total of 13 points in the Leatt protection rating system. High-performance soft knee guard, now with increased side protection. This pure soft shell guard is big on protection yet lightweight and comfortable. It's made with Leatt's innovative 3DF foam that absorbs energy on impact. Features: CE tested and certified as impact protection: - Knee EN1621-2 Total Leatt protection score of 13 points 25% slimmer CE impact certified profile super soft & flexible 3DF impact material increased side protection Abrasion resistant Aramid outer layer for durability wider silicone printed elastic cuffs MoistureCool & AirMesh fabrics: - Wicking, vented & antimicrobial All protection materials perforated for ventilation Pre-curved 3D design for better fit & function Size chart: size S/M L/XL XXL thigh circumference in cm 30-34 34-38 38-40 calf circumference in cm 22-26 26-30 32-34 The circumference should be measured about 13cm above and below the knee center.";"";"Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501610042";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105969";"LEATT KNEE GUARD 3DF HYBRID BLACK/LIME";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/knee-guard-3df-hybrid-black-lime";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105969/main_images/G5ZcUF4PrWI2brn-knee-guard-3df-hybrid-black-lime.webp";"499";"Genunchierele 3DF 5.0 Knee Guards sunt usoare subtiri si flexibile fabricate din spuma cu intarire la impact 3DF AirFit";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501540043";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105970";"LEATT KNEE GUARD ENDURO BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2034-knee-guard-enduro-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105970/main_images/o3tnlvhy5zHB7Nt-knee-guard-enduro-black.webp";"530";"These hard shell reinforced certified 3DF knee guards scores a total of 20 points in the Leatt protection rating system. Enduro offers full hard shell knee protection with co-molded soft edges for comfort. They are slim, lightweight, comfortable and has a great fit with a silicone cuffed MoistureCool sock. For a softer fit look at 3DF 5.0. For a slimmer protector look at the AirFit Pro and for a hard and soft shell combination look at the Hybrid. Hard shell knee guard tested and certified as impact protection: Knee EN1621-2 Total Leatt protection score 20 points Hard shell deflecting and sliding surface 3DF impact absorbing body Silicone lamination to keep protector in place New MoistureCool and AirMesh fabrics Wicking Anti-microbial Silicone printed adjustable non slip cuffs Soft rubber edges gives great protection feel and comfort 3D design for optimal fit with specific left and right sides Vented plates for maximum airflow Weight: 500g – 1.1 lbs (pair) Please look at our sizing chart for best fit: #S/M #L/XL";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501421002";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105971";"LEATT LEATT KNEE BRACE C-FRAME PRO CARBON BLACK/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-black-red";"1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105971/main_images/9prZ1u6Gu5ejZfe-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-black-red.webp";"2599";"Leatt C-Frame Pro Carbon asigura protectie premium, certificata medical ce permite miscari naturale genuchiului cat si confort. Desi nici o protectie nu poate feri in totalitate o lovitura, C-frame Pro Carbon ofera un nivel mai ridicat de protectie fata de alte modele traditionale.";"";"Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"501701010";"";"Leatt";"";"1" "105973";"LEATT BODY PROTECTOR 3DF AIRFIT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/2677-body-protector-3df-airfit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105973/main_images/t7i1NIZfJDu9uHl-body-protector-3df-airfit.webp";"1549";"Contine multistrat din spuma 3DF AirFit pentru o mai buna ventilatie . Cea mai confortabila armura de pe piata Testata si certificata CE EN1621-2,EN1621-3,EN1621-1 Confetionata cu tesatura MoistureCool pentru o buna respirabilitate. Compatibila cu Neck Brace. Spuma detasabila pentru o usoara curatare. ";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"501810121";"Negru";"Leatt";"Negru";"0" "105974";"LEATT Body Protector 3DF AirFit Lite";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/1808-body-protector-3df-airfit-lite";"1 : 32";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105974/main_images/1Iqhps3gxzHZ1CZ-body-protector-3df-airfit-lite.webp";"1499";"Contine multistrat din spuma 3DF AirFit pentru o mai buna ventilatie . Cea mai confortabila armura de pe piata Testata si certificata CE EN1621-2,EN1621-3,EN1621-1 Confetionata cu tesatura MoistureCool pentru o buna respirabilitate. Compatibila cu Neck Brace. Spuma detasabila pentru o usoara curatare. ";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"501718003";"Negru";"Leatt";"Negru";"1" "105976";"LEATT CHEST PROTECTOR 4.5 BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/1797-chest-protector-45-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105976/main_images/5VKlg6bGQBCxPJC-chest-protector-45-black.webp";"898";"Protectie completa si miscare nerestrictionata intr-o armura versatila si compatibila cu sistem Neck Brace ";"";"Protectie";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501530010";"Negru";"Leatt";"Negru";"0" "105977";"LEATT CHEST PROTECTOR 5.5 PRO BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2039-chest-protector-55-pro-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105977/main_images/qGClIUUaPmFLBe7-chest-protector-55-pro-black.webp";"998";"The Leatt 5.5 chest protector provides an excellent protection that meets the highest CE standard. The unique, perforated 3DF-foam provides an incredible shock absorption, and it has 41 air valves that keeps it well ventilated and dissipates moisture and sweat. The Leatt 5.5 chest protector is equipped with removable upper arm protection, shoulder protection and wide side protection, providing a good protection for the entire upper body. - The back protector meets the highest safety requirements for back protectors, CE EN 1621-2, Level 2. - The chest protector meets the highest safety requirements for chest protection, prEN 1621-3, Level 2. - The shoulder protector are certified according to the CE En 1621-1 standard. - Removable upper arm protection with internal bio-foam lining protects against stone chips. - Leatt’s 3DF foam lining in the chest and back rest provides a shock absorption that meets the highest CE standard. - The protection is designed to be worn on top/under a jersey. - 41 ventilation ports provide maximum airflow. - The 3DF foam is perforated (excellent breathability) - The hard shell protection is made of hard HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene) - Adjustable shoulder straps for a perfect custom fit. Back protector: CE EN 1621-2, Level 2. Chest protector: prEN 1621-3, Level 2. Shoulder protectors: CE En 1621-1. The model is 182 cm tall, and weighs 83 kg. If you think Leatt 5.5 Pro does not provide enough protection, please check Leatt 5.5 HD Pro with even better protection!";"";"Protectie";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501410111";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105978";"LEATT CHEST PROTECTOR 5.5 PRO WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/2046-chest-protector-55-pro-hd-black";"2";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105978/main_images/w6s2OnliffLl8K7-chest-protector-55-pro-hd-black.webp";"1309";"The Leatt 5.5 chest protector provides an excellent protection that meets the highest CE standard. The unique, perforated 3DF-foam provides an incredible shock absorption, and it has 41 air valves that keeps it well ventilated and dissipates moisture and sweat. The Leatt 5.5 chest protector is equipped with removable upper arm protection, shoulder protection and wide side protection, providing a good protection for the entire upper body. - The back protector meets the highest safety requirements for back protectors, CE EN 1621-2, Level 2. - The chest protector meets the highest safety requirements for chest protection, prEN 1621-3, Level 2. - The shoulder protector are certified according to the CE En 1621-1 standard. - Removable upper arm protection with internal bio-foam lining protects against stone chips. - Leatt’s 3DF foam lining in the chest and back rest provides a shock absorption that meets the highest CE standard. - The protection is designed to be worn on top/under a jersey. - 41 ventilation ports provide maximum airflow. - The 3DF foam is perforated (excellent breathability) - The hard shell protection is made of hard HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene) - Adjustable shoulder straps for a perfect custom fit. Back protector: CE EN 1621-2, Level 2. Chest protector: prEN 1621-3, Level 2. Shoulder protectors: CE En 1621-1. The model is 182 cm tall, and weighs 83 kg. If you think Leatt 5.5 Pro does not provide enough protection, please check Leatt 5.5 HD Pro with even better protection!";"";"Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"501410110";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "105981";"LEATT HYDRATION GPX RACE HF 2.0 ORANGE/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare/hydration-gpx-race-hf-20-orange-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105981/main_images/n0AZTLJKunZTXpQ-hydration-gpx-race-hf-20-orange-black.webp";"549";"Ghiozdan de hidratare slim, care are o capacitate de 3 l. Protectie pentru spate detasabila, protectie 3DF AirFit care se intareste in urma impactului.";"";"Hidratare : Hidratare";"269";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Hidratare";"701610010";"Portocaliu/Negru";"Leatt";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "105982";"POD MX POD K3 Knee Brace White/Red";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/mx-pod-k3-knee-brace-whitered";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105982/main_images/RGfygB7532tV5Z9-mx-pod-k3-knee-brace-whitered.webp";"1200";"";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"K3013-008";"";"POD";"";"0" "105987";"SHIFT WHIT3 LABEL BOOT [YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/cizme/2548-whit3-label-boot-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105987/main_images/Wlgd7mb7K0LMpQb-whit3-label-boot-ylw.webp";"998";"The WHIT3 (White) Label Boot maximizes the minimums. It focuses on premium support and fitment from the ankle down, with just the right amount of protection and durability. The result is an entirely unique motocross boot that strips away what you don't need, investing in what you do. The main body is made from high-abrasion synthetic leather for a perfect balance of durability and natural stretch. This is reinforced by injected molded TPU shin plates and rubber burn guards. They shield against impact and wear while providing grip and heat resistance. Putting the boot on is simple, fast and secure every time. Two buckle closures hold your ankle and foot firmly, while an innovative silicone strap (Pat. Pending) on the shin provides fluid mobility while riding. The rubber strap has four size settings so you can customize the fit. Once on, the ankle and heel TPU molds to your foot to minimize movement in the boot while you ride. Product Details Main body made from high-abrasion synthetic leather for all-day comfort Durable and rugged injection molded TPU shin plate guards against rocks and debris Ankle and heel TPU molds increase support and stability Two buckle closures secure ankle and foot for optimal fit Innovative silicone strap (pat. pending) on shin provides fluid mobility while riding Integrated rubber burn guards provide better grip while maintaining heat resistance Polypropylene Insole Board with a steel shank for excellent footbed support Robust rubber outsole";"";"Cizme SHIFT";"58";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Cizme";"19339-005";"Galben";"Shift";"Galben";"0" "105988";"SHIFT WHIT3 HELMET [MT BLK ]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/whit3-helmet-mt-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105988/main_images/AH2G8DEtK4LPPew-whit3-helmet-mt-blk.webp";"699";"The Shift Whit3 Label gear is where uncompromised value and performance is defined. Combining excellent design with quality materials and unique graphic techniques, the Whit3 Label Helmet is sure to exceed your performance and durability expectations. Features: Unique shell design eliminates bulk and maximizes utility and function Injection molded ABS/PC shell reduces weight while maintaining durability and aggressive design Dual density EPS internal foam for impact absorption Stainless steel D-Ring chinstrap closure Ten intake ports work together with five rear vents to provide maximum air intake and exhaust Unique fixed visor system allows more direct air channeling through center channel Removable / washable inner cheek pads and crown liner system DOT approved";"";"Casti - MX : Casti Fox / Shift";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"19334-255";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "105989";"SHIFT WHIT3 HELMET [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2547-whit3-helmet-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105989/main_images/D2qGw7QbI3xq2K4-whit3-helmet-org.webp";"709";"White Label - este cea mai tehnica si progresiva casca la ora actuala din categoria Shift. Colectia de casti ""White Label"" seteaza un nou standard pentru design-ul sau de calitate. Design exterior agresiv si unic, maximizeaza utilitatea si functiile. ABS / PC exteriorul reduce greutatea  Dubla densitate, spuma exterioara EPS pentru absorbtia impactului. Inchidere cu dublu inel  Cinci guri de aerisire pentru a asigura un debit maxim de admisie si evacuare a aerului. Sistemul unic de vizibilitate fixa permite canalizarea directa a aerului prin canalul central. Bureti interiori/captuseala detasabila Aprobata ECE si DOT";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19336-009";"Portocaliu";"Shift";"Portocaliu";"0" "105990";"SHIFT WHIT3 HELMET [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2546-whit3-helmet-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105990/main_images/IKPXWKGUaCYdMiJ-whit3-helmet-rd.webp";"709";"White Label - este cea mai tehnica si progresiva casca la ora actuala din categoria Shift. Colectia de casti ""White Label"" seteaza un nou standard pentru design-ul sau de calitate. Design exterior agresiv si unic, maximizeaza utilitatea si functiile. ABS / PC exteriorul reduce greutatea  Dubla densitate, spuma exterioara EPS pentru absorbtia impactului. Inchidere cu dublu inel  Cinci guri de aerisire pentru a asigura un debit maxim de admisie si evacuare a aerului. Sistemul unic de vizibilitate fixa permite canalizarea directa a aerului prin canalul central. Bureti interiori/captuseala detasabila Aprobata ECE si DOT";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19336-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "105991";"SHIFT WHIT3 HELMET [YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2535-whit3-helmet-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105991/main_images/uCss19oqrxNVOXo-whit3-helmet-ylw.webp";"709";"White Label - este cea mai tehnica si progresiva casca la ora actuala din categoria Shift. Colectia de casti ""White Label"" seteaza un nou standard pentru design-ul sau de calitate. Design exterior agresiv si unic, maximizeaza utilitatea si functiile. ABS / PC exteriorul reduce greutatea  Dubla densitate, spuma exterioara EPS pentru absorbtia impactului. Inchidere cu dublu inel  Cinci guri de aerisire pentru a asigura un debit maxim de admisie si evacuare a aerului. Sistemul unic de vizibilitate fixa permite canalizarea directa a aerului prin canalul central. Bureti interiori/captuseala detasabila Aprobata ECE si DOT";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19336-005";"Galben";"Shift";"Galben";"0" "105992";"SHIFT 3LUE (blue) AIR GLOVE [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2202-whit3-air-glove-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105992/main_images/QKdbp5GJY1NkWjA-whit3-air-glove-blk.webp";"179";"Pure comfort. The 3LUE Label AIR Glove features an adaptive fit technology for dramatically improved dexterity and lever control. Strategic venting helps to regulate temperature, and a new cuff design provides a flawless fit. Product Details All new CORDURA stretch Nylon top-of-hand material provides unparalleled movement, weight reduction and durability CLARINO palm improves fit, enhances durability and protects Silicone fingertip printing for enhanced grip and lever control Top of hand laser cut perforations increase ventilation Innovative RAW wrist design reduces cuff restriction Premium 3D silicone logo";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19121-002";"Albastru/Galben";"Shift";"Albastru/Galben";"0" "105993";"SHIFT R3CON GLOVE [FAT GRN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2141-r3con-glove-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105993/main_images/c1oiutIkjuS3k1n-r3con-glove-blk.webp";"169";"Shift Recon Gloves Features: Double layer Clarino palm and thumb reinforcement Airprene stretch knuckle panel Lightweight, breathable and flexible top of hand materials Pre-curved finger sidewalls provide a superior grip Silicone fingertips for increased lever control";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19993-111";"Verde/Negru";"Shift";"Verde/Negru";"0" "105994";"SHIFT R3CON GLOVE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2140-r3con-glove-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105994/main_images/rGjw66VhPuthlZa-r3con-glove-blk.webp";"169";"Shift Recon Gloves Features: Double layer Clarino palm and thumb reinforcement Airprene stretch knuckle panel Lightweight, breathable and flexible top of hand materials Pre-curved finger sidewalls provide a superior grip Silicone fingertips for increased lever control";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19993-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "105995";"SHIFT WHIT3 AIR GLOVE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2143-whit3-air-glove-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105995/main_images/FL5Vr0SfZzrIrtK-whit3-air-glove-blk.webp";"119";"We took a minimalistic approach to designing the all new WHIT3 (White) Label glove: giving you more of what you need and less of what you don’t. The result is a high-performance glove designed for core riders. Everything unnecessary was stripped away, creating a lightweight, more comfortable glove. The top of the hand uses a 4-way stretch nylon for optimal movement and dexterity. And a single layer padded palm provides extra cushioning while maintaining bar feel. When it’s time to get on the brakes, silicone grippers on the fingertips keep them from slipping. A compression molded cuff with hook and loop closure means you don’t give the gloves a second thought once you slip them on – they fit secure and stay in place all day. Features: 4-way stretch nylon fabric on top of the hand for dexterity Compression molded cuff with hook and loop closure for a secure fit Silicone external fingertip printing for grip Padded single layer palm";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19325-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "105996";"SHIFT WHIT3 AIR GLOVE [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2145-whit3-air-glove-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105996/main_images/HFBGrW6rfSrfYdB-whit3-air-glove-blk.webp";"119";"We took a minimalistic approach to designing the all new WHIT3 (White) Label glove: giving you more of what you need and less of what you don’t. The result is a high-performance glove designed for core riders. Everything unnecessary was stripped away, creating a lightweight, more comfortable glove. The top of the hand uses a 4-way stretch nylon for optimal movement and dexterity. And a single layer padded palm provides extra cushioning while maintaining bar feel. When it’s time to get on the brakes, silicone grippers on the fingertips keep them from slipping. A compression molded cuff with hook and loop closure means you don’t give the gloves a second thought once you slip them on – they fit secure and stay in place all day. Features: 4-way stretch nylon fabric on top of the hand for dexterity Compression molded cuff with hook and loop closure for a secure fit Silicone external fingertip printing for grip Padded single layer palm";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19325-003";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "105997";"SHIFT WHIT3 AIR GLOVE [YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/whit3-air-glove-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105997/main_images/WPnWdQLD5AA0iiF-whit3-air-glove-blk.webp";"99";"We took a minimalistic approach to designing the all new WHIT3 (White) Label glove: giving you more of what you need and less of what you don’t. The result is a high-performance glove designed for core riders. Everything unnecessary was stripped away, creating a lightweight, more comfortable glove. The top of the hand uses a 4-way stretch nylon for optimal movement and dexterity. And a single layer padded palm provides extra cushioning while maintaining bar feel. When it’s time to get on the brakes, silicone grippers on the fingertips keep them from slipping. A compression molded cuff with hook and loop closure means you don’t give the gloves a second thought once you slip them on – they fit secure and stay in place all day. Features: 4-way stretch nylon fabric on top of the hand for dexterity Compression molded cuff with hook and loop closure for a secure fit Silicone external fingertip printing for grip Padded single layer palm";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19325-005";"Galben";"Shift";"Galben";"0" "105998";"SHIFT 3LACK STRIKE PANT DARK RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2139-3lack-strike-pant-dark-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105998/main_images/1wikeGhkxtiY2Nx-3lack-strike-pant-dark-red.webp";"879";"The 3LACK (Black) Label Strike Pants provide a flawless fit with an undeniable style. A combination of rigid and stretch paneling work seamlessly to give you the perfect balance of durability and rider movement. The 600D polyester main body construction feels substantial, yet lightweight and shrugs off daily wear and tear. Articulation is utilized for more natural movements on the bike - thoughtfully cut and sewn, this strategic paneling puts you in the most comfortable riding position possible. On top of that, 4-way stretch knees and back yoke panels add flexibility in all the right places. For when temperatures rise, a combination of laser-cut perforations, vented knee panels, and breathable rear yoke work together to make sure you don't overheat mid-ride. Product Details Rigid and stretch panels for the ideal balance of flexibility and durability 600D main body provides durability while minimizing weight Laser perforated ventilation panels on knees and rear yoke for enhanced airflow Lightweight stretch mesh lower leg for increased comfort inside the boot Stretch rear yoke and front gusset allow for unrestricted movement Triple-layer knee provides excellent abrasion resistance inside & out External leather knee panels for heat & abrasion resistance 4-way rip-stop stretch paneling provides unrestricted movement Form-fitting construction for enhanced on-the-bike performance Internal silicone waistband keeps your jersey tucked Mesh internal liner for increased comfort Premium 3D silicone logo treatment Secure ratchet waist closure";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19312-208";"";"Shift";"";"0" "105999";"SHIFT 3LACK STRIKE PANT YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2138-3lack-strike-pant-yellow";"2 : 1 : 3";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/105999/main_images/ZBd3OqUHVmUthBA-3lack-strike-pant-yellow.webp";"879";"The 3LACK (Black) Label Strike Pants provide a flawless fit with an undeniable style. A combination of rigid and stretch paneling work seamlessly to give you the perfect balance of durability and rider movement. The 600D polyester main body construction feels substantial, yet lightweight and shrugs off daily wear and tear. Articulation is utilized for more natural movements on the bike - thoughtfully cut and sewn, this strategic paneling puts you in the most comfortable riding position possible. On top of that, 4-way stretch knees and back yoke panels add flexibility in all the right places. For when temperatures rise, a combination of laser-cut perforations, vented knee panels, and breathable rear yoke work together to make sure you don't overheat mid-ride. Product Details Rigid and stretch panels for the ideal balance of flexibility and durability 600D main body provides durability while minimizing weight Laser perforated ventilation panels on knees and rear yoke for enhanced airflow Lightweight stretch mesh lower leg for increased comfort inside the boot Stretch rear yoke and front gusset allow for unrestricted movement Triple-layer knee provides excellent abrasion resistance inside & out External leather knee panels for heat & abrasion resistance 4-way rip-stop stretch paneling provides unrestricted movement Form-fitting construction for enhanced on-the-bike performance Internal silicone waistband keeps your jersey tucked Mesh internal liner for increased comfort Premium 3D silicone logo treatment Secure ratchet waist closure";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19312-005";"Galben";"Shift";"Galben";"1" "106001";"SHIFT MX-PANT RECON GRANITE PANT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/223-mx-pant-recon-granite-pant-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106001/main_images/694J6e3BXa1l1Gl-mx-pant-recon-granite-pant-black.webp";"569";"SHIFT Recon Granite Pant - Pantaloni peste cizma care ofera comfort si stil- Matarial extrarezistent din poliester 600D- Talie reglabila- Intarituri de piele in zona interioara a genunchilor pentru a oferii protectie contra abraziunii si temperaturii -Se pot transforma in pantaloni scurti";"";"Lichidari de stoc : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"07572-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "106002";"SHIFT R3CON DRIFT PANT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2200-recon-recon-drift-pant";"1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106002/main_images/NMIQgvPGm02eX78-recon-recon-drift-pant.webp";"589";"The unique multi-functional design of the R3CON Drift Pant combines ruggedness, durability and practicality. With two storage pockets, it’s the perfect pant for all-day riding whether it’s on the road or on the trail. It features rugged durability via a nylon rip stop main body and leather on the inner knee panels. Mobility for on or off your bike is provided by 4-way stretch through the crotch, knee and yoke. Product Details Unique multi-functional design combines durable rugged materials with practical functionality Nylon rip stop main body fabric provides excellent durability Articulated knee panels 4-way stretch through crotch, knee and yoke for increased mobility on and off the bike. Two storage pockets for maximum cross-over functionality Leather on inner knee panels provides extra durability and heat resistance Premium 3D silicone logo treatment Daisy chain webbing on side thighs for additional storage";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19390-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"1" "106003";"SHIFT RECON (RECON) DRIFT PANT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/2201-recon-recon-drift-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106003/main_images/o28t4bEQroPaIcx-recon-recon-drift-pant.webp";"589";"The unique multi-functional design of the R3CON Drift Pant combines ruggedness, durability and practicality. With two storage pockets, it’s the perfect pant for all-day riding whether it’s on the road or on the trail. It features rugged durability via a nylon rip stop main body and leather on the inner knee panels. Mobility for on or off your bike is provided by 4-way stretch through the crotch, knee and yoke. Product Details Unique multi-functional design combines durable rugged materials with practical functionality Nylon rip stop main body fabric provides excellent durability Articulated knee panels 4-way stretch through crotch, knee and yoke for increased mobility on and off the bike. Two storage pockets for maximum cross-over functionality Leather on inner knee panels provides extra durability and heat resistance Premium 3D silicone logo treatment Daisy chain webbing on side thighs for additional storage";"";"Produse : Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"19390-111";"Negru/Verde";"Shift";"Negru/Verde";"0" "106004";"SHIFT WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN PANT [NVY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/2668-whit3-ninety-seven-pant-nvy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106004/main_images/87TbfT2epoqPqrO-whit3-ninety-seven-pant-nvy.webp";"459";"";"";"MX - Enduro : Sosete";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"19324-007";"";"Shift";"";"0" "106005";"SHIFT WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN PANT BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/2149-3lack-strike-pant-dark-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106005/main_images/FxkxyDHAUuweFyH-3lack-strike-pant-dark-red.webp";"459";"";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"19324-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "106006";"SHIFT WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN PANT RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/2150-3lack-strike-pant-dark-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106006/main_images/3QLzu9SbRf4iSsl-3lack-strike-pant-dark-red.webp";"459";"";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"19324-003";"";"Shift";"";"0" "106007";"SHIFT WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN PANT YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/2596-3lack-strike-pant-dark-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106007/main_images/FGzeleRpujMlt3k-3lack-strike-pant-dark-red.webp";"449";"";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"19324-005";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "106008";"SHIFT WHIT3 TARMAC PANT [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/whit3-tarmac-pant-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106008/main_images/aOipCuV2moAhGrq-whit3-tarmac-pant-blu.webp";"399";"";"";"MX - Enduro : Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"19327-002";"Albastru";"Shift";"Albastru";"0" "106009";"SHIFT 3LACK STRIKE JERSEY DARK RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2137-3lack-strike-jersey-dark-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106009/main_images/hmFsqe2gZT5Kdaz-3lack-strike-jersey-dark-red.webp";"259";"The 3LACK (Black) Label Strike Jersey provides an exceptional fit with an undeniable style. This premium motocross jersey focuses on stretch and ventilation to give you the freest and most breathable riding experience possible. The jersey utilizes a multi-panel construction for superior fit and feel. Each fabric, panel and seam placement was purposely selected to maximize the riding experience. The jersey has a close, yet unrestrictive fit, with minimalistic micro-cuffs on the sleeve keeping your arms uninhibited. Moisture-Wicking fabric is used on the main body to keep you cool and dry in hot, humid conditions. Mesh paneling on the arms, sides and lower torso removes excess heat. Product Details Multi-panel construction for a superior fit and feel Technical moisture wicking polyester main body Precision-fit micro sleeve cuffs for minimal wrist restriction Mesh paneling on arms and front lower torso for maximum ventilation Bonded neck opening reduces weight and overall profile Premium 3D silicone logo treatment Fade resistant sublimated graphics Drop tail keeps jersey tucked in";"";"MX - Enduro : Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19311-208";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "106010";"SHIFT 3LACK STRIKE JERSEY YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2135-3lack-strike-jersey-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106010/main_images/5ExifSabORypRVC-3lack-strike-jersey-yellow.webp";"259";"The 3LACK (Black) Label Strike Jersey provides an exceptional fit with an undeniable style. This premium motocross jersey focuses on stretch and ventilation to give you the freest and most breathable riding experience possible. The jersey utilizes a multi-panel construction for superior fit and feel. Each fabric, panel and seam placement was purposely selected to maximize the riding experience. The jersey has a close, yet unrestrictive fit, with minimalistic micro-cuffs on the sleeve keeping your arms uninhibited. Moisture-Wicking fabric is used on the main body to keep you cool and dry in hot, humid conditions. Mesh paneling on the arms, sides and lower torso removes excess heat. Product Details Multi-panel construction for a superior fit and feel Technical moisture wicking polyester main body Precision-fit micro sleeve cuffs for minimal wrist restriction Mesh paneling on arms and front lower torso for maximum ventilation Bonded neck opening reduces weight and overall profile Premium 3D silicone logo treatment Fade resistant sublimated graphics Drop tail keeps jersey tucked in";"";"MX - Enduro : Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19311-005";"Galben";"Shift";"Galben";"0" "106011";"SHIFT 3LUE 4TH Kind Label Jersey";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2198-3lue-4th-kind-label-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106011/main_images/4Oj4e7ipVZOew4G-3lue-4th-kind-label-jersey.webp";"419";"The 3LUE (Blue) Label Jersey radically pushes the boundaries of performance and comfort while emerging as the world's most advanced racewear. Developed specifically for the fastest riders in the world, we cut zero corners on the way to making the most flexible, most durable, most badass looking gearset you have ever seen. We designed the 3LUE Label jersey to be as minimal as possible. It has a streamlined, athletic fit and an innovative RAW wrist opening which reduces drag and restriction. This refined design paired with a 4-way stretch upper torso and sleeves creates a jersey which virtually disappears while you're on the bike. For moisture management, the jersey features TruDri fibers and lightweight, perforated sleeves, so you stay cool, dry and comfortable all day long. Product Details TruDri moisture-wicking main body regulates evaporative cooling on the body TruMotion flex panel across shoulders provides unrestricted 4-way stretch across the upper torso Streamlined athletic fit enhances mobility while reducing drag Extremely lightweight and breathable perforated Nylon/Elastane sleeves eliminate bulk and help regulate body temperature Blended four-way stretch and soft microfiber blend in sleeves add comfort while reducing drag Innovative RAW wrist opening eliminates cuff restriction Bonded neck opening reduces weight and eliminates collar restriction Fade resistant sublimated graphics on a dyed main body Premium 3D silicone logo treatment";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19300-248";"";"Shift";"";"0" "106012";"SHIFT R3CON DRIFT CAMO JERSEY [FAT CAM]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2549-r3con-drift-camo-jersey-fat-cam";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106012/main_images/WihwXgb94xtNqWh-r3con-drift-camo-jersey-fat-cam.webp";"189";"The perfect motocross jersey for on road, trail or at the camp site after your ride, the R3CON Drift jersey features a black-on-black color scheme with a reflective black Shift bar bolt logo on chest. The jersey has the fit and feel of your favorite t-shirt but with added performance features such as paneled mesh on the top of the arms for ventilation and moisture wicking drirelease® technology to keep you comfortable. Product Details Lifestyle influenced design made for on and off the bike performance Dri-Release 85/15 polyester/ cotton fabric Paneled mesh on top of arm for added breathability and ventilation Reflective front chest screen print Relaxed fit for all day comfort";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19389-429";"";"Shift";"";"0" "106013";"SHIFT R3CON DRIFT STRIKE JERSEY [LT GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2550-r3con-drift-strike-jersey-lt-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106013/main_images/Pbr6sMh32vGpgz9-r3con-drift-strike-jersey-lt-gry.webp";"169";"The perfect motocross jersey for on road, trail or at the camp site after your ride, the R3CON Drift jersey features a black-on-black color scheme with a reflective black Shift bar bolt logo on chest. The jersey has the fit and feel of your favorite t-shirt but with added performance features such as paneled mesh on the top of the arms for ventilation and moisture wicking drirelease® technology to keep you comfortable. Product Details Lifestyle influenced design made for on and off the bike performance Dri-Release 85/15 polyester/ cotton fabric Paneled mesh on top of arm for added breathability and ventilation Reflective front chest screen print Relaxed fit for all day comfort";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19391-097";"Gri";"Shift";"Gri";"0" "106014";"SHIFT WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN JERSEY [NVY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2667-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-nvy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106014/main_images/aFax4zmv3Rddklh-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-nvy.webp";"159";"";"";"MX - Enduro : Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19323-007";"";"Shift";"";"0" "106015";"SHIFT WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN JERSEY BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2142-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106015/main_images/q6YMlrENhDGnANU-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-black.webp";"159";"";"";"MX - Enduro : Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19323-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "106016";"SHIFT WHIT3 NINETY SEVEN JERSEY YELLOW";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2595-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106016/main_images/NA06C53MW13RC78-whit3-ninety-seven-jersey-black.webp";"159";"";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19323-005";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "106017";"SHIFT WHIT3 TARMAC JERSEY BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/whit3-tarmac-jersey-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106017/main_images/wQtOVURtaME65II-whit3-tarmac-jersey-blue.webp";"119";"";"";"MX - Enduro : Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19326-002";"Albastru";"Shift";"Albastru";"0" "106018";"SHIFT 3LUE LABEL FLEXFIT HAT [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2300-3lue-label-flexfit-hat-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106018/main_images/MO5gerCnQroibKF-3lue-label-flexfit-hat-blk-vin.webp";"109";"Complete your outfit with the individual style of a Shift hat. The 3LUE Label Flexfit delivers classic comfort and style thats true to you. Product Details Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curved bill Perforated back panel for breathability Barbolt silicone heat transfer on right side 88% Nylon / 12% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19309-587";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "106019";"SHIFT 3LUE LABEL FLEXFIT HAT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/3lue-label-flexfit-hat-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106019/main_images/7TQGvzEgYeTvrxx-3lue-label-flexfit-hat-blk.webp";"109";"Complete your outfit with the individual style of a Shift hat. The 3LUE Label Flexfit delivers classic comfort and style thats true to you. Product Details Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curved bill Perforated back panel for breathability Barbolt silicone heat transfer on right side 88% Nylon / 12% Spandex";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19309-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "106020";"SHIFT CORP HAT SNAPBACK [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2303-corp-hat-snapback-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106020/main_images/yMpOX7OoBaNQ5Ae-corp-hat-snapback-blk.webp";"99";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19461-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "106021";"SHIFT CORP HAT SNAPBACK [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/corp-hat-snapback-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106021/main_images/QlCDUfKrK1z16C1-corp-hat-snapback-drk-rd.webp";"99";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19461-208";"Rosu";"Shift";"Rosu";"0" "106022";"SHIFT CORP HAT SNAPBACK [FAT GRN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2304-corp-hat-snapback-fat-grn";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106022/main_images/hw07Pufv17k55P6-corp-hat-snapback-fat-grn.webp";"99";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19461-111";"Verde";"Shift";"Verde";"0" "106023";"SHIFT WHIT3ABEL SOCK [FAT CAM]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/2669-whit3abel-sock-fat-cam";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106023/main_images/aRuC508A2d2dzge-whit3abel-sock-fat-cam.webp";"119";"";"";"MX - Enduro : Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"19331-429";"";"Shift";"";"0" "106024";"SHIFT WHIT3ABEL SOCK [WHT CAM]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/2670-whit3abel-sock-wht-cam";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106024/main_images/ct3Qq9H9cn4rqOH-whit3abel-sock-wht-cam.webp";"119";"";"";"MX - Enduro : Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"19331-463";"";"Shift";"";"0" "106025";"SHIFT WHIT3 LABEL TEE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/2543-whit3-label-tee-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106025/main_images/4tbtMfAxzVzN4pC-whit3-label-tee-blk.webp";"99";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"20549-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "106026";"Shift WHIT3 LABEL TEE [HTR MDNT] ";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/2544-whit3-label-tee-htr-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106026/main_images/TiFMKI3AZksBQ2q-whit3-label-tee-htr-mdnt.webp";"99";"";"";"Haine Bărbaţi : Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"20549-491";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "106462";"FOX BRIARCLIFF 2 BELT [BRN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/3287-briarcliff-2-belt-brn";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106462/main_images/dzQD2f3hALZwqtd-briarcliff-2-belt-brn-d2a.webp";"179";"";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"21096-081";"Maro";"FOX Racing";"Maro";"0" "106463";"FOX BULLETPROOF BELT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/bulletproof-belt-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106463/main_images/wabLhm9ZbwqIpPl-bulletproof-belt-blk.webp";"99";"";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"21428-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106464";"FOX FLECTION PU BELT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/flection-pu-belt-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106464/main_images/XtUPuuNJBMwX4RL-flection-pu-belt-blk.webp";"99";"Accessories are the exclamation point of style. Make a bold proclamation with the Fox Flection belt. It's made from a stylish combination of polyurethane and polyester herringbone and features a metal Fox logo buckle as well as screen printed artwork. This is the perfect addition to any look, and, of course, it also does a great job of keeping your pants up. FEATURES Men's belt Metal buckle Screen printed logos Single prong closure MATERIALS 100% polyester herringbone W/100% PU SIZES Small = 28-32"" Medium = 32-34"" Large = 36-38"" X-Large = 40-42""";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"21097-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106465";"FOX FLECTION PU BELT [ERLD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/3313-flection-pu-belt-erld";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106465/main_images/Mg98MR47nauQ8y5-flection-pu-belt-erld-3dc.webp";"99";"Accessories are the exclamation point of style. Make a bold proclamation with the Fox Flection belt. It's made from a stylish combination of polyurethane and polyester herringbone and features a metal Fox logo buckle as well as screen printed artwork. This is the perfect addition to any look, and, of course, it also does a great job of keeping your pants up. FEATURES Men's belt Metal buckle Screen printed logos Single prong closure MATERIALS 100% polyester herringbone W/100% PU SIZES Small = 28-32"" Medium = 32-34"" Large = 36-38"" X-Large = 40-42""";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"21097-294";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "106466";"FOX HARKEN CREW FLEECE [FAT GRN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/3318-harken-crew-fleece-fat-grn";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106466/main_images/q5xzCut2Xk7UtTu-3768-large-default-harken-crew-fleece-fat-grn-f60.webp";"228";"";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"21151-111";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "106467";"FOX HAWLISSS AIRLINE TEE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/hawlisss-airline-tee-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106467/main_images/09XPqLcfF1frvSz-hawlisss-airline-tee-blk-80f.webp";"149";"When it comes to comfort, performance, and style, the Hawliss Long Sleeve Airline tee is playing with a full deck. The ace up the long sleeve A plated construction that combines unbelievably soft cotton with moisture wicking TruDri technology. The result is unreal comfort and functionality to keep up with running, biking, working out or going out. FEATURES: Incredibly soft Airline fabrication Wicks sweat to keep you dry Dries fast to keep you comfortable Fox/Fox Head logo front TPR transfer logo on bottom hem Crew neckline Length (HPS): 30.5"" FABRIC TruDri wicking fibers Exterior: Soft for maximum comfort Interior: Wicks sweat to keep you dry 65% Cotton / 35% polyester plated jersey, 160gm";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"21402-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106468";"FOX HAWLISSS AIRLINE TEE [FAT GRN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/3319-hawlisss-airline-tee-fat-grn";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106468/main_images/wCQlFt6IyejrYIZ-hawlisss-airline-tee-fat-grn-5f9.webp";"149";"When it comes to comfort, performance, and style, the Hawliss Long Sleeve Airline tee is playing with a full deck. The ace up the long sleeve A plated construction that combines unbelievably soft cotton with moisture wicking TruDri technology. The result is unreal comfort and functionality to keep up with running, biking, working out or going out. FEATURES: Incredibly soft Airline fabrication Wicks sweat to keep you dry Dries fast to keep you comfortable Fox/Fox Head logo front TPR transfer logo on bottom hem Crew neckline Length (HPS): 30.5"" FABRIC TruDri wicking fibers Exterior: Soft for maximum comfort Interior: Wicks sweat to keep you dry 65% Cotton / 35% polyester plated jersey, 160gm";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"21402-111";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "106469";"FOX LEGACY CREW FLEECE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/3232-legacy-crew-fleece-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106469/main_images/TVFkfyiuo5k2zcB-legacy-crew-fleece-blk.webp";"219";"The Legacy Crewneck Sweatshirt is as timeless as it is comfortable. It offers the relaxed feel of your favorite sweatshirt in a classic crewneck silhouette. The raglan sleeves provide mobility and a flexible feel. FEATURES Soft brushed interior 280 g fleece is perfect for when it's just a little too cold for a t-shirt Fox/Fox Head smooth print art at front body Length (HPS): 30"", size large FABRIC 80% Cotton 20% Polyester Fleece, 280g";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"21141-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106470";"FOX LEGACY CREW FLEECE [LT GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/3344-legacy-crew-fleece-lt-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106470/main_images/H9vMidrZizLhASE-legacy-crew-fleece-lt-gry-f58.webp";"199";"The Legacy Crewneck Sweatshirt is as timeless as it is comfortable. It offers the relaxed feel of your favorite sweatshirt in a classic crewneck silhouette. The raglan sleeves provide mobility and a flexible feel. FEATURES Soft brushed interior 280 g fleece is perfect for when it's just a little too cold for a t-shirt Fox/Fox Head smooth print art at front body Length (HPS): 30"", size large FABRIC 80% Cotton 20% Polyester Fleece, 280g";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"21141-097";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106471";"FOX LEGACY CREW FLEECE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/3352-legacy-crew-fleece-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106471/main_images/mXQj3eiwnfsLQst-legacy-crew-fleece-mdnt-e5e.webp";"219";"The Legacy Crewneck Sweatshirt is as timeless as it is comfortable. It offers the relaxed feel of your favorite sweatshirt in a classic crewneck silhouette. The raglan sleeves provide mobility and a flexible feel. FEATURES Soft brushed interior 280 g fleece is perfect for when it's just a little too cold for a t-shirt Fox/Fox Head smooth print art at front body Length (HPS): 30"", size large FABRIC 80% Cotton 20% Polyester Fleece, 280g";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"21141-329";"Albastru/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru/Negru";"0" "106473";"FOX INSTINCT BOOT [LT GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2685-instinct-boot-blk-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106473/main_images/51x1dlVaMUkKNPK-instinct-boot-blk-blk.webp";"2819";"A STEP AHEADInstinct Boots offer premium performance right out of the box. With its hinge and buckle system, it provides an immediate step in comfort and support - no break in required. Additionally, the hinge provides lateral support and locks out to stop motion before hyperflexion. The Instinct Boot has a slim medial design to give you an intuitive feel of the bike, with a low ride chassis providing smooth shifting and better control of the rear brake. The outsole and burn guard utilizes our Duratec compound for grip and durability. This proprietary rubber was engineered to give you the greatest advantage on the track. FEATURESHinge Lockout stops motion before hyperextensionOur exclusive Duratac Fox rubber compound provides improved durability and unprecedented grip on outsole and burn guardA slim medial design keeps you close to the bike with the Duratac burn guard giving gripLow ride chassis brings the foot lower and closer to the foot pegSlim toe box for easy shifting and a slimmer overall profileReplaceable sole";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"12252-097";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106478";"AIROH MOVEMENT-S STEEL WHITE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/3513-casca-movement-s-cut-white-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106478/main_images/hybigYdZUvjYaMT-casca-movement-s-cut-white-matt.webp";"898";"Casca Movement. Castigatoare in comparatia revistei Motorrad din Germania dedicata castilor cu viziera de soare. Casca fabricata din termoplastic din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extra-wide , lentila pinlock inclusa. Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme.";"";"Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"MVSST38";"Alb";"Airoh";"Alb";"0" "106479";"AIROH J-106 CRUDE GREEN MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/j-106-command";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106479/main_images/fCTxq2Gu3gVGEGf-j-106-command.webp";"798";"EXTERIOR THERMOPLASTIC P/J DUBLA OMOLOGARE (P=PROTECTIVEAND J=JET)TESTATA IN TUNEL DE VANT TOTAL SILENTIOASAMAXIM COMFORTMAXIMA SIGURANTAPINLOCK READYBLUETOOTH READYgreutate: 1340 G.marimi: XS (53-54) - S (55-56) - M (57-58) - L (59-60) - XL (6";"";"Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"J6CR70";"Verde";"Airoh";"Verde";"0" "106481";"AIROH STORM COLOR BLACK MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/1933-storm-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106481/main_images/XBnhbGIUK0yWjFz-storm-color.webp";"699";"Casca Storm Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide , pinlock ready Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme";"";"Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"ST11";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "106482";"AIROH STORM SPRINTER BLACK MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/storm-sprinter-blk-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106482/main_images/dXNdctK144YiZOY-x-255.webp";"898";"Casca Storm Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide , pinlock ready Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme";"";"Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"STS11";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "106485";"AIROH SWITCH SPACER YELLOW GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2024-casca-switch-spacer-yellow-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106485/main_images/RkVMer46BNKNPaj-casca-switch-spacer-yellow-gloss.webp";"669";"Casca Switch reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate: 1270 g +- 50 gr. Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt: numarul ridicat de ventilatii, greutate redusa, interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil.";"";"Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"SWSP31";"Galben";"Airoh";"Galben";"0" "106494";"AIROH SWITCH SPACER ORANGE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2025-casca-switch-spacer-orange-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106494/main_images/Afs1nOJhsK488IE-casca-switch-spacer-orange-gloss.webp";"669";"Casca Switch reprezinta evolutia modelului Jumper disponibila intr-o multitudine de modele grafice. Greutate: 1270 g +- 50 gr. Imbunatatirile aduse acestui model sunt: numarul ridicat de ventilatii, greutate redusa, interior detasabil si usor de spalat. Legatura Double D omologata si cozoroc ajustabil.";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"SWSP32";"Portocaliu";"Airoh";"Portocaliu";"0" "106498";"AIROH TWIST MIX VIOLET GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/casca-twist-mix-violet-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106498/main_images/6DAfaj32Ed7Ujpd-casca-twist-mix-violet-gloss.webp";"998";"Casca Twist 1100G -Termoplastic -Usoara, rezistenta ,design agresiv, Captuseala detasabila , usor de curatat , permite circulatia aerului, si asugura confort. -Filtru antipraf si antinisip detasabil pentru a putea fi spalat -Aprobata ACU";"";"Casti Airoh : manual";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"TWMX54";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "106503";"FOX HRC ATTACK WATER JACKET [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/3502-hrc-attack-water-jacket-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106503/main_images/QCDzid7DLuRccuJ-hrc-attack-water-jacket-rd.webp";"699";"Atunci când condițiile de cursă se înrăutățesc, geaca Fox HRC Redplate Pro Flexair este cea mai potrivită alegere. Aceasta oferă combinația ideală de căldură, rezistență la apă, respirabilitate și robustețe, astfel încât să puteți suporta orice furtună. Construcția cu 3 straturi creează un mediu cald în interiorul gecii, menține ploaia la suprafață și permite evacuarea excesului de căldură și a transpirației. În plus, i-am oferit tratamentul cu DWR, cusături pe deplin sigilate și fermoare impermeabile. Această protecție în condiții de vreme umedă este combinată cu izolația Primaloft®, astfel încât să aveți toată caldura de care aveți nevoie fără greutate. În cele din urmă, jacheta are o țesătură extensibilă în 4 direcții pentru mișcare, un design al picioarelor pentru o acoperire suplimentară în spate și plasturele Cordura® pentru a rezista la uzură în medii accidentate.";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"22507-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "106504";"FOX HRC FLEXAIR JACKET [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/3500-hrc-flexair-jacket-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106504/main_images/Ip0bHPDzCTHvr9I-hrc-flexair-jacket-rd.webp";"1299";"Atunci când condițiile de cursă se înrăutățesc, geaca Fox HRC Redplate Pro Flexair este cea mai potrivită alegere. Aceasta oferă combinația ideală de căldură, rezistență la apă, respirabilitate și robustețe, astfel încât să puteți suporta orice furtună. Construcția cu 3 straturi creează un mediu cald în interiorul gecii, menține ploaia la suprafață și permite evacuarea excesului de căldură și a transpirației. În plus, i-am oferit tratamentul cu DWR, cusături pe deplin sigilate și fermoare impermeabile. Această protecție în condiții de vreme umedă este combinată cu izolația Primaloft®, astfel încât să aveți toată caldura de care aveți nevoie fără greutate. În cele din urmă, jacheta are o țesătură extensibilă în 4 direcții pentru mișcare, un design al picioarelor pentru o acoperire suplimentară în spate și plasturele Cordura® pentru a rezista la uzură în medii accidentate.";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"22502-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "106505";"FOX HRC PIT JACKET [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/3501-hrc-pit-jacket-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106505/main_images/iKy0Xa2voIQjNag-hrc-pit-jacket-rd.webp";"699";"Atunci când condițiile de cursă se înrăutățesc, geaca Fox HRC Redplate Pro Flexair este cea mai potrivită alegere. Aceasta oferă combinația ideală de căldură, rezistență la apă, respirabilitate și robustețe, astfel încât să puteți suporta orice furtună. Construcția cu 3 straturi creează un mediu cald în interiorul gecii, menține ploaia la suprafață și permite evacuarea excesului de căldură și a transpirației. În plus, i-am oferit tratamentul cu DWR, cusături pe deplin sigilate și fermoare impermeabile. Această protecție în condiții de vreme umedă este combinată cu izolația Primaloft®, astfel încât să aveți toată caldura de care aveți nevoie fără greutate. În cele din urmă, jacheta are o țesătură extensibilă în 4 direcții pentru mișcare, un design al picioarelor pentru o acoperire suplimentară în spate și plasturele Cordura® pentru a rezista la uzură în medii accidentate.";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"22506-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "106506";"FOX PIT RAIN JACKET [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/3407-pit-rain-jacket-blk";"2 : 1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106506/main_images/8MxnjVyXxyFgjgy-pit-rain-jacket-blk-350.webp";"409";"Pelerina de ploaie va protejeaza in conditii extreme de ploaie sau vant. Se poate folosi si peste echipament.";"";"Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"20147-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"1" "106508";"FOX REDPLATE PIT JACKET [STL GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci-casual-barbati/3504-redplate-pit-jacket-stl-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106508/main_images/4LD059nisr7LDLD-redplate-pit-jacket-stl-gry.webp";"699";"Atunci când condițiile de cursă se înrăutățesc, geaca Fox HRC Redplate Pro Flexair este cea mai potrivită alegere. Aceasta oferă combinația ideală de căldură, rezistență la apă, respirabilitate și robustețe, astfel încât să puteți suporta orice furtună. Construcția cu 3 straturi creează un mediu cald în interiorul gecii, menține ploaia la suprafață și permite evacuarea excesului de căldură și a transpirației. În plus, i-am oferit tratamentul cu DWR, cusături pe deplin sigilate și fermoare impermeabile. Această protecție în condiții de vreme umedă este combinată cu izolația Primaloft®, astfel încât să aveți toată caldura de care aveți nevoie fără greutate. În cele din urmă, jacheta are o țesătură extensibilă în 4 direcții pentru mișcare, un design al picioarelor pentru o acoperire suplimentară în spate și plasturele Cordura® pentru a rezista la uzură în medii accidentate.";"";"Geci";"451";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Geci";"22563-172";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106509";"LEATT JACKET GPX 4.5 X-FLOW LIME/BLU";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/1817-jacket-gpx-45-x-flow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106509/main_images/sBV7ro0RHtsDqbW-jacket-gpx-45-x-flow.webp";"998";"Geaca GPX 4.5 X-FLOW este usoara, confortabila, prevazuta cu 6 buzunare. Buzunar interior pentru hidratare, pana la 3 l. Construita din panouri x-flow si spandura. Rezistenta la abraziune in zona coatelor. Compatibila cu neck brace.  Rezistenta la apa, jacheta de performanta off-road a fost conceputa pentru a vă face ziua mai frumoasa - chiar și în cele mai exigente medii. Foarte durabila pentru condiții mai dure, este echipata cu un buzunar intern de hidratare cu un sistem de suspensie a rezervorului de apa. Exterior impermeabil la apă și la murdărie, uscare rapida, în timp ce ventilația reglabilă vă va menține racoros în condiții fierbinți. Coatele sunt întărite cu un strat de protecție, o peliculă ultra-subțire flexibilă, crescand rezistența la zgârieturi și abraziune a materialului. Jacheta este personalizată, permițându-vă să mergeți in călătorii cu sau fără armura de protectie a corpului, iar gulerul Leatt se poate purta cu sau fără prinderile de gât. Deci, nu există nici o scuză! Rezistență la apă și cu o textura rezistentă la murdărie. Brate pre-curbate, cu zip-off cu ventilație reglabilă, cusături de siguranță pe mai multe rânduri.";"";"Geci : manual : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"501781033";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106510";"LEATT JACKET GPX 4.5 LITE BLK/GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/jacket-gpx-45-x-lite-blk-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106510/main_images/mC1MrR6H1ZUrbzO-jacket-gpx-45-x-flow-orange-black.webp";"898";"Geaca GPX 4.5 X-FLOW este usoara, confortabila, prevazuta cu 6 buzunare. Buzunar interior pentru hidratare, pana la 3 l. Construita din panouri x-flow si spandura. Rezistenta la abraziune in zona coatelor. Compatibila cu neck brace.  Rezistenta la apa, jacheta de performanta off-road a fost conceputa pentru a vă face ziua mai frumoasa - chiar și în cele mai exigente medii. Foarte durabila pentru condiții mai dure, este echipata cu un buzunar intern de hidratare cu un sistem de suspensie a rezervorului de apa. Exterior impermeabil la apă și la murdărie, uscare rapida, în timp ce ventilația reglabilă vă va menține racoros în condiții fierbinți. Coatele sunt întărite cu un strat de protecție, o peliculă ultra-subțire flexibilă, crescand rezistența la zgârieturi și abraziune a materialului. Jacheta este personalizată, permițându-vă să mergeți in călătorii cu sau fără armura de protectie a corpului, iar gulerul Leatt se poate purta cu sau fără prinderile de gât. Deci, nu există nici o scuză! Rezistență la apă și cu o textura rezistentă la murdărie. Brate pre-curbate, cu zip-off cu ventilație reglabilă, cusături de siguranță pe mai multe rânduri.";"";"Geci : manual : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"501870010";"Negru/Portocaliu";"Leatt";"Negru/Portocaliu";"0" "106511";"LEATT JACKET GPX 5.5 ENDURO KAKI/BLK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/geci/jacket-gpx-55-enduro-kaki-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106511/main_images/AuE3n7WmxPtj4or-jacket-gpx-45-x-flow-orange-black.webp";"1499";"Geaca GPX 4.5 X-FLOW este usoara, confortabila, prevazuta cu 6 buzunare. Buzunar interior pentru hidratare, pana la 3 l. Construita din panouri x-flow si spandura. Rezistenta la abraziune in zona coatelor. Compatibila cu neck brace.  Rezistenta la apa, jacheta de performanta off-road a fost conceputa pentru a vă face ziua mai frumoasa - chiar și în cele mai exigente medii. Foarte durabila pentru condiții mai dure, este echipata cu un buzunar intern de hidratare cu un sistem de suspensie a rezervorului de apa. Exterior impermeabil la apă și la murdărie, uscare rapida, în timp ce ventilația reglabilă vă va menține racoros în condiții fierbinți. Coatele sunt întărite cu un strat de protecție, o peliculă ultra-subțire flexibilă, crescand rezistența la zgârieturi și abraziune a materialului. Jacheta este personalizată, permițându-vă să mergeți in călătorii cu sau fără armura de protectie a corpului, iar gulerul Leatt se poate purta cu sau fără prinderile de gât. Deci, nu există nici o scuză! Rezistență la apă și cu o textura rezistentă la murdărie. Brate pre-curbate, cu zip-off cu ventilație reglabilă, cusături de siguranță pe mai multe rânduri.";"";"Geci : manual : Geci";"61";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Geci";"501781035";"Portocaliu/Negru";"Leatt";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "106512";"FOX AXIS ZIP FLEECE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/3236-axis-zip-fleece-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106512/main_images/gCdQKYrXCi5qTKH-axis-zip-fleece-blk.webp";"299";"This is how you stay cozy and keep going on. The Axis Zip Fleece is constructed from a soft and warm cotton/poly fleece with a stretch nylon woven on the hood, sleeves & shoulders. Dual hand pockets, a full-length zipper, and the adjustable hood helps you regulate your temperature to maintain comfort. And Fox artwork on the front ensures that everyone knows you're a proud Fox Head. FEATURES Hood with drawcord for adjustable coverage Full-length front zipper Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Logo zipper pull at center front zipper Fox Head silicone heat transfer on shoulder Screen print artwork on right shoulder TPR heat transfer at bottom left pocket Dual welt hand pockets Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330gm Nylon/spandex stretch woven topped on hood, sleeves & shoulders";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"21150-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106513";"FOX FLECTION ZIP FLEECE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/3233-flection-zip-fleece-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106513/main_images/5cVFpQigqsJF0BG-flection-zip-fleece-blk.webp";"249";"Start off your day in comfort in the Flection Zip Hoodie. Made with a soft cotton, polyester fleece, this full-length zip hoodie is perfect for early starts or chilly evenings. Custom Fox screenprints on the chest and other smart details elevate the design. FEATURES Full-length front zipper Drawcord hood for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Logo zipper pull at center front Front kanga style pocket Fox artwork on front Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330gm";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"21142-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106514";"FOX FLECTION ZIP FLEECE [DST BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/3311-flection-zip-fleece-dst-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106514/main_images/sRRdQyT8AApt9Co-3797-large-default-flection-zip-fleece-dst-blu-0cf.webp";"249";"Start off your day in comfort in the Flection Zip Hoodie. Made with a soft cotton, polyester fleece, this full-length zip hoodie is perfect for early starts or chilly evenings. Custom Fox screenprints on the chest and other smart details elevate the design. FEATURES Full-length front zipper Drawcord hood for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Logo zipper pull at center front Front kanga style pocket Fox artwork on front Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330gm";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"21142-157";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "106515";"FOX FOX PRO CIRCUIT PO FLC [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/fox-pro-circuit-po-flc-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106515/main_images/BZAcyagPWpE0Dy0-fox-pro-circuit-po-flc-blk.webp";"249";"By collaborating with Pro Circuit, two legends combined to bring you gear that hits all your style requirements. The Fox Pro Circuit pullover hoodie is cut from a soft cotton fleece blend for exceptional comfort and warmth - perfect for wearing trackside while you warm up the bikes. The Fox x Pro Circuit graphics are featured prominently on the front. And details like silicone coated aglets, adjustable drawcord, and front hand warmer pockets round out the hoodie. FEATURES Heavyweight fleece Official licensed Pro Circuit Soft brushed interior for comfort & warmth Drawcord hood for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Length (HPS): 30; size large FABRIC 80% Cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330g";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"21148-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106516";"FOX FOX PRO CIRCUIT PO FLC [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/3334-fox-pro-circuit-po-flc-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106516/main_images/TuqlN33OIhyEfk7-fox-pro-circuit-po-flc-htr-graph-c00.webp";"249";"By collaborating with Pro Circuit, two legends combined to bring you gear that hits all your style requirements. The Fox Pro Circuit pullover hoodie is cut from a soft cotton fleece blend for exceptional comfort and warmth - perfect for wearing trackside while you warm up the bikes. The Fox x Pro Circuit graphics are featured prominently on the front. And details like silicone coated aglets, adjustable drawcord, and front hand warmer pockets round out the hoodie. FEATURES Heavyweight fleece Official licensed Pro Circuit Soft brushed interior for comfort & warmth Drawcord hood for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Length (HPS): 30; size large FABRIC 80% Cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330g";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"21148-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106517";"FOX FOX PRO CIRCUIT ZIP FLEECE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/3234-fox-pro-circuit-zip-fleece-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106517/main_images/w7Kjo9P9pDMWRgj-fox-pro-circuit-zip-fleece-blk-964.webp";"249";"Season after season, we work with leading motocross teams to bring you apparel that reflects the best in motocross culture. By collaborating with Pro Circuit, two legends combined to bring you gear that hits all your style requirements. The Fox Pro Circuit Zip hoodie is cut from a soft cotton fleece blend for exceptional comfort and warmth - perfect for wearing trackside while you warm up the bikes. The Fox x Pro Circuit graphics are featured prominently on the front. And details like silicone coated aglets, adjustable drawcord, and front hand warmer pockets round out the hoodie. FEATURES Fox x Pro Circuit Collection Full-length front zipper Drawcord hood for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Logo zipper pull at center front Front kanga style pocket Fox Head logo on front Pro Circuit art on back Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330gm";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"21147-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106518";"FOX FOX PRO CIRCUIT ZIP FLEECE [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/3333-fox-pro-circuit-zip-fleece-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106518/main_images/xmtiEfDJGUYpkyq-fox-pro-circuit-zip-fleece-htr-graph-358.webp";"249";"Season after season, we work with leading motocross teams to bring you apparel that reflects the best in motocross culture. By collaborating with Pro Circuit, two legends combined to bring you gear that hits all your style requirements. The Fox Pro Circuit Zip hoodie is cut from a soft cotton fleece blend for exceptional comfort and warmth - perfect for wearing trackside while you warm up the bikes. The Fox x Pro Circuit graphics are featured prominently on the front. And details like silicone coated aglets, adjustable drawcord, and front hand warmer pockets round out the hoodie. FEATURES Fox x Pro Circuit Collection Full-length front zipper Drawcord hood for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Logo zipper pull at center front Front kanga style pocket Fox Head logo on front Pro Circuit art on back Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330gm";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"21147-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106519";"FOX LEGACY MOTH PO FLEECE [DST BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/3312-legacy-moth-po-fleece-dst-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106519/main_images/ml1bsSTsF60KPNL-3996-large-default-legacy-moth-po-fleece-dst-blu-ba7.webp";"299";"The Legacy Moth Pullover Hoodie provides casual comfort. It's constructed from a soft cotton/polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. FEATURES Heavyweight fleece Soft brushed interior for comfort & warmth Drawcord hood for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% Cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330g";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"20555-157";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "106520";"FOX LEGACY MOTH PO FLEECE [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/3331-legacy-moth-po-fleece-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106520/main_images/8pEjBmcLkO2tD01-legacy-moth-po-fleece-htr-graph-1e0.webp";"299";"The Legacy Moth Pullover Hoodie provides casual comfort. It's constructed from a soft cotton/polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. FEATURES Heavyweight fleece Soft brushed interior for comfort & warmth Drawcord hood for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% Cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330g";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"20555-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106521";"FOX LEGACY ZIP FLEECE [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/3349-legacy-zip-fleece-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106521/main_images/Iq9s8TdzbMWejGP-3656-large-default-legacy-zip-fleece-mdnt-0b5.webp";"299";"The Legacy Fox Head Zip Hoodie provides casual comfort with bold Fox branding. It's constructed from a soft cotton/polyester fleece with hand warmer pockets and adjustable hood, making it the perfect layer on chilly nights and early starts. Details include silicone coated eyelets and aglets, and a durable YKK zipper. FEATURES Fox Head embroidery on chest Durable YKK full length zipper Silicone coated aglets and eyelets Kangaroo style pocket for hand warmth Soft brushed polyester fleece Drawstring for adjustable coverage Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 330gm Soft brushed polyester fleece";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"17616-329";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106522";"FOX LISTLESS PULLOVER FLEECE [FAT GRN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/3317-listless-pullover-fleece-fat-grn";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106522/main_images/fDuyeeqaORiYsA4-listless-pullover-fleece-fat-grn-b37.webp";"199";"Time to layer up and get comfortable. In the transitional time between winter and spring, the Listless Pullover hoodie will keep you warm and looking ridiculously good. Fine details like silicone coated eyelets and aglets, woven labels and printed artwork elevate the design. Nothing is overlooked. FEATURES Drawcord hood for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Front Fox/Fox Head screen print Front kanga style pocket Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 280gm";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"21144-111";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "106523";"FOX LISTLESS PULLOVER FLEECE [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/3353-listless-pullover-fleece-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106523/main_images/0NBZlo8sNTOvsMw-listless-pullover-fleece-mdnt-ce7.webp";"199";"Time to layer up and get comfortable. In the transitional time between winter and spring, the Listless Pullover hoodie will keep you warm and looking ridiculously good. Fine details like silicone coated eyelets and aglets, woven labels and printed artwork elevate the design. Nothing is overlooked. FEATURES Drawcord hood for adjustable coverage Silicone coated eyelets & aglets Front Fox/Fox Head screen print Front kanga style pocket Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 280gm";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"21144-329";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106524";"FOX RENEGADE PULLOVER FLEECE HEATHET M BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/1-1029-renegade-pullover-fleece";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106524/main_images/DwruQ7g0jQ5dhdj-renegade-pullover-fleece.webp";"249";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"18878-492";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "106525";"FOX WINOB ZIP FLEECE [FAT GRN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/3316-winob-zip-fleece-fat-grn";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106525/main_images/FFrjK1OtdBjE2L1-winob-zip-fleece-fat-grn-337.webp";"199";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"21143-111";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "106526";"FOX WINOB ZIP FLEECE [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hanorace-casual-barbati/3332-winob-zip-fleece-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106526/main_images/qwj7Y1AZjq5KdBT-winob-zip-fleece-htr-graph-baf.webp";"199";"";"";"Hanorace";"365";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Hanorace";"21143-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106527";"SHIFT 3LUE LABEL ZIP FLEECE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/2301-3lue-label-zip-fleece-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106527/main_images/FYLgFun4xtCNTSZ-3lue-label-zip-fleece-blk.webp";"359";"Our motocross gear delivers world-class performance; this hoody is no different. Designed with premium fabrics, a comfortable fit and unique, unrepressed style, the 3LUE Label Zip Fleece is perfect for chilly days on the track. Product Details Full-length zipper for adjustable coverage Engineered sublimated artwork Drawstring for adjustable coverage Kanga style pocket 100% cotton french terry";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"19347-001";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "106528";"SHIFT 3LUE LABEL ZIP FLEECE [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/2302-3lue-label-zip-fleece-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106528/main_images/c08JDV3Z3rZTbaE-shift-3lue-label-zip-fleece-htr-graph-6ae.webp";"359";"Our motocross gear delivers world-class performance; this hoody is no different. Designed with premium fabrics, a comfortable fit and unique, unrepressed style, the 3LUE Label Zip Fleece is perfect for chilly days on the track. Product Details Full-length zipper for adjustable coverage Engineered sublimated artwork Drawstring for adjustable coverage Kanga style pocket 100% cotton french terry";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"19347-185";"Gri";"Shift";"Gri";"0" "106529";"FOX 360 GRAV GLOVE [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3281-360-grav-glove-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106529/main_images/p5kZMBVazX00gXG-3869-large-default-360-grav-glove-blu-aa8.webp";"199";"The 360 Glove is unparalleled in fit, dexterity, and handlebar control. By incorporating advanced materials and innovative technology, the glove brings a whole new level of connection. Stretch Cordura ripstop fabric is used to increase durability while maintaining remarkable flexibility. Our exclusive TruFeel technology delivers better precision and sensitivity by placing direct injected internal TPR knobbies at your fingertips. The result is increased dexterity while grabbing levers, tearoffs, and zippers. The fully articulated design features TPR padding for impact protection. And a compression molded wrist closure provides a ultra-secure fit without feeling tight or restricting. New chassis construction for improved fit and function Stretch Cordura® top of hand construction for complete mobility Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations Stretch mesh finger gussets Fully articulated, direct inject TPR knuckle coverage Compression molded neoprene cuff with hook and loop closure for secure fit TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies direct injected at fingertips Silicone print on finger tips for added lever grip TruFeel: Our exclusive technology delivers better precision and sensitivity by placing direct injected internal TPR knobbies inside each glove to contact your thumbs and two inner fingers.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"17289-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "106530";"FOX 360 GRAV GLOVE [YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3387-360-grav-glove-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106530/main_images/uU3nKdCW0llydjI-3551-large-default-360-grav-glove-ylw-d4a.webp";"199";"The 360 Glove is unparalleled in fit, dexterity, and handlebar control. By incorporating advanced materials and innovative technology, the glove brings a whole new level of connection. Stretch Cordura ripstop fabric is used to increase durability while maintaining remarkable flexibility. Our exclusive TruFeel technology delivers better precision and sensitivity by placing direct injected internal TPR knobbies at your fingertips. The result is increased dexterity while grabbing levers, tearoffs, and zippers. The fully articulated design features TPR padding for impact protection. And a compression molded wrist closure provides a ultra-secure fit without feeling tight or restricting. New chassis construction for improved fit and function Stretch Cordura® top of hand construction for complete mobility Single layer Clarino® palm with strategically placed perforations Stretch mesh finger gussets Fully articulated, direct inject TPR knuckle coverage Compression molded neoprene cuff with hook and loop closure for secure fit TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies direct injected at fingertips Silicone print on finger tips for added lever grip TruFeel: Our exclusive technology delivers better precision and sensitivity by placing direct injected internal TPR knobbies inside each glove to contact your thumbs and two inner fingers.";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"17289-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "106531";"FOX ASCENT GLOVE [DRK FAT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi-bike/3302-ascent-glove-drk-fat";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106531/main_images/B7y06tH5Wko41x4-ascent-glove-drk-fat-b61.webp";"159";"The Ascent is our lightest, most minimally designed glove. This means more bar feel, more control, and more dexterity. It features a 4-way stretch and slip-on cuff for that ""barely there"" feel. The palm uses a premium goatskin leather for comfort, grip, and durability. These gloves are also touchscreen compatible thanks to a conductive thread on the thumb and index finger. Capture every moment and share with #foxmtb. Minimalistic design for optimal comfort 4-way stretch Lycra construction Conductive thread on thumb and index finger for touch screen compatibility Premium goatskin leather palm for comfort, maximum grip and durability Minimal mid-length wrist cuff for secure fit";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"445";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Manusi";"21448-161";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "106532";"FOX ATTACK GLOVE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3479-attack-glove-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106532/main_images/2t9VGZBV62ksTQf-attack-glove-blk.webp";"228";"The all new Attack glove features trail tested All Mountain knuckle protection provided by D30 - the world leader in impact protecting foam. The D3O padding allows the gloves to stay flexible for ease of movement, but upon impact, they instantly harden to provide bulletproof protection on the knuckles. The palm is a single layer Clarino for excellent bar feel and features TRUFEEL, a sensitivity-enhancing technology on the fingers. TRUFEEL uses internal TPR knobbies on the inside of the glove to heightened sensation and feedback, so you have maximum control of the levers. Lastly, the Attack Glove features a Conductive Clarion palm so you can use your phone without removing your gloves. Capture every moment and feel free to share - #foxmtb. Premium D30 knuckle guard for impact protection Stretch Cordura ripstop construction withcompression molded neoprene Single layer Clarino palm with strategicallyD30 Aero foam protection Conductive Clarino palm for touch screencompatibility TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies directinjected at fingertips Compression molded cuff for secure fit";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"21443-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106533";"FOX ATTACK GLOVE [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3480-attack-glove-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106533/main_images/orDYcBHPsINNsGS-attack-glove-drk-rd.webp";"228";"The all new Attack glove features trail tested All Mountain knuckle protection provided by D30 - the world leader in impact protecting foam. The D3O padding allows the gloves to stay flexible for ease of movement, but upon impact, they instantly harden to provide bulletproof protection on the knuckles. The palm is a single layer Clarino for excellent bar feel and features TRUFEEL, a sensitivity-enhancing technology on the fingers. TRUFEEL uses internal TPR knobbies on the inside of the glove to heightened sensation and feedback, so you have maximum control of the levers. Lastly, the Attack Glove features a Conductive Clarion palm so you can use your phone without removing your gloves. Capture every moment and feel free to share - #foxmtb. Premium D30 knuckle guard for impact protection Stretch Cordura ripstop construction withcompression molded neoprene Single layer Clarino palm with strategicallyD30 Aero foam protection Conductive Clarino palm for touch screencompatibility TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies directinjected at fingertips Compression molded cuff for secure fit";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"21443-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "106534";"FOX ATTACK GLOVE [PNE]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3481-attack-glove-pne";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106534/main_images/xcdFVvQGhANdLNz-attack-glove-pne.webp";"228";"The all new Attack glove features trail tested All Mountain knuckle protection provided by D30 - the world leader in impact protecting foam. The D3O padding allows the gloves to stay flexible for ease of movement, but upon impact, they instantly harden to provide bulletproof protection on the knuckles. The palm is a single layer Clarino for excellent bar feel and features TRUFEEL, a sensitivity-enhancing technology on the fingers. TRUFEEL uses internal TPR knobbies on the inside of the glove to heightened sensation and feedback, so you have maximum control of the levers. Lastly, the Attack Glove features a Conductive Clarion palm so you can use your phone without removing your gloves. Capture every moment and feel free to share - #foxmtb. Premium D30 knuckle guard for impact protection Stretch Cordura ripstop construction withcompression molded neoprene Single layer Clarino palm with strategicallyD30 Aero foam protection Conductive Clarino palm for touch screencompatibility TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies directinjected at fingertips Compression molded cuff for secure fit";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"21443-391";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "106535";"FOX DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/dirtpaw-race-glove-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106535/main_images/8jlASxdReNRRUhe-dirtpaw-race-glove-blu-1fc.webp";"139";"Moto-inspired heavy duty performance MTB glove which has become a standard for all levels of riders. Stretch construction Padded, single layer Clarino palm Stretch mesh finger gussets Padded Knuckle Hook and loop wrist closure Silicone print at finger tips for lever grip";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19503-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "106536";"FOX DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3371-dirtpaw-race-glove-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106536/main_images/mNWh5iRa7PNJHat-dirtpaw-race-glove-rd-578.webp";"139";"Moto-inspired heavy duty performance MTB glove which has become a standard for all levels of riders. Stretch construction Padded, single layer Clarino palm Stretch mesh finger gussets Padded Knuckle Hook and loop wrist closure Silicone print at finger tips for lever grip";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19503-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "106537";"FOX DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE [YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3389-dirtpaw-race-glove-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106537/main_images/vi42vpmoFWbqMgU-dirtpaw-race-glove-ylw.webp";"139";"Moto-inspired heavy duty performance MTB glove which has become a standard for all levels of riders. Stretch construction Padded, single layer Clarino palm Stretch mesh finger gussets Padded Knuckle Hook and loop wrist closure Silicone print at finger tips for lever grip";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19503-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "106538";"FOX SIDEWINDER GLOVE [BRT RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3399-sidewinder-glove-brt-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106538/main_images/j6Sd9GaxlrVnbQg-sidewinder-glove-brt-rd-76f.webp";"199";"The Sidewinder Glove is a perfect mix of lightweight top hand materials and a minimal, yet extremely durable palm. The result is a versatile DH/FR glove that gives you true feel and control of the bike while allowing your hand to stay cool and dry at the same time. Lightweight air mesh top hand fabrics Padded Airprene knuckle Single layer Clarino palm Absorbent micro-suede thumb Silicone grip fingertip Low profile wrist tab closure";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18469-179";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "106539";"FOX SIDEWINDER GLOVE [LT INDO]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/sidewinder-glove-lt-indo";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106539/main_images/jHaFtZqaodW9y66-sidewinder-glove-lt-indo-48f.webp";"199";"The Sidewinder Glove is a perfect mix of lightweight top hand materials and a minimal, yet extremely durable palm. The result is a versatile DH/FR glove that gives you true feel and control of the bike while allowing your hand to stay cool and dry at the same time. Lightweight air mesh top hand fabrics Padded Airprene knuckle Single layer Clarino palm Absorbent micro-suede thumb Silicone grip fingertip Low profile wrist tab closure";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18469-202";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "106540";"FOX SIDEWINDER GLOVE [SHDW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3401-sidewinder-glove-shdw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106540/main_images/UMWIycTcHGejB7m-sidewinder-glove-shdw-990.webp";"199";"The Sidewinder Glove is a perfect mix of lightweight top hand materials and a minimal, yet extremely durable palm. The result is a versatile DH/FR glove that gives you true feel and control of the bike while allowing your hand to stay cool and dry at the same time. Lightweight air mesh top hand fabrics Padded Airprene knuckle Single layer Clarino palm Absorbent micro-suede thumb Silicone grip fingertip Low profile wrist tab closure";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18469-414";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106541";"FOX WOMENS SIDEWINDER GLOVE [LIL]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3402-womens-sidewinder-glove-lil";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106541/main_images/2OCP5ZjUf9TLMNr-womens-sidewinder-glove-lil-35d.webp";"159";"The Sidewinder Glove is a perfect mix of lightweight top hand materials and a minimal, yet extremely durable palm. The result is a versatile DH/FR glove that gives you true feel and control of the bike while allowing your hand to stay cool and dry at the same time. 4-way stretch polyester construction Single layer Clarino palm with strategically placed perforations Conductive Clarino palm for touch screen compatibility Stretch mesh finger gussets Compression molded cuff for secure fit TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies direct injected at fingertips";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18475-282";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106542";"FOX WOMENS SIDEWINDER GLOVE [PNE]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3403-womens-sidewinder-glove-pne";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106542/main_images/gBGmWV2LZ1fizFS-womens-sidewinder-glove-pne-0f2.webp";"159";"The Sidewinder Glove is a perfect mix of lightweight top hand materials and a minimal, yet extremely durable palm. The result is a versatile DH/FR glove that gives you true feel and control of the bike while allowing your hand to stay cool and dry at the same time. 4-way stretch polyester construction Single layer Clarino palm with strategically placed perforations Conductive Clarino palm for touch screen compatibility Stretch mesh finger gussets Compression molded cuff for secure fit TRUFEEL internal TPR knobbies direct injected at fingertips";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18475-391";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "106543";"FOX AIR SPACE (COLORS) [ARMY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/3222-air-space-colors-army";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106543/main_images/OGhVppGilvdGZ9u-air-space-colors-army-1cf.webp";"259";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"20576-532";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "106544";"FOX AIR DEFENCE PREEST [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/air-defence-preest-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106544/main_images/mSggyGYTufUVDtc-air-space-preme-blk-ylw-5cc.webp";"399";"Bending the performance barrier, the Air Defence Goggle. - Pre curved anti-fog lens offers superior optical clarity. - Smart venting system. - Increased peripheral viewing. - Thermoformed triple layer face foam. - 8-Pin lens retention system keeps lens intact. - Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection. - 45MM non-slip silicone strap. - Removable rock guard.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19964-208";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106545";"FOX AIR SPACE PREME [BLK/YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/air-space-preme-blk-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106545/main_images/ZT4ez1eA0Q5f3my-air-space-preme-blk-ylw.webp";"349";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19966-019";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106546";"FOX AIR SPACE PREME [DRK YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/air-space-preme-drk-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106546/main_images/akYWDYJ92wnoAZD-air-space-preme-drk-ylw.webp";"349";"See the bigger picture with the new Fox Air Space goggles. By increasing air volume inside the frame by 30%, the Air Space goggle takes ventilation, peripheral vision and comfort to a new level. Tech Features: Smart venting system, venting ports circulate cool air Increased peripheral viewing 19mm triple layer face foam for superior sweat absorbtio 8-pin lens retention system keeps lens intact Lexan® lens offers 100% UV protection 45mm non-slip silicone strap Removable rock guard";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19966-547";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "106547";"FOX MAIN MASTAR [BLK] NS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/3252-main-mastar-blk-ns";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106547/main_images/QgplNT7n3WFBH1W-main-mastar-blk-ns-e51.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19969-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106548";"FOX MAIN MASTAR [NVY] NS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/main-mastar-nvy-ns";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106548/main_images/6rvS4oNQgxh9Z7I-main-mastar-nvy-ns.webp";"189";"Ochelarii Main depasesc ateptarile unei perechi de ochelari entry level prin : Triplu strat de burete pentru ventilatie si confort Lentile Lexan® ofera  100% protectie UV  Montura tear-off ";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19969-007";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106549";"FOX MAIN MASTAR [YLW] NS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/main-mastar-ylw-ns";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106549/main_images/XNfdT0WHT8vNvNF-main-mastar-ylw-ns-c6f.webp";"189";"The Main goggles defy expectations of entry-level motocross goggles. With an expansive view port, triple-layer foam, and dependable Lexan lens, they are a heavy hitter and light on the wallet. Large view port for unparalleled vision Triple layer face foam with fleece liner Lexan lens offers 100% UV protection Strap mounted third tear-off post Non-slip silicone strap Microfiber goggle bag included FRAME & LENS COMBINATION GUIDE All frame colors include Clear lenses";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"19969-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "106550";"FOX 180 SAYAK PANT [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/180-sayak-pant-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106550/main_images/mB63BjEtDwozaso-3585-large-default-180-sayak-pant-rd-fa0.webp";"699";"The Fox 180 Sayak Pant uses our RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for greater comfort while in the riding position. This articulated fit, combined with strategic stretch panels, provides flexibility and more natural movement on the bike. For dependability and longevity, the pants use a robust 600D polyester construction on the main body. Heat and abrasion leather knee panels on both legs offer further reinforcement in the most critical wear areas. RAP (Rider Attack Position) construction for a precise fit on the bike Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Durable 600D polyester main body construction Stretch panels at knee, rear yoke and crotch Hip pads included";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19429-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "106551";"FOX HRC REDPLATE TECH CARGO PANT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/3505-hrc-redplate-tech-cargo-pant-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106551/main_images/Zb5dZajZrtKrRqq-hrc-redplate-tech-cargo-pant-blk-1f1.webp";"499";"The HRC Redplate Pro Tech Cargo pants were built for the best pro teams in the world. They put a priority on functionality and utility. The foundation of the pants is the stretch twill fabric which offers both durability and movement. On top of that, they feature both hydrophilic & hydrophobic properties... meaning they rapidly wick moisture off your skin, while also resisting water from the outside. The storage system features an array of utility pockets and loops to house tools and other items, keeping them ready at a moment's notice. If you are spending time in the garage or under the hood, these are the pants for you. For additional utility and storage, add the Redplate Tool Pouch (sold separately), designed to seamlessly attached to the right side leg. FEATURES Redplate Pro Collection Team Honda HRC gear Hydrophilic & hydrophobic properties Utility pockets hold tools & other items Articulated knees for ease of movement Zip fly with button closure Side web loop details Back welt pockets Crew neckline Inseam: 32"" FABRIC 58% cotton / 39% polyester / 3% spandex stretch twill, 197gm Nylon webbing belt loops Stretch twill fabric";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"22567-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106552";"FOX LATERAL PANT [HTR BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/3327-lateral-pant-htr-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106552/main_images/yXvDw4BAKJvpbB1-lateral-pant-htr-blk-1a7.webp";"228";"The Lateral Pants are the ultimate in cool comfort. A tapered fit with elastic cuffs ensures a clean and modern look which is as comfortable kickin' it at home, cruising for a burger, or relaxing after a long day at the track. FEATURES Men's jogger pants Brushed cotton offers extremely comfortable soft feel Tapered fit with elastic cuffs at bottom opening Ties at bottom cuff allow for pant to be worn cinched Inseam: 29.5"" FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 280g";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"21158-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106553";"FOX LATERAL PANT [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/3335-lateral-pant-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106553/main_images/ytp7ETsmDOF7dBi-lateral-pant-htr-graph-5b3.webp";"228";"The Lateral Moto pants take inspiration from our championship-winning motocross pants. Fox logos and color-blocking gives a forward-looking spin to these comfortable and stylish looking sweat pants. FEATURES Men's jogger pants Brushed cotton offers extremely comfortable soft feel Tapered fit with elastic cuffs at bottom opening Ties at bottom cuff allow for pant to be worn cinched Inseam: 29.5"" FABRIC 80% cotton / 20% polyester fleece, 280g";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"21158-185";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106554";"FOX REDPLATE TECH CARGO PANT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/3499-redplate-tech-cargo-pant-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106554/main_images/ImDCeUGaNk5o6bt-redplate-tech-cargo-pant-blk-337.webp";"439";"The Redplate Tech Cargo pants were built for the best pro teams in the world. They put a priority on functionality and utility. The foundation of the pants is the stretch twill fabric which offers both durability and movement. On top of that, they feature both hydrophilic & hydrophobic properties... meaning they rapidly wick moisture off your skin, while also resisting water from the outside. The storage system features an array of utility pockets and loops to house tools and other items, keeping them ready at a moment's notice. If you are spending time in the garage or under the hood, these are the pants for you. FEATURES Redplate collection Hydrophilic & hydrophobic properties Utility pockets hold tools & other items Articulated knees for ease of movement Zip fly with button closure Side web loop details Back welt pockets Crew neckline Inseam: 32"" size 34 FABRIC 58% cotton / 39% polyester / 3% spandex stretch twill, 197gm Nylon webbing belt loops Stretch twill fabric";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"22444-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106555";"FOX RHODES PANT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/3226-rhodes-pant-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106555/main_images/IPsG9HqRwnnr7sV-rhodes-pant-blk.webp";"249";"Head out for a couple laps around the block or stay home and chill in the Rhodes Pants. These comfortable joggers are cut from a 100% cotton terry fleece for flexibility and comfort during activities like running, working out or just lounging around. The elastic waist and ribbed cuffs offer a secure fit that stays in place and holds its shape all day. The pants are rounded out by silicone coated eyelets and aglets, Fox Head silicone heat transfers and TPR logos. Adjustable drawcord waist Elastic waistband and cuffs Side pockets 100% Cotton French Terry";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"20113-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106556";"FOX STRETCH CHINO PANT [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/3266-stretch-chino-pant-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106556/main_images/ZxGBiYaQkouCf4g-stretch-chino-pant-blk-vin-41a.webp";"199";"Do you live an active life style? Then these are the pants for you. The Stretch Chino pants offer a relaxed feel with a slim tapered fit. And thanks to the stretch construction, the pants move with you for comfort while maintaining a tailored look. These pants are perfect for those looking for comfort, mobility, and contemporary styling. FEATURES Feels like a chino, moves like an active pant (2)Front hand pockets (2)Back welt pockets (1)Side pocket Zip fly with snap closure 20min garment wash with softener Inseam: 32"" size 34 FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex, 238gm";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"21160-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106557";"FOX STRETCH CHINO PANT [LT INDO]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/3346-stretch-chino-pant-lt-indo";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106557/main_images/ZNRvDqNCtn6E11G-stretch-chino-pant-lt-indo-d40.webp";"199";"Do you live an active life style? Then these are the pants for you. The Stretch Chino pants offer a relaxed feel with a slim tapered fit. And thanks to the stretch construction, the pants move with you for comfort while maintaining a tailored look. These pants are perfect for those looking for comfort, mobility, and contemporary styling. FEATURES Feels like a chino, moves like an active pant (2)Front hand pockets (2)Back welt pockets (1)Side pocket Zip fly with snap closure 20min garment wash with softener Inseam: 32"" size 34 FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex, 238gm";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"21160-202";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106558";"FOX STRETCH CHINO PANT [MER]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/3354-stretch-chino-pant-mer";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106558/main_images/3axs2pxpCVAoCoN-stretch-chino-pant-mer-b7c.webp";"199";"Do you live an active life style? Then these are the pants for you. The Stretch Chino pants offer a relaxed feel with a slim tapered fit. And thanks to the stretch construction, the pants move with you for comfort while maintaining a tailored look. These pants are perfect for those looking for comfort, mobility, and contemporary styling. FEATURES Feels like a chino, moves like an active pant (2)Front hand pockets (2)Back welt pockets (1)Side pocket Zip fly with snap closure 20min garment wash with softener Inseam: 32"" size 34 FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex, 238gm";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"21160-412";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106559";"Leatt PANT GPX 4.5 BLU/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/pant-gpx-45-blu-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106559/main_images/OPrjDi0CNEJgxA7-pant-gpx-45-orange-black.webp";"549";"Marimi disponibile: 32, 34";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"501875057";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106560";"LEATT PANT GPX 4.5 LIME/TEAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/pant-gpx-45-lim-teal";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106560/main_images/rmzRzmlvmmAYQ9I-pant-gpx-45-orange-black.webp";"549";"Brother to our 5.5 factory racing pants, the GPX 4.5 is unbeaten in its price class. Promising a pre-curved performance fit – straight out of the box – these pants now also have a lighter, more breathable construction. They are made of Ripstop stretch with X-Flow mesh panels, offering durable and ventilated protection with 3D molded, fully floating knee cap reinforcements and two-point knee ventilation. The seat area is made of 1200D which makes it very durable, they have multi-row stitching, and the dual layer Amara inner leg is soft yet tough and grips well. The new, shorter micro adjuster waist belt with 180 ̊ silicone grip and YKK highest quality zippers ensure a solid fit. Pre-curved performance fit New lighter and breathable construction Ripstop stretch and X-Flow mesh panels 3D molded, fully floating knee cap reinforcement 1200D nylon, heavy duty seat material and Amara inner leg YKK zipper and multi-row safety stitching Two-point knee ventilation Waist with micro adjuster and 180 ̊ silicone grip Anti-odor MoistureCool mesh lining Size: XS-5XL";"";"Pantaloni : manual";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"501875058";"Portocaliu/Negru";"Leatt";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "106561";"LEATT PANT GPX 4.5 ORG/DENIM";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/2733-pant-gpx-45-orange-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106561/main_images/Ot8z7DsIUODj7l6-pant-gpx-45-orange-black.webp";"798";"Brother to our 5.5 factory racing pants, the GPX 4.5 is unbeaten in its price class. Promising a pre-curved performance fit – straight out of the box – these pants now also have a lighter, more breathable construction. They are made of Ripstop stretch with X-Flow mesh panels, offering durable and ventilated protection with 3D molded, fully floating knee cap reinforcements and two-point knee ventilation. The seat area is made of 1200D which makes it very durable, they have multi-row stitching, and the dual layer Amara inner leg is soft yet tough and grips well. The new, shorter micro adjuster waist belt with 180 ̊ silicone grip and YKK highest quality zippers ensure a solid fit. Pre-curved performance fit New lighter and breathable construction Ripstop stretch and X-Flow mesh panels 3D molded, fully floating knee cap reinforcement 1200D nylon, heavy duty seat material and Amara inner leg YKK zipper and multi-row safety stitching Two-point knee ventilation Waist with micro adjuster and 180 ̊ silicone grip Anti-odor MoistureCool mesh lining Size: XS-5XL";"";"Pantaloni : manual";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"501875059";"Portocaliu/Negru";"Leatt";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "106562";"LEATT PANT GPX 5.5 I.K.S. LIME/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/1810-pant-gpx-55-iks-lime-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106562/main_images/j5Ig3yrD3f1xSiN-pant-gpx-55-iks-lime-blue.webp";"699";"";"";"Pantaloni : manual";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"501761063";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106563";"FOX ESSEX SHORT [DRK KHA]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/3404-essex-short-drk-kha";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106563/main_images/fBF6F4QADY29fs5-essex-short-drk-kha-176.webp";"199";"When simple style matters most, look no further than the Essex Short. This 22"" men's short offers front, back, and side welt pockets, front zipper closure and a Fox branded label on the waistband. FEATURES Zip fly with metal button (2) Side pockets (2) Back welt pockets with buttons Garment wash with softener Twill Outseam: 22"", size 34 FABRIC 60% cotton / 40% polyester";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"19041-108";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106564";"FOX ESSEX SHORT [GMTL]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/3321-essex-short-gmtl";"2 : 1 : 1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106564/main_images/94hU5ZsX9uvxiUH-essex-short-gmtl-12e.webp";"179";"When simple style matters most, look no further than the Essex Short. This 22"" men's short offers front, back, and side welt pockets, front zipper closure and a Fox branded label on the waistband. FEATURES Zip fly with metal button (2) Side pockets (2) Back welt pockets with buttons Garment wash with softener Twill Outseam: 22"", size 34 FABRIC 60% cotton / 40% polyester";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"19041-038";"";"FOX Racing";"";"1" "106565";"FOX ESSEX SHORT [SDL]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/3405-essex-short-sdl";"1 : 2";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106565/main_images/KW4FkU9UUDte8J3-essex-short-sdl-c8e.webp";"199";"When simple style matters most, look no further than the Essex Short. This 22"" men's short offers front, back, and side welt pockets, front zipper closure and a Fox branded label on the waistband. FEATURES Zip fly with metal button (2) Side pockets (2) Back welt pockets with buttons Garment wash with softener Twill Outseam: 22"", size 34 FABRIC 60% cotton / 40% polyester";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"19041-525";"Maro";"FOX Racing";"Maro";"1" "106566";"FOX HRC REDPLATE TECH CARGO SHORT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/3506-hrc-redplate-tech-cargo-short-blk";"2 : 1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106566/main_images/zNebhOUVzKqtA4N-hrc-redplate-tech-cargo-short-blk.webp";"399";"The HRC Redplate Pro Tech Cargo shorts were built for the best pro teams in the world. They put a priority on functionality and utility. The foundation of the short is the stretch twill fabric which offers both durability and movement. On top of that, they feature both hydrophilic & hydrophobic properties... meaning they rapidly wick moisture off your skin, while also resisting water from the outside. The storage system features an array of utility pockets and loops to house tools and other items, keeping them ready at a moment's notice. If you are spending some time in the garage or under the hood, these are the shorts for you. For additional utility and storage, add the Redplate Tool Pouch (sold separately), designed to seamlessly attached to the right side leg. FEATURES Redplate Pro Collection Team Honda HRC gear Hydrophilic & hydrophobic properties Utility pockets hold tools & other items Zip fly with button closure Side web loop details Back welt pockets Crew neckline Outseam: 21"" FABRIC 28% cotton / 39% polyester / 3% spandex, 197gm Nylon webbing belt loops";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"22568-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"1" "106567";"FOX MACHETE TECH SHORT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/machete-tech-short-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106567/main_images/aXOqizGBzFYJrfT-machete-tech-short-blk.webp";"199";"The Machete Tech Shorts seamlessly blend style and functionality. The main body is soft and stretchy for comfort and mobility. It is treated with a durable, water-resistant coating to shed light moisture. And it has plenty of pockets for storage, including a cell phone pocket. FEATURES DWR treated to shed light moisture Welded cell phone pocket Zip fly with button closure Front hand pocket Back welt pockets Outseam: 20"" FABRIC 95% polyester / 5% elastane cross dye, 140gm C6 DWR treated";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"21161-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106568";"FOX MACHETE TECH SHORT [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/3462-machete-tech-short-drk-rd";"1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106568/main_images/RCuJxeE1yNKm1RJ-machete-tech-short-drk-rd.webp";"199";"The Machete Tech Shorts seamlessly blend style and functionality. The main body is soft and stretchy for comfort and mobility. It is treated with a durable, water-resistant coating to shed light moisture. And it has plenty of pockets for storage, including a cell phone pocket. FEATURES DWR treated to shed light moisture Welded cell phone pocket Zip fly with button closure Front hand pocket Back welt pockets Outseam: 20"" FABRIC 95% polyester / 5% elastane cross dye, 140gm C6 DWR treated";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"21161-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"1" "106569";"FOX MACHETE TECH SHORT [HTR ERLD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/3463-machete-tech-short-htr-erld";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106569/main_images/YrNATp54MLrS4kz-machete-tech-short-htr-erld.webp";"199";"The Machete Tech Shorts seamlessly blend style and functionality. The main body is soft and stretchy for comfort and mobility. It is treated with a durable, water-resistant coating to shed light moisture. And it has plenty of pockets for storage, including a cell phone pocket. FEATURES DWR treated to shed light moisture Welded cell phone pocket Zip fly with button closure Front hand pocket Back welt pockets Outseam: 20"" FABRIC 95% polyester / 5% elastane cross dye, 140gm C6 DWR treated";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"21161-594";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "106570";"FOX RHODES SHORT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/rhodes-short-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106570/main_images/KzBKIC1oZUqymc7-rhodes-short-blk.webp";"179";"The Rhodes shorts give you style and comfort anywhere you go. Sporting a smart design inspired by classic jogger shorts, mixed with some Fox style and know-how, they are equally suited for a grueling day at the gym or just looking good while enjoying some downtime. Adjustable drawcord waist for a secure fit Silicone coated eyelets & aglets 3"" Fox Head silicone detail 100% cotton french terry, 300gm Inseam: 21""";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"20500-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106571";"FOX RHODES SHORT [HTR GRAPH]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/rhodes-short-htr-graph";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106571/main_images/HtLsU8DzoRY5yrn-rhodes-short-htr-graph-816.webp";"179";"The Rhodes shorts give you style and comfort anywhere you go. Sporting a smart design inspired by classic jogger shorts, mixed with some Fox style and know-how, they are equally suited for a grueling day at the gym or just looking good while enjoying some downtime. Adjustable drawcord waist for a secure fit Silicone coated eyelets & aglets 3"" Fox Head silicone detail 100% cotton french terry, 300gm Inseam: 21""";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"20500-185";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106572";"FOX SLAMBOZO CAMO CARGO SHORT [BLK CAM]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/3265-slambozo-camo-cargo-short-blk-cam";"1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106572/main_images/X5dejyzdxvRrHjm-slambozo-camo-cargo-short-blk-cam.webp";"259";"Designed for comfort whether you're in the mountains, on the track or simply running errands, the Slambozo Cargo Short boasts a durable cotton canvas construction, tons of storage options, and a heavy stone wash. FEATURES Zip fly with metal button (2) Side pockets (2) Back pockets (2) Side cargo pockets Heavy stone and enzyme wash Outseam: 22"" size 34 FABRIC 100% cotton canvas";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"21365-247";"";"FOX Racing";"";"1" "106573";"FOX SLAMBOZO CAMO CARGO SHORT [GRN CAM]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/3472-slambozo-camo-cargo-short-grn-cam";"2 : 1";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106573/main_images/hNDndMsBB4JdFcD-slambozo-camo-cargo-short-grn-cam.webp";"259";"Designed for comfort whether you're in the mountains, on the track or simply running errands, the Slambozo Cargo Short boasts a durable cotton canvas construction, tons of storage options, and a heavy stone wash. FEATURES Zip fly with metal button (2) Side pockets (2) Back pockets (2) Side cargo pockets Heavy stone and enzyme wash Outseam: 22"" size 34 FABRIC 100% cotton canvas";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"21365-031";"";"FOX Racing";"";"1" "106574";"FOX SLAMBOZO CARGO SHORT [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/3406-slambozo-cargo-short-mdnt";"2";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106574/main_images/MmZfY8geKrE2Q4q-slambozo-cargo-short-mdnt-b47.webp";"249";"Designed for comfort whether you're in the mountains, on the track or simply running errands, the Slambozo Cargo Short boasts a durable cotton canvas construction, tons of storage options, and a heavy stone wash. FEATURES Zip fly with metal button (2) Side pockets (2) Back pockets (2) Side cargo pockets Heavy stone and enzyme wash Outseam: 22"" size 34 FABRIC 100% cotton canvas";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"19043-329";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"1" "106575";"FOX STRETCH CHINO SHORT [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/3267-stretch-chino-short-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106575/main_images/YYht2rwnjpsxN29-stretch-chino-short-blk-vin-9cf.webp";"199";"Fox Tech Shorts are designed with ultimate versatility in mind and offer dependability for all day adventures. Durable yet lightweight, the Essex Tech Stretch short provides a comfortable fit and freedom of movement in and out of the water. Features include a water-resistant construction, a five pocket design and an inner drawcord to lock down the fit. FEATURES Zip fly with Fox logo snap Durable water repellent treatment Rapid dry time Quick draining side mesh pockets Back welt pockets with buttons Interior drawstring for an adjustable fit Outseam: 21"" size 34 FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"21163-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106576";"FOX STRETCH CHINO SHORT [ERLD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/3314-stretch-chino-short-erld";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106576/main_images/SM8cOKUm0xJVu3r-stretch-chino-short-erld-484.webp";"199";"Fox Tech Shorts are designed with ultimate versatility in mind and offer dependability for all day adventures. Durable yet lightweight, the Essex Tech Stretch short provides a comfortable fit and freedom of movement in and out of the water. Features include a water-resistant construction, a five pocket design and an inner drawcord to lock down the fit. FEATURES Zip fly with Fox logo snap Durable water repellent treatment Rapid dry time Quick draining side mesh pockets Back welt pockets with buttons Interior drawstring for an adjustable fit Outseam: 21"" size 34 FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex";"";"Pantaloni Scurti";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"21163-294";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "106577";"FOX STRETCH CHINO SHORT [LT INDO]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-imbracaminte-casual/3347-stretch-chino-short-lt-indo";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106577/main_images/PBrUeOygELkKWR7-stretch-chino-short-lt-indo-82c.webp";"199";"Fox Tech Shorts are designed with ultimate versatility in mind and offer dependability for all day adventures. Durable yet lightweight, the Essex Tech Stretch short provides a comfortable fit and freedom of movement in and out of the water. Features include a water-resistant construction, a five pocket design and an inner drawcord to lock down the fit. FEATURES Zip fly with Fox logo snap Durable water repellent treatment Rapid dry time Quick draining side mesh pockets Back welt pockets with buttons Interior drawstring for an adjustable fit Outseam: 21"" size 34 FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex";"";"Outlet casual";"561";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc Imbracaminte Casual";"21163-202";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106578";"FOX VUE GOGGLE [WHT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/ochelari/2765-vue-goggle-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106578/main_images/zofTOsLvZYJj0kX-vue-goggle-grey-ee5.webp";"499";"1 - Lentila din policarbonat injectată asigură o claritate optică și protejează împotriva impactului.2 - Aerisirea 360 optimizează fluxul de aer, menținând riderul racorit și reducând încețoșarea/aburirea.3 - Portul de vizualizare largă oferă o viziune periferică excepțională.4 - Sistemul de închidere cu blocare rapidă permite înlocuirea lentilelor rapid și ușor.5 - Cureaua de 45 mm cu bandă de silicon din spate asigură o aderență superioară la cască.6 - Sistemul cu dublă densitate combină un interior TPU moale, pentru a se potrivi perfect pe fața riderului, cu un cadru exterior durabil.";"";"Ochelari : Ochelari";"72";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Ochelari";"21247-008";"Alb/Gri";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Gri";"0" "106579";"LEATT BODY VEST 3DF AIRFIT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/2764-body-vest-3df-airfit-lite";"10";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106579/main_images/DHdt0lIoFnl7szY-body-vest-3df-airfit-lite.webp";"1089";"The 3DF Airfit Body Vest by Leatt offers optimum protection for the back and chest. The 3DF soft protectors are lightweight, offer high protection and are well ventilated for outstanding breathability. Features of the Body Vest 3DF AirFit: Ventilated 3DF AirFit soft protectors on chest and back New, extended back protector Lighter, more comfortable and more flexible thanks to 3D design Odour inhibiting MoistureCool and AirMesh fabric Elastic chest strap holds the chest protector securely in place BraceOn™ system for Neckbraces Easy to clean with hand washing Tested and CE-certified as impact protection: Chest prEN1621-3 Level 2, Back EN1621-2 Level 2 Weight: 1.000g Size chart: Size S/M L/XL XXL Hight in cm 160-172 172-184 184-196 Weight supplement: manufacturer's specs Material 40% polyamide, 25% acetate, 20% polyurethane, 10% polyester, 5% other fibres";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"501820010";"";"Leatt";"";"1" "106580";"LEATT BODY VEST 3DF AIRFIT LITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2763-body-vest-3df-airfit-lite";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106580/main_images/ZKeQSg5hQOp3XTi-body-vest-3df-airfit-lite.webp";"998";"The AirFit Lite Body Vest employs Leatt's 3DF AirFit ventilated 3-dimensional impact foam that offers a soft flexible fit and hard, energy-absorbing protection upon impact, while remaining lightweight and insanely breathable. After a long day of shredding remove the 3DF foam and toss it in the washing machine for a quick and easy clean. Through its MoistureCool wicking fabric, the 3DF AirFit Lite Body Vest remains cool and dry even during the most brutally hot days of the season. When it comes to ensuring your safety and well-being, Leatt makes no compromises, as the 3DF AirFit Lite Body Vest is impacted tested and CE certified throughout. Leatt 3DF Airfit Lite Body Vest Features: Light and slim CE Level 1 soft protection CE tested and certified as impact protection: Chest prEN1621-3 Level 1 Back EN1621-2 Level 1 Elbow and Shoulder EN1621-1 FFM-French Federation Certified Total Leatt protection score 8 points 3DF AirFit impact foam for light weight protection & maximum ventilation Multi-layer perforated back & chest protectors Extra upper chest impact protection layer for non neck brace users New MoistureCool & AirMesh fabrics Anti-microbial Elastic chest strap to give more secure protector positioning Easy-to-wear zip-up compression sock design for maximum evaporation BraceOn neck brace fitting system Hand wash Weight: 850g Leatt Size Chart Size Small/Medium Large/X Large XX Large Height (in) 5'2""- 5'8"" 5'8""- 6' 6'- 6'5"" Height (cm) 160-172 172-184 184-196";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501718001";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106581";"AIROH ST 701 SHADE FULL CARBON ORANGE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/st-701-shade-org-gls";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106581/main_images/xhhDALg5L3qhK3q-st-701-slash-red-matt.webp";"2299";"St 701 este o cască completă, disponibilă cu două dimensiuni diferite, pentru turism și sport. Carcasele exterioare sunt disponibile atât în ​​carbon de 100%, cât și în fibră de înaltă performanță (HPC) pentru a minimiza greutatea,1300GR,  ceea ce face ca St 701 să fie una dintre cele mai ușoare căști din categoria sa. Carcasa interioară EPS a fost dezvoltată după studii aprofundate de inginerie, pe baza cărora s-a FACUT alegerea a 4 densități diferite pentru a asigura conformitatea cu cele mai riguroase standarde de siguranță. O formă aerodinamică avansată, un sistem de ventilație performant, o vizor cu un câmp larg de vedere, o poziție optimizată a riderului, o lentilă retrasă și un obiectiv Pinlock® sunt doar câteva din caracteristicile acestui produs ... o casca rotunda cu o personalitate puternica.";"";"Produse : Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"ST7SH32";"Portocaliu";"Airoh";"Portocaliu";"0" "106582";"AIROH ARCHER CHIEF BLUE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/2164-archer-chief-blue-gloss";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106582/main_images/IPpT98f5fU917vb-archer-chief-blue-gloss.webp";"599";"Archer is the new MX Junior thermoplastic helmet from Airoh® dedicated to the youngest. Equipped with an adjustable peak and a Double D ring retention system that ensures maximum security, it is characterized by multiple ventilation points to ensure efficient circulation of air within the helmet and maximize the rider’s experience. It has a highly breathable, removable and washable, interior fabrics, ensuring comfort even in the toughest of conditions. On the safety side, Archer has the industry standard Double D ring retention system that ensures maximum security. Thermo plastic shell in 3 Sizes Revolutionary air-flow system Removable washable lining set On the safety side, Archer has the industry standard Double D ring retention system that ensures maximum security Homologations: ECE 22.05, DOT FMVSS No. 218 ACU Gold Approved Weight: Only 1150 Grams (+/- 50gr)";"";"Produse : Casti Airoh ";"59";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Casti";"ARC18";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "106583";"Leatt COOLING TEE COOLIT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/indispensabili/1722-cooling-tee-coolit";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106583/main_images/vy4STXM4ikKHP5U-cooling-tee-coolit.webp";"399";"Mareste-ti performanta cu tricoul de racire Coolit , construit din material Hyperkewl reduce tempreatura corpului. E simplu , introduci tricoul in apa pt 2 minute si beneficiezi de racorire intre 1 si 6 ore. Marimi disponibile: M";"";"";"67";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Lenjerie de protectie";"50003037";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106585";"LEATT GLOVE GPX 3.5 LITE ORG/DENIM";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2754-glove-gpx-55-windblock-blkgry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106585/main_images/FVCNSIjm2qBZPXx-glove-gpx-55-windblock-blkgry.webp";"199";"Manusa Enduro ULTRA USOARE SI CONFORTABILE Fabricata folosind  nano-fibre cu grosime de 7500 ori mai mica decat firul de par. Flexibile Compatibile cu touch screen telefon Indeplineste normele de protectie Personal Protective Equipment 89/686/EEC si prEN 13594:2014  ";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"601840066";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106586";"LEATT GLOVE GPX 3.5 LITE LIME/BLU";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2755-glove-gpx-55-windblock-blkgry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106586/main_images/v2i4ANuyf2M5E01-glove-gpx-55-windblock-blkgry.webp";"199";"Manusa Enduro ULTRA USOARE SI CONFORTABILE Fabricata folosind  nano-fibre cu grosime de 7500 ori mai mica decat firul de par. Flexibile Compatibile cu touch screen telefon Indeplineste normele de protectie Personal Protective Equipment 89/686/EEC si prEN 13594:2014  ";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"601840070";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106587";"LEATT GLOVE GPX 4.5 LITE ORG/DENIM";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2752-glove-gpx-55-windblock-blkgry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106587/main_images/2iMsnzB2tvFaiUo-glove-gpx-55-windblock-blkgry.webp";"299";"Manusa Enduro ULTRA USOARE SI CONFORTABILE Fabricata folosind  nano-fibre cu grosime de 7500 ori mai mica decat firul de par. Flexibile Compatibile cu touch screen telefon Indeplineste normele de protectie Personal Protective Equipment 89/686/EEC si prEN 13594:2014  ";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"601840078";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106588";"LEATT GLOVE GPX 5.5 WINDBLOCK BLK/GRY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2736-glove-gpx-55-windblock-blkgry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106588/main_images/ZC6eo8HItvDkPaQ-glove-gpx-55-windblock-blkgry.webp";"299";"Manusa Enduro de toamna-primavara cu protectie la frig (winproff) . Fabricata folosind  nano-fibre cu grosime de 7500 ori mai mica decat firul de par. Flexibila Compatibile cu touch screen telefon Indeplineste normele de protectie Personal Protective Equipment 89/686/EEC si prEN 13594:2014  ";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"601731085";"Portocaliu/Negru";"Leatt";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "106589";"LEATT GLOVE GPX 5.5 WINDBLOCK BLK/ORG";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2741-glove-gpx-55-windblock-blkgry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106589/main_images/SauxiQW9fd62369-glove-gpx-55-windblock-blkgry.webp";"299";"Manusa Enduro de toamna-primavara cu protectie la frig (winproff) . Fabricata folosind  nano-fibre cu grosime de 7500 ori mai mica decat firul de par. Flexibile Compatibile cu touch screen telefon Indeplineste normele de protectie Personal Protective Equipment 89/686/EEC si prEN 13594:2014  ";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"601600070";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106590";"LEATT GLOVE GPX 5.5 WINDBLOCK BLU/YEL/WHT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2742-glove-gpx-55-windblock-blkgry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106590/main_images/afkhwIofuCml8EX-glove-gpx-55-windblock-blkgry-8a4.webp";"299";"Manusa Enduro de toamna-primavara cu protectie la frig (winproff) . Fabricata folosind  nano-fibre cu grosime de 7500 ori mai mica decat firul de par. Flexibile Compatibile cu touch screen telefon Indeplineste normele de protectie Personal Protective Equipment 89/686/EEC si prEN 13594:2014  ";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"601600074";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106592";"SHIFT WHIT3 LABEL GP LE PANT [NVY/YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/2720-3lack-strike-pant-dark-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106592/main_images/Rpu9p95wvYR47IV-3423-large-default-3lack-strike-pant-dark-red-031.webp";"449";"The WHIT3 Label GP Limited Edition pant is a reproduction of the gear worn at the 2017 MXGP of Switzerland - one of our favorite one-off gear sets of the year. The pant design centers around a rugged 600D main body construction for an excellent balance of strength and weight. This is amplified by smart details to improve fit and functionality, such as, stretch zones in the waist, back panel, and lower leg that allow the pants to move with you without feeling inhibiting. The articulated knees and hip put you in the ideal riding position. And low-profile mesh paneling on the lower leg improves comfort inside the boot. A padded knee construction increases comfort and durability, while leather on the right knee brings abrasion and heat resistance. Product Details Lightweight minimalistic design 600D main body polyester provides excellent durability Multiple stretch-zones ensure mobility and a contoured fit Articulated knee and hip design conform to the rider Padded knee construction for increased comfort and durability Fade resistant sublimated graphics for long lasting color fastness and durability Minimal seams and mesh paneling on lower leg for extra comfort while tucked into the boot Leather on right knee panel provides extra durability and heat resistance Premium screen printed logos for a unique look and feel Silicone waistband lining Dyed main body fabric";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"22498-046";"Negru";"Shift";"Negru";"0" "106593";"LEATT BODY TEE 3DF AIRFIT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2750-body-vest-55-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106593/main_images/AJ2Jpu2eDedBV8U-body-vest-55-black.webp";"699";"Leatt’s top of the line in soft body protection features lighter weight, more ventilation and an ultra secure strapping system. The perforated, multilayer, 3DF Airfit impact foam offers a soft and flexible fit, yet instantly transforms into a harder, energy-absorbing protector upon impact. This combination results in a comfortable fit that that forms to many body shapes and is CE certified to the highest levels on chest, Back, elbow and shoulder impact protection! It also features MoistureCool, a washable fabric that keeps protectors in place, while wicking moisture away from the body to keep you cool. The protector integrates perfectly with all Leatt neck braces or works equally well worn without a neck brace. Leatt neck brace integration, great comfort, great fit, free flowing ventilation, impact tested and CE certified - all in one product. Click Here for 3DF Airfit Body Protector Product Review Perforated, multilayer 3DF AirFit foam for a lighter, better fit and more ventilation Back is impact tested and CE certified to EN1621-2, level 2 (highest level) Chest is impact tested and CE certified to prEN1621-3, level 2 (highest level) Elbows & shoulders are impact tested and CE certified to EN1621-1, level 1 MoistureCool wicking fabric helps keep you cooler Elastic waist belt to give more secure protector positioning Front protection for non-neck brace riders Easy to wear, zip-up, compression sock design to maximize evaporation. BraceOn flexible neck brace connection Removable impact foam for easy washing To clean, remove padding and hand wash 3 Adult sizes fits riders approx: S/M 160-172cm (5’3”-5’8”) L/XL 172-184cm (5’8”-6’0”) XXL 184-196cm (6’0”-6’6”)";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501600060";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106594";"LEATT BODY VEST 3DF AIRFIT LITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lenjerie-barbati/2749-body-vest-55-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106594/main_images/QoQDJxijrMlrCUw-body-vest-55-black.webp";"599";"The AirFit Lite Body Vest employs Leatt's 3DF AirFit ventilated 3-dimensional impact foam that offers a soft flexible fit and hard, energy-absorbing protection upon impact, while remaining lightweight and insanely breathable. After a long day of shredding remove the 3DF foam and toss it in the washing machine for a quick and easy clean. Through its MoistureCool wicking fabric, the 3DF AirFit Lite Body Vest remains cool and dry even during the most brutally hot days of the season. When it comes to ensuring your safety and well-being, Leatt makes no compromises, as the 3DF AirFit Lite Body Vest is impacted tested and CE certified throughout. Leatt 3DF Airfit Lite Body Vest Features: Light and slim CE Level 1 soft protection CE tested and certified as impact protection: Chest prEN1621-3 Level 1 Back EN1621-2 Level 1 Elbow and Shoulder EN1621-1 FFM-French Federation Certified Total Leatt protection score 8 points 3DF AirFit impact foam for light weight protection & maximum ventilation Multi-layer perforated back & chest protectors Extra upper chest impact protection layer for non neck brace users New MoistureCool & AirMesh fabrics Anti-microbial Elastic chest strap to give more secure protector positioning Easy-to-wear zip-up compression sock design for maximum evaporation BraceOn neck brace fitting system Hand wash Weight: 850g Leatt Size Chart Size Small/Medium Large/X Large XX Large Height (in) 5'2""- 5'8"" 5'8""- 6' 6'- 6'5"" Height (cm) 160-172 172-184 184-196";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"599";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Lenjerie";"501540014";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106595";"LEATT BODY VEST 5.5 BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2748-body-vest-55-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106595/main_images/jpDckYt5tMMBbtg-body-vest-55-black.webp";"599";"The absolute most protective and comfortable body protector ever is now available from Leatt in the 5.5 Body Protector. Features: LEATT maximized protection Front, back, shoulder, flank and elbow safety Multi layer multi-plate articulating design Great fit and very comfortable 3D design Ventilation slots for maximum airflow MoistureCool wicking fabric keeps you cooler BraceOn neck brace fitting system New FlipFit front and rear function allows over and under shirt fitting with a Leatt neck brace LEATT HDPE High Density Poly Ethylene hardshell outer protective shield LEATT 3DF foam for impact absorption CE certified for impact protection: CE EN1621-2 level 2 back, CE EN1621-3 level 2 front, CE EN 1621-1 elbows + shoulder Sizing: SM-MD: Height 63"" - 67.75"" LG-XL: Height 67.75' - 72.5"" 2XL: Height 72.5"" - 77""";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501540012";"Portocaliu";"Leatt";"Portocaliu";"0" "106596";"FOX FORETELL SNAPBACK FLM RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/2121-foretell-snapback-flm-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106596/main_images/FZABAqrMeB4OcHZ-foretell-snapback-flm-red.webp";"119";"The Fox Foretell Snapback. Crisp and clean design of this trucker fits MX training or even to the most posh party. Features: Snapback (one size) Adjustable strap Mesh rear Rubber Fox Head logo High profile";"";"Haine Bărbaţi : Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"20069-122";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106597";"LEATT ELBOW GUARD 3DF 5.0 BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2756-knee-guard-3df-50-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106597/main_images/bx31hFLI5It4YAC-knee-guard-3df-50-black.webp";"299";"The Leatt 3DF 5.0 Elbow Guards utilize Leatt's 3-dimensional impact foam which offers a soft and flexible fit with energy-absorbing impact protection. This combination results in comfortable, lightweight CE certified protection. Protection that includes MoistureCool wicking fabric and Aramid Fiber for maximum abrasion resistance. Featuring a redesigned sleeve construction, the 3DF 5.0 Elbow Guards offer a better fit than ever before. Features: 3DF AirFit ventilated soft impact foam CE tested and certified as impact protection: Elbow EN1621-1 New anti-slip forearm X-strap with silicone bicep lining Abrasion resistant Aramid outer layer for durability Anti-odor MoistureCool and AirMesh wicking fabrics Pre-curved design for better fit and function Silicone printed elbow grip All protection materials perforated for ventilation Sizing: Based on upper arm circumference SM: 7.8"" - 8.9"" MD: 8.9"" - 11"" LG: 11"" - 12.5"" XL: 12.5"" - 14"" 2XL: 14"" - 15.7""";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501610010";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106598";"LEATT KNEE BRACE X-FRAME PRO CARBON BLACK/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/2740-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-black-red";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106598/main_images/jQ3jUMeJhPUI4r0-knee-shin-guard-dual-axis-black-red.webp";"2989";"Leatt x-Frame Pro Carbon asigura protectie premium, certificata medical ce permite miscari naturale genuchiului cat si confort. Desi nici o protectie nu poate feri in totalitate o lovitura, X-frame Pro Carbon ofera un nivel mai ridicat de protectie fata de alte modele traditionale.";"";"Produse : Protectie : Moto Street : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"501801010";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106599";"FOX EVOLUTION PRO BIB LINER [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-bike/3521-mx-short-evolution-bib-liner-black";"3";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106599/main_images/PxOgySfCiq1DAXS-mx-short-evolution-bib-liner-black-8de.webp";"699";"Our premium lycra offers the perfect kit for cross-training on a road ride or cross country mountain biking. Features Nylon / spandex dyed paneling for bold colour and no grin through. Nylon / spandex mesh straps & binding. 3"" nylon / spandex / silicone fade resistant sublimated cuffs offer comfort and grip. Heat transfer logos. 2 mesh pockets at back panel for extra storage on those long rides. Flat locked seams to minimize chaffing and increase comfort. Premium cytech chamois with moisture management and odour controlling properties. Reflective logos for added visibility.";"";"Outlet Bike";"441";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Pantaloni";"15268-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"1" "106600";"LEATT ELBOW GUARD 3DF AIRFLEX";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2751-elbow-guard-contour-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106600/main_images/HG9ae9RuKAjwy5N-elbow-guard-contour-black.webp";"299";"These ultra slim CE certified AirFlex elbow guard scores a total of 11 points in the Leatt protection rating system. Do not be fooled by these ultra slim elbow guards. They offer great impact protection and a slim fit. Leatt's class leading 6mm thin elbow pads are CE certified as impact protection. Features: CE tested and certified as impact protection: - Elbow EN1621-2 Total Leatt protection score of 11 points 6mm CE impact certified profile MoistureCool & AirMesh fabrics: - Wicking, vented & antimicrobial Silicone printed non slip cuffs Pre-curved 3D design for better fit & function Size chart: size S M L XL XXL upper arm circumference in cm 18-22 22-26 26-30 30-34 34-38";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501540026";"Negru";"Leatt";"Negru";"0" "106601";"LEATT KNEE &SHIN GUARD 3DF HYBRID EXT BLACK/BLUE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2758-knee-shin-guard-3df-hybrid-ext-black-lime";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106601/main_images/IOuh9SWMDqsd53T-knee-shin-guard-3df-hybrid-ext-black-lime.webp";"449";"Genunchierele 3DF HYBRID EXT combina protectia materialelor soft 3DF cu panourile de plastic pentru a oferii extra protectie . ";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501540045";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106602";"LEATT KNEE &SHIN GUARD 3DF HYBRID EXT BLACK/WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2759-knee-shin-guard-3df-hybrid-ext-black-lime";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106602/main_images/lWmQDNbXdpMay0L-knee-shin-guard-3df-hybrid-ext-black-lime.webp";"449";"Genunchierele 3DF HYBRID EXT combina protectia materialelor soft 3DF cu panourile de plastic pentru a oferii extra protectie . ";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501540046";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106603";"FOX FLECTION KICK STAND BACKPACK [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/flection-kick-stand-backpack-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106603/main_images/2keOF493lRBVRYw-flection-kick-stand-backpack-blk.webp";"159";"The Flection Kick Stand backpack has ample room for everyday essentials like a warm layer, keys, or school books. The backpack's large main compartment includes a padded laptop sleeve so you can stay connected on the go. A front utility pocket keeps things organization with loops and small pockets. And for a comfortable rider, the backpack features padded shoulder harnesses and breathable back panel. FEATURES Large main compartment Front pocket organization system Mesh water bottle pockets on both sides Fleece lined sunglasses pocket Interior padded laptop sleeve Haul handle on top Padded shoulder straps MATERIALS 100% 600D Polyester DIMENSIONS 21 Liters [ 1281.5 cu inch ] 17.7"" H x 11.8"" W x 5.9"" D [ 45 x 30 x 15cm ]";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"21090-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106604";"FOX FLECTION KICK STAND BACKPACK [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/flection-kick-stand-backpack-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106604/main_images/MLdxVQiaHg0xoCY-flection-kick-stand-backpack-blu-800.webp";"159";"The Flection Kick Stand backpack has ample room for everyday essentials like a warm layer, keys, or school books. The backpack's large main compartment includes a padded laptop sleeve so you can stay connected on the go. A front utility pocket keeps things organization with loops and small pockets. And for a comfortable rider, the backpack features padded shoulder harnesses and breathable back panel. FEATURES Large main compartment Front pocket organization system Mesh water bottle pockets on both sides Fleece lined sunglasses pocket Interior padded laptop sleeve Haul handle on top Padded shoulder straps MATERIALS 100% 600D Polyester DIMENSIONS 21 Liters [ 1281.5 cu inch ] 17.7"" H x 11.8"" W x 5.9"" D [ 45 x 30 x 15cm ]";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"21090-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "106605";"FOX FOX HONDA KICK STAND BACKPACK [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/fox-honda-kick-stand-backpack-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106605/main_images/jeqFfn1ga23kO7s-fox-honda-kick-stand-backpack-blk.webp";"159";"The Fox Honda Kick Stand backpack has ample room for everyday essentials like a warm layer, keys, or school books. The backpack's large main compartment includes a padded laptop sleeve so you can stay connected on the go. A front utility pocket keeps things organization with loops and small pockets. And for a comfortable rider, the backpack features padded shoulder harnesses and breathable back panel. FEATURES: Large main compartment Front pocket organization system Mesh water bottle pockets on both sides Fleece lined sunglasses pocket Interior padded laptop sleeve Haul handle on top Padded shoulder straps MATERIALS 100% 600D Polyester DIMENSIONS 21 Liters [ 1281.5 cu inch ] 17.7"" H x 11.8"" W x 5.9"" D [ 45 x 30 x 15cm ]";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"21091-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106606";"FOX SMOKE BLOWEROCK UP BACKPACK [LT INDO]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/smoke-blowerock-up-backpack-lt-indo";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106606/main_images/iWFjA1inTJCXECW-smoke-blowerock-up-backpack-lt-indo-02d.webp";"159";"";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"21093-202";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106607";"FOX THRTLEANIAC KICK STAND BCKPK [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/rucsacuri/thrtleaniac-kick-stand-bckpk-drk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106607/main_images/6mPu9MrnJso7MmU-thrtleaniac-kick-stand-bckpk-drk-rd-cac.webp";"159";"";"";"Rucsacuri";"464";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Rucsacuri";"21232-208";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "106608";"FOX EPICYCLE FLEXFIT HAT [HTR GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/3336-epicycle-flexfit-hat-htr-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106608/main_images/72XsmdtqusGpo9m-4265-large-default-epicycle-flexfit-hat-htr-gry-791.webp";"119";"THE PERFECT FLEXFIT HAT FOR YOUR DAILY LOOK  Your list of riding essentials should always include a solid Hat. The Epicycle Flexfit has you quite literally covered. It offers 3D embroidery details and a comfortable fit FEATURES Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Embroidery details Stretch-to-fit design FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex woven twill";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21103-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106609";"FOX EPICYCLE FLEXFIT HAT [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/epicycle-flexfit-hat-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106609/main_images/bIkVTKfYkEpGsgQ-epicycle-flexfit-hat-mdnt.webp";"119";"THE PERFECT FLEXFIT HAT FOR YOUR DAILY LOOK  Your list of riding essentials should always include a solid Hat. The Epicycle Flexfit has you quite literally covered. It offers 3D embroidery details and a comfortable fit FEATURES Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Embroidery details Stretch-to-fit design FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex woven twill";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21103-329";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106610";"FOX Flex 45 Flexfit Hat [Black Pinstripe]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/3224-flex-45-flexfit-hat-black-pinstripe";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106610/main_images/FzYP1uf4iI0TThN-flex-45-flexfit-hat-black-pinstripe-65f.webp";"119";"The Flex 45 Flexfit Hat sports a clean, monochromatic setup topped off with pinstripes and a 45-degree Fox Head embroidery on the front panel. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front and back 3D embroidery FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex Black Pinstripe: 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58379-515";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106611";"FOX FLEX 45 FLEXFIT HAT [BLK/RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/flex-45-flexfit-hat-blk-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106611/main_images/1AFyZqWpXsV0avT-flex-45-flexfit-hat-blk-rd-126.webp";"119";"The Flex 45 Flexfit Hat sports a clean, monochromatic setup topped off with pinstripes and a 45-degree Fox Head embroidery on the front panel. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front and back 3D embroidery FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex Black Pinstripe: 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58379-017";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106612";"FOX FLEX 45 FLEXFIT HAT [CAM]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/flex-45-flexfit-hat-cam";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106612/main_images/Lj2LXguQ2bbXuGR-flex-45-flexfit-hat-cam.webp";"139";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58379-027";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106613";"FOX Flex 45 Flexfit Hat [Red]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/flex-45-flexfit-hat-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106613/main_images/6kVpWLbS3feIBcM-flex-45-flexfit-hat-red-140.webp";"119";"The Flex 45 Flexfit Hat sports a clean, monochromatic setup topped off with pinstripes and a 45-degree Fox Head embroidery on the front panel. FEATURES Legacy Collection Men's Flexfit Stretch-to-fit design Medium profile, natural curve bill Front and back 3D embroidery FABRIC 98% cotton / 2% spandex Black Pinstripe: 97% polyester / 3% spandex SIZING Stretch-to-fit design";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"58379-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "106614";"FOX FOX PRO CIRCUIT SNAPBACK HAT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/3231-fox-pro-circuit-snapback-hat-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106614/main_images/AVfQX7joUHryGlL-fox-pro-circuit-snapback-hat-blk.webp";"119";"Fox x Pro Circuit Season after season, we work with leading motocross teams to bring you apparel that reflects the best in motocross culture. By collaborating with Pro Circuit, two legends combine to bring you gear that hits all your style requirements. If you're tuned in on Saturdays to watch the gate drop, the Fox Pro Circuit Snapback hat is a must. The adjustable snap closure means it always fits just the way you want it. And the Fox x Pro Circuit graphics give you some bold style to match the riders on the track. Show your love for Pro Circuit with this snapback hat.   Two iconic logos and quality materials make this hat a long lasting staple on and off the track   100% Cotton Woven";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21118-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106615";"FOX HEADS UP0 SNAPBACK [HTR BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/heads-up0-snapback-htr-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106615/main_images/nGiFdBUakC9G6KI-heads-up0-snapback-htr-blk-6fc.webp";"119";"Hot days at the track call for the Heads Up 110 Snapback Hat. Keep the sun out of your eyes while sporting a clean look featuring the iconic Fox Head logo. FEATURES Men's 110 Snapback hat Adjustable snap closure Adjustable + Flexfit Technology Front sonic weld logo FABRIC 84% cotton / 12% polyester / 4% spandex SIZING Adjustable Snapback Flexfit 110 fit One size fits most";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19585-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106616";"FOX HEADS UP0 SNAPBACK [HTR NVY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/3339-heads-up0-snapback-htr-nvy";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106616/main_images/JcaLZMy5E2UuIcj-heads-up0-snapback-htr-nvy-a3d.webp";"119";"Hot days at the track call for the Heads Up 110 Snapback Hat. Keep the sun out of your eyes while sporting a clean look featuring the iconic Fox Head logo. FEATURES Men's 110 Snapback hat Adjustable snap closure Adjustable + Flexfit Technology Front sonic weld logo FABRIC 84% cotton / 12% polyester / 4% spandex SIZING Adjustable Snapback Flexfit 110 fit One size fits most";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"19585-428";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106617";"FOX INSTILL SNAPBACK HAT [HTR BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/instill-snapback-hat-htr-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106617/main_images/RBdq1V7omZInb62-instill-snapback-hat-htr-blk-c47.webp";"119";"Pre-ride, post-ride, backyard BBQ - it's all good, and we've got you covered. The Instill Snapback Hat combines clean styling and a comfortable fit for a look that's great just about anywhere. FEATURES Men's Snapback Adjustable snap closure Flat bill, no curve Front Fox Head puff embroidery Adjustable Snapback One size fits most FABRIC 98% cotton, 2% spandex woven oxford twill";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21112-243";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106618";"FOX INSTILL SNAPBACK HAT [HTRDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/Instill-snapback-hat-htrdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106618/main_images/stTO7Z11bFR8zbl-instill-snapback-hat-htrdnt-794.webp";"119";"Pre-ride, post-ride, backyard BBQ - it's all good, and we've got you covered. The Instill Snapback Hat combines clean styling and a comfortable fit for a look that's great just about anywhere. FEATURES Men's Snapback Adjustable snap closure Flat bill, no curve Front Fox Head puff embroidery Adjustable Snapback One size fits most FABRIC 98% cotton, 2% spandex woven oxford twill";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21112-491";"Maro";"FOX Racing";"Maro";"0" "106619";"FOX LEGACY SNAPBACK HAT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/3239-legacy-snapback-hat-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106619/main_images/U3Qmvz7Y8EqoEiB-legacy-snapback-hat-blk.webp";"99";"Memories fade, but legends live forever. Sport the Fox Legacy Snapback for a clean look that will never go out of style. This hat is as simple as it gets: a solid canvas displaying a bold Fox Head logo front and center. Nothing more, and nothing less than is needed. FEATURES Men's Flexfit Adjustable snap closure Flat bill, no curve 3D And flat Fox Head embroidery FABRIC Htr Gry: 60% polyester / 35% rayon /5% spandex Black: 100% cotton twill SIZING Adjustable Snapback One size fits most";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21412-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106620";"FOX LEGACY SNAPBACK HAT [HTR GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/3338-legacy-snapback-hat-htr-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106620/main_images/NZ2iXiy9ZK4kDD6-legacy-snapback-hat-htr-gry-2fe.webp";"99";"Memories fade, but legends live forever. Sport the Fox Legacy Snapback for a clean look that will never go out of style. This hat is as simple as it gets: a solid canvas displaying a bold Fox Head logo front and center. Nothing more, and nothing less than is needed. FEATURES Men's Flexfit Adjustable snap closure Flat bill, no curve 3D And flat Fox Head embroidery FABRIC Htr Gry: 60% polyester / 35% rayon /5% spandex Black: 100% cotton twill SIZING Adjustable Snapback One size fits most";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21412-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106621";"FOX POSESSED SNAPBACK HAT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/3230-posessed-snapback-hat-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106621/main_images/ml5CvL1DX4X6Fe7-posessed-snapback-hat-blk.webp";"119";"This solid cap features soft fabrics and MX-inspired graphics. FEATURES Men's Snapback Adjustable snap closure Embroidery details FABRIC 65% polyester / 35% cotton SIZING One size fits most";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21111-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106622";"FOX POSESSED SNAPBACK HAT [CAM]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/posessed-snapback-hat-cam";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106622/main_images/3EFLpoMBuA0whfY-posessed-snapback-hat-cam-424.webp";"119";"This solid cap features soft fabrics and MX-inspired graphics. FEATURES Men's Snapback Adjustable snap closure Embroidery details FABRIC 65% polyester / 35% cotton SIZING One size fits most";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21111-027";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106623";"FOX REDPLATE TECH SNAPBACK HAT [FAT GRN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/redplate-tech-snapback-hat-fat-grn";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106623/main_images/Oc3B0pedH3Z802I-redplate-tech-snapback-hat-fat-grn-10b.webp";"119";"The Redplate Tech Snapback is designed as an essential piece of equipment for the top mechanics and crews. This lightweight and breathable hat features TruDri moisture wicking technology and a performance sweatband to keep the perspiration out of your eyes so you can stay focused on the task at hand. FEATURES Redplate collection Men's Snapback Adjustable snap closure Front 2-tone sonic weld patch Laser perforated panels for breathability FABRIC 60% nylon / 29% cotton / 8% spandex SIZING Adjustable Snapback One size fits most";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21113-111";"Verde";"FOX Racing";"Verde";"0" "106624";"FOX SETTLED FLEXFIT HAT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/3229-settled-flexfit-hat-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106624/main_images/g1E4NS0CYxyXPne-settled-flexfit-hat-blk-ae2.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21108-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106625";"FOX SETTLED FLEXFIT HAT [MDNT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/settled-flexfit-hat-mdnt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106625/main_images/oaV2ROUbeTLz5zl-settled-flexfit-hat-mdnt-cc1.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21108-329";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106626";"FOX SONIC MOTH FLEXFIT HAT [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/sonic-moth-flexfit-hat-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106626/main_images/46q3IitPoRb1zLq-sonicoth-flexfit-hat-blk.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21105-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106627";"FOX SONICOTH FLEXFIT HAT [HTR GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-barbati/3337-sonicoth-flexfit-hat-htr-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106627/main_images/dswiLOJ3RZSfzMQ-sonicoth-flexfit-hat-htr-gry-cb7.webp";"119";"";"";"Sepci";"455";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Caciuli-Sepci";"21105-040";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106628";"FOX COOLMAX THIN - DRAFTR [CHAR]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/3301-coolmax-thin-draftr-char";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106628/main_images/8Rh68QLd7jtqb9y-coolmax-thin-draftr-char-ea9.webp";"89";"The Coolmax® Thin Race Sock provides friction absorption, moisture management, and durability. With slim articulated padding, they provide comfort and support without the bulk. FEATURES Coolmax® fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry   Thin construction for a cool comfortable fit   Articulated construction for a precise fit   Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"20002-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106629";"FOX FRI THICK MASTAR [RED]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/fri-thick-mastar-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106629/main_images/BKN3a5iIpjPAmx6-fri-thick-mastar-red-f3b.webp";"89";"DESCRIPTION The Fri Thick Mastar Sock has ample cushioning for supreme comfort. The firm anatomically placed padding throughout the sock provides support, friction absorption, moisture management and durability. PRODUCT DETAILS Coolmax® fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry Thick construction for added comfort Articulated construction for a precise fit Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"20000-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "106630";"FOX FRI THICK MASTAR [YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/3388-fri-thick-mastar-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106630/main_images/8orZ1gtpORohxVL-fri-thick-mastar-ylw-86f.webp";"89";"DESCRIPTION The Fri Thick Mastar Sock has ample cushioning for supreme comfort. The firm anatomically placed padding throughout the sock provides support, friction absorption, moisture management and durability. PRODUCT DETAILS Coolmax® fabric constriction keeps feet cool and dry Thick construction for added comfort Articulated construction for a precise fit Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"20000-005";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "106631";"FOX FRI THIN - RACE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/3225-fri-thin-race-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106631/main_images/EoySnGCeBxv7GBx-fri-thin-race-blk-9f6.webp";"89";"The Linc Fri Thin Race Sock provides friction absorption, moisture management, and durability. With slim articulated padding, they provide comfort and support without the bulk. FEATURES Thin construction for a cool comfortable fit   Articulated construction for a precise fit   Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"19999-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106632";"FOX FRI THIN - RACE [BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/3282-fri-thin-race-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106632/main_images/rXNt5mDfY80T8CA-x1-4a3.webp";"89";"The Linc Fri Thin Race Sock provides friction absorption, moisture management, and durability. With slim articulated padding, they provide comfort and support without the bulk. FEATURES Thin construction for a cool comfortable fit   Articulated construction for a precise fit   Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"19999-002";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "106633";"FOX FRI THIN - RACE [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/sosete-atv/3370-fri-thin-race-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106633/main_images/5KYCaBzFNQS8kZG-fri-thin-race-rd-895.webp";"89";"The Linc Fri Thin Race Sock provides friction absorption, moisture management, and durability. With slim articulated padding, they provide comfort and support without the bulk. FEATURES Thin construction for a cool comfortable fit   Articulated construction for a precise fit   Arch support";"";"Sosete";"470";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Sosete";"19999-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "106634";"FOX 180 SAYAK JERSEY [RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/180-sayak-jersey-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106634/main_images/LK8l4nOWDh2OdOu-3588-large-default-180-sayak-jersey-rd-4ee.webp";"199";"The Fox 180 Sayak Jersey uses moisture wicking fabric on the main body to keep you dry and comfortable. Side panels are ventilated to increase airflow through the jersey, both aiding in moisture management and helping to regulate body temperature. Lightweight arm cuffs provide a precise fit without feeling restrictive, and a drop tail design keeps the jersey tucked. Moisture wicking polyester main body fabric Vented side panels for enhanced airflow Asymmetrical mesh collar & light polyester cuffs Drop tail at back hem keeps jersey tucked in pants";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19428-003";"Rosu";"FOX Racing";"Rosu";"0" "106635";"FOX BRIGADE SS PREMIUM TEE [OPT WHT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/brigade-ss-premium-tee-opt-wht";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106635/main_images/sgKVu6FBNh0Qsvc-brigade-ss-premium-tee-opt-wht.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"22256-190";"Alb";"FOX Racing";"Alb";"0" "106636";"FOX BRIGADE SS PREMIUM TEE [RUS]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/3493-brigade-ss-premium-tee-rus";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106636/main_images/dGBklJ4tq4mYtE0-brigade-ss-premium-tee-rus-fbd.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"22256-180";"Maro";"FOX Racing";"Maro";"0" "106637";"FOX FOX PRO CIRCUIT SS TECH TEE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/fox-pro-circuit-ss-tech-tee-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106637/main_images/X9j8vigmIFOYpMq-fox-pro-circuit-ss-tech-tee-blk.webp";"139";"Season after season, we work with leading motocross teams to bring you apparel that reflects the best in motocross culture. By collaborating with Pro Circuit, two legends combined to bring you gear that hits all your style requirements. Whether you're watching from the stadium grandstands or from the couch in the living room, the Fox Pro Circuit tee is a must on Saturdays. Before the gate drops, adorn yourself in this comfortable tee and cheer on your favorite team. FEATURES Pro Circuit Collection Special ink to ensure a soft print Crewneck / short sleeve Length (HPS): 30.5"" FABRIC 100% cotton, 170gm";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"21546-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106638";"FOX LEGACY MOTH SS PREMIUM TEE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/legacy-moth-ss-premium-tee-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106638/main_images/VgTmVJkSJ2XdgqI-legacy-moth-ss-premium-tee-blk.webp";"119";"Fox Racing has been synonymous with motocross since 1974. With soft fabrics and iconic graphics, the Legacy Moth tee is a nod to over 40 years of quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. FEATURES Premium Fit Legacy Collection Crewneck / short sleeve Softhand plastisol ink Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 100% cotton, 170g";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"21544-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106639";"FOX LEGACY MOTH SS PREMIUM TEE [DST BLU]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/3486-legacy-moth-ss-premium-tee-dst-blu";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106639/main_images/hoTq9zXMtd2Ju3o-legacy-moth-ss-premium-tee-dst-blu-bdd.webp";"119";"Fox Racing has been synonymous with motocross since 1974. With soft fabrics and iconic graphics, the Legacy Moth tee is a nod to over 40 years of quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. FEATURES Premium Fit Legacy Collection Crewneck / short sleeve Softhand plastisol ink Length (HPS): 30"" size large FABRIC 100% cotton, 170g";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"21544-157";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "106640";"FOX LISTLESS AIRLINE SS TEE [HTR DRK GRY]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/3329-listless-airline-ss-tee-htr-drk-gry";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106640/main_images/FNN64WSET8kIq99-listless-airline-ss-tee-htr-drk-gry-458.webp";"119";"The Listless Airline Tee takes performance beyond the track by elevating the classic t-shirt to new levels. Inside and out, it provides complete comfort by blending the soft feel and style of cotton with the functional moisture wicking properties expected from performance garments. It has an interlocked plated construction: a technical polyester with moisture-wicking TruDri technology in the interior, and unbelievably soft cotton on the exterior. The result is unreal comfort and functionality to keep up with anything from working out to going out. FEATURES Incredibly soft Airline fabrication Wicks sweat to keep you dry Dries fast to keep you comfortable Front water-based print Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC TruDri wicking fibers Exterior: Soft for maximum comfort Interior: Wicks sweat to keep you dry 65% cotton / 35% polyester plated jersey, 160g";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"21205-572";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106641";"FOX LISTLESS AIRLINE SS TEE [NVY/RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/listless-airline-ss-tee-nvy-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106641/main_images/EKKGociTbaVcr1J-listless-airline-ss-tee-nvy-rd.webp";"119";"DETALII TEHNICE tesatura ventilata incredibil de moale Absoarbe transpiratia pentru a vă menține uscat Se usuca rapid pentru a va mentine confortabil Imprimare pe bază de apă Lungime (HPS): 30 "" 65% bumbac / 35% poliester, 160gm";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"21205-248";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106642";"FOX TIMELESS SS PREMIUM TEE [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/3496-timeless-ss-premium-tee-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106642/main_images/FMOTPKjdnPDzVGX-timeless-ss-premium-tee-blk-vin-199.webp";"119";"Flying off a jump and soaring through the air is the most intoxicating aspect of riding a dirt bike. There is nothing like it in this world. Keep the feeling going in our Timeless Premium tee. FEATURES Crewneck / short sleeve Water-based print to ensure a soft feel Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 100% cotton combed ringspun jersey, 170gm";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"22257-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106643";"FOX TIMELESS SS PREMIUM TEE [RUS]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/3495-timeless-ss-premium-tee-rus";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106643/main_images/JuAMBvYM9ntK6zh-timeless-ss-premium-tee-rus-237.webp";"119";"Flying off a jump and soaring through the air is the most intoxicating aspect of riding a dirt bike. There is nothing like it in this world. Keep the feeling going in our Timeless Premium tee. FEATURES Crewneck / short sleeve Water-based print to ensure a soft feel Length (HPS): 30"" FABRIC 100% cotton combed ringspun jersey, 170gm";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"22257-180";"Maro";"FOX Racing";"Maro";"0" "106644";"FOX WIN SIN SS PREMIUM TEE [BLK VIN]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/3498-win-sin-ss-premium-tee-blk-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106644/main_images/6RCgpsLx6JnYbqu-win-sin-ss-premium-tee-blk-vin-352.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"22259-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106645";"FOX WIN SIN SS PREMIUM TEE [LT INDO]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/3497-win-sin-ss-premium-tee-lt-indo";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106645/main_images/oCtcCfUSGkwQksP-win-sin-ss-premium-tee-lt-indo-3da.webp";"119";"";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"22259-202";"Albastru";"FOX Racing";"Albastru";"0" "106646";"SHIFT WHIT3 LABEL GP LE JERSEY [NVY/YLW]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2719-r3con-drift-camo-jersey-fat-cam";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106646/main_images/DQNtRYp1VoSMyzP-r3con-drift-camo-jersey-fat-cam-ac1.webp";"149";"The WHIT3 Label GP Limited Edition jersey is a reproduction of the gear worn at the 2017 MXGP of Switzerland - one of our favorite one-off gear sets of the year. Core riders need gear that is as long-lasting and comfortable as it is stylish. The WHIT3 Label Jersey answers the call with a bevy of performance features and stunning graphics. The main body fabric is lightweight, yet durable and features wicking properties to keep you drier and cooler during your ride. An easy-fitting silhouette keeps you relaxed and uninhibited on the bike. And ventilated side panels deliver unreal comfort all season long. Product Details Durable, moisture wicking main body fabric Mesh side panels for massive airflow Athletic, low profile collar for increased comfort Fade resistant sublimated graphics for long lasting color fastness Premium screen printed graphic application for a unique look and feel Dyed main body fabric Drop tail keeps jersey tucked in Relaxed fit for added comfort";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"22497-046";"";"Shift";"";"0" "106647";"FOX Vesta de racire HyperKewl Ultra Sport";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/1952-vesta-de-racire-hyperkewl-ultra-sport";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106647/main_images/BpdKZKLEQcbpjEV-vesta-de-racire-hyperkewl-ultra-sport.webp";"299";"TechNich a gasit raspunsul la toate probleme noastre legate de caldura. Este vorba despre Vesta HyperKewl Ultra Sport. Este construita in mod simplu, cu materiale usoare si care permit pielii sa respire, incluzand in acelasi timp un sistem de racire revolutionar.Sistemul de racire are la baza un material special care absoarbe apa si o pastreaza pana la 8 ore in conditii care sa ofere o temperatura mai scazuta in momentul utilizari.Studii stiintifice recente arata ca atat racorirea inainte de activitatile sportive, cat si in timpul acestora sunt eficiente in imbunatatirea performantei pe vreme calduroasa. In timpul testelor sportivii s-au dovedit cu 5,7% mai performanti cu metodele de racorire inainte de activitatea sportiva si cu 9,9% mai performanti purtand o vesta de racire.In spatele acestui sistem inovator se afla compania TechNiche Europe B.V., care a fost fondata in 2009 si care a devenit in scurt timp cel mai mare producator de veste de racire din lume. Am avut si noi ocazia sa testam Vesta HyperKewl Ultra Sport si am constatat pe propria piele ca nu mai e nevoie sa bei apa, in timp ce ceilalti beau litri.";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"6531-001";"Gri";"FOX Racing";"Gri";"0" "106648";"LEATT JERSEY GPX 4.5 LITE BLU/RED";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/jersey-gpx-45-lite-blu-rd";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106648/main_images/uBnHrAoZeIpnQT5-jersey-gpx-45-lite-black-orange.webp";"169";"Offering a classic fit and made of MoistureCool 3D stretch mesh material with air channels, this jersey is super comfortable. The tailored fit is designed to be worn with or without body armor and the collar is stretchable to be compatible with or without a Leatt neck brace. Features: Classic fit MoistureCool 3D stretch mesh with air channels Super vented X-Flow mesh side panels Overlock stitched seams for comfort Collar design for use with or without a neck brace Tailored fit for riding the motorcycle with or without protectors Silicone-print for better grip on the pants soft stretch cuff";"";"Tricouri : manual";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"501870020";"Portocaliu/Negru";"Leatt";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "106649";"LEATT JERSEY GPX 4.5 LITE LIME/TEAL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2731-jersey-gpx-45-lite-black-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106649/main_images/9fNbIgHbLz4k5Vm-jersey-gpx-45-lite-black-orange.webp";"169";"Offering a classic fit and made of MoistureCool 3D stretch mesh material with air channels, this jersey is super comfortable. The tailored fit is designed to be worn with or without body armor and the collar is stretchable to be compatible with or without a Leatt neck brace. Features: Classic fit MoistureCool 3D stretch mesh with air channels Super vented X-Flow mesh side panels Overlock stitched seams for comfort Collar design for use with or without a neck brace Tailored fit for riding the motorcycle with or without protectors Silicone-print for better grip on the pants soft stretch cuff";"";"Tricouri : manual";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"501870018";"Portocaliu/Negru";"Leatt";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "106650";"LEATT JERSEY GPX 4.5 LITE ORG/DENIM";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2730-jersey-gpx-45-lite-black-orange";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106650/main_images/VvRQh12rDnLcYOx-jersey-gpx-45-lite-black-orange.webp";"169";"Offering a classic fit and made of MoistureCool 3D stretch mesh material with air channels, this jersey is super comfortable. The tailored fit is designed to be worn with or without body armor and the collar is stretchable to be compatible with or without a Leatt neck brace. Features: Classic fit MoistureCool 3D stretch mesh with air channels Super vented X-Flow mesh side panels Overlock stitched seams for comfort Collar design for use with or without a neck brace Tailored fit for riding the motorcycle with or without protectors Silicone-print for better grip on the pants soft stretch cuff";"";"Tricouri : manual";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"501870017";"Portocaliu/Negru";"Leatt";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "106651";"LEATT JERSEY GPX 5.5 ULTRAWELD M BLUE/LIME";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2743-jersey-gpx-55-ultraweld-m-lime-blue";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106651/main_images/GnHH0ph5QvQzZCI-jersey-gpx-55-ultraweld-m-lime-blue.webp";"299";"The GPX 5.5 Ultraweld jersey offers an ultra-light layer of protection for off-road racing. It is made of four-way stretch mesh fabric that is MoistureCool wicking and has air channels. Its tape-bonded seams offer a superior level of comfort and its comfortable athletic stretch fit allows you to wear the jersey with or without your body armor and neck brace. Its silicone tail easily connects to the Leatt off-road pants and its bar task stitching offers critical reinforcement whilst the brush guard fabric over the elbows offer added protection as it is an ultra-thin flex film that is feather-light and increases scratch and abrasion resistance properties of the material. Ultra-light, four-way stretch MoistureCool wicking mesh fabric with air channels Brush guard fabric protection over elbows Tape bonded seams for maximum comfort with bar task stitch for critical reinforcement Neck collar design for use with or without a neck brace Athletic stretch fit for riding with or without body armor Silicone printed tail to connect to pants Size S to XXL";"";"Tricouri : manual";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"501791041";"Albastru/Galben";"Leatt";"Albastru/Galben";"0" "106652";"LEATT JERSEY GPX 5.5 ULTRAWELD ORANGE/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/1818-jersey-gpx-55-ultraweld-orange-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106652/main_images/TFAcdJ2wQBL5cks-jersey-gpx-55-ultraweld-orange-black.webp";"299";"The GPX 5.5 Ultraweld jersey offers an ultra-light layer of protection for off-road racing. It is made of four-way stretch mesh fabric that is MoistureCool wicking and has air channels. Its tape-bonded seams offer a superior level of comfort and its comfortable athletic stretch fit allows you to wear the jersey with or without your body armor and neck brace. Its silicone tail easily connects to the Leatt off-road pants and its bar task stitching offers critical reinforcement whilst the brush guard fabric over the elbows offer added protection as it is an ultra-thin flex film that is feather-light and increases scratch and abrasion resistance properties of the material. Ultra-light, four-way stretch MoistureCool wicking mesh fabric with air channels Brush guard fabric protection over elbows Tape bonded seams for maximum comfort with bar task stitch for critical reinforcement Neck collar design for use with or without a neck brace Athletic stretch fit for riding with or without body armor Silicone printed tail to connect to pants Size S to XXL";"";"Tricouri : manual";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"501791040";"Portocaliu/Negru";"Leatt";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "106653";"FOX V1 RACE HELMET BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/v1-race-helmet-blk-wht";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106653/main_images/6j1viJyfxB83WJH-v1-race-helmet.webp";"798";"Modelul de casca FOX V1 este conceputa pentru a oferi confort, performanta si valoare, este fabricata din policarbonat prin injectare. Casca are 9 puncte de admisie a aerului si 4 puncte de evacuare a aerului cald, ceea ce face ca ventilatia castii sa fie optima. Greutate: 1350g";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"11042-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106683";"AIROH STORM SHARPEN YELLOW MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/49887a2fe990b3b1482d5d4572456a8c";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106683/main_images/8HQMi9v1j01UNAn-x-ec3.webp";"898";"Casca Sport /Touring ideala pentru orice tip de utilizare datorita functiilor unice ,tehnologiei si materialelor din care este construita  -High Resistant Thermoplastic (HRT) -Viziera retractabila si ochelar soare integrat - Pinlock® ready";"";"Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"STSH31";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "106684";"FOX DIRTPAW RACE GLOVE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2698-mtb-glove-dirtpaw-race-glove-yellow";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106684/main_images/7NIqiSDTssLyJqo-mtb-glove-dirtpaw-race-glove-yellow-201.webp";"139";"Moto-inspired heavy duty performance MTB glove which has become a standard for all levels of riders. Stretch construction Padded, single layer Clarino palm Stretch mesh finger gussets Padded Knuckle Hook and loop wrist closure Silicone print at finger tips for lever grip";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"19503-001";"Portocaliu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu/Negru";"0" "106685";"FOX FLEXAIR HIFEYE JERSEY [NVY/WHT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/3359-flexair-hifeye-jersey-nvy-wht";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106685/main_images/FKhtEy4NKzEZgVp-flexair-hifeye-jersey-nvy-wht-1-daf.webp";"399";"Never in motocross history has the link between gear and rider been more important. No longer is your jersey simply a billboard for sponsors or purely for styling its a functional piece of riding equipment with the goal of maximizing athletic performance. The highly-evolved Flexair Hifeye Jersey uses TruDri main body fabric for a soft, lightweight feel, yet it is deceptively durable. This proprietary fabric technology features advanced moisture wicking properties making it suitable for a wide range of conditions. Targeted ventilation keeps you cool, dry and comfortable while taped seams in the shoulder and collar reduce chafing on the body. The all new Flexair Jersey is so light and comfortable it virtually disappears on the body. Ride with Flexair for the purest, free-feeling, distraction free riding experience available. This is a pinnacle motocross jersey for pinnacle riders. Lightweight construction for complete freedom of movement TruDri main body fabric provides a soft, lightweight fit with true moisture management Taped seams in shoulder and collar to reduce chaffing on body Bonded cuff provides a slim athletic fit TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19412-045";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106686";"FOX FLEXAIR HIFEYE JERSEY [ORG]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2662-flexair-hifeye-jersey-org";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106686/main_images/5uEMVRcAL3DJPih-3141-large-default-flexair-hifeye-jersey-org-2-042.webp";"399";"Never in motocross history has the link between gear and rider been more important. No longer is your jersey simply a billboard for sponsors or purely for styling its a functional piece of riding equipment with the goal of maximizing athletic performance. The highly-evolved Flexair Hifeye Jersey uses TruDri main body fabric for a soft, lightweight feel, yet it is deceptively durable. This proprietary fabric technology features advanced moisture wicking properties making it suitable for a wide range of conditions. Targeted ventilation keeps you cool, dry and comfortable while taped seams in the shoulder and collar reduce chafing on the body. The all new Flexair Jersey is so light and comfortable it virtually disappears on the body. Ride with Flexair for the purest, free-feeling, distraction free riding experience available. This is a pinnacle motocross jersey for pinnacle riders. Lightweight construction for complete freedom of movement TruDri main body fabric provides a soft, lightweight fit with true moisture management Taped seams in shoulder and collar to reduce chaffing on body Bonded cuff provides a slim athletic fit TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"19412-009";"Portocaliu";"FOX Racing";"Portocaliu";"0" "106687";"FOX FLEXAIR HIFEYE PANT [NVY/WHT]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/3360-flexair-hifeye-pant-nvy-wht";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106687/main_images/qd7XmXX27VMpk1L-flexair-hifeye-pant-nvy-wht-1-1fc.webp";"948";"In 2015, the Flexair Pant was born - the embodiment of our mission to maximize the experience of the world's best action sports athletes. It changed the industry. Fast forward 2 years and the pursuit continues. Our resolve hardened by race wins, and championships, the 2nd generation Flexair Pant picks up where the original left off, bringing a highly-evolved fit and multiple technical enhancements. With the proliferation of the new progressive riding style, the ability to continually adapt and modify your position on the bike is paramount. The new Flexair Hifeye Pant features an entirely new chassis for drastically improved fit. The main body is cut from durable, 4-way stretch TruMotion fabric for unmatched mobility. And a new knee design provides a sleek performance fit over braces by removing excess material, eliminating binding, and improving movement. Not stopping at mobility, we also aimed to enhance rider comfort. The updated waistband has a more secure fit for a distraction-free riding experience. We eliminated the internal comfort liner to remove excess weight and heat. Strategically placed venting was incorporated to increase airflow and help regulate body temperature. And taped seams reduce chafing and increase comfort against bare skin. Completely new chassis for an improved fit Updated rigid waist system to firmly hold pant in place Durable 4 way stretch TruMotion main body fabric provides unmatched mobility Laser perforation in key areas for enhanced airflow Elimination of internal liner reduces weight and heat New knee construction provides a sleek performance fit over braces or guards Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Critically taped seams to reduce chaffing Hip pads sold separately TRUMOTION: OUR ALL-WAY STRETCH FABRIC OFFERS FULL RANGE OF MOTION INCREASING MOBILITY. Durable stretch woven fabric Spandex content allows for greater range of motion Rapid dry time";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"19413-045";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106689";"FOX FLEXAIR Moth LE JERSEY COPPER";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/flexair-moth-le-jersey-coppier";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106689/main_images/90jyYJkyPZDftzg-flexair-moth-le-jersey-coppier.webp";"299";"Podium Proven and athlete endorsed, the FLEXAIR Jersey is worn by our top athletes in the UCI World Cup Downhill circuit. When it comes to design, pushing boundaries is what we do best, and with its technical features and next-level materials, the FLEXAIR Jersey will keep you far out in front of the pack. The FLEXAIR Jersey is the lightest jersey we have ever created and has changed the definition of what downhill gear can be. No longer are you limited to bulky and baggy gear that sacrifices fit for functionality. The FLEXAIR jersey combines lightweight, airy materials with all-way stretch construction and targeted ventilation. The result is a jersey that is so comfortable you might forget you're wearing it. Moisture wicking TRUDRI polyester/spandex stretch fabric Sew free cuff and hem for reduced bulk Precision fit athletic collar design TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri : Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"17237-369";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106690";"FOX FLEXAIR MOTH LS JERSEY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-bike/flexair-moth-ls-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106690/main_images/psc7JbDHBKOewTY-flexair-moth-ls-jersey.webp";"349";"Podium Proven and athlete endorsed, the FLEXAIR Jersey is worn by our top athletes in the UCI World Cup Downhill circuit. When it comes to design, pushing boundaries is what we do best, and with its technical features and next-level materials, the FLEXAIR Jersey will keep you far out in front of the pack. The FLEXAIR Jersey is the lightest jersey we have ever created and has changed the definition of what downhill gear can be. No longer are you limited to bulky and baggy gear that sacrifices fit for functionality. The FLEXAIR jersey combines lightweight, airy materials with all-way stretch construction and targeted ventilation. The result is a jersey that is so comfortable you might forget you're wearing it. Moisture wicking TRUDRI polyester/spandex stretch fabric Sew free cuff and hem for reduced bulk Precision fit athletic collar design TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Bike : Tricouri";"1095";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Tricouri";"19025-176";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106691";"FOX FLEXAIR PREEST JERSEY [DRK RD] Limited Edition";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2699-flexair-preest-jersey-drk-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106691/main_images/VbE2AGe5pPviivR-flexair-preest-jersey-drk-ylw-2-034.webp";"439";"Never in motocross history has the link between gear and rider been more important. No longer is your jersey simply a billboard for sponsors or purely for styling its a functional piece of riding equipment with the goal of maximizing athletic performance. The highly-evolved Flexair Preest Jersey uses TruDri main body fabric for a soft, lightweight feel, yet it is deceptively durable. This proprietary fabric technology features advanced moisture wicking properties making it suitable for a wide range of conditions. Targeted ventilation keeps you cool, dry and comfortable while taped seams in the shoulder and collar reduce chafing on the body. The all new Flexair Jersey is so light and comfortable it virtually disappears on the body. Ride with Flexair for the purest, free-feeling, distraction free riding experience available. This is a pinnacle motocross jersey for pinnacle riders. Lightweight construction for complete freedom of movement TruDri main body fabric provides a soft, lightweight fit with true moisture management Taped seams in shoulder and collar to reduce chaffing on body Bonded cuff provides a slim athletic fit TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19414-208";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106692";"FOX FLEXAIR PREEST JERSEY [DRK YLW] Limited Edition";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2663-flexair-preest-jersey-drk-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106692/main_images/nvFnhYY27STZc7m-flexair-preest-jersey-drk-ylw-1-302.webp";"430";"Never in motocross history has the link between gear and rider been more important. No longer is your jersey simply a billboard for sponsors or purely for styling its a functional piece of riding equipment with the goal of maximizing athletic performance. The highly-evolved Flexair Preest Jersey uses TruDri main body fabric for a soft, lightweight feel, yet it is deceptively durable. This proprietary fabric technology features advanced moisture wicking properties making it suitable for a wide range of conditions. Targeted ventilation keeps you cool, dry and comfortable while taped seams in the shoulder and collar reduce chafing on the body. The all new Flexair Jersey is so light and comfortable it virtually disappears on the body. Ride with Flexair for the purest, free-feeling, distraction free riding experience available. This is a pinnacle motocross jersey for pinnacle riders. Lightweight construction for complete freedom of movement TruDri main body fabric provides a soft, lightweight fit with true moisture management Taped seams in shoulder and collar to reduce chaffing on body Bonded cuff provides a slim athletic fit TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"19414-547";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "106693";"FOX FLEXAIR PREEST LE JERSEY Limited Edition";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2767-flexair-preest-le-jersey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106693/main_images/eynlNJ8AFPPF7pe-flexair-preest-le-jersey-1-975.webp";"399";"Never in motocross history has the link between gear and rider been more important. No longer is your jersey simply a billboard for sponsors or purely for styling its a functional piece of riding equipment with the goal of maximizing athletic performance. The highly-evolved Flexair Preest Jersey uses TruDri main body fabric for a soft, lightweight feel, yet it is deceptively durable. This proprietary fabric technology features advanced moisture wicking properties making it suitable for a wide range of conditions. Targeted ventilation keeps you cool, dry and comfortable while taped seams in the shoulder and collar reduce chafing on the body. The all new Flexair Jersey is so light and comfortable it virtually disappears on the body. Ride with Flexair for the purest, free-feeling, distraction free riding experience available. This is a pinnacle motocross jersey for pinnacle riders. Lightweight construction for complete freedom of movement TruDri main body fabric provides a soft, lightweight fit with true moisture management Taped seams in shoulder and collar to reduce chaffing on body Bonded cuff provides a slim athletic fit TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"22143-017";"Rosu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Rosu/Negru";"0" "106694";"FOX FLEXAIR PREEST LE JERSEY [FOR GRN] Limited Edition";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/3522-flexair-preest-jersey-drk-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106694/main_images/rDeF0Hu3UykY9hH-flexair-preest-jersey-drk-ylw-1-5ac.webp";"399";"Never in motocross history has the link between gear and rider been more important. No longer is your jersey simply a billboard for sponsors or purely for styling its a functional piece of riding equipment with the goal of maximizing athletic performance. The highly-evolved Flexair Preest Jersey uses TruDri main body fabric for a soft, lightweight feel, yet it is deceptively durable. This proprietary fabric technology features advanced moisture wicking properties making it suitable for a wide range of conditions. Targeted ventilation keeps you cool, dry and comfortable while taped seams in the shoulder and collar reduce chafing on the body. The all new Flexair Jersey is so light and comfortable it virtually disappears on the body. Ride with Flexair for the purest, free-feeling, distraction free riding experience available. This is a pinnacle motocross jersey for pinnacle riders. Lightweight construction for complete freedom of movement TruDri main body fabric provides a soft, lightweight fit with true moisture management Taped seams in shoulder and collar to reduce chaffing on body Bonded cuff provides a slim athletic fit TRUDRI: Our fabric wicks sweat away from the body where it evaporates faster to help keep you dry and comfortable. Superior moisture-wicking action Keeps skin dry when you sweat Rapid dry time";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"22143-030";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "106695";"FOX FLEXAIR PREEST LE PANT Limited Edition";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni/2766-flexair-preest-le-pant";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106695/main_images/Jw75PEq8n75GGxr-flexair-preest-le-pant-1-c95.webp";"948";"In 2015, the Flexair Pant was born - the embodiment of our mission to maximize the experience of the world's best action sports athletes. It changed the industry. Fast forward 2 years and the pursuit continues. Our resolve hardened by race wins, and championships, the 2nd generation Flexair Pant picks up where the original left off, bringing a highly-evolved fit and multiple technical enhancements. With the proliferation of the new progressive riding style, the ability to continually adapt and modify your position on the bike is paramount. The new Flexair Preest Pant features an entirely new chassis for drastically improved fit. The main body is cut from durable, 4-way stretch TruMotion fabric for unmatched mobility. And a new knee design provides a sleek performance fit over braces by removing excess material, eliminating binding, and improving movement. Not stopping at mobility, we also aimed to enhance rider comfort. The updated waistband has a more secure fit for a distraction-free riding experience. We eliminated the internal comfort liner to remove excess weight and heat. Strategically placed venting was incorporated to increase airflow and help regulate body temperature. And taped seams reduce chafing and increase comfort against bare skin. . Completely new chassis for an improved fit Updated rigid waist system to firmly hold pant in place Durable 4 way stretch TruMotion main body fabric provides unmatched mobility Laser perforation in key areas for enhanced airflow Elimination of internal liner reduces weight and heat New knee construction provides a sleek performance fit over braces or guards Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Critically taped seams to reduce chaffing Hip pads sold separately TRUMOTION: OUR ALL-WAY STRETCH FABRIC OFFERS FULL RANGE OF MOTION INCREASING MOBILITY. Durable stretch woven fabric Spandex content allows for greater range of motion Rapid dry time";"";"Pantaloni";"63";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Pantaloni";"22146-017";"Rosu/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Rosu/Negru";"0" "106696";"FOX FLEXAIR PREEST LE PANT [FOR GRN] Limited Edition";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/3523-flexair-preest-pant-drk-ylw";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106696/main_images/dT5nJ1uUbyTZfiV-flexair-preest-pant-drk-ylw-2-f61.webp";"948";"In 2015, the Flexair Pant was born - the embodiment of our mission to maximize the experience of the world's best action sports athletes. It changed the industry. Fast forward 2 years and the pursuit continues. Our resolve hardened by race wins, and championships, the 2nd generation Flexair Pant picks up where the original left off, bringing a highly-evolved fit and multiple technical enhancements. With the proliferation of the new progressive riding style, the ability to continually adapt and modify your position on the bike is paramount. The new Flexair Preest Pant features an entirely new chassis for drastically improved fit. The main body is cut from durable, 4-way stretch TruMotion fabric for unmatched mobility. And a new knee design provides a sleek performance fit over braces by removing excess material, eliminating binding, and improving movement. Not stopping at mobility, we also aimed to enhance rider comfort. The updated waistband has a more secure fit for a distraction-free riding experience. We eliminated the internal comfort liner to remove excess weight and heat. Strategically placed venting was incorporated to increase airflow and help regulate body temperature. And taped seams reduce chafing and increase comfort against bare skin. . Completely new chassis for an improved fit Updated rigid waist system to firmly hold pant in place Durable 4 way stretch TruMotion main body fabric provides unmatched mobility Laser perforation in key areas for enhanced airflow Elimination of internal liner reduces weight and heat New knee construction provides a sleek performance fit over braces or guards Heat and abrasion resistant leather knee panels Critically taped seams to reduce chaffing Hip pads sold separately TRUMOTION: OUR ALL-WAY STRETCH FABRIC OFFERS FULL RANGE OF MOTION INCREASING MOBILITY. Durable stretch woven fabric Spandex content allows for greater range of motion Rapid dry time";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"22146-030";"Galben";"FOX Racing";"Galben";"0" "106699";"FOX HARKEN CREW FLEECE [BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze-barbati/3237-harken-crew-fleece-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106699/main_images/ljJXARQWLCD7aN1-harken-crew-fleece-blk-387.webp";"228";"";"";"Bluze";"1096";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Bluze";"21151-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106700";"FOX LEGACY FOXHEAD X SS TEE BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/tricouri-casual-barbati/legacy-foxhead-x-ss-tee-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106700/main_images/tLoemUKEbTP3GBF-legacy-foxhead-x-ss-tee-black.webp";"119";"The MX inspired Fox Legacy T-Shirt is a nod to our quality craftsmanship and an extension of our racing heritage. Fox art on chest Crew-neckline Softhand, plastisol graphic 100% Cotton [solid tees] 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester [heather tees]";"";"Tricouri";"366";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Tricouri";"14272-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106701";"FOX LEGION JERSEY [CHAR]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/legion-jersey-char";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106701/main_images/VirsyR7T3oGV0wP-legion-jersey-char-1-ecd.webp";"499";"Usor nu inseamna ca am uitat durabilitatea. Tricoul Legion Offroad Jersey este imbinarea perfecta intre usor ,rezistent si flexibil devenind cel mai functional tricou de pe piata . Material rezistent la rupere , Astfel nu veti mai fii nevoit sa cumparati un nou tricou la fiecare iesire. Respira datorita perfortiilor.";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"17675-028";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106702";"FOX LEGION JERSEY [DRK RD]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/bluze/2682-legion-jersey-char";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106702/main_images/d5h99baz5zQ0dhI-legion-jersey-char-1-f60.webp";"378";"Usor nu inseamna ca am uitat durabilitatea. Tricoul Legion Offroad Jersey este imbinarea perfecta intre usor ,rezistent si flexibil devenind cel mai functional tricou de pe piata . Material rezistent la rupere , Astfel nu veti mai fii nevoit sa cumparati un nou tricou la fiecare iesire. Respira datorita perfortiilor.";"";"Tricouri";"64";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Bluze";"17675-208";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106703";"FOX M-E-ACCESSORIES FOX THE GU GU PILOSHED BLACK W/ GREY";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/166-m-e-accessories-fox-the-gu-gu-piloshed-black-w-grey";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106703/main_images/k7FUErcRPvGMDEE-m-e-accessories-fox-the-gu-gu-piloshed-black-w-grey.webp";"369";"Ochelari de soare profesionisti Fox The Gu Gu Sunglasses cu rame usoare, flexibile, rezistente si lentile cu protectie anti-UV 100%. Optica High Definition ofera o vedere clara si nedistorsionata.";"";"Ochelari de soare";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"05277-000";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106704";"FOX MTB-DAGGER PANT BLACK VIN";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-casual-barbati/mtb-dagger-pant-black-vin";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106704/main_images/TL4YYF66ce5AmZ9-mtb-dagger-pant-black-vin.webp";"299";"The Dagger Pant is designed with riding in mind. These pants are sturdy enough for riding and have a slight stretch construction so you can pedal comfortably. Plus, they feature a conventional style which can fit in anywhere. FEATURES Slight stretch construction (2) Front hand pockets Enzyme wash FABRIC 97% cotton / 3% spandex woven twill, 280g";"";"Pantaloni";"452";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni";"14916-587";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106705";"FOX MTB-PANT FLEXAIR MOTH LE PANT RED/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/mtb-pant-flexair-moth-le-pant-red-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106705/main_images/qAY1I3A9TZYmJP0-mtb-pant-flexair-moth-le-pant-red-black.webp";"998";"Pantaloni Flexair Pants , Pentru cei care doresc performanta, Acest pantalon este gama de varf in materie de pantaloni MX fiind cel mai usor si superflexibil pantalon MX , De asemenea este cu 40% mai durabil la abraziune decat orice alt pantalon flexibil MX Usor Durabil Ventilat Flexibil Confortabil";"";"Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"17238-055";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106706";"FOX RANGER GEL GLOVE [BLK/BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/ranger-gel-glove-blk-blk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106706/main_images/w3qVNaqez5WJ4jJ-ranger-gel-glove-blk-blk-1-6ac.webp";"129";"Like all products in the Ranger collection, the Ranger Gel Glove offers performance and quality that is typically only found in much more expensive gloves. However, with the gel version you get added protection from strategically placed gel padding on the palm. It is a highly versatile glove that works well in almost any discipline. Compression molded cuff with hook and loop closure for secure fit Conductive thread on thumb and index finger for touch screen compatibility 4-way stretch polyester construction Absorbent sweat wipe on thumb TRUGEL strategically placed gel palm protection Silicone fingertip printing";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"21444-021";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106707";"FOX SAMPLE GIRLS MILITANTE CAP BONE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/caciuli-casual-dama/1845-sample-girls-militante-cap-bone";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106707/main_images/4S8UbpI2ZbIF0vD-sample-girls-militante-cap-bone.webp";"119";"";"";"Caciuli-sepci";"462";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Dama : Caciuli-sepci";"58582-575";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106708";"FOX Strung Out Lanyard";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/accesorii-casual/strung-out-lanyard";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106708/main_images/ABX2A23SKZhwNwf-strung-out-lanyard.webp";"50";"Breloc original Foxracing cu design unic.";"";"Accesorii";"465";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Accesorii";"57690-001";"Negru";"FOX Racing";"Negru";"0" "106709";"FOX WOMENS RIPLEY GEL GLOVE [PNE]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3363-womens-ripley-gel-glove-pne";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106709/main_images/BT5YQjnve4Tx5kh-womens-ripley-gel-glove-pne.webp";"129";"The Womens Ripley Glove offers superior fit and performance for every level of trail rider. It provides quality that is typically only found in much more expensive gloves. Plus, with gel padding in the palms, you gain additional impact resistance an cushioning for long distance riding. Compression molded cuff with hook and loop closure for secure fit Conductive thread on thumb and index finger for touch screen compatibility 4-way stretch polyester construction Absorbent sweat wipe on thumb TRUGEL strategically placed gel palm protection Silicone fingertip printing";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"21462-391";"Maro";"FOX Racing";"Maro";"0" "106710";"FOX WOMENS RIPLEY GLOVE [LIL]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/3343-womens-ripley-glove-lil";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106710/main_images/AoPpcBsDoBV8xvI-womens-ripley-glove-lil-1-aeb.webp";"129";"The Women’s specific Ripley Gloves offer superior fit and performance for any level of trail rider. It is a highly versatile glove that works well in almost any discipline. Always a top seller, the Women's Ripley Glove offers performance and quality that is typically only found in much more expensive gloves. FEATURES Compression molded cuff for a secure fit Touch screen compatibility 4-way stretch polyester construction Absorbent sweat wipe on thumb Silicone fingertip printing Hook and loop closure";"";"Manusi : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"21464-282";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106711";"LEATT CHEST PROTECTOR 2.5 BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/2040-chest-protector-3df-airfit-black-red";"16";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106711/main_images/a2FFC0COoapCTTF-chest-protector-3df-airfit-black-red.webp";"699";"Light Hard Shell Chest Protector This light chest protector offers premium hard shell roost protection. Tested and certified, it scores a total of 3 points in the Leatt protection system. The 3D design and adjustable waist straps offer a close fit that is also comfortable as well as ventilated. For your convenience, it is compatible with Leatt neck braces. DETAILS Hard shell protector Tested and certified as roost protection: Chest EN14021 Total Leatt® protection score of 3 points Our 3D design ensures a great fit that is very comfortable Mesh base layer Close fitting allows for over or under the jersey use Liberal venting helps keep rider cool Recess areas in both front and back integrates with Leatt® neck braces perfectly Adjustable waist straps for great fit Weight: 720g – 1.59 lb Unisex Fit 50 to 80 kg (110 to 176 lbs)";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"501712011";"";"Leatt";"";"1" "106712";"LEATT ELBOW GUARD 3DF HYBRID BLK/BLU";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/elbow-guard-3df-50-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106712/main_images/yr8F3d8kMZLpxSL-knee-guard-3df-50-black.webp";"369";"These Hybrid soft and hard shell certified 3DF elbow guards scores a total of 13 points in the Leatt protection rating system. The unique design with a soft and flexible 3DF impact protector over the elbow and a hard shell deflecting arm protection gets the best of two worlds. Flex, comfort and deflection. For a full soft feel look at the 3DF 5.0. For a slimmer protector look at the AirFit and for a full hard shell look at the Contour. Hybrid soft and hard shell 3DF elbow guard tested and certified as impact protection: Elbow EN1621-1 Total Leatt protection score of 13 points Hybrid combination Hard shell deflecting and sliding arm 3DF impact absorbing elbow New 25% slimmer impact certified profile Silicone printed elbow grip New MoistureCool and AirMesh fabrics. Wicking Anti-microbial Silicone printed non slip cuffs Our 3D design ensures a great fit that is very comfortable Weight: 300g – 0.7 lbs (pair) Please look at our sizing chart for best fit: #S/M #L/XL #XXL";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501540027";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106713";"LEATT ELBOW GUARD AIRFLEX";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/3526-knee-guard-3df-50-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106713/main_images/iuTuPwbgo1KUJJE-knee-guard-3df-50-black.webp";"369";"Minimalistic, comfortable fit and impact protection - all our design criteria accomplished! The lightweight construction, single sizing and silicone grip panels give you the famous Leatt non-slip fit. Features: super slim, 3D molded AirFlex gel impact protection Anti-odor MoistureCool and AirMesh wicking fabrics Silicone lamination, non-slip cuffs to keep protector in place Silicone printed, cupped elbow grip Our 3D design ensures a great fit that is very comfortable Specifications: Elbow protector: EN1621-1 Weight: approx. 240g (0.53lbs), pair sizes: S-XXL";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501640026";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106714";"LEATT Hydration DBX XL 2.0 Brushed XS-XXL";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/hidratare-bike/3536-hydration-dbx-xl-20-brushed";"18";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106714/main_images/wQ1H3irBlVxUeOb-hydration-dbx-xl-20-brushed.webp";"1169";"2.0L Hydration and 25L Cargo Unique cargo harness for a rock-solid fit Low gravity waist bladder CE tested and certified as impact protection: Back EN1621-2 Level 2 New shoulder adjuster system Water resistant, durable outer shell Waist pockets and waterproof mobile phone pocket Dedicated goggle and tool compartments Dual hydration tube for two-way routing – over the shoulder or the under arm Optimal AirLine back ventilation Heat reflective inner back panel to keep liquid cool or hot The hydration hook can be positioned on left or right harness Reflective safety piping and safety whistle Hi Viz rain cover";"";"Hidratare";"449";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Hidratare";"7018100120";"";"Leatt";"";"1" "106716";"LEATT IMPACT SHORTS GPX 5.5 AIRFLEX";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/3531-impact-shorts-gpx-55-airflex";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106716/main_images/cjDi8fP49TI2Ihh-impact-shorts-gpx-55-airflex.webp";"499";"The Leatt GPX 5.5 Airflex Impact Proctor Shorts provide lightweight and thin impact protection. Features: 6mm thin protectors impact protection for upper hip, hips, thights and tailbone Coccyx/tailbone removable protection 3D shaped armourgel protection Extra wide with comfortable waist stretch Silicone printed elastic leg cuffs MoistureCool and AirMesh fabric Pre-shaped 3D design for better fit and function EN1621-1";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501600020";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106717";"LEATT KIDNEY BELT 3DF 3.5";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/2675-neck-brace-gpx-55";"6";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106717/main_images/i8zThPiZLnx5n1O-neck-brace-gpx-55.webp";"459";"Nu toate braurile sunt identice. Braul LEATT este singurul cu certificare de impact lombar EN1621-2 Level 1 spuma cu tripla densitate care se intareste la impact 3DF ventilata confortabila";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"501600010";"";"Leatt";"";"1" "106718";"LEATT KNEE GUARD 3DF 5.0 LIME/BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2641-knee-guard-3df-hybrid-black-lime";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106718/main_images/rwTlXutMKaAaQc0-knee-guard-3df-hybrid-black-lime.webp";"399";"These soft CE certified 3DF knee guard scores a total of 13 points in the Leatt protection rating system. High-performance soft knee guard, now with increased side protection. This pure soft shell guard is big on protection yet lightweight and comfortable. It's made with Leatt's innovative 3DF foam that absorbs energy on impact. Features: CE tested and certified as impact protection: - Knee EN1621-2 Total Leatt protection score of 13 points 25% slimmer CE impact certified profile super soft & flexible 3DF impact material increased side protection Abrasion resistant Aramid outer layer for durability wider silicone printed elastic cuffs MoistureCool & AirMesh fabrics: - Wicking, vented & antimicrobial All protection materials perforated for ventilation Pre-curved 3D design for better fit & function Size chart: size S/M L/XL XXL thigh circumference in cm 30-34 34-38 38-40 calf circumference in cm 22-26 26-30 32-34 The circumference should be measured about 13cm above and below the knee center.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"501610043";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106719";"LEATT KNEE GUARD 3DF 6.0 BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-moto/3528-knee-guard-3df-hybrid-black-lime";"8";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106719/main_images/Yw7r2MIVtNKtHnU-knee-guard-3df-hybrid-black-lime.webp";"580";"The brand new all-in-one 3DF 6.0 Knee Guard scores a grand total of 20 points in the Leatt protection rating system. CE tested and certified as impact protection, they are soft knee guards with additional co-molded hard shell sliders. The sides are made of 3DF impact foam, designed to dampen all the hard knocks. The pre-curved design offers a perfect fit that is comfortable and will stay put thanks to the new anti-slip knee cap and calf band with a silicone grip lining. It is also made of a super perforated and vented Neoprene to keep you cool. Features of the Knee Guard 3DF 6.0: Total Leatt® protection score of 20 points Soft knee guard with co-molded hard shell sliders 3DF AirFit ventilated soft impact foam CE tested and certified as impact protection: Knee EN1621-1 New anti-slip calf band and silicone grip lining Silicone printed and adjustable non-slip leg straps New anti-odor MoistureCool and AirMesh wicking fabrics Pre-curved 3D design for optimal fit Side impact protection Weight: 530g (pair) Size chart: size S/M L/XL XXL thigh circumference in cm 33-41 41-53 53-58 calf circumference in cm 25-33 33-44 44-51 The circumference should be measured about 13cm above and below the knee center.";"";"Protectie : Protectii";"356";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Protectii";"501840047";"";"Leatt";"";"1" "106720";"LEATT NECK BRACE DBX 3.5 BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/3525-neck-brace-gpx-45-l-xl-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106720/main_images/nmYXXsgbpCyRGRP-neck-brace-gpx-45-l-xl-black.webp";"1299";"";"";"Outlet Bike";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"101810020";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106721";"LEATT NECK BRACE DBX 4.5 BLACK/PURPLE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/lichidari-echipamente-atv/2745-neck-brace-gpx-45-l-xl-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106721/main_images/A2Utt4IF9V9drxM-neck-brace-gpx-45-l-xl-black.webp";"1299";"The new industry standard for entry level neck braces Features: Leatt High Impact Polymer Chassis design by Leatt Helmet rim striking platform profile Improved helmet side clearance Folding thoraric On-board 4 angle thoracic adjustment -0, 5 and 10° Design clear strap included to use as optional 2-way adjustable for great comfort and fit C.E. certified as Personal Protective Equipment 89/686/EEC";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"521";"Vehicule : LICHIDARI DE STOC : Lichidari stoc echipamente : Lichidari stoc echipamente ATV";"101510016";"";"Leatt";"";"0" "106722";"LEATT NECK BRACE DBX 4.5 WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/platose-bike/2031-neck-brace-dbx-45-white";"2";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106722/main_images/fs2oJTfFhLdNcAa-leatt16-dbx-neck-brace-45-white-back-r-e1e.webp";"1629";"The new industry standard for entry level neck braces Features: Leatt High Impact Polymer Chassis design by Leatt Helmet rim striking platform profile Improved helmet side clearance Folding thoraric On-board 4 angle thoracic adjustment -0, 5 and 10° Design clear strap included to use as optional 2-way adjustable for great comfort and fit C.E. certified as Personal Protective Equipment 89/686/EEC";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"446";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE BIKE : Protectii";"101510017";"";"Leatt";"";"1" "106725";"LEATT NECK BRACE GPX 3.5 BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/potectii-cross-enduro/3524-neck-brace-gpx-35-black";"4 : 2";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106725/main_images/umObI6pwY1ldcwU-neck-brace-gpx-35-black.webp";"1299";"Leatt neck braces are tested and proven to help reduce neck forces and thereby chances of a serious neck injury by up to 43%. Latest in the Leatt range and made of polyamide, the GPX 3.5’s rigid and non-flexible structure offers revolutionary protection and has been improved to be very comfortable. It is adjustable to fit most riders and has a collarbone cutout that keeps your helmet and the brace away from fragile bones during a crash. All Leatt neck braces are tested and certified as Personal Protective Equipment.  Independently tested and proven to reduce neck forces Up to 43% reduction of risk for a serious neck injury  In-molded PC shell with a polyamide reinforced EPS construction for lowest possible neck forces CoreFlex split rear removable thoracic strut is more comfortable and designed to work with the body’s natural movements  Thoracic rear strut is engineered to snap off before applying excessive pressure to the back  Optimal helmet rim striking platform design for a biomedical balanced head and helmet freedom of motion  Adjustable Thoracic to ensure optimum fit  Sculptured, split front for improved comfort and fit  Ergonomically positioned open/closure system  Engineered collarbone cut-out to help keep your helmet and brace away from your most fragile bones  Injected, durable and easy-to-clean foam padding  Air flow ribbed body padding for optimum ventilation  Free, optional clear chest strap included  CE tested and certified as Personal Protective Equipment 89/686/EEC  Weight: From 499g";"";"Outlet Bike : Outlet Mx-Enduro";"1436";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE CROSS-ENDURO : Protectii";"101810022";"";"Leatt";"";"1" "106726";"LEATT NECK BRACE GPX 4.5 BLACK";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/protectii-atv-enduro/2030-neck-brace-gpx-45-l-xl-black";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106726/main_images/kvKkmKC9fMMvhx6-neck-brace-gpx-45-l-xl-black.webp";"1299";"Protectia de gat Leatt NECK BRACE GPX 4.5 este unica prin faptul ca ofera o ruta alternativa (Alternative Load Path Technology (ALPT) impactului cauzat de cazatura dinspre casca spre restul corpului fara a transmite forta prin zona gatului.De asemenea, protectiile pentru gat Leatt sunt recunoscute pentru multitudinea de reglaje care le face sa se aseze perfect pe corp.";"";"Protectie : Protectie : Protectii";"1104";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Protectii";"101510012";"Galben";"Leatt";"Galben";"0" "106729";"FOX Attack Pro Short 18604-176";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/pantaloni-scurti-casual-barbati/2062-attack-pro-short-18604-176";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106729/main_images/XvDPMpE1g853dXE-attack-pro-short-18604-176.webp";"709";"The Attack Pro Short offers premium level all mountain/enduro performance that will help you to get the best out of any ride. The secret is the 4-way stretch TruMotion fabric which provides uninhibited movement on the pedal up and durability for the way down. A highly breathable tech construction and a slightly slimmer, tailored fit ensure that the Attack Pro Short virtually disappears when you are on the bike and allows you to focus on the ride. Midweight TruMotion 4-Way stretch fabric for unrestricted movement on the bike Welded construction for maximum stretch and comfort Laser cut low profile zipper pockets Rider Attack Position construction (RAP) for a perfect fit on the bike Adjustable front ratchet closure Laser cut low profile zipper pockets Laser cut ventilation for enhanced airflow Inseam: 13"" TRUMOTION: Our all-way stretch fabric offers full range of motion for increased mobility. Durable stretch woven fabric Spandex content allows for greater range of motion Rapid dry time";"";"Bike : Pantaloni";"453";"ECHIPAMENTE : IMBRACAMINTE CASUAL : Imbracaminte Barbati : Pantaloni scurti";"18604-176";"";"FOX Racing";"";"0" "106730";"FOX SIDEWINDER GLOVE [WHT/BLK]";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/manusi/2089-sidewinder-glove-whtblk";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/106730/main_images/cFQONLU0t5Miaat-sidewinder-glove-whtblk-719.webp";"159";"The Sidewinder Glove is a perfect mix of lightweight top hand materials and a minimal, yet extremely durable palm. The result is a versatile DH/FR glove that gives you true feel and control of the bike while allowing your hand to stay cool and dry at the same time. Lightweight air mesh top hand fabrics Padded Airprene knuckle Single layer Clarino palm Absorbent micro-suede thumb Silicone grip fingertip Low profile wrist tab closure";"";"MX - Enduro : Manusi";"62";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE ATV : Manusi";"18469-058";"Alb/Negru";"FOX Racing";"Alb/Negru";"0" "108191";"AIROH MOVEMENT-S FASTER GREEN GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/1926-movement-s-faster";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/108191/main_images/7qdN0Hygcnuw6uD-movement-s-faster.webp";"898";"Casca Movement Castigatoare in comparatia revistei Motorrad din germania dedicata castilor cu viziera de soare. Casca termoplastic fabricata din materiale de ultima generatie. Camp vizual extrawide, lentila  pinlock inclusa. Sigura si ideala pe orice tip de vreme.";"";"Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"MVSFS70";"Verde";"Airoh";"Verde";"0" "108193";"AIROH STORM SHARPEN WHITE MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/3864-49887a2fe990b3b1482d5d4572456a8c";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/108193/main_images/LlSZzX500DcPiPa-x-b0f.webp";"898";"Casca Sport /Touring ideala pentru orice tip de utilizare datorita functiilor unice ,tehnologiei si materialelor din care este construita  -High Resistant Thermoplastic (HRT) -Viziera retractabila si ochelar soare integrat - Pinlock® ready";"";"Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"STSH38";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "108194";"AIROH STORM BIONIKLE ORANGE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/3865-49887a2fe990b3b1482d5d4572456a8c";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/108194/main_images/TbHDAtJL1pgYyri-x-364.webp";"898";"Casca Sport /Touring ideala pentru orice tip de utilizare datorita functiilor unice ,tehnologiei si materialelor din care este construita  -High Resistant Thermoplastic (HRT) -Viziera retractabila si ochelar soare integrat - Pinlock® ready";"";"Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"STBI32";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "108197";"AIROH PHANTOM-S SPIRIT BLACK MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/3889-phantom-s-spirit-black-matt";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/108197/main_images/yqdsM8EEESRqk8d-x-17c.webp";"1299";"The Phantom S Spirit helmet is a comfortable flip-up helmet made of HRT thermoplastic and designed for the demanding leisure motorcyclist. Optimal wearing comfort is guaranteed even under extreme conditions - for a unique and safe driving experience! HRT-Thermoplastic external shell wind stop technology Top vent chinguard vent rear spoiler removable, washable inner lining extra-wide vision scratch resistant anti-fog visor pinlock integrated sun visor P/J-homologation (can be worn als a full protection or jet helmet) 1690g +/- 50g";"";"Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"PHSSP35";"Negru";"Airoh";"Negru";"0" "108198";"AIROH PHANTOM-S COLOR BLACK MATT";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/1-1928-phantom-s-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/108198/main_images/EQeA8gZMfIZjSWO-phantom-s-color.webp";"1299";"Stab your finger on a map, choose your destination and jump in the saddle. With Phantom S you can go wherever you desire. Phantom S is a 2-in-1 helmet designed specifically for touring, thanks to its versatility, comfort and safety, guaranteed by: double P/J certification for use in full-face and jet versions; High Resistant Thermoplastic (HRT) material; ACVS ventilation system (Airoh® Combined Ventilation System) for optimal coolness. The Phantom S combines all the key features of full-face and jet helmets, such as: the Extra Wide visor, the retractable sun visor, the special position of the visor that prevents fogging, the Pinlock® lens and the housing for a Bluetooth system. Whether in full-face or jet mode you will be fully enjoy the open road. What’s important is not destination but the journey and with Phantom S you will be able to enjoy every moment. MATERIAL Thermoplastic HRT WEIGHT From 1690 g ±50 g SHELLS 1 shell:· XS-S-M-L-XL-XXL";"";"Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"PHS111";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "108199";"AIROH PHANTOM-S COLOR WHITE GLOSS";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti-moto/2009-phantom-s-color";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/108199/main_images/HZl0OpFEJfbl8Zp-phantom-s-color.webp";"1299";"Stab your finger on a map, choose your destination and jump in the saddle. With Phantom S you can go wherever you desire. Phantom S is a 2-in-1 helmet designed specifically for touring, thanks to its versatility, comfort and safety, guaranteed by: double P/J certification for use in full-face and jet versions; High Resistant Thermoplastic (HRT) material; ACVS ventilation system (Airoh® Combined Ventilation System) for optimal coolness. The Phantom S combines all the key features of full-face and jet helmets, such as: the Extra Wide visor, the retractable sun visor, the special position of the visor that prevents fogging, the Pinlock® lens and the housing for a Bluetooth system. Whether in full-face or jet mode you will be fully enjoy the open road. What’s important is not destination but the journey and with Phantom S you will be able to enjoy every moment. MATERIAL Thermoplastic HRT WEIGHT From 1690 g ±50 g SHELLS 1 shell:· XS-S-M-L-XL-XXL";"";"Casti - Urban";"328";"ECHIPAMENTE : ECHIPAMENTE MOTO : Casti";"PHS114";"";"Airoh";"";"0" "108200";"AIROH TERMINATOR OPEN VIS.COLOR WHITE";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/casti/3888-terminator-open-viscolor-white";"0";"http://localhost/ath-gear.ro/storage/backend/product/108200/main_images/SViSCPe7A8zioaj-x-a27.webp";"1299";"Casca de enduro AIROH Terminator OPEN VISION este o noua casca de off-road fabricata din fibra HPC High-Performance Composite si reprezinta evolutia castii Terminator 2.1 avand gauri de ventilatii extra. Interiorul este modificat, fabricat din materiale superioare. Este foarte usoara, rezistenta si este prevazuta cu un sistem de ventilatie revolutionar. Greutatea castii incepe de la 1050gr. Accesoriile castii pot fi gasite in kitul de achizitionare. De asemenea, acest model de casca AIROH este prevazuta cu sistem de indepartarea buretilor de